Page 11 Portland Observer JULY 27,1989 i P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d PORTLAND OBSERVER M Rato: 5 Lines • 1 Week - $7.90 Tha Eyas and Ears of tha Community" 2SS-0033 L Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves theright to edit, reject or property classify any ad.) D O N N IE JAMES Men & Women;s Fashion “ If you dare lo be fashionable” PRITCHETT’S ELECTRICAL M AINTENANCE CO. Specializing In: Installation, Trouble Shooting and Repair of 517 NE Killings worth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503) 288-1721 James Williams 4 Weeks - $25.00<«M $2.50 Per Lm) Electrical Appliance«, Equipment & Light Fixture« Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pritchett 3525 N .E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 B E A U T Y /B A R B E R ________ SUPPLIES________ ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.6. union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503)281-6393 and 5387 N Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Opon: Hon. tbru S a t _____________________ J F L O R A L - SILKS Bill Kelley's Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 RENT Eartha’s Floral Connection 517-1/2 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 282-3875 W ASHERS & DRYERS • TP Is Coupon Good For * : si 5 off We D o Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-Order • Custom Made P R IN T IN G Kinko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 : • DELIVERY & • • INSTALLATION FEE • 'JO D t ll t e r ^ & Im la l l a l l o n P o r tla n d w asher 231*7413 693-4000 9 o.m. - 6 p.m. JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT IN SU R A N C E SA LES 2 (COO28) LABOR COORDINATOR HEALTH CARE CON­ MARKETING REP TRACT MANAGER LIMITED DURATION PO­ Excellent opportunity to join the Blue SITION Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon IN M arketing Team in the sale and ADULT AND FAMILY service o f Trust accounts.The can­ didate selected will develop new SERVICES DIVISION accounts, negotiate contract re­ (AFS) newals to retain and upgrade ex ­ SALARY ($2178-$2762- isting business, and contribute to MONTHLY) the developm ent o f new and en­ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR DATA PR O C E SSIN G SENIOR PROGRAMMER for W om enspace. Assists in fiscal, administrative, program, and super­ visory responsibilities. Provides crisis line support and shelter cov­ erage. BA or equivalent, experi­ ence. 32 hrs/w k, salary $11,000 plus benefits. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for Womenspace. Clerical, computer, and administrative duties. Provides crisis line support and shelter cov­ erage. IBM PC, typing 50 wpm, writing and basic math required. A bility to drive. 30 hrs/w k, salary $8,400 plus benefits. W om enspace, shelter for women and children, is an A ffirm ative Action em ployer. Call 485-8232 for job application. Application m ust be postm arked by A ugust 1. P.O. Box 5485, E u­ gene, OR. 97405. Capital H ealth Care a m em ber o f Blue Cross/Blue Shield o f O re­ gon’s group o f C o’s, is seeking qualified applicants for the posi­ tion of Senior Programmer to work in their Salem office. Q ualified candidates m ust have a college degree in Com puter Sci­ ence or equivalent work experi­ ence, a thorough know ledge o f COBOL, previous experience with Hewlet/Packard HP3000 computer systems, know ledge o f structured programming concepts and strong com m unication skills. A know l­ edge o f health care system s is desirable. The Senior Program m er will code and im plem ent new com puter software system s, m aintain and enhance/update existing software systems, create & m aintain sys­ tem docum entation & provide assistance to computer users within the com pany. hanced health insurance products. Excellent Benefit Package The prim ary qualification is back­ State o f O regon, AFS needs an ener­ ground in labor m anagem ent rela­ getic and innovative person with tions. Proven sales experience, know ledge o f state and federal preferably in health insurance, and rules and regulations regarding a knowledge o f underwriting prin­ contracting and