Page 5 Portland Observer JULY 20,1989 PERSPFXTIVES by McKinley Burt Last week’ s article revealed that in 1803 the size o f the United States was doubled by lens o f m illion s o f acres when Napoleon startled presi­ dent Thom as Jefferson by suddenly offering him the entire Louisiana T e rrito ry at a bargain basement price. This acquisition was quickly followed on by the Lew is and C la r k E xp ed i­ tio n which soon verified the im por­ tance o f the prize. We further disclosed-documented by the St. Helena correspondence o f Napoleon-that his (Napoleon’ s) de­ cision to get out o f the Am ericas was precipitated by the ever present threat o f the A frican freedom fighters in the Western Hemisphere. He rig h tly concluded that there was no way he could handle the B la ck p ro ble m o f continuous slave revolts in the West Indies, and at the same tim e defend this overseas empire against the chal­ lenge o f the B ritish, the Spanish, and the Americans who were empire- minded themselves. Napoleon’ s cor­ respondence pointedly cites the Black hero o f the Haitian slave revolt, Toussaint Louverature, as the turn­ ing point in his decision: “ M y fo lly was the way I handled Toussaint....I lost m y army and then 1 lost H a iti” . N ow , what does current commen­ tary have to say about a ll the A frican interaction in the affairs o f the French nation? M y July 6th pronouncement that American history is w hite neigh­ borhood tu rf is validated by the cur­ rent issue o f the National Geographic M agazine. The entire issue alleg­ edly is devoted to the history o f France, “ France Celebrates Its Bicentennial” . W hat is not celebrated here is the key role o f many A frica n individuals and importations. The Am erican authors lim it us to a few photos o f half-naked entertainers and models, and a dis­ course on a M uslim ghetto o f “ A f r i­ can im m igrants” . Included is a r i­ diculous and demeaning photo o f my mothers cousin, Josephine Baker. There is, o f course, no m ention o f anv o f the Black movers and shakers I have described here in these past three weeks: N o General Alexander Dumas (or the other eleven Black generals who made the N apoleonic re p u ta tio n ); N othing on his son and grandson, novelists and playw rights w ho -like the A frica n Pushkin in Russia-pushed the nation’s belle lettres to international acclaim , creating the modem French theatre; And nothing at a ll on Napoleon’ s A frica n expedi­ tion which brought back culture and technology that sparked a new Ren­ aissance-new m o d a litie s in mathem atics,furniture and dress, not to mention getting the Louvre M u ­ seum o ff to a fly in g start. W e w ould note also that there was no mention o f a later and most im ­ portant from France’s A frica n colo­ nies. This was the Impressionist style o f painting and sculpture (M odem A rt) which fundam entally changed the approach to art, and to philoso­ phy as w ell. Especially, the A frican sculpture from Nigeria and Dahomey demonstrated through abstractions that there was another way to reveal the core o f reality. A p p lyin g these new concepts to their brushes, painters like Picasso, Klee, Cezanne, Van Gogh and others now learned that there was a way, other than literal repre­ sentation, to abstract and render the very soul and essence o f existence- M uch in the way that A frica n A m e ri­ cans did w ith Jazz. Before I close this series on “ African Interaction in France” , allow me to add some relevant errata. Napoleon’ s p la yg irl sister, Pauline Bonaparte, was sent to H aiti to save him further embarassment. Here, according to newspapers o f the time, she successively became lover to tw o o f Toussaint Louverature’s generals, Petion, later president o f H a iti, and Christophe, later Henry I. Placide, the son o f Toussaint, married a French Noblewoman, M arie Josephine, daughter o f the M arquis de LaCaze, bodyguard o f Louis X V I (see J.A. Rogers, "Y o u r H isto ry” ). The heir to the throne Napoleon built, Prince Napoleon, ironically was k ille d by Africans in the Z u lu W a r o f 1869 (Rogers, “ W o rld ’ s Great Men o f C olor V o l.II, p.239). In her column in “ The O regonian," July 12, Coretta Scott K in g, comments on the French Bicentennial, citin g the black author Barbara Chase Riboud. This is the woman who has w ritten the most definitive book, “ Sally Hem- ings’ ’ on Thomas Jefferson’s roman­ tic hypocrisies w ith Black women w hile holding A frica n slaves. And did you notice the A rc h de T riu m p h , that strikin g structure fre­ quently featured during the televi­ sion coverage o f the French