Page 9 Portland Observer JULY 20,1989 OBS & CLASSIFIED GENERALIST/EMPLOYEE RELATIONS HUMAN RESOURCES rhc Port of Portland has an immediate opening for a Generalist/Employec Relations specialist to provide human resource generalist support in the areas of recruiting, labor relations, employee relations, compensation, and EEO/AAP. »referred qualifications include: «■ Course work in personnel/human resource procedures, compensa­ tion, or business administration. Course work in statistics, analysis, or quantitative methods. «■ Previous experience in a personnel or human resource department demonstrated successful general knowledge of recruitment, compen sation, EEO/AAP, and employee/labor relations activities and proce dures. « r Demonstrated ability to prepare statistical and evaluative reports. Also preferred is a demonstrated ability to recruit clerical, technical, supervisory, and professional personnel in accordance with Port Human Resources and affirmative actions practices, and provide guidance in this area to managers. Strong PC skills also a plus. In addition to a comprehensive benefit package, the Port offers a starting salary range of $22,410 - $25,963, commensurate with experience, and a full salary range of $22,410 - $33,070. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port Employment Officer, 14th floor, 700 NE Multnomah, or call 503-231-5000, ext. 700 for complete application materials. All Applications must be received by Friday, July 28,1989,5:00 p.m. © Port of Portland The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR AVIATION MARKETING rhe Port of Portland has an immediate opening for an Administrative Coordinator for its Aviation Marketing Department to provide assistance and support to Manager and Aviation Marketing associate staff. »referred qualifications include the ability to organize and follow-through on a variety of projects, organize and prioritize job responsibilities, working knowledge of office procedures, good written, verbal and interpersonal skills. Demonstrated ability to perform well in pressure situations, maintain confidentiality and have coursewerok or experience in business procedures.The preferred candidate will also have recent successful experience in Multi-Mate, Lotus and Symphony software and IBM PC. Also preferred, working knowledge of department and termi­ nology, demonstrated ability to be a team player and able to work with minimal supervision. Good creativity skills and aviation experience also desirable In addition to a starting salary range of $16,910-$$24,490, the Port offers a comprehensive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Em ­ ployment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor, or call 503-231-5000, sxt. 700 for complete application materials. All applications must be re­ ceived by F riday, July 2 1 , 1989. © Port of Portland The Port is an i OQOQrtnmtv EmolQYfii AT&T Hiring A.T.& T systems tech trainees. | If you are interested contact: Oregon State Employment 1407 S.W.4th Portland, Oregon or Washington State Employment 2531 Rainier South Seattle, WA SECRETARY East Multnomah county company seeks qualified persons for part time secretarial positions. Posi­ tion requires skills in general of­ fice management, typing, experi­ ence in use of PC for word proc­ essing and spread sheets applica­ tion. Flexible work schedule. In­ terested persons should send res­ ume to: Personnel Manager Reynolds Metals Company Troutdale, OR 97060 An Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Woodlawn Neighborhood REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS DEVELOPMENT TEAM PROPOSALS REHABILITATION OF 725 NW FLANDERS NORTH DOWNTOWN PORTLAND The Portland Development Commission (PDC) is soliciting develop­ ment team qualifications for the acquisition and redevelopment of a vacant warehouse building located at 725 NW Flanders. PDC currently holds an option to purchase the property and will assign that option to the selected development team. Financial assistance will also be made available by PDC to the selected development team. The successful development team will prepare concept and design development plans for the building, determine appropriate mixes of uses and obtain all necessary public approvals, working in conjunction with the PDC. The PDC encourages participation of Minority/Women Business Enter­ prise contractors in its projects. The established Commission goals for participation are nine percent (9%) for Minority Business and nine percent (9%) for Women Business participation. The successful contractor must be certified by the City of Portland as an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.The Scope of Work, background materials and submission requirements are described in greater detail in the 725 NW Flanders Developer Guidelines handbook available from: Marla Miller Portland Development Commission 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1102 Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 796-5323 Proposals must be delivered to PDC by: Tuesday August 1,1989 