excellent com ­ ciples is also required. W e will be m unication skills for a one year looking for candidates with ex ­ lim ited duration, Health Care cellent interpersonal, w ritten and Contracts M anager position in the oral com m unication skills and Health services Section in Salem, prefer college degree in a relevant Oregon. field. QUALIFICATIONS: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ ...three years of progressively respon­ gon offers an excellent em ployee sible adm inistrative experience or Blue Cross and benefits package, com petitive LABORATORY ANALYST three years o f experience in a staff salary and flex tim e w ork hours. Blue Shield of Oregon technical or professional function Please apply or send resum e to: Human R esources Dept., 5th Fir Unified Sew erage A gency, $11.37- related to an agency program or a 100 S.W . M arket $13.81/hr. Perform s chem ical, law degree. The applicant’s back­ Portland, O R 97201 Blue Cross and physical and biological analysis ground m ust clearly dem onstrate Equal Opportunity Em ployer Blue Shield of Oregon o f industrial w astes, plant process how they have gained the know l­ Human R esources Dept, 5th Fir w astew ater, sludge and soil edge, skills, and abilities identi­ ASSISTANT TO THE 100 S.W . M arket fied in Announcement //OC890350. sam ples, surface w aters,etc. May AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Portland, O R 97201 be involved in developmental work IN A D D ITIO N , you m ust have a DIRECTOR AND Equal O pportunity Em ployer and data evaluation. Req. a bache­ B achelor's degree or three more EQUAL OPPORTUNITY lor o f science degree in chem istry years o f responsible experience. WASHINGTON COUNTY or a related field o f science with O btain a State of Oregon A pplica­ SPECIALIST JOBS heavy em phasis in chem istry. tion (PD100) and Announcem ent PORTLAND STATE Agency application form s req., #0C 890350 form Personnel C en­ UNIVERSITY resum es N O T accepted. Apply by ter, 775 C ourt Street, Salem , O re­ SR. Com m unity Health W orker (PT) Portland State University is seeking - Bilingual: $7.55-$9.18/hr. A ugust 4 to W ashington County gon 97310. applicants with Equal Em ploy­ Personnel, 150 N. First Ave..Room APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, Engineering Aide: $1429-$1725/mo. ment Opportunity professional ex­ A PPL IC A T IO N S M U ST BE Park M aintenance W orker: $1515- B-2, Hillsboro, O R 97124. perience to assist with the univer­ POSTM ARKED BY A U G U ST4, $1843/mo. An E.O.E. sity’s efforts to m onitor and ad­ Engineering Technician 3: $2058- 1989. vance its A ffirm ative Action Pro­ FO LLO W T H E DETAILED IN ­ $2529/mo. AIDS PROGRAM gram. STRUCTIONS O N TH E A N ­ Medium Equipment Operator $1678- Applicants m ust have the following: MANAGER $2030/m o. N OUNCEM ENT ■Bachelor’s Degree (Minority Programs) Corrections O fficer Trainee: $1864- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY •Experience in Personnel Services EM PLOYER /m o. (closes 8-11-1989) •Computer literacy Call (503) 648-8607 for information. M anager for AIDS program with •Sensitivity to and experience with ¡nultiracial/m ulticultural focus. County application forms req. IN SU R A N C E ethnic m inorities 90% o f program focus in Black Apply by A u g u st4 ,1989 to W ash­ •Communication skills communities and 10% Asian youth. ington County Personnel. LIFE/DISABILITY A letter o f application, a resum e, and A ssist in the developm ent and im ­ An E.O.E. two letters o f recom m endation CLAIMS ANALYST plem entation o f AIDS education m ust be received by 5:00 PM, program s.Provide adm inistrative C O N S T R U C T IO N A ugust 11, 1989. Mail inform a­ Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ and staff support for organization. tion to A ffirm ative A ction Office, gon is currently seeking an expe­ Develop and m aintain volunteers PORTLAND PUBLIC PSU PO Box 751, Portland, OR and com m unity workers. Coordi­ rienced Life/D isability Claims 97202. Detailed position descrip­ SCHOOLS nate funding developm ent. O ther A n aly st tions are available from the above 2 Planner Estimator general m