Page 9 Portland Observer AUGUST 10,1989 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d M Ratos: 5 Liras - 1 Week - $7.90 4 Weeks - $25.00(«M $2.50 Par Uaa) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community” 2M-0033 thexight to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) - D O N N IE JAM ES Men & Women;s Fashion PRITCHETT’S ELECTRICAL M AINTENANCE CO. “ If you dare io be fashionable” Specializing In: Initallalion, Trouble Shooting and Repair of Electrical Appliancei, Equipment & Light Fixtures 517 NE Killings worth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503)288-1721 James Williams Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pritchett 3525 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 B E A U T Y /B A R B E R ________ SUPPLIES________ ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5?87 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Opon: »Ion. thru S et FLORAL - SILKS Bill Kelley's Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 9 ».m. ■ 6 p.m. RENT Eartha's Floral Connection 517-1/2 N.E. Killingsworth Portland. Oregon 97211 W ASHERS & DRYERS 282-3875 We D o Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-O rder • Custom-Made • THe Coupon Good For * Month For The Set '3 5 P e r PR IN TIN G Kinko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 : * i 5 off : • DCLIVERY A • INSTALLATION FEE • ‘3 0 D elivery A Installation r e n ta l w asher C o. P o rlla n d 2 3 1 -7 4 1 3 Vancouver 6 9 3 -4 0 0 0 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Portland Opera AF’DA CASTING CALL CAREER IN TAX ADMINISTRATION The Oregon Dept. of Revenue is taking applications for Tax Auditor Trainee, the entry level position of a career-oriented program. Req. Bachelor’s degree with 30 qtr. hours accounting or 3 yrs. profes­ sional accounting experience (or Combination). Based in Salem. For required application contact (503) 378-3384. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLO Y ER DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS ANALYST 25 A frican-A m erican men and women and 30 C aucasian men needed to fill nonspeaking (super) p arts in V e rd i’s opera AIDA. No experience is necessary. Vol­ unteer positions.require 8-10 week­ ends and evening rehearsals and 4 evening performances between 11 September and 7 October. Drop by the Portland Opera, 1516 S.W. Alder for the casting call, Sunday, August 13, between 3-5 p.m. o r phone the P ortlan O pera at 241-1407. For the Oregon Legislative infor­ mation System (OLIS), of the Ore­ C LERICAL gon Legislative Assembly. Partici­ DISTRIBUTION pates in design and development of SPECIALIST automated systems for text process­ ing, data processing and office For the Facility services Unit of the automation support to the legisla­ Legislative Administration Com­ ture. Migrating from Executive De­ mittee. Position oversees distri­ partment shared MVS environment bution of legislative materials, to local IBM 4381 running VM. issues supplies, receives payments, Development software: SQL/DS, and assists with mail processing. QMF, AS, CSP, COBOL, STAIR/ Clerical experience which includes CMS. Text processing software: data entry and detailed record keep­ Displaywrite 370, IBM Publishing ing and experience supervising or Solutions Master Series, DCF. coordinating clerical staff perform­ Experience with COBOL, CSP or ing production work required. Sal­ other procedural languages ary range $ 1441 -1809 per month, required. Experience with rela­ a legislative administration com­ tional data bases desired. Salary mittee application is required. range $2,199-52,808 per month. Application materials must be Application materials must be re­ received by 5PM, August 25,1989. ceived by 5PM, August 23, 1989. Contact Personnel Services, Leg­ For exam questions and application islative Administration Commit­ contact Personnel Services, Legis­ tee, S401 State Capitol, Salem, lative Administration Committee, OR 97310. (503) 378-8530. S401 State Capitol, Salem, OR Equal O pportunity Employer. 97310. (503) 378-8530. E qual O pportunity Em ployer. Multnomah County H um an Services Technician I Russian Interpreter - $7.95 per hour; provides Russian interpretation to non- | English speaking patients at County health clinics and performs various clinic aid duties; apply by August To perform secretarial, clerical, 18, 1989. record keeping accounting and class scheduling duties for the Gifted and Case M anagem ent Supervisor Talented and other assigned special­ $23,657 - 30,735 annually; responsi­ ists bilities include direct supervision of SALARY $9.40/hr case management activities, partici­ Appl. Deadline: 08/18/89 by 2PM pation in program administration and Call 255-1841 Ext. 207 for liaison with service providers; re­ Multnomah Education Service Dis­ quires the equivalent of a BS in so­ trict application form and additional cial services or related field and two information. years of increasingly responsible case An Equal O pportunity Em ployer. management with elderly ordisabled clients, psychosocial/medical issues pertaining to this population, assess- Vista Volunteers Wanted ment/planning skills and the ability A pproxim ately $466.00/MTH to supervise staff are required; apply Volunteers will assist in social serv­ by August 15, 1989. SECRETARY, GIFTED & TALENTED/ CURRICULUM (210 days year) ice agency, A dm inistrative Assistant - - Participating in screening and fun­ J $22,049 - 28,689 annually; provides draising projects. office management and administra­ Send Resume To: tive support to the Director of the P.O. Box 11124 Aging