Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 03, 1989, Image 1

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y o f Orc
LI i t ’ u i J
Portland, Oregon
Bobby Janisse
National High School Wrestling Champion
By Jimi Johnson
B obby Ja n isse o f Jefferson High
School won 2 National titles during
the National High School W restling
C ham pionships in C edar Falls, Iowa
held July 17th through July 22nd.
Janisse, fresh from an Oregon
Exchange W restling tour o f Japan in
which he was undefeated, had to
w restle a total o f 21 m atches in six
days, in order to capture National
Titles in G reco Rom an (upper body
strength style wrestling) and the frees­
tyle cham pionship.
Janisse, an academ ic All A m eri­
can with a 3.7 GPA says “ W inning
Jose B. Ayala, 35, is the first Black Director/Producer for KGW Television.
The Pacific U niversity graduate hails from O akland, Calif, and is only the
second Black director o f a T.V. station in the State.
The House o f Representatives
voted today to preserve a m inority
set-aside program within the D epart­
ment o f Defense. O regon Congress­
man Les AuCoin hailed the program
as an “ opportunity for the minority
business conm m unity to contribute
its initiative and talents to the pro­
curem ent process.”
On a 324-100 vote, the House
extended for three years the set-aside
program which was established in
the 1987 Departm ent o f D efense
Authorization to aw ard 5% o f Penta­
gon contracts to small disadvantaged
AuCoin, who was the only O re­
gon Congressm an to take part in the
debate, said that the program is cru ­
AUGUST 3,1989
Rogers C able TV, soon to be renam ed Paragon Cable T V , has initiated
a new program to help keep young people from abusing drugs or alcohol.
“ As we become more aw are o f the dam age caused by drug abuse in our area,
we decided our involvem ent in the ‘W ar on D rugs’ should focus on
supporting local non-profit organizations that provide services directly to
adolescents and their parents. By supporting CO D A , DePaul and M ain­
stream ’s treatm ent, education and prevention services, we feel we can help
end the intergenerational cycle o f drug abuse. Rogers cable TV em ployees
w ant a safe, drug-free environm ent for their children. By generating
revenues for these non-profit service organizations, we can reduce crime,
delinquency and family dysfunction,” said Diane Linn, R ogers’ Vice
President for Program m ing and G overnm ent Affairs.
O n Sunday, A ugust 13, at 5 p.m ., Rogers Cable TV will broadcast the
M oscow Music Peace Festival featuring Bon Jovi, A erosm ith, Motley Crue,
Scorpions, Skid Row and Cinderella. Broadcast from Lenin Stadium in
M oscow, this event is the first international anti-drug and alcohol abuse
benefit concert. The M oscow M usic Peace Festival will be available to
R oger’s pay-per-view subscribers on Channel 40. Subscribers can order by
calling Rogers C able TV at 230-2000. This event is available at $19.95.
H alf o f the local pay-per-view proceeds will be donated to three local
non-profit drug agencies: CO D A , DePaul and M ainstream.
CO D A is O regon and S o uthw est W ashington’s oldest and largest non­
profit drug/alcohol abuse treatm ent, education and prevention organization.
C elebrating 20 years o f service, CODA has provided treatm ent for over
35,000 individuals and families, adults and adolescents. CODA exists to
help individuals, fam ilies and our com m unity prevent and elim inate drug/
alcohol misuse, abuse and addiction.
De Paul T reatm ent Centers, Inc. provide long-term residential alcohol­
ism and drug addiction treatm ent to individuals that lack the financial
resources to access treatm ent elsew here.
M ainstream Youth Program , Inc. is the largest adolescent specific
alcohol/drug treatm ent and education/prevention program in the
the N ational Titles w ere sw eet re­
O ur purpose is to reduce or elim inate the im pact o f alcohol
venge’’, as he had to defeat 2 high
f abuse on our com m unity’s youth.
school A ll-A m ericans in the finals
w ho he had lost to previously.