anagem ent duties. Q ualified candidates will have 1 year address. QUALIFICATIONS: experience in life and disability Positions PSU is an Equal Opportunity A f­ - 5 yrs. adm inistrative/coordinating claim s adjudication, 1 year CRT firm ative A ction educator and experience, and the ability to type exper. available: em ployer. M em bers o f ethnic m i­ - Exper which dem onstrates excel­ 45-50wpm . Construction Specialist norities, women, Vietnam -era or O ther qualifications incl: lent w riting/verbal skills. Electrical/ disabled veterans, persons o f dis­ « • dem onstrated ability to develop - 2 yrs volunteer developm ent/coor- Low Voltage Specialist ability and/or persons between the professional correspondence us­ dination experience. ages o f 40 to 70 are encouraged to ing correct structuring, spelling Both positions are responsible for - Experience which dem onstrates apply and to identify their status. and gram m er. ability to develop funding base. planning & estim ating work proj­ «■ previous phone experience in a ects for the preservation, rehabili­ - D irect involvem ent in service to HUMAN SERVICES problem solving environm ent minority groups. tation & im provem ent o f school Human Services agency seeking pro­ w the ability to rem ain flexible in a Send resum e, cover letter and salary facilities. Successful candidates fessional adm instrator for hous­ changing environm ent requirem ents to: m ust have dem onstrated ability to ing, utilities, and entitlem ent pro­ « • m edical term inology and IC9-9 Oregon Minority AIDS do general construction or electri- gram s. Two years admin, or tech, coding a plus. cal/low voltage estim ating; knowl­ Coalition work, including supervisory and Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ edge o f bldg codes; ability to 1336 E. Burnside grant w riting experience. College gon offers an excellent employee prepare construction schedules and Portland, O R 97214 degree required. Salary $25,000 - benefits package, com petitive to do cost analysis. Closing Date: July 31, 1989 $28,000 annually. salary and flex time work hours. Applicants m ust com plete the D is­ M inorities and women encouraged Send cover resum e to : 2900 S.E. Please apply or send resum e to: trict’s professional Application to apply. 122nd Portland, 97236, Attention Form , subm it current resume o f EO E Rhonda. work exp, training & education Blue Cross and Closing date July 28,1989. MENTAL HEALTH w-3 letters o f reference. Salary Blue Shield of Oregon W e are an equal opportunity range $29,673-$37,257. Excellent Specialist Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir employer. fringe benefits incl 1 mo paid 100 S.W . M arket vacation. AFFORDABLE T o provide clinical case m anage­ Portland, OR 97201 A pplications accepted thru 4:30pm m ent o f chronically m entally ill TOWNHOUSES Equal Opportunity Em ployer Fri July 28. Apply Personnel Serv­ adults. Req B achelor's degree +2 If you arc paying more than $395 for ices, Blanchard Education Serv­ years exper. M aster's degree pref. MANICURE BOOTH re n t-c h e c k out these new quality ice Ctr, 501 N Dixon, Portland, M inorities strongly encouraged to 2-3bdrm units; PGE G ood Cents, For Rent OR 97227. apply. Resum es to: Kim Burgess, individual lots, carport/storage. Contact Equal O pportunity Em ployer N -N E C M H C , 4950 N E Martin FHA & VA approved and ready 517 N.E. Killingsworth Luther King Blvd, Ptld, 97211. for im m ediate occupancy. Only PORTLAND OBSERVER Phone: 249-0066 Please Come in $42,500-$45,950. Doug/Janct 239- •'The Syes and Ears of the Community" Equal O pportunity Em ployer after 12 Noon 4040;282-7590 288-0033 SUPERVISING FOR­ ESTER C ASSISTANT DISTRICT FORESTER $2199 - $2808 The Oregon State Department of For­ estry is seeking an individual for a current vacancy in Forest Grove. Duties: Assists the District Forester in planning, budgeting, organiz­ ing, staffing, implementing, con­ trolling and evaluating the State Land M anagem ent program. You must have equivalent to: a Bache­ lor’s degree in forestry or related field (such as wildlife m anage­ ment, biology, botany, plant pa­ thology), AND two