Services Division; duties in­ Portland, OR 97211 clude coordinating communications, maintaining calendar and schedul­ WASHINGTON COUNTY ing meetings, conferences, and travel, JOBS tracking issues and preparing brief­ ings and assisting in the develop­ Mental Health Counselor 2: $12.31- ment of budgets and program plan­ ning documents; apply by August $14.97/hr. W omen’s Health Care Nurse Practi­ 18, 1989. tioner: $ 13.19-$16.02/hr. WHERE TO APPLY Multnomah Call (503) 648-8607 for information. J C ounty Employee Services, Room County application forms req. 1430, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Port­ Apply by August 18, 1989 toi land, OR 97204. Washington County Personnel. “ An Equal O pportunity An E.O.E Em ployer” MANICURE BOOTH For Rent Contact 517 N.E. Killingsworth Please Come in after 12 Noon MAILING $60.00 PER HUNDRED remailing letters from home! Details, send self-addressed, stamped envelope. Associates, Box 309-T, Colonia, NJ 07067 I & R SPECIALIST I INSURANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE FULL & PART TIME (PRODUCTION INSURANCE ASSISTANT ACTUARY Full time position providing services to inquirers including assessment of needs, giving information and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ Blue Cross & Blue Shield of O re­ gon is accepting applications for making referrals to appropriate gon is currently accepting appli­ an Assistant Actuary. Responsi­ resources. Individual must have cations for full time and part time bilities include calculation of pend­ high school education or equiva­ Customer Service Representatives ing unreported claims liability, rate lent plus minimum of one year in their Customer Service Depart­ preparation & corporate statisti­ experience dealing with commu­ ment. cal reporting. Knowledge/exper nity human service delivery sys­ on programming mainframe & mi­ tems and resources. Ability to com­ This position is responsible for in crocomputers is necessary. Prior municate well on the telephone depth knowledge of all aspects of use of SAS, Easytrieve, COBOL,or and in person with a large number blue Cross & Blue Shield of Ore­ BASIC a plus. and variety of people. Proven gon business. Qualified candidates ability to organize information will possess the ability to commu­ College degree in Mathematics, Sta­ efficiently, to deal tactfully and nicate effectively and profession­ tistics or Quantitative Analysis re­ sensitively with people and to ally both orally and in written quired. Equivalent experience in handle confidential information form. health care field or research may appropriately. Salary $15,000 plus be acceptable. excellent benefits. Send resume Qualified applicants will be able to by August 11 to: work autonomously in fast paced Ability to communicate effectively C arolyn Lewis environment, and must have dem­ United W ay of the both orally & writing is crucial. onstrated excellent attendance in Colum bia-W illam ette Strong time management skills & previous employm ent 718 W. Burnside ability to work under pressure are Portland, Oregon 97209 also nec. Other requirements include: 228-9131/892-3600 E qual O pportunity Em ployer • 1 year work experience in insur­ Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee ance industry benefits package, competitive FIREFIGHTER • 6 months experience in customer salary and flex time work hours. $1913-$2654/MONTH relations Please apply or send resum e to: • Medical/dental terminology • Organizational skills The City of Vancouver, W ashing­ Blue Cross and • CRT experience & ability to ton, is seeking motivated and quali­ Blue Shield of Oregon type 40 wpm fied applicants for a career as a pro­ • Procedural codes helpful fessional Firefighter. Applicants m u st! Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir be US citizens, at least 20 years of j 100 S.W. Market Blue Cross and Blue Shield of I age on September 13,1989, and high Portland, OR 97201 Oregon offers an excellent em­ school graduates or hold a GED. E qual O pportunity Em ployer ployee benefits package, com­ Eligible candidates will take a bat­ tery of exams, including a written petitive salary and flex time work BUILDING CODES test, oral board interview, physical hours. Please apply or send res­ SPECIALIST ume to: abilities test, psychological evalu­ Salary Range: $2011-$2489/mo ation, and medical examination. Interested persons are encouraged J Blue Cross and Position provides customer assistance to submit the required Civil Service Blue Shield of Oregon on building code and other devel­ Commission application to the Citi­ Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir opment-related issues. The per­ zens Service Center, 210 East 13th 100 S.W. Market son in this position will assist large Street, PO Box 1995, Vancouver, Portland, OR 97201 numbers of customers daily in the WA 98668-1995, no later than 4:30 | E qual O pportunity Em ployer City’s Permit and Information Cen­ p.m. August 30,1989. For more in­ ter. Must possess excellent cus­ formation, contact Tracey, (206) 696- tomer relations skills as well as a HEALTH CARE 8142. thorough knowledge of building The City o f Vancouver an Equal HOME HEALTH code requirements and the prin­ Opportunity/Affirm ative Action CARE SPECIALIST ciples of building construction. employer. Women and minorities are This position conducts home health, | CLOSING DATE; August 25,1989. strongly encouraged to apply. hospice, and skilled nursing facil­ Obtain application and supplemen­ ity reviews, including precertifi-| tal questionnaire at City of Eu­ Assistant Director Oregon