Page 6 Portland Observer AUGUST 3, 1989 Love Spoken Here One Church, One Child Of Oregon BRIDGE-BUILDING We are still making preparations for our bridge-building support group and are currently seeking funds to cover expenses. We are very excited about this new component to our pro­ gram and welcome any interested families. Our coordinating team for the Portland area will be Linda Sevier, JoAnn Gibson and Edward McNair. SUPPORT GROUP MEMBERS UPDATE March: E dw ard and M arjorie M cNair adopted a newborn boy Ian. In addition, they now have two fos- ter/adopted sons: Gerald and Jeffrey two and four years old, respectively. April: L inda Sevier adopted a 15-month-old boy, Zachary Jacob. July: JoA n and Ellsw orth G i­ bson adopted a two-year-old boy, Kyle. ADOPTION UPDATE Adoption Specialist, Malt Farah has been working diligently to com­ plete homestudies of families wait­ ing to adopt. Her caseload is ex­ tremely full and yet there are still other families waiting to adopt. If you know of anyone who has experi­ ence in this field and would not mind helping us o u t , please let us know. CONGRATULATIONS!!! GOSPEL BREAKFAST A group of caring individuals in Washington have been seeking to establish a One Church, One Child program in their state. In May, Dr. Virginia Phillips, Executive Direc­ tor of Oregons’s program along with other representatives, went to Seattle to present a workshop on One Church, One Child. State personnel showed their support by sending letters of en­ couragement to Washington state of­ ficials regarding the implementation of a One Church, One Child program in their state. The result of this won­ derful teamwork is that the W ashing­ ton One Church, One Child program has been funded for 21 months. To all who are responsible for this out­ come, we say congratulations and Joseph T. Finn, President, National United Affiliated Beverage Association (NUABA), center, greets sponsors of the recent NUABA Gospel Breakfast in Pittsburgh, PA. With Finn are, from left, L. Michael Green, Manager, Black Consumer Marketing, Pepsi-Cola Company and Vemon Stanfield, Account Manger, Pepsi-Cola, Pittsburgh, PA. With affiliates throughout the nation, NUABA members conduct special fund-raising drives to make contributions to organizations supporting Black education and economic developm ent PORTLAND OBSERVER “ T h e E y e s a n d E a rs o f t h e C o m m u n i t y ” 288-0033 ARMOUR BACON ------------------------- PAN SIZE ARMOUR. ! R egular or Low Salt best wishes for great success!!! NATIONAL OCOC The National One Church,Annual Conference will be held in Orelando, Florida this year. The dates are August 27-31. MOCHA M IX WEEKDAYS * Do you happen to know anyone who loves to talk, has a pleasant voice and has office skills? That is just the type of volunteers we need in the office to help with the phones and possibly some typing. If you have them call and ask for April at 285- 7634. Our office is pleasant and the staff is easy to work with. SOMEONE SPECIAL IS WAITING Shala is a very cute 15-month-old girl who is just learning to walk. She has a good disposition and smiles easily. She is inquisitive and attempts to get into everything at the foster home. She is described as a loveable, sweet child who will make someone a wonderful daughter. Shala is a very attractive child, easy to take care of and readily soaks up attention. She has just begun to take her first unas­ sisted steps and is in the process of cutting several teeth at the same time. She is a happy baby who smiles a lot. Shala should do well in a one or two parent family, she should do well with siblings as she is in a foster home with children ranging from two to seven years old. Shala is waiting for a loving, adoptive family that she can call her own. Subsidy available. To Our Readers: Please send all news articles to- LOVE SPOKEN HERE.PO Box 11611, Portland, OR 97211. Dead­ line is the tenth of each month. 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenu«. (comer of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor CAFE Williams Ave. Cafe Open 24 hrs-closed Sundays For the person in a hurry-We have a Fast but good food featuring Hamburgers, Chicken, Bar-b- que Beef, Fish & Chips, Pork chops,Steak Sandwiches and Breakfast. Come see us where quality Fast food is a Family tradition FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES rV- • NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • MICHAEL WEEKS BETTY CABIN! PROPRIETOR Newly Remodeled, Clean, and friendly Senior Citizens discount 15% 3940 N.Wiliiams Ave. 287-0967 ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS tuis - sat lli3O-6KK> ac & The Unity of Love is on the make!!! Making you beautiful is our business We offer hairweeving, manicure & any type of hair style you desire Come let us color you up for the summer Allen Temole CME Church Psalm 34:3 HUNDREDS OF WIGS 6, 1989 UNITY OF LOVE Jesus Loves You! IN COOPERATION WITH ALBINA MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE WHOLESALE & RETAIL 9 JO a m to f p m 1 Thru OFFICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED QUESTION: I will be 