years of expe­ rience in technical, adm inistra­ tive or professional forestry prac­ tices, which included at least one year at the level o f Forester 2 or Supervising Forester B. Experi­ ence m ust have included super­ vising and assisting in forest m anagem ent and sale o f timber, assisting in district or unit ad­ ministration, supervising fire control work or performing tech­ nical forestry studies. Announcem ent closes: August 14, 1989. C ontact Personnel Test Center, 775 C ourt Street, Salem, OR 97310,378-3146, for job an­ nouncements, test questions and application. MANAGER PARENT CHILD DIVISION OPERATIONS SALARY RANGE $17.99 TO $21.72 Per Hr. This is a top adm inistrative position responsible for assisting one of the four Tacoma Pierce County Health D ept division directors. Major responsibilities are for man­ aging and coordinating the over­ all division m anagem ent com po­ nents including: Communications, personnel, fiscal, information proc­ essing, legislative, legal and divi­ sion administration. Requires a M aster Degree in public health, nursing, social w ork, or related field. Also requires 3 yrs. experience in public health pro­ gram administration. Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the Masters De­ gree requirem ent on a year for year basis. Please apply by August 4 ,1 9 8 9 at: Tacom a Pierce County Health D e­ partment Personnel Section 3701 Pacific Avenue Tacom a, Wa. 98408 EOE SECRETARY East M ultnomah county company seeks qualified persons for part time secretarial positions. Posi­ tion requires skills in general of­ fice managem ent, typing, experi­ ence in use o f PC for word proc­ essing and spread sheets applica­ tion. Flexible work schedule. In­ terested persons should send res­ ume to: Personnel Manager Reynolds Metals Company Troutdale. OR 97060 An Equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. WANTED O ver W eight People to lose up to 30 lbs. in 30 days for under $38 ALL NATURAL Dr. Recom m ended 100% Guaranteed all Diane 88-1281 or 288-1371 DELIVERY PERSON...PART TIME Exceptional knowledge of Metro area, clean driving record with valid Oregon drivers license. A bility to work under pressure. Submit res­ ume to Ellen/KGON radio, 4614 S.W. Kelly, Portland, Oregon 97201 An Equal Opportunity Em ployer Recreational Planner: W ith the Oregon W ater Resources Dept to assist the Parks and rec­ reation D epartment on scenic w a­ terway programs. Background in water related recreational plan­ ning is desirable. Salary $2039- $2589 per month. For more information contact Terry Olbekson, 378-3741 by A ugust 6, 1989. EO E Hydrologist: W ith the Oregon W ater Resources Dept to develop a statewide water availability program. Background in Hydrology is essential. Salary $2464 - $3131 per month. F or inform ation co n tact T erry Olbekson, 378-3741 by August 6, 1989. EOE Assistant Director For womenspace. A ssist in fiscal, administrative, program, and super­ visory responsiblilities. Provides Crisis line support and shel­ ter coverage. BA or equivalent experience. 32 hrs/wk, salary $11,000 plus benefits. Administrative Assistant Clerical, Computer, and A dm inis­ trative duties. Provides Crisis line support and shelter coverage. IBM PC, Typing W PM, w riting and basic Math required. A bility to drive 30 hrs/wk. Salary $8,400 plus benefits. Womenspace, shelter for Women and children is a affirm ative Action Employer Call 485-8232 for job application Application must be postm arked by August 1, P.O. Box 5485 Eugene, O R, 97405 Registered Nurse (Substitute On Call) Provide health care to students en­ rolled in public schools pre-kin­ dergarten-12th, in multnomah county. Salary: $100.38/Day Appl deadline: 8/4/89 pm CaU 255-1841, Ext 207 for Multnomah Education Service District, applica­ tion form and additional inform a­ tion. An Equal Opportunity Em ployer Youth Program Director Ability to plan and provide service for youth. Ages 3 to 14 Program M anagcm ent/Supcrvisory experience. A pplication available At N.E. and Down Town YW CA Center 5630 N .E Martin Luther King Blvd. Deadline 08-02-89 Equal Opportunity Em ployer aoa^oiQixiacyTinfTninflpaoaut I