AMMMBMMMMMMM •y. Page 7 Portland Observer AUGUST 10,1989 ¿O » r fe Bob’s Outlet Store ’S 5001 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. ¡¡Super Deals on Home Furnishings And More!! p & 9’s amo m v Factory Close Outs Overstocks §w e’re new so come by and get acquainted B e a u t y S a l o n Weight Management System & B e a u t y S u p p l ie s w 5 □ o B 1 N Peggy Sum ner (5 0 3 )2 8 9 -0 2 0 5 SOUTHERN • Kindergarten • Pre-School •SV h » AV. sa »» • a ; *«. •* 1' E to 11 yrs. Mon-Fri D IR E C T E D BY CARY O 'B R IE N 6:30 am 6.00 pm JULY 2 8 - A U G U S T 2 6 , 1 989 T M I1 M O O U C T I O N M A * ■ K N M A O L » O l l t a i t »V A C IA N I H O M THt M tT A O ’ O llT A N A a r i c o m m is s io n . 202 1 St HA W THO RN E BLVD RE SE R V A T IO N S : 2 J 2 200 5 - THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY Hildegard 254-0311. Call 8PM . ’4 the 281-6930 BLACK ROSE 128 N.E. Russell St. jjj V» f,'í* < T -3 ta ‘ x . ‘-4: . a »* s T I '•Since 1952” • Soads A j w 5? - 4 'I«: u M e m o r ia l C e n te r • Brakfist fa J Grace Collins • Hot Lunches K A N N E R 'S Here Children 6 wks. 10% discount on a food for life success play with this coupon d J VE /¿ J * - :* ’Latch Key Program * Safe and Effective • .* IP u n i bard Day Care Cambridge-Food For Life raoouctiONi » u THE W O R L D P R E M IE R E OF 231 N. Lom bard Suite 200 Portland, OR 97217 I • Z’Z ifc 4 Year Olds - Making Cookies PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION C o m m issio n M e e tin g Date: A ugust 9,1989 Place: Eastside Office 1425 N.E. Irving, Suite 200 Portland, OR Time: 11:00 a.m. Comm ission meetings are open to the public. A com plete agenda is available at PDC. Call 796-5300. PDC is the City of Portland's urban renewal and economic developm ent agency. NURSING PROGRAM AWARDED $1 MILLION Small Shop! Leasing Chair Beauty O perator Braids, M anicurist Please call 289-0205 Hours 9-6 O w ner Peggy Sum m er 231 N. Lom bard Portland, OR 97217 Grace Collins Memorial Center 5 Year Ol, Reading First Gra, Books ; Appropriate Dress No Cover 838 N. Killingsworth 286-9101 — Day Care - * •X'Æ.-', \ee tíi&TMtferente >1 & ..J 7 ?^ . Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay An innovative program designed to provide health care to the hom e­ less in exchange for educational o p ­ portunities for students in the How­ ard University College o f Nursing has ju st received support in the sum o f more than $1 million. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation has awarded the nursing school a three- year grant o f $1,040,520 to improve the health services for hom eless at the 1,700-bed Federal City Shelter in W ashington, D.C. The grant will also fund education and training for vol­ unteer staff who work at the shelter. Specifically, the Kellogg grant will extend health promotion, maintenance and convalescent services to the home­ less men and women at the Federal City Shelter through a nurse-m an­ aged health care delivery model involved collaboration among nurses, shelter staff, nursing educators, nurs­ ing students and other health profes­ sionals. For nearly two years, students in H ow ard’s College o f Nursing have been gaining experience in caring for the hom eless as part o f the clini­ cal nursing courses at the shelter’s infirmary. Howard nursing instructor Ber­ nardino Lacey, who was instrum en­ tal in establishing the health facility at the shelter, notes that students arc giving the homeless health care “ with some measure o f h ope.” Says La­ cey, * ‘They need these young peoplc- their bright faces and caring atti­ tudes...” Among the objectives o f the three- year project arc to develop a nursing infrastructure at the shelter that will provide continuous 24-hour health care in the infirmary. Dean Powell says undergraduate and graduate nursing students who will work in the infirmary will benefit from a © F ÄT ^Bran Muffins Rice Bran, Corn Bran and all other varieties. Baked fresh. 3-Ounce Size. Great to serve at any m eal. . . Breakfast, lunch or dinner. For snacks, too! '•>V , English Muffin Bread öt. 2 « $1.19 Lemon Delite C a k e $5.99 Fresh Sourdough Rolls Baked 15 For $1-49 20-O z. Bag $2.49 Choc. Chip Cookies f variety o f * ‘experiential learning and research opportunities for analysis of health problem s facing the homc- Available Only at Saf eways With In-Store Bakeries SAFEWAY Adds Pow ell, “ The project also ns to train selected hom eless indi- uals to provide basic health care vices at the shelter as a means of luiring m arketable sk ills.” I I, • *41 ’ * a » ‘i* vvV’ / .