65 years old in a few months but don’t plan to stop working at that time. Do I have to file for Medicare at 65? ANSWER: If you are 65 or older and decide to keep on working, you should sign up for the medical insurance until you actually retire. Your employer must continue to offer you the same health insurance offered to younger employees. When you do stop working or your employer s neaun plan ends, you will have a special 7-month enrollment period in which to sign up for Medicare insurance without penalty. Your employer’s coverage may not offer similar protection^nd it may be to your advantage to have both Medicare and the coverage offered by your employer. QUESTION: I like the new 800 number Social Security line, but my hard-of-hearing sister has trouble understanding things on the phone. Any suggestions? ANSWER: Yes. A new federal government telephone service allows speech and hearing impaired persons to make and receive phone calls to government agencies, including Social Security. The service is available daily between 8:00 a.m. and & 7:00 p.m. Eastern time dialing 1-800-877- 8339 by telephone or TDD. QUESTION: My purse was stolen last week. How can I get a new Medicare card? Can I get Medicare benefits while I am waiting for a replacement card? ANSWER: To receive a replacement card, call Social Security at 1 -800- 234-5772. It will take about 4 weeks for your new card to arrive. In the meantime, if you need medical services, you can still submit claims for Medicare benefits as long as you know your Medicare claim number. This number is a 9-digit Social Security number followed by a letter indicating the type of benefits you are receiving. But don’t delay in contacting Social Security for a replacement card. QUESTION: I have heard I may request a copy of my Social Security earnings record. Is this true? ANSWER: Yes, you may do so by completing and mailing SSA Form 7004, entitled “ Request for Earnings and Benefit Statement” . You will receive a statement o f your earnings record in less than 6 weeks. To get the form, call toll free 1-800-937-2000 or write to Consumer Information Center, Department 55, Pueblo, CO 81009. The form tells you about how much you paid in Social Security taxes, and provides an estimate of retirement,disability and survivors benefits you and your family might qualify for now and in the future. It also provides some general information about how the program works. QUESTION: I retired when I was 62 (2 years ago) and started getting my Social Security benefits at a reduced rate. I had a heart attack last year, and some of my friends say I should be getting disability benefits. Would this be possible? ANSWER: It is possible you could establish eligibility for disability benefits if you still meet the disability insured status requirements and you are permanently and totally disabled. You might be able to receive a slightly higher benefit if it is determined you meet the disability requirements. You should make an appointment to file an application with the Social Security office near you. Call 1-800-234-5772 to arrange for an appointm ent MRS C ’S WIGS 8 om to 9 pm SUNDAYS Specials Effective August library. In appreciation, we have named the library. In appreciation, we havenamed the library in his honor. We are yet preparing and organizing the books and they will be available for checking out soon. Thanks again, Nate. Tues.-Sat. ll:AM-10PM (503) 287-9249 Doris’ Cafe 3240 N. Williams Portland, OR 97212 Go to THE RIGHT TO UMfT OUAHTTTIIS We wish to thank Mr. Nate Hartley for his contribution of books to our BEEF it up PORK it down but don’t CHICKEN out if you want the greatest BAR-B-Q n town ARMOUR HOT DOGS THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN T O W N wt reserve SINCE 1 9 0 8 HOURS NATE HARTLEY LENDING LIBRARY SOCIETY SECURITY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS EVERY TW IG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY W BS UM0UE HAB ORNAMENTS HAB BEADS A BEAUTY SUPPUES BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS MRS C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETTS ZURICOSMETCS 281-6525 100% HUMAN HAB FOR BRAIDING INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT A PORTLAND WEAVMG PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS ★ Best Cash Prices ★ Located at 6720 N.E. Union Phone 283-5440 Speedy Service Lonnie, Arice, and Daryl Ray your hair designers 25 Gal $25.00 50 Gal $44.00 100 Gal $72.00 150 Gal$108.0C DAD’S OIL SERVICE Heating Oils Sealed bids w ill be received u n til 1:00 p.m. on the d a te s in d ic a te d in th e P u rch a sin g D epartm ent, Multnomah County School D is t r ic t #1J, 501 N Dixon, P ortland. Oregon fo r the items lis t e d herein: BID FILING DATE August 8, 1989 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 BID TITLE S treet Improvement - N.E. Siskiyou St. Formal announcement, d e ta ile d s p e c ific a tio n s and bidding document may be obtained a t the above address. For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n, please contact M. J. Hutchens, D ir. o f Purchasing, 249-2000, Ext. 581. 4 I 4