In an exciting m atch, the freestyle
final cam e dow n to the last 5 seconds
laaaolqploalaûloaloploaloalaüC I ■ 1 fB jB i{sis’
when Janisse scored a 1 point take
down to w in the National Title over
A ll-A m erican and defending C ham ­
nal p la n -c h ild psychology.”
Zalika claim s to have a special
pion T.J. Jaworsky.
rapport with children and has worked
The Portland O bserver salutes
as a peer counselor and in mediation
Bobby Janisse; a gentlemen, Scholar,
program s since the seventh grade.
and excellent athlete for “ bringing
W hy did she decide to spend her
home the g o ld ” .
tim e reading books instead o f relax­
ing in the sun this sum m er?
“ I want to get into a good school,”
said Zalika. “ I also w anted to get a
sam pling o f the kind o f work in­
cial u im iiuniy ow ned Businesses arc
to have an opportunity to participate
in D efense D epartm ent contracting.
“ A s a m em ber o f the Departm ent
o f Defense Appropriations Com m it­
tee, I have seen first hand the con­
tracting procedures o f the Defense
D epartm ent and I can tell you that
w ithout this program ,’’ AuCoin said,
“ not one dim e o f the $300 billion
defense budget would go to minority
owned businesses.”
AuCoin pointed out that when con­
sidering the disproportionate num ­
ber of m inori ties serving in the armed
forces, it is simply a m atter o f fair­
ness “ T hat we assure that 5% o f De­
partm ent o f D efense contracting
awarded on a com petitive basis goes
to small disadvantaged businesses.”
How do some high school stu­
dents spend their spare time during
the summer?
O ne G rant High School senior,
Zalika M ilton, spent her sum m er
attending college.
She is one o f 50 students from
throughout the nation who enrolled
in Lewis & Clark C ollege’s highly
selective Sum m er Program for High
School Students.
Zalika received a full grant of
$1,566 to attend the sum m er pro­
gram , which ran from June 17 to July
29, earning her 10 quarter hours of
college credit for use at Lew is &
Clark C ollege or for transfer to other
colleges or universities.
* ‘It’s quite an opportunity for kids,”
said Dennis M assey, associate dean
of Lewis & Clark College, who pointed
out that students live in the dorms
and select from 12 college-level
courses ranging from chem istry to
philosophy to psychology to Japa­
Zalika, w ho plans on a career in
child psychology but also was con­
sidering law, signed up for two courses:
Psychology and a course on Law,
Lawyers and Society.
“ I decided to experim ent w hile I
had the chance,” said Zalika, “ and
I’ve decided to stick with my origi-
City C om m issioner D ick Bogle has appointed B. Elizabeth Britton,
A ssistant Professor and D irector o f the Office o f Minority Student Affairs
at the Oregon Health Sciences University, to serve on the c ity ’s Police
Internal Investigations Auditing Committee (PIIAC).
Britton becom es the only woman among the 11 appointees who serve on
PIIA C, the voter-approved com m ittee which acts on citizen com plaints
against the Portland Police Bureau. Bogle and the other City Council
members also serve on PIIAC.
Bogle said Britton will “ bring needed balance to PIIAC, not only
because she understands the concerns of the city ’s minority com m unities,
but because she is trained and experienced in cross-cultural counseling.”
A graduate o f Purdue University, Britton cam e to Portland in 1976 as an
instructor in the School o f Nursing at the Oregon Health Sciences U niver­
A Registered Nurse (RN), she had previously taught in Chicago, and had
worked as a nurse for various hospitals and agencies in Illinois and Indiana.
In 1979, she becam e Associate Project Director for Academic D evelop­
ment and Recruitm ent, under a U.S. Departm ent o f H c a lth ^d u catio n and
W elfare grant to the University.
In 1981, she returned to the nursing faculty as A ssistant Professor and
was appointed A ssociate Director o f the O ffice o f M inority Student Affairs.
The following year, she earned a M aster’s Degree from the School of
Education at Portland State U niversity,m ajoring in counseling, with an
em phasis on cross-cultural studies.
