Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 17, 1989, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10 Portland Observer AVGUST 17, 1989
Bob’s Outlet Store
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Hildegard 254-0311.
A package o f consum er bills ap ­
proved by the 1989 O regon L egisla­
ture and signed into law by Governor
N eil G oldschm idt will help O regoni­
ans deal with the frustration o f un­
welcome telephone solicitation calls.
The legislation provides w ays for
telephone custom ers to discourage
unsolicited telem arketing calls, re­
quires telem arketers to register with
the state D epartm ent o f Justice, pro­
hibits the use o f com puter-activated
recorded m essages for com m ercial
solicitation and prohibits unwanted
“ ju n k fax” advertising.
In addition, consum ers will have
greater protection from telem arket­
ing fraud.
“ This legislation takes positive
steps to protect the rights o f Oregon
telephone custom ers and gives them
m ore control over the kinds o f calls
com ing into their hom es and places
o f b u s in e s s ,” sa id G o v e rn o r
G oldschm idt.
“ W hile telem arketing can be a
legitim ate sales and fund-raising
activity, all too m any people exp eri­
ence nuisance, harassm ent and occa­
sional outright fraud,” the governor
said.’’These laws have real teeth which
will help us deal with these com ­
p laints.”
“ The changes will take effect Oct.
3. The O regon Public Utility C om ­
m ission i s developing adm i n i strati vc
rules requiring telephone com panies
to notify custom ers o f their rights
under the new laws.
Here are highlights o f the con­
sum er-protection package:
Telephone com panies are encour­
aged to offer custom ers a “ no solici­
tation calls’ ’ sym bol in telephone d i­
rectories, m odeled after a trial pro­
gram in the current Salem directory.
Telephone solicitors will be p ro ­
hibited from calling a person who
has previously asked not to be called
again. This will protect telephone
custom ers from repeated nuisance
calls and may be valuable in areas
where “ no solicitation calls” sy m ­
bols are not available
The O reg o n R elay Service has
expanded ils operations to 24 hours a
day, seven days a week, providing
lull telephone access for hearing-and
speech-im paired Oregonians who
have telecom m unication devices for
the deaf (TDDs).
W ith the service, hearing-and
speech-im paired persons can use
TD D s to tclcphone-or receive calls
from -virtually any other person who
has a telephone. Specially trained
relay operators convey messages
betw een the parties. W ithout the
service, TD D users can telephone
other TDDs only.
The relay service is part of the
Telecom m unications for the D eaf
Access Program adm inistered by the
Oregon Public Utility Commission.
Through this program , Oregon resi­
dents who are deaf, deaf-blind, se­
verely hearing impaired or severely
speech impaired may obtain TDD
equipm ent on loan at no charge.
“ Expansion o f the relay service
to 24 hours a day allow s the hearing
and speech impaired a full measure
of telecom m unications independ­
ence,” said Com m ission Chair Ron
Eachus. “ W ith the relay service and
a TD D , they have the same kind o f
access to the telephone network as
everyone else.”
Eadchus noted that all O regoni­
ans benefit from the service, since it
allows hearing persons to telephone
TDD users.
To place a call through the serv­
ice, a hearing person calls toll-free 1-
800-922-7362 (223-2076 in P o rt­
land). A TDD user calls toll-free 1-
800-526-0661 (223-1353 in Port­
George Washington said, “ Labor to keep alive in your heart that
little spark of eternal fire called conscience.”
Abraham Lincoln said,” I will hew to the line and let the chips tall
where they may.”
Brooks Washburne says, “ I will never make a promise unless 1
intend to keep it.
Brooks Washburne candidate for U.S.
No contributions please.
Ad paid for, with pleasure, out o f my own pocket.
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Violations o f the new telem arket­
ing laws will be illegal under the
Unlawful Trade Practices Act. T ele­
phone custom ers may seek d...nagcs
of $200 or more, plus legal costs.
Offending telephone solicitors- par­
ticularly those with repeated viola-
tio n s-m a y be targeted for additional
1 enforcem ent by the state Attorney
1 G eneral’s office, including a m axi­
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The new laws will not apply to so­
licitation calls made under certain
circum stances. The “ no solicitation
c a lls” sym bol, for exam ple, docs not
apply to public-opinion polling.or to
telem arketing calls made to a person
in response to a request or inquiry
from that person.
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