3:00 pm INVITATION FOR BIDS The PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISS ION will receive sealed Bids for: LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS Removal of existing lighting fixtures and replacement with new lightening fixtures within the hallways, stairways, waiting room, baggage room, restrooms, entry canopy, clock face, counter light­ ing and electrical panel replacement at 800 N.W. 6th Ave., Union Station Building, Portland, OR. until 4:00 P .M ., Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on the 3rd of August, 1989, at 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue , Suite 1102, Portland, Oregon 97204- 1968, at which time and place all Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Contract Document, including Drawings and Specifications, are on file at the office of the PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, at 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 1102, Portland, Oregon 97204-1968. Inquiries should be directed to Mr. A1 Hopper, (503) 796-5352. Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, by depositing $50.00 for each set of documents so obtained. Each such deposit will be refunded if the Drawings and Contract Documents are returned in good condition within ten (10) days after the Bid Opening. All bidders must comply with the provision of Chapter 279, Oregon Revised Statutes, relating to the qualification o f bidders. A certified check or bank draft, payable to the order o f the PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, negotiable U.S. Government Bonds (at par value), or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and an acceptable Surety, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total Bid shall be submitted with each Bid. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond or Bonds. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on the Project, and that the Contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin, and that the Contractor must comply with all provisions required by ORS 279.348 through ORS 279.356. The Portland Development Commission is committed to taking affirma­ tive action to encourage and facilitate the participation o f Minority and Women Business Enterprises in Commission projects and operations. To help meet Commission goals, prime contractors are encouraged to consider and utilize qualified MBE/WBE subcontractors in this project. The Com­ mission’s goal for this project has been established as 10% Minority Business Enterprise and 2.5% Women Business utilization as a percentage of the total dollar amount of this contract. The PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMIS­ SION for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the opening of bids for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifi­ cation of the bidders prior to awarding the contract. Bidder shall be certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The Woodlawn Neighborhood Association is sponsoring Youth Com­ munity Care Day on Saturday, July 22. Everyone is invited to pick up litter, paint over graffiti, and do light yard work. The cleanup will begin at 9:00 am in Woodlawn Park. Participants will enjoy free hot dogs and drinks in the park at noon. After lunch there will be a short ceremony to commemo­ rate the event Contact Ann at 289-7520 for more information. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Learning Resource Center Clark College - Vancouver, Washington Bid Dateijuly 26,1989 by 3:00 pm. DM DRAKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1740 NW Flanders Portland, OR 97209 (503) 226-3991 FAX (503) 228-3019 We arc an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women & minority business enterprises. PORTLAND OBSERVER FAX # 503)288-0015 Patrick L. La Crosse, Executive Director SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Reflection at Summer Creek Bid Dateijuly 21,1989 by 3:00 p.m. CROSSMARK CONSTRUCTION 1545 S.E. Robin St. G resham OR 97080 (503) 6 6 1 -1 2 1 1 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women & minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Learning Resource Center Bid Date:July 26,1989 by 3:00p.m. GILBERT H. MOEN CO. 516 So.Sth Ave. Yakima Washington 98902 (509)248-0740 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-con­ tractors and women & minority business enterprises. CITY OF SALEM , OREGON HOUSING AUTHORITY INVITATION TO BID TO FURNISH AND INSTALL VERTICAL BLINDS IN THE PRINGLE CREEK TOWER The City of Salem will receive sealed bids at the office of the City Recorder.City Hall, Room 205, Salem, Oregon 97301 .until, but not after 11:00 a.m ., Ju ly 26,1989, at which time said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Council Chambers, Room 240, City Hall, for the project specified herein. Prime contractors interested in bidding on this project may receive one copy o f the specifications and other bid documents at the office of the Purchasing Supervisor, 555 Liberty S l S £ ., Salem, Oregon 97301. Bids must be submitted on the proposal forms furnished to the bidders. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked “ BIDON FURNISHING AND INSTALLING VERTICAL BLINDS IN THE PRINGLE CREEK TOWER - BID NO. 3580’*. and show the name and business address of the bidder. Any objections to or comments upon the bid specifications must be submitted in writing to the Department of Public Works, Room 325, 555 Liberty Street, SE, Salem OR 97301.They must be received no later than five (2) working days before the bid.Qgcmng date. A surety bond, cashier’s check or certified check of the bidder, in the amount of ten percent (1G%) of the bid must be attached to each proposal as security. Unsuccessful bidders will have their security refunded to them when the contract has been awarded. No bids, exceeding $2,000, will be received or considered by the City of Salem or any of its officers unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder (by signing his proposal) that the provisions of the Davis Bacon Act, 40 USCA 276a(a) shall be included in his contract. Every contractor or subcon­ tractor is required to post the applicable Prevailing Wage Rates in a conspicuous and accessible place in or about the work-site for the duration of the job. Contractors and subcontractors who intentionally fail to post the PWR can be made ineligible to receive any public works contract for up to three years. The Salem Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive formalities and o f postponing the award of the contract for thirty (30) days. Prices quoted shall be firm for a period of 30 days after the closing date. RECIPROCAL PREFERENCE LAW: In compliance with ORS 279.029, bidders must state on their proposal whether they are a resident or nonresi­ dent bidder. Proposals th at fail to provide this inform ation will be con­ sidered nonresponsive. The attention of bidders is directed to the provisions of Chapter 97, Salem Revised Code, concerning unlawful employment practices. Violation of such provisions shall be grounds for immediate termination of this contract without recourse by the contractor. NOTE: This project is federally funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development and all requirements of that agency pertaining to bidding and contract performance shall be strictly adhered to. Inquiries concerning the contents of the bid specifications should be directed to Mr. Tom Anderson, Salem Housing Authority, at 588-6456. Robin J. Kirkpatrick Purchasing Supervisor BID NO. CLOSING: 3580 July 26, 1989 11:00 a.m. MULTNOMAH COUNTY Broadway/Burnside Bridges Mechanical and Electrical Renovations Bids Due August 8,1989 at 2:00 P.M. Bid No. B61-250-4012 Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing, Multnomah County Purchasing Section, 2505 S E . 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202 for: Mechanical and Electrical renovations on Broadway and Bumside Bridges. Plans and Specifications are filed with the Purchasing Director and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $5.00 non-refundable fee. CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS ONLY. Plans and Specifications will not be mailed within the Tri-County area. PREBID CONFERENCE: Mandatory Pre-bid conference will be held on August 1,1989 at 10 a.m. Yeon Shops, 1620 S.E. 190th Avenue, Portland, Oregon PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS Pursuant to the Multnomah County Public Contact Review Board Administrative Rules (AR40.030 Prequalifi­ cation shall be required for this project for the following class(es) of work: Reinforced concrete and structural steel bridges and grade separtion structures Prequalification applications or statements must be prepared during the period of one year prior to the bid date. Prequalification application and proof of prequalification by the Oregon Department of Transportation must be actually received or postmarked to Multnomah County Purchasing Section by not later than 10 days prior to bid opening. All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevailing wage law in ORS 279.350. Details of compliance are available from the Purchasing Section, Depart­ ment of General Services, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202, (503)248-5111. Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbestos abatement work if the project involves working with asbestos. NONDISCRIMINATION Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of Federal Executive Order 11246. The require­ ments for Bidders and Contractors are explained in the Specifications. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety bond for an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full amount o f the contract. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. LILLIE WALKER, DIRECTOR PURCHASING SECTION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids for the Gilbert Hall Rem odel-Room s 203/205,208 and 214 project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, PDT. August 10.1989. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 503-737- 4921. k i ■ - . » ■