Pace 3 Portland Observer AUGUST 10,1989 News Around Town SMALL-BUSI­ NESS OWNERS CONCERNED ABOUT THE COST OF HEALTH INSURANCE NASW-OR 1989 AWARDS Awards fo r 1989 have been made by the Oregon Chapter o f the National Association o f Social W orkers (N A S W -O R ). Marie Evans, Executive D irector o f N ASW -O R , presented the award fo r Social W orker o f the Year to Dr. Joseph Gallegos, D irector o f Social W ork and G erontology at the U niversity o f Portland, fo r his outstanding w ork in prom oting ethnic m in o rity rights and fo r leadership development. Donna Henderson. C hair o f the School Social W ork C ouncil, conferred the Helen C atlin Aw ard to Salem volunteer, Jan N olley. Jan N olley was recognized for her volunteer efforts on environmental issues affecting state and national policies. The C itizen o f the Year award was given by Martha Lem ke, o f the National N A S W Board, to M ichael W isocki on behalf o f M ariah Taylor, R N , nurse practitioner at the C om m unity Health C lin ic in Portland. M ariah T aylo r was selected for her part in pro vid ing health care services to low - income, uninsured families. A special recognition award was bestowed posthumously upon W illia m Uhlhom, the former director o f Eugene Emergency Housing. Nancy Uhlhom accepted the award fo r her late husband’ s life-tim e w ork fo r the homeless and m entally ill. The award was presented by M ark Oldham, treasurer o f N ASW -OR. CANCER CAMP The 4th Annual camp fo r young cancer patien ts and their brothers and sisters w ill be held August 13th - August 19 th. The cam p, c a lle d C A M P U K A N D U ,is located at Camp Y a m h ill, 1 5 m ile so u tsid e o fM cM in - v ille , Or., near The F lyin g M Ranch, and is sponsored by the Am erican Cancer Society. The first camp in 1986 was at­ tended by 42 young cancer patients and their siblings. This year, 110 campers are registered to attend. There are 60 volunteers who make up the s ta ff o f counselors and on-site personnel. A volunteer medical sta ff consisting o f a pediatric oncologist and three pediatric oncology nurses are in attendance at a ll times. C A M P U K A N D U provides an opportunity for young campers to learn that “ U -K A N -D U ” anything that you think you can. The campers w ill participate in activities such as canoeing, horseback rid ing , fishing, and hayrides. A ll campers w ill spend one night in an authentic Indian Tepee. In addition to C A M P U K A N D U , there is a weekend fa m ily camp fo r those too young to attend the week­ long camp. Support O ur Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The PortlandObserver! M ost small businesses in Oregon already offer health insurance to their employees and even more w ould like to, but many others w ould have to close i f forced to pay fo r policies, according to a survey o f Oregon business owners by the National Fed­ eration o f Independent Business/ Oregon (N FIB ). The survey o f 163 NFIB/Oregon members was part o f a nationwide p o ll on health care and small busi­ ness conducted recently by N R IB, the largest small-business organiza­ tion in the country. Nearly 55 per­ cent o f the Oregon members sponsor health insurance plans fo r some or all o f their employees. Forty-three per­ cent do not o ffe r insurance and about tw o percent did not respond to the question. Moreover, almost 82 percent said they w ould like to offer some insur­ ance or better insurance plans to employees. Am ong those not offering insur­ ance, cost was clearly the m ajor fac­ tor. The biggest group, 64 percent, indicated premiums are too high. More than 47 percent said their businesses are not su fficien tly profitable to af­ ford it and nearly 43 percent revealed that profits are too unstable. M ore than one-third (37percent) said they did not q u a lify fo r group insurance. Asked what they would do i f forced to purchase a $150-a-month p olicy fo r each employee, 50 percent o f those w itho ut insurance plans said they w ould close down or terminate their employees and operate as a one-person enterprise. “ The survey shows that in many cases the added cost o f health insur­ ance w ould be enough to tip the balance fo r many small-business owners who w ould fin d it financially advantageous to close and go to w ork for someone else, so there would be some loss o f jobs. “ On top o f that, even those who bought the insurance and stayed in business are going to cut employee hours or the number o f employees, so we w ill see a loss o f earnings and even more mobs in those cases. The question becomes, what w ill we gain? We w ill end up w ith many O regoni­ ans who are not only uninsured, but unemployed.” -------The OivtitHiian '»----------- 14,000 JUVENILE STURGEON SCHEDULED FOR RELEASE EASTERN AIR­ LINES UNUSABLE TICKETS COMMUNITY SEMINAR ON HIV/AIDS OFFERED