Her prom otion to D irector o f the office o f Student M inority A ffairs came
in July, 1987.
Professional activities include m em berships in the A m erican A ssocia­
tion for Counseling and Developm ent, Oregon M ulticultural Education
A ssociation, and National A ssociation o f M edical Minority Educators.
She is active in the Z eta Sigm a Chapter o f Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority .having served in num erous capacities over the past 10 years.
She served as president o f the W illam ette V alley Racial M inorities
Consortium from 1982-1988, is a current board m em ber o f the North
Portland N urse Practitioner Com m unity Health Clinic, and works with the
Oregon Donor Program Education Committee.
In addition, she is a consultant to N orthw est Portland Area Indian Health
Board, the Black O utreach C om m ittee o f the A m erican Red C ross, O regon
Chapter, and the High School Heart Program and Conference o f the
A m erican H eart A ssociation, O regon Division.
She was elected to Sigm a Theta Tau, National H onor
Society for Nursing, in 1976. She was awarded a “ Special Contribution
to Indian E ducation” plaque in 1982, and an “ Award o f A ppreciation”
from the Center for Black Studies at PSU in 1983.
She was chosen the ‘ ‘Outstanding Alpha Kappa Alpha W om an o f 1988,’ ’
and is included in the current edition o f “ W ho’s W ho Among Black
McDonald's Opens At NE Martin
Luther King, Jr. Blvd And Columbia
Portland, Oregon ------ A new
M cD onald’s restaurant will open on
A ugust 7 at 8011 NE M artin Luther
King, Jr. Blvd. and Colum bia. One
o f the first new businesses to open in
this area o f Portland, the restaurant
occupies 4,205 square feet and sits
on a lot o f 47,403 square feet. Fifty-
three parking places are available.
Freiheit and Ho Architects of
Kirkland.m Washington, arc the archi­
tects and the contractor is Jam es E.
John C onstruction Co. o f Vancou­
ver, W ashington. T he traditional
decor is being designed by Arnolds
M anufacturingof D etroit, M ichigan.
Approximately 75 new jobs have
been created as a result o f the new
restaurant. A ccording to H oward
H ayashi, ow ner/operator o f the new
M cdonald’s ’s, ’T v e been going to
neighborhood m eetings so I can get
to know folks in this area. I'm really
im pressed with everyone i’ve met.
T here’s a lot o f energy in this area o f
Portland and i’m glad to be part o f
' . V
volved in college so I w ouldn’t be
quite as nervous.”
Is college different from high
Zalika found she had ‘ ‘lots of heavy
reading, especially in the law class.
You do n ’t have daily assignm ents
the way you do in high school,” she
said. “ B utyou do have tests. College
teaches you self-discipline. You have
to do the work even if it isn ’t m oni­
tored every day.”
She described her college profes­
sors as ‘ ‘very open to questions. You
talk to them about anything,” she
She also talks about “ a different
atmosphere...especially in the dorms.”
“ You learn to develop close rela­
tionships fast, ” she said. “ It’ s a good
lesson in dealing with a variety o f
other people. To live in the dorm s,
you have to take a crash course in
people skills. I would have missed a
lot not being part o f a dorm .”
Popular Zalika made many friends
from throughout the country and found
that college isn’t all work. “ Even
getting together with friends and
studying can be fun som etim es,” she
In addition to academ ics, the
Sum m er College program includes a
range o f extracurriculr events includ­
ing participation in Lewis & C lark’s
College O utdoors program. For ex ­
am ple, Zalika w ent w hitew ater raft­
ing down the D eschutes River.
“ I never had done anything like
that before,” she said. " I t was re­
ally, really fun.
Selection for the program is based
on high school transcripts, PS AT
scores, a personal statem ent and rec­
om m endations. Zalika credits Dean
Sam M acon at G rant High School for
recom m ending her for the program.
* * He was sure I could do it,” she said.
“ H e believed in m e.”
“ I gained so m uch,” said Zalika.
‘ ‘There are easier ways to spend the
summer, but there is no better way to
spend the sum m er.”
/ *
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