cation, prcauthorization, and claim gene, H um an Resource & Risk review;mainiains utilization guide­ State Library Services, 777 Pearl Street, Room lines; establishes close working 101, Eugene, Oregon 97401. relations with providers and inter­ Talking Book and Brail Services AA/EOE. nal personnel. Responsibilities include, Management I o f daily operations of the Library.Masters degree in Library This position will require; Science, Two years prof, library | Currently OR licensed RN PERMIT SPECIALIST • 3-5 years home health exper exp. required. (Engineering) • Ability to work in a fast-paced Monthly salary; Salary Range: $1477 - $2004/mo environment under high pres­ ♦Current $1809-$2306;0ctober j Two Y ear Position sure conditions 1,1989 $1872-$2386; ■ A strong commitment to cost Provides direct research and techni­ ♦January 1,1990 $2513-$3527(Pend- containment ing Legislative Authorization). For | cal support to existing Engineer­ Excellent oral and written com­ application, contact Personnel Of­ ing staff at the Permit and Infor­ munication skills fice, Oregon State Library, Sa- j mation Center. Duties will con­ Excellent interpersonal skills lem, Oregon 97310-0640 or call sist of gathering and organizing 503-378-4243. Position open un­ technical information related to til sufficient applications are re- ] Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ civil engineering review of devel­ gon offers an excellent employee ceived. opment permit applications. Sup­ benefits package, competitive plemental experience or training COUNSELING salary and flex time work hours. in civil engineering, surveying, Please apply o r send resum e to: mapping, or clerical/technical sup­ PLACEMENT SPECIALIST Provide vocational & educational placement assistance todisadvan- taged youth ages 16-24. Must possess strong skills in communi­ cation, case mgmt, public rela­ tions, and program development. Back ground in counseling & youth work preferred. BA or cquiv exp required. Personal computer apti­ tude a must. Competitive salary & benefits. Send resume by Tue Aug 15th to: Robert Baker, Project Director, NAI/Job C orps Admissions & Placem ent Agency, 520 SW 6th Ave, Suite 1225, Portland OR 97204. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 E qual O pportunity Em ployer OFFICE MANAGER port in civil engineering environ­ ment is desirable. Demonstrated customer relations skills is required. CLOSING DATE: August 18, 1989. Obtain application and sup­ plemental questionnaire at Human Resource & Risk Services, City of Eugene, 777 Pearl Street. Room 101, Eugene, Oregon 97401. EOE/AA. Youth-serving, non profit agency Production needs out-going, friendly, profes­ sional person to answer phones, manage counselors schedules, greet Line work local food company needs public. Good organizational & a m eat processing w orker in a communication skills. Salary cool, wet environment. Lift up to $1000-51200 mo. Resume to: 5311 80 lbs regularly. Starts at $5 per SE Powell Blvd.Ptld 97206. hour. Call Jerry at 257-9824 E qual O pportunity Em ployer NEW CONTRACTS MORE JOBS ¡Gunderson Inc., a leader in the railcar manufacturing and marine equip­ ment industries, is hiring for the following positions: ¡EQUIPMENT OPERATOR | We are interviewing crane opera­ tors. lift truck operators and/or anyone with significant heavy equipment operating experience. Qualifications include good driv­ ing record, the ability to pass a competency test and the ability to pass a drug/alcohol test HELPERS ¡These are entry level positions in all areas of our operation.Positions are available in machine opera­ tion, equipment operation, paint­ ing, warehousing and maintenance departments. Qualifications in­ clude: good work ethic, desire to learn a trade, good mechanical aptitude and the ability to pass a drug/alcohol test PAINTERS ¡Prior airless/conventional/electrostatic painting experience in an indus­ trial or commercial setting. You must be able to pass a drug/alco­ hol & competency test. WELDERS ¡Qualified on FCAW welding who desire stable employment in a merit shop. You must be able to pass a 3F & 4F test with an all-position wire and a drug/alcohol test. TRAINEE WELDERS ¡Wc offer training in a “ hands-on” welding school for those with little or no prior welding experience. Qualifications include: good work ethic, desire to learn a trade, good mechanical aptitude and the abil­ ity to pass a drug/alcohol test | Additionally we offer a full range of company paid benefits including a choice of medical, dental and life insurance plans; sick leave; three weeks of vacation; 401K and the potential for company paid bonuses. |If you are interested and qualified, please apply for a personal inter­ view with: GUNDERSON, INC. 4350 NW FRONT AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 97210 Equal O pportunity Em ployer MANAGER OF OPERATIONS $3882-54718 Per Month Recruiting for senior level manager. Responsible for opera­ tion & maintenance of electric distribution system for a 14,000 customer electric utility. Duties include supervision, planning, budget preparation & control, employee development & train­ ing, & frequent public contact. Must have at least 10 yrs. progres­ sively responsible exper (min 2 yrs supervision) as line worker, foreman, engineer or related posi­ tion. A Bachelor’s Degree may substitute for 4 yrs exper. For an application packet, contact Jen­ nifer Grant, [Emerald People’s Utility District, 33733 Scavey Loop Road, Eu­ gene, OR 97405. (503) 746-1583. Completed packets must be re­ turned by 8/22/89. P O R TLA N D O BSERVER I The Byes and Ears of the Community" 288-0033