Fourteen thousand sturgeon fin ­ gerlings are scheduled fo r release into the W illam ette R iver above Oregon C ity Falls in the near future, according to the Oregon Department o f Fish and W ild life (O D FW ). A1 Smith, O D FW staff warmwa- ter fish biologist, explained that the young sturgeon are part o f a payback program on the part o f tw o private hatchery operators. The private hatch­ eries were authorized to take up to six oversize female sturgeon each from the C olum bia R iver below Bon­ neville Dam this year fo r spawning purposes. Each actually took four for a total o f e ig h t The juvenile sturgeon w ill be re­ leased into the W illam ette, as far up­ rive r as Eugene, Smith said, to re vi­ talize a sturgeon population that is essentially cut o ff from the C olum ­ bia R iver by W illam ette Falls. O D FW biologist plan to keep an extra 2,000 fingerlings in a hatchery fo r up to a year before releasing them. This w ill allow department personnel to learn techniques o f rais­ ing sturgeon in a controlled setting. Previously, sturgeon have not been raised in Oregon public hatcheries, but have spawned naturally in rivers around the state. An added benefit o f keeping a percentage o f the fingerlings in a hatchery is the increased size and m aturity the fish w ill attain before they are released. Biologists hope that their added size w ill translate to improved potential fo r long term survival. A tto rn e y G eneral Dave Frohnmayer today urged Oregonians who bought unusable tickets from Eastern Airlines before March 9,1989 to contact the a irline o r his office. A U.S. Bankruptcy C ourt in New Y o rk has set an August 31 deadline for consumers to file claims fo r refunds on unusable tickets. “ Recent developments in the Eastern Airlines bankruptcy proceed­ ings may affect the rights o f thou­ sands o f Oregonians,” Frohnmayer said. “ It is extrem ely important for Oregonians to know how these ac­ tions m ight affect their a b ility to get fu ll or partial refunds on their tic k ­ ets.” Consumers requesting claim forms or wanting more inform ation can call Eastern A irlin es toll-free at 1-800- 628-0010 during regular business hours or call the Department o f Jus­ tice Consumer H otline at 378-4320 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. weekdays. A ll pre-bankruptcy claim s against Eastern not file d by 5 p.m. on August 31, 1989, w ill be barred, according to an order issued July 6 by the U.S. Bankruptcy C ourt fo r the Southern D istrict o f New York. This deadline applies to people who purchased Eastern tickets p rio r to M arch 9,1989 for transportation which Eastern has been unable to provide. The court order also required Eastern A irlin es to buy newspaper ads in seven cities nationwide to advertise the deadline and open a toll-free number to handle consumer questions. The order does not require Eastern to buy ads in any Oregon newspapers. Eastern A irlin e s filed fo r reor­ ganization and protection from credi­ tors in March. The C oalition fo r A ID S Educa­ tion (C A E ) w ill be offering a com ­ m unity seminar on H IV disease on Wednesday, August 2 3 ,6 to 9pm in the Board Room o f the American Red Cross, 3131 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland. Topics w ill include basic A ID S inform ation, risk reduction guidelines, liv in g w ith H IV a n d co m ­ m unity resources. CAE, a coalition o f approximately 30 local and Oregon A ID S and health organizations, offers the training as a public service w ith a special need to recruit potential volunteer speakers. For more information contact Wendy Rankin, M ultnom ah County Health Department at 248-3030, Randy Ponce, Cascade A ID S Project at 223- 5907 or Ronnie Meyers, American Red Cross at 284-0011 ext. 179. WRITING CAMP The M etropolitan Learning Cen­ ter (M L C ) is proud to present their second annual w ritin g camp through the Portland Bureau o f Parks and Recreation. Participants in the w ork­ shop w ill talk w ith local authors, tour P ow ell’ s Book Store and the Orego­ nian fa cility. “ Campers” w ill have the opportunity to share their w ritin g w ith other “ campers,” and to exam - ine a variety o f w ritin g styles. The camp is open fo r ages eight and above. Interested writers may register through the Pordand Com ­ m unity Schools Program at M L C by calling 280-5742. Students may also register at the firs t meeting o f the class. W riters should bring their own lunch to the workshop. The course begins August 14 and ends on August 25. The class meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 a.m. u n til 2:00 p.m. at Couch School, M etropolitan Learning Cen­ ter, 2033 N .W . Glisan, Portland, OR 97209. CHILDREN HELPING CHILDREN A TASTE O F P O R T L A N D - ES Oregon Wine Cl 31 Restaurants O 61 Music Acts — ■ - - Pavilion . R xH um g 20 O