Bicen­ tennial. It is an exact replica o f a principal gate o f the ancient A frican c ity, Thebes-described by the Greek oral poet, Hom er, as “ one o f the seven wonders o f the w o rld ” . Can we not rise again w ith this type o f m otivation? W ho indeed was it who said, “ He who does not know his history is doomed to repeat i t ” ? L e t’ s hold the fo rt this time! VOLUNTEER ORIENTA­ TION AT KBOO RADIO KB O O Radio w ill hold a volunteer orientation, Wednesday, July 26, at 7:00PM . This meeting is man­ datory i f your are interested in getting involved w ith your com ­ m unity radio station. KB O O o f­ fers free training in all aspects o f radio broadcast. The orientation w ill take place at the K B O O stu­ dios at 20 S.E. 8th. K B O O 90.7FM is the Portland area’ s o nly non-commercial, listener supported com m unity radio sta­ tion. For more inform ation call A lle n Julian at 231-8032. KEEPING COOL ISA DANGEROUS GAME Tony Brown, an A frican A m e ri­ can journalist fo r whom I have much respect, recently gave Black people in New York C ity what is, in my opinion, some bad advice. In his na­ tio na lly syndicated colum n, “ Tony B ro w n ’s Comments,” under the headline “ Blacks Can Help D inkins By Being C ool,’ ’ Brother Brow n laid out his strategy fo r helping Manhat­ tan Borough President D avid D in k ­ in s -N e w Y ork C ity ’ s senior Black elected official - t o be elected mayor. “ A s a B la c k m a n ,D in k in s ’ strate­ gists have had to be ever m in dful o f race and racism in a c ity that has become in recent months more noto­ rious than Alabama and M ississippi fo r racially driven incidents, “ writes Tony B row n.’ ’ Race and racism are givens in today’ s New Y o rk ,” he notes correctly, “ ...the first full-blown controversy over Black anti-Sem i­ tism o r a viole nt incident o f a Black against a W hite during the hot sum­ mer months could devastate D in k ­ ins’ chances.” This is also true. “ D in k in s c a n ’ t c o n tro l that factor.’ ’R ight again.’ ’ ...Therefore, to move the focus away from race (and racism), D inkins should concentrate on d ru g s -a legitimate concern and equally devastation to a ll racial and socio-economic groups...Dinkins could [explain] that w hile Whites generally regard drugs as a Black problem,drugs usage is more preva­ lent among Whites. And Blacks could be appealed to on the basis that they are more frequently the victim s o f crim e w hich is drug related. These tw o issues, properly articulated, “ Brown concludes, “ w ill appeal to 62 percent o f the voters and avoid the entrapment o f racism .” W R O N G , T O N Y . W RONG. Black people C A N ’ T ” avoid the entrapment o f racism ” by pretend- ing it doesn’ t exist, which is what Tony Brow n and other folks really mean by “ being c o o l.” H e’s telling David D inkins to keep his mouth shut about the issues o f life and death concern to the Black com m unity be­ cause to mention those controversial issues would offend white voters. But that's fa llin g rig h t smack into the racist trap. I t ’ s playing rig h t into the hands o f the w hite supremacist leaders o f both the m ajor parties-the Decmocrats as w ell as the R epubli­ cans. A nd i t ’ s a dangerous game! Be­ cause when black leaders won’t speak out on behalf o f the com m unity, they are a llo w in g the powers that be to get away w ith murder! Y ou see, a war has been declared against Black people in New Y o rk C ity . O ur children are being killed. They are dying o f poverty; they are dying o f the drugs that feed on de­ spair; they are dying o f racism and police brutality; they are dying o f the corruption that the professional p o li­ ticians live on. This is no tim e fo r Black people to be playing it “ safe” by keeping co ol.” This is no tim e fo r Black leaders to be backing down. I am running as an independent candidate fo r mayor o f New Y o rk C ity to make sure that our people have a voice in this election. So far David D inkins has refused to jo in me in calling fo r an investigation into the charges made by Adam A bdul- Hakeem (form erly Larry Davis) and Ricardo Burgos that corrupt police officers are not only standing by and allo w in g cocaine, crack and heroin to come into our com m unities-they are tra ffickin g the drugs that are k ill­ ing our kids! In the case o f our sister Tawana Brawley, M r. D inkins has refused to add his voice to mine in condemning the travesty o f justice that was car­ ried o ut by the grand ju ry -e g g e d on by the w hite corporate media and the highest elected officials o f die Demo­ cratic Party in New Y o rk