■ L .L------------------------------------- 1-------- ■— Page 10 Portland Observer AUGUST 3, 1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED INVITATION TO BID SUB-BIDS REQUESTED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED M o d e rn iz a tio n o f 100 U n its o f Low Incom e P ublic H ousing at O regon C ity View M a n o r Request for sub bids from qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/ SDBE/SWBE/ subcontractors/suppliers: Park Stadium End Zone Improvements Corvallis, Oregon KC-135 COCKPIT PROCEDURES TRAINER FACILITY DACA67-89-B-0043 FAIRCHILD AFB, WASHINGTON Bid Date:August 8 ,1 9 8 9 at 2:00 p.m. The Housing A u th ority o f the County o f Clackamas w ill receive sealed, w ritten bids for: T he m o d e rn iza tio n o f O regon C ity V iew M a n o r. Bid packages may be picked up at Housing A u th ority o flic e at 13930 South Gam Street, Oregon C ity, Oregon, 97045, fo r a $25 refundable deposit ( if returned w ith in three weeks). Sealed w ritten bids must be received on o r before 2:30 p.m., Sept. 4,1989 at the above address, at w hich tim e they w ill be opened and pub licly read aloud. A ll bids must be on supplied form. Outside o f sealed bid should state: Attention: D. Robert M ille r, sealed bid for M o d e rn iz a tio n o f (MJ V M A ll questions should be directed to M r. M ille r at 655-8267. The Housing A u th ority o f the County o f Clackamas reserves the rig ht to reject any or all bids or to waive any inform alities in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn fo r a period o f 30 calendar days subsequent to the opening o f the bids w ithout the consent o f the Housing A u th o rity o f the County o f Clackamas. The project is financed through the United Statesof Am erica, Department o f Housing and Urban Development, and is subject to regulations o f the Departments o f Labor and Housing and Urban Development. Attention is called to federal provisions o f Equal Employment Opportunity, A ffirm a tive Action, H U D Section 3 Requirements and payment o f not less than the m inim um Davis-Bacon Wages. Bidders shall submit w ith their bid a bid quaranty not less than 5 percent o f the amount o f the bid as provided in the Instructions to Bidders. Contractor must furnish performance and payment bonds fo r 100 percent o f total bid price or options found in the supplementary instructions to bidders. A ll bidders shall be prequalified through the Housing A u th ority A t least 10 days p rio r to bid opening. Prequalification applications may be obtained from the Housing A u th ority at the above address. There w ill be a m a n d a to ry p re -b id m eeting at the site on A ugust 14, 1989 at 1:30 p.m. DIVISION A ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Scaled bids fo r the C h ille d W a te r D is trib u tio n Im pro vem en ts, U n i­ ve rsity o f O regon, Eugene, O regon w ill be received by the Oregon State Board o f Higher Education at the U niversity o f Oregon, Physical Plant De­ partment, 1295 F ranklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403 u n til 2:00 p.m ., P D T, T h u rs d a y , A u gu st 31,1989, and then p ub licly opened and read aloud. B rie fly , the w ork consists o f reconfiguring building chilled water coils to tw o-w ay m odulation control, refurbishm ent o f existing campus distribution pumps, installation o f variable speed pumping fo r the campus chilled pumps, instrumentation, controls and system balancing o f all chilled water systems. For further inform ation, please contact Systems West Engineers, Inc., 1600 V alley R iver D rive, Suite 310, Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 342-7210. MULTNOMAH COUNTY Proposals Due: A ugust 15,1989 at 2:00 P.M . Proposal No. N O I# 9P1091 Sealed proposals w ill be received by the D irector o f Purchasing, 2505 S.E. 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202 for: The M ultnom ah County Social Services D ivisio n anticipates issuing a Request for Proposals fo r H ispa nic a lcohol and d ru g o u tp a tie n t services in M u ltn o m a h C ou nty i f responses to this Notice o f Intent are received from tw o or more qualified organizations. The Services to be provided are outpatient alcohol & drug treatment to Hispanic clients fo r anticipated total funding o f $90,372 for treatment slots & potential additional fee fo r service funds. To Q u alify, an organization must (1) have a current State Letter o f Approval to provide both alcohol & drug outpatient treatment, (2) provide a program w hich is cu lturally specific fo r Hispanic clients & (3) which has a governing or advisory board w ith a m ajority membership o f Hispanic individuals, (4) provide services at a site in M ultnom ah County which is accessible to Hispanic individuals & (5) use a sliding fee scale so that no person is denied admission based on in a b ility to pay fo r service. Interested organizations must subm it a letter indicating their intention to respond to the RFP when issued & describing how their organizations meets each o f the five qualifications listed above. T H E LE T T E R M U S T BE R E C E IV E D N O L A T E R T H A N 2:00 P M , T U E S D A Y A U G U S T 15, 1989, BY TH E PURCHASING DIRECTOR OF M U L T N O M A H C O U N TY, 2505 SE 11th, Portland, OR 97202. M ultnom ah C ounty reserves the rig h t to reject any or all proposals. Specifications may be obtained at: M ultnom ah County Purchasing Section 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97202 (503)248-5111 L illie M . W alker, D irector Purchasing Section ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS B ID S D U E 10:00 A M , A U G U S T 15,1989 H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y O F Y A M H IL L C O U N T Y 414 N. E V A N S ST. M C M IN N V IL L E , O R 97128 Sealed BIDS for re h a b ilita tio n o f tw o homeless shelter home sights w ill be received by the housing rehabilitation sta ff at the o ffice o f the Housing A uthority o f Y a m h ill County. There w ill be a mandatory pre-bid conference on A ug. 7, 1989. A ny interested contractors are encourage to pick up a bid packet an 414 N. Evans St., M c M in n v ille , OR 97128 (phone 434-6571) T H E H O U S IN G A U T H O R IT Y O F Y A M H IL L C O U N T Y IS A N E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y E M P L O Y E R SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Beaumont Middle School addition/remodel Bid Date: August 8,1989 at 1:00 p.m. BISHOP CONSTRUCTION CO. 5141 S.W. Beaverton Oregon City, OR 97045 (503) 246-7711 FAX (503) 2463346 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women & m inority business enterprises. MARION CONSTRUCTION P.O. Box 12218 Salem,OR (503) 581-1920 FAX (503) 399-0823 Bid Date: August 3, 1989 - 1:00 p.m BOEBBELEN ENGINEERING, INC.. 1241 Hawks Flight Court El Dorado Hills, CA 95630 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women & m in o rity business enterprises. (916) 355-8510 FAX (916) 355-8527 An Equal opportunity employer * ‘ Request fo r subcontractor/supplier bids fo r G ilb e rt H a ll R em odel and P resident’ s Residence R e ro o fin g a t O regon State U n iv e rs ity ;C o rv a llis , O regon. B id D ate:B id date fo r both-10 A ugust 1989. M E R L E D O T Y A N D SON, IN C . 1656 N W 13th Street C orvallis, Oregon 97330 (503)752-4550 F A X (503) 1-757-1435 M erle D oty and Son is an Equal O pportunity em ployer and requests bid proposals from qualified M in o rity , D isadvantaged and W om en-ow ned Businesses. BANKING S ecurtiy P a cific B a n k O regon has an excellent opportunity fo r an e xpe rie nce d T ru s t Officer.Responsible fo r the com ­ plete adm inistration and sales o f investment agencies and trust in southern Oregon. The qualified applicant w ill have 3-5 years o f fudiciary account adm inistration experience, a strong com m itm ent to the enhancement and expan­ sion o f clien t relationships, and excellent interpersonal and com ­ munication skills. Successful sales experience is preferred. As part o f Security Pacific, the 6th largest Bank holding Company in the country, we o ffe r a com peti­ tive salary commensurate with ex­ perience, excellent fle xib le bene­ fits program, and superior advance­ ment potential. Please send a res­ ume w ith salary requirements to:: PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MARKETING MANAGER The Washington State Lottery, w ith annual sales in excess of $240,000,000, is currently recruiting a Marketing Man ager to direct the implementation of the Marketing Plan; manage a professional marketing staff; and control a significant marketing budget. The salary range is $32,724-$41,904. Applicants should provide a detailed resume, including salary history, marketing experience (relating to con sumer products), educational qualifications and management experience to: Personnel Mana ger; RO. Box 9770; Olympia. |y I l M r ’ IZ WA 98504, not later than I N t 111 August 20.1989 I it V Y v>i 11 SfAIT liTTEKV The Lottery is an equal opportunity employer. Commission Meeting Date: August 9,1989 Place: Eastside Office 1425 N.E. Irving, Suite 200 Portland, OR Time; 11:00 a.m. The successful candidate w ill have a thorough knowledge of advertising, merchandising, promotions and public rela tions. A knowledge of lottery products and systems and the marketing of impulse items through the retail trade would be a significant advantage, but is not essential. I Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC Call 796-5300. PDC is the City of Portland's urban renewal and economic development agency. Support Our Advertisers! Say you Saw li In The Portland Observer! ALI SIGNS 'SCROLL OF COMMITMENT AT INDIANA BLACK EXPO SECURTIY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel Department 1001 SW 5th Avenue PO Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 (503) 796-3878 A P P L IC A N T HOURS M on -F ri 9-1 p.m. E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y EM PLO YER B A N K IN G OPERATIONS CLERKS PART TIME Former heavyweight boxing cham­ pion Muhammad A li is join ed by supporters o f the United Negro C o l­ lege Fund (U N C F)after A li signed his name on the “ Lou Rawls Parade o f Stars Scroll o f Commitment” (rear), a traveling e xh ib it to celebrate the 10th anniversary o f the “ Parade o f Stars” telethon. A li, who appeared Several part tim e positions available fo r Statement Clerks, Adjustment Clerks and Batch Balancers. Must be able to li f t 25 lbs., have 10-key by touch, good penmanship, and have previous banking experience. Need a b ility to cope w ith heavy workloads at peak volume peri­ ods. Various shifts available. Q ualified applicants should submit their resume or apply at: A gap o f “ the most serious pro­ S P A C -A m erica n Data Services, portions ’ ’ continues to exist between Inc. blacks and whites in virtu a lly every aspect o f Am erican society, a blue- 4550 S.W. Macadam Avenue ribbon comm ittee on the status o f Portland, Oregon 97201 black Am ericans has reported. The A pplicant hours: 9 a.m .- 2 p.m. nation faces an ‘ ‘ unfinished agenda’ ’ E q ua l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer to correct these inequities, the Na­ tional Research C ouncil committee Research Assistant position said today. Moreover, despite significant gains (#002-474) since the 1940s on many key indica­ tors o f status, blacks on average lost In soils/ hydrology available Sep­ ground or have remained at the same tember 18,1989.Background in soil level since the early 1970s, espe­ science, and/ or hydrology .soil me­ c ia lly in real income, the committee chanics, stream ecology, hydrau­ concluded. lics, statistics and basic computer “ B y almost a ll aggregate statisti­ program m ing coursework.One cal mcasurcs-incomes and living stan­ year appointment. MS Degree, dards; health and life expectancy; practical experience required. educational, occupational, and resi­ Salary $21,000 per year. Send letter dential opportunities; p olitical and o f application by August 25,1989 social p a rtic ip a tio n -th c w ell-being to D r. W illia m A . Atkinson, De­ o f both blacks and whites has ad­ partment Head, Forest Engineer­ vanced greatly over the past five dec­ ing Department, Oregon Stale Uni­ ades. By almost all the same indica­ versity, C orvallis, O r97331. OS U tors, blacks remain substantially is an A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n E qual behind w hites,” the com m ittee’ s E m p lo ym e n t O p p o rtu n ity E m ­ report notes. ployer and complies w ith Section Gains made since 1940 arc a ttrib ­ 504 o f the Rehabilitation A c t o f 1973. OSU has a p olicy o f being utable to a rapidly grow ing economy responsive to the needs o f dual- and to public policies, such as pas­ sage and enforcement o f c iv il rights career couples. laws and equal opportunity efforts, PORTLAND OBSERVER the com m ittee said. Black in itia tive "The Syes and Ears of the Community" and black id e n tity -a high degree o f racial pride and group cohesion-have 288-0033 A n u a u a o m , u r s c r areauirecior ior on the firs t Parade o f Stars telethon Indiana; and Gene “ The Duke o f 10 years ago, is shown w ith (le ft to E a rl” Chandler. M ore than 4,000 right): V ic to r M . Julien, director o f people attending the Indiana special programs at Anheuser-Busch Black Expo at the Indiana C on­ Companies, the founding and national vention Center and Hoosier Dome sponsor o f the parade o f Stars; Ronald signed the Scroll o f Com m itment, E. Sm iley, Anheuser-Busch corpo­ which is touring the country in sup­ rate affairs central region manager; port o f educational opportunity. Salli Richardson, “ Miss Budweiser” ; DISPARITIES IN STATUS CONTINUE BETWEEN BLACK AND WHITE AMERICANS also piayeu prim ary rotes m onnging about changes in government and private institutions and improvements in blacks’ economic, s o c ia l, and po­ litic a l status, it noted. improved dram atically, both in ab­ solute terms and relative to w hites,” the comm ittee found. However, the current status o f black Americans today can be characterized “ by a glass that is h a lf f u l l - i f measured by progress since 1 9 3 9 -o r as a glass that is h a lf e m p ty - if measured by the continuing disparities between black and w hite Americans since the early 1970s.” C ontinuing racial discrim ination is one m ajor barrier to additional im ­ provements, the comm ittee said. However, even “ i f a ll racial d is­ crim ination were abolished today, the life prospects facing many poor blacks w ould s till constitute m ajor challenges fo r public p o lic y ,” the The Bureau o f the Census p ro j­ ects that the U.S. black population w ill rise from 11.7 percent in 1980 to comm ittee concluded. 15 percent in the year 2020;blacks w ill be nearly one o f five children o f school age and one o f six adults o f w orking age. F IF T Y Y E A R S O F D A T A The report summarizes and inter­ prets a large body o f data and re­ search analyses concerning the posi­ tion o f blacks in Am erican society since the eve o f W o rld W ar II. The committee was asked to assess the status o f black Am ericans; it was not charged w ith recommending p olicy changes to alleviate any disparities it found. IN D IC A T O R S O F STA TU S The committee focused its atten­ tion in six prim ary areas: participa­ tion in the p olitical process, eco­ nomic status, schooling, health, crime and crim inal justice, and w ell-being o f children and fam ilies. A C H A N G IN G S O C IE T Y For the 50-year span covered by the study, “ the social status o f Am erican blacks has on average ) ‘C U LTU R E O F PO V E R TY ’ Q U E S T IO N E D The comm ittee found that the data and analyses it examined throw “ serious doubt” on the com m only accepted notion that a self-perpetu­ ating “ culture o f poverty” exists in the black com m unity. The chroni­ cally poor arc a m in o rity o f poor people in general, including blacks; attitudes toward work and the desire to succeed arc not very different among the poor and non-poor, the co m m it­ tee said. The comm ittee found instead that racial barriers and disadvantages “ persist in blocking black advance­ m ent.”