regon Wnenes Seagrnm’s KON TV COOl I RS' STROHS LIG H T LabAtts fe % Produoed as a fun d raiser b y OREGON SPECIAL OLYMPICS ’ Sfer The Pordand-Vancouver area’ s fourth annual “ Children Helping C hildren” back-to-school clothing drive starts next week August 14th and runs through September 8th. Last year’s campaign provided used but clean and wearable clothing for 375 children o f 250 fam ilies who m ight otherwise not have it. “ This year, w e’d like to do even m ore,” said Charles Carter, execu­ tive director fo r Low Income Fam i­ lies Emergency (L IF E ), a human service agency which operates cloth­ ing and food banks and other pro­ grams serving area families. D uring the “ Children Helping C hildren” campaign kids (or par­ ents) can bring outgrown or unneeded clothing to any o f 11 ch ild care cen­ ters operated by C hildren’ s W orld Learning Centers, or to the KG W T V 8 /K IN K F M 102 studios. There w ill be clothing collection barrels inside the entrance at each location. Once the barrels are fille d , the clothing w ill be collected by L IF E volunteers who w ill sort and display the clothing and provide it free to those in need. Carter said that since donations are m ainly made by children to other children, the campaign is called “ Children Helping C hildren.” Clothing donations are tax deduct­ ible in the amount o f the value o f clothing. FOR IN F O R M A T IO N A B O U T T H E PR O G RAM OR D O N A T IO N LOCATIONS, C A L L (503) 626-0541. SULLIVAN’S GULCH BLACKBERRY FESTIVAL CANCER SCREENING Early detection and prevention o f oral cancer is the goal o f a free screen­ ing offered by the Comprehensive Cancer Program at good Samaritan Hospital & M edical Center and co­ sponsored by the Am erican Cancer Society. The Screening w ill be held Tues­ day, Aug. 29, from 2-6 p.m., at the Comprehensive Cancer Center, 1130 N.W. 22nd Ave. Free parking is avail­ able in parking structure 3, between N .W . 21st and N .W . 22nd Avenue o f N .W . Marshall S t Wesley Lew is,M .D ., O tolaryn­ gologist and James Yanney, M .D ., Oral and M axillo fa cia l surgeon, w ill conduct and oral screening, teach oral self-exam techniques and pro­ vide inform ation on risks and pre­ vention. Screening appointments, which take approxim ately 10 minutes, are limited so preregistration is required. For more inform ation or to preregis­ ter, please call Good Sam aritan C ancer Screening Services a t 229- 7424. ^□ id o iD D id O io ia ia H io a iQ c a a&ioaioalaui The Fifth Anna J Sullivan’s Gulch a O lD a ta oloa lO cilP O lo d lo o lo o lo cilQ a lB p ri Blackberry Festival w ill be held on Sunday, August 20, from noon to 10:00 p.m. This year the Neighbor­ hood Association w ill hold its event P O R T L A N D M O R R IS at the Carousel Courtyard located DANCERS TO PE R ­ between N.E. 7th and N.E. 9th on Holladay Street, at the M ax stop. F O R M S AT There’ ll be the usual good music and PO RTLA N D dancing, a special 7:30 p.m. per­ formance by Body & Soul (form erly SA TU R D A Y M A R K E T Salmon Dave), ethnic dancers,coun­ SA TU R D A Y A U G U S T try fare and barbeque,beer garden, 26 2 -3 P M blackberry treats, blackberry bake­ o ff and the hilarious children’ s pie­ eating contest.In addition, to add to B ring your bells and license to the fun and festivities.there’ re the fro lic to Portland Saturday M arket magical, musical carousel and The on August 26th, as the Portland M or­ Carousel Company: Theater for C hil­ ris Dancers descend on our part o f dren. town w ith their unique form o f rev­ This summer there is another and els. special reason for celebration. S u lli­ M orris dancing, w hich is believed van’ s Gulch Neighborhood Associa­ to have originated in the B ritish Isles, tion is ten years old. Our abundant is a celebration o f life and good w ill. natural resource, the tenacious black­ The dancers adom themselves with berry with its fruit, flowers and thorns bells, ribbons, bright sashes and belts, is an appropriate symbol for our charm­ and weave intricate patterns inter­ ing and resilient neighborhood. A spaced w ith capers, leaps and turns. unique commemorative poster, printed A joyous and exhilarating experi­ from a watrcrcolor by Stephan Soihl, ence, M orris dancing must be seen to a member o f the Blackfish Gallery, believed! and designed by Ann Hughes w ill be The Portland M orris Dancers w ill on sale to mark the decade o f neigh­ also be gathering fo r their mass dance bors w orking w ith neighbors to de­ from 5-7pm at the Salmon Springs velop and maintain the liv e a b ility o f Fountain in W aterfront Park. this special area o f our city. MESOPOTAMIAN UNIVERSITY 2861 NE MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD 288-0600 .nbiyn nba uvibx ,« nnx I951? iqppii utj’pi irnn!> __ TP,,ar .njn . K ai T a * ia, i yaa© « iiwayao-), M a,^. © <— X 3a