State. A nd he has refused to stand up w ith me in defending the Reverend A1 Sharpton, a courageous and inde­ pendent Black leader who has been indicted fo r the “ crim e” o f fig htin g fo r our people. I have p u b lic ly reminded Mr. D inkins that it was because Rever­ end Jesse Jackson used his Presiden­ tial campaigns to speak out as a leader on controversial issues-and he could have been even more outspoken than he w a s -th a t he aroused their pas­ sionate support o f m illions o f Am ericans.M r. D inkins needs to arouse the same passion among his supporters. B u t how can h e ,if he re­ fuses to take a stand? N ow there is one issue on which Dave D inkins has spoken o u t-m y support fo r his candidacy. H is cam­ paign manager has said p ublicly that he doesn’ t want the nominating peti­ tion signatures collected by the Coa­ litio n for a Progressive New Y ork, w hich has come together around my independent campaign, to be counted in putting him on the ballot. This is where he has chosen to take a stand! But the p o litica l scene in New Y o rk is changing. The time has come when our o ffic ia l leaders no longer decide! And the com m unity wants to know why David D inkins doesn” t want my support! Because what he is saying is that he doesn’ t want the support o f the tens o f thousands o f people who signed those petitions! I am behind D avid D inkins 100%. But the Black people o f New Y ork C ity need him to get behind them! I have made a public com m itm ent to put the resources o f the New A lli­ ance Party and the C oalition fo r a Progressive New Y o rk into helping him become the next mayor o f this c ity i f he should w in the Democratic Party prim ary. B ut he has to make a public com m itm ent to our people! I am prepared to fig h t fo r Dave D in k ­ ins. But he’ s got to fig h t fo r their A frican Am erican com m unity! Be­ cause our children are dying. Officials sign ex- position-recreation facilities manage­ ment agreement Representatives o f the c ity o f Portland, the M etropolitan Service D is tric t and the Com m ittee on Re­ gional Convention, Trade and Spec­ tator Facilities today released a Memo­ randum o f Understanding regarding management o f the Oregon Conven­ tion Center and other regional fa c ili­ ties. Mayor Bud Clark, Commissioner M ike Lindberg, M etro Executive O ffic e r Rena Cusma and M etro Pre­ siding O ffice r M ike Ragsdale signed the document. The agreement w ill go before the city and M etro councils fo r ratification. Phase one o f the negotiated agree­ ment expands M etro’ s M etropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission’ s (M E R C ) management responsibili­ ties to include the M em orial C o li­ seum, C iv ic Stadium and the Port­ land Center fo r the Perform ing Arts, which are currently operated by the c ity ’ s Exposition-Recreation Com ­ mission. It gives M ER C , which cur­ rently manages the Oregon Conven­ tion Center, fu ll autonomy to man­ age the facilities. Personnel employed at the three facilities currently oper­ ated by the city w ould become em­ ployees o f M etro. The Committee on Regional Convention, Trade and Spectator Facilities (CTS) recommended con­ solidation o f the regional facilities based on a M ay 1986 study. Bob R idglcy, president o f Northwest Natural Gas, Chaired the committee and worked w ith the city and Metro negotiation teams. The CTS com ­ mittee was formed w ith the partici­ pation o f the city, M etro, state o f O regon, Port o f Portland and Multnomah, Washington and Clacka- mas counties. Its recommendation y led to voter approval o f convention center construction in November o f 1986. J . M ERC ’ s structure is based on that o f the c ity ’ s Exposition-Recreation C om m ission.Citizcn members are nominated by the city , M etro, and Multnomah, Washington and Clacka­ mas counties, w ith M etro serving as Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay Deli Shop Available Only In Stores With In-Store Deli Shops. asty Light Ham 93% Fat-Free quality ham. A great picnic favorite, for submarine sndwiches, etc. Smoked White Turkey Naturally hickory smoked, By the piece or deli sliced to your specifications. the appointing authority. Lindberg, city parks commissioner, w ill establish a committee to make management and operational recom­ mendations to M ER C regarding the Portland Center fo r the Performing Arts. The Memorandum o f Understand­ ing constitutes good faith agreement endorsing consolidation. Phase one w ill be followed by a phase two agree­ ment that addresses the details o f fu ll consolidation. SAFEWAY m m m m m . . ? . • