Page 8 Portland Observer JULY 27,1989 S C R IP T U R E O F SCRIPT! ,RE THE W EEK: WEEK: EPHESIANS chapter 1-2 RELIGION A FRIEND OF THE COMMUNITY EYE ON GOSPEL “MUSICAL CONCERT” Byline=Margaret Mansfield Where: Neighborhood Church of God Location: 4550 N.E. 20th (At Going) When: Sunday July 30th 1989 Time: 4:00 p.m. Featuring: Neighborhood Church of God Choir, Luerene Jackson, The Wilson Sisters, and a host of others by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Thursday, July 20th at 7:30 p.m., at the Red L io n Jantzen Beach, the Urban League o f Portland met, along w ith over 800 others, to hold its ‘ Annual D inner;. The dinner is an annual fund raiser fo r the League. It was w ell attended by city and state o fficia ls, local and state business ex­ ecutives, concerned citizens like you and like me a ll rallyin g together to e xhibit the ‘ sp irit o f com m un ity’ w ith in each o f us. E xcerpts fro m the cerem ony: “ The League is experiencing problems but we are aware o f them and they are being properly addressed. We want to be the lig h t in the com ­ m unity. Ify o u take something out o f the community, you M UST put some­ thing back into it.” - L o u is J. Boston, Chairman o f the Board “ ...Together, we can make a d if­ ference." --Ruth Ann Dodson, G overnor’ s O ffice “ ...the Urban League is a very critica l part o f the co m m unity.” -G re tch e n Kafoury C ounty Com m issioner “ The M ayo r’ s O ffice is asking the Urban League to become a m ajor partner in the c ity ’ s problem solving process invo lvin g the proper devel­ opment o f programs and o f ‘ youth centered’ a ctivities.” - A Representative from the M ayor’s Office “ The Urban League G u ild sup­ ports the Urban League in its pro­ grams and fund raising activities. The G u ild is in need o f volunteers. The G u ild has been an integral part o f the Urban League since the 1940’ s * » -P a tric ia A . H ill, President Urban League G u ild The ‘ State o f the League’ address was given by the President and C hie f Executive, M r. Useni E. perkins. In his comments, he stated that 14,000 inform ation and referral calls were answered through the Urban League office; 696 at-risk youth were being given needed attention and assistance; in the 1988-89 year, 8,531 persons were served through the emergency program, alone; an 8 week computer training program was conceived and is now being offered at PCC Cascade campus. Yes, the Urban League is certainly making a positive impact on the Portland com m unity; but, the jo b is not over. This year the ‘ Keynote Address’ was delivered by Representative Margaret Carter. She exclaimed that, “ ...We must help our youth to ‘ RIP- O F F ’ knowledge instead o f ripping- o ff people’ s possessions and destroy­ ing property. The Urban League has always been there as a strong symbol in the com m unity. We must be care­ fu l o f ‘ polarization’ ....because it is the result o f complacency. Let us N O T fa ll prey to it. We must recog­ nize the need to help our youth and to lend a helping hand in the comm u­ nity wherever it is needed. We must remind Nordstroms and others to com m it themselves to the comm u­ nity. O ur bottom line w ill always be reflective o f our friendship.” Repre­ sentative Carter ended her address by singing “ I f I Could Help Some­ body” . Commissioner D ick Bogle was the Master o f Ceremony and became the glue that held everything together. The icing on the cake was in the form o f a song sung by Ken Berry and K irk Green “ That’s What Friends Are F or” . SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY - In traditional A frican societies, as w ell as in others, the s p irit o f com ­ m unity was the cornerstone for a people’ s w ell-being and survival. It was, indeed, the cultural fabric that brought people together to solve mu­ tual problems and build a stronger and better com m unity fo r all. It is w ithin this sp irit o f com m unity that the Urban League o f Portland ex­ tends its deepest appreciation to those who support us and to those we serve. This sp irit o f com m unity is funda­ mental be effective, we must reach out to a ll segments o f the comm u­ nity. A lthough we may not a ll reside in the same geographical area, we are, nonetheless, citizens o f the same com m unity in the eyes o f the Crea­ tor. Regardless o f our ethnicity, creed or economic status, the problems inherent to one area w ill ultim ately affect a ll areas. The Urban League is one o f the bridges that connects a ll areas to achieve a true sense o f com m unity. As a friend o f the com m unity, we are com m itted to helping to low er those social, cultural, and economic barri­ ers that tend to divide us as a comm u­ nity. This is not a simple mission because the struggle to achieve “ equal fo o tin g ” fo r a ll is an arduous and often painful task. But it is only by working together to achieve this ideal w ill Portland truly become “ the most livable c ity ” that it is capable o f being. The Urban League pledges to the c ity o f Portland that it w ill always be a “ Friend o f the C om m unity.” In the sp irit o f com m unity, Useni Eugene Perkins You will miss a blessing if you fail to come. Come and bring a friend. Pastor, Rev. Charles Hunter, Sr. T Grace Collins Memorial Center Day Care “ Since 1952“ Sandra C ro uch Goes Back to W o rk : A fter a two year absence from recording, Sandra Crouch is embarking upon a new project, w ith plans to record (w ith her choir) live in her Dad’s church. Crouch, who married just a little over one year ago, look the break in order to adjust to married life. But she wasn’t a ll stagnant, participating w ith her brother in a variety o f music projects, including the controversial Madonna L ike A Prayer single, which later caused them some embarrassment. Said Crouch, some­ times when you w ork on lyrics, it says one thing and then when they do a video, it ’ s something else.” In fact, the video cost Madonna a $5 m illio n Pepsi endorsement due to the backlash from Christian fundamentalists. According to Crouch, ‘ ‘ when they asked us to do the video, when I read the script I said, no way. In fact, I tried to get us o ff the tape, but it was too late. Today, she says the experience taught her a hard lesson. ‘ ‘ Now, anytime we do anything, they have to send us a tape first, we listen to it and I have a group o f people who listen fo r me, because i f I miss something, I want my prayer partners to catch it . ” Rev. C leveland Gears U p F or A n nu a l Gospel M usic W o rk s h o p o f A m e ric a : The 22nd Annual Gospel Music Workshop o f Am erica gets underway on August 12 in New Orleans. The event, which culminates on the 18th, is expected to draw over 18,000. The conference, known to be the single most important annual event in gospel music, w ill feature instruc­ tional workshops on a ll phases o f gospel music as w ell as appearances by the New Jersey Mass C hoir, A lbertina W alker, M ilto n Bingham, and the Georgia Mass C hoir along w ith other big-name gospel celebrities. For inform ation, contact Ms. Jennings at (313)898-2340. The C a th o lic C h u rc h is considering reconciliation w ith Father George Stallings. Jr., the maverick priest who despite the threat o f suspension, formed an independent black Catholic congregation to an overflow crowd o f several thousand. Stallings formed the church because he fe lt the Roman Catholic Church “ failed to meet the spiritual and cultural demands o f its black parishioners.” C o u n tin g D ow n Gospel’ s T op Ten: A fte r 25 weeks on the spiritual charts, Bebe & Cece’s Heaven LP, is riding high at number one. Rounding out the nation’ s top ten gospel hits are (2) No Greater Love-Keith Pringle & the Pentecostal C om m unity C hoir;(3) Available To Y o u -M ilto n Brunson; (4) W e’ re Gonna Make It- M y r a Summers/Rev.Timothy W right; (5) So S a tisfied -Lu fh er Barnes & The Red Budd Choir; (6) Heroes-The New Jersey Mass C hoir; (7) L ive In C hicago-S hirley Caesar; (8) W o n d e rfu l- Beau W illiam s; (9) L e t The H oly S p irit Lead Y o u -F lo rid a Mass Choir; and (10) W h o ’ s On The L o rd ’ s S id e -T im o th y W right. Just B rie fly : Richard Sm allword just winded up collaborations w ith Earth, W in d & Fire lead vocalist, P h illip Bailey on his latest gospel LP, w hich is due to be released sometime this fall... And word has it that ‘ ‘Run o f superstar rap group “ Run D M C ” , is now saved, and looking seriously at the m inistry...T his week’ s s c rip tu re : “ fo r everyone w ho exalts h im self w ill be hum bled, and he w ho hum bles h im self w ill be exalted.” - L u k e • Kindergarten • Pre-School ¡‘Latch Key Program * Children 6 wks. to 11 yrs. 14:11 Jesus Loves You! A l le n T e m o le C M E C h u r c h 4236 N.E. Eighth Avcnut. (corner o f 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 4 Year Olds - Making Cookies (503) 287-0261 P h illip S. Nelson, Pastor Grace Collins Psalm 34:3 Memorial Center, Reading First Gra, ECUMENICAL PARISH OF N/NE PORTLAND ~ Day Care Books WHO: B E E F it up PO R K it down but don’t C H IC K E N out if you want the greatest BAR-B-Q in town Tues.-Sat. 1LAM-10PM (503) 287-9249 Go to Ecumenical Parish o f N /N E Portland (PEOPLE AR E B E A U T IF U L ) W H A T : “ Ribs D inner B enefit” , rummage sale and Bake sale W H E N : August 5, 1989 12-5:30 W H ERE: 126 N E Alberta M a llo ry Ave. C hristian church parking lot W H Y : To raise $$$ fo r the People Are Beautiful program to continue next year fo r the 15th year. The menu includes: Ribs, Potato Salad, Pork ‘ n Beans, Bread Butter, W atermelon Slice o f pie is 75c Juice/Soda is 50c Doris’ Cafe C O N T A C T : M issie K a llu n ki 288-5174 (M a llo ry Ave. C hristian Church) W e focus on self-esteem and trying to get the children to realize the more positive things o f life , themselves and others, instead o f them getting into the more negative things o f Northeast Portland like the drugs, gangs and crim e that takes place. We provide a positive atmosphere fo r the children fo r the summer, a place for them to go and have a good time w ithout the trouble and fear o f playing in the streets. We have Interns, College age or older, and High School age Assistants from the neighboring schools. One o f the m ajor roles is that o f being a ‘positive role m odel’ fo r the children. Each week there is a specific theme,with activities planned accordingly. Such activities may include fie ld trips, cooking, arts and crafts, games and discussion times. 3240 N. Williams Portland, OR 97212 MRS C ’S WIGS « WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS W W O ? LOVE FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES NAOMI SIMS • BORNFREE • M ICHAEL WEEKS BETTY C A B IM PROPRIETOR AND OTHER NAME BRANDS TUI5-3AT Unity of Love offers authentic hair- Weeving. Contact Lonnie at 6720 NE Union - 283-5440. Our hours are 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Tues - Sat. lltS O -A iflC Z3Z CS EVERYTHHG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY WIGS UNDUE HAR ORNAMENTS HAW BEADS & BEAUTY SUPPUES ZUR1C0SMETCS BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT ................... ........... ............... 1 DISCOUNTS MRS C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMEriCS 2 8 1 -6 5 2 5 ' T __ » c D c u n ii T u c 1OO'/"HUMAH HA" I FOR c D c u n iiT k BRAIDING WEAVWG ★ Best Cash Prices ★ Speedy Service 25 Gal $25.00 50 Gal $44.00 100 Gal $72.00. 150 Gal$108 00 D A D ’S O IL S E R V IC E Heating Oils 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 4 “ Before You Must’ ’ — Make a D ecision — “ In q u ire about the services we o ffe r " Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service 281 4891 We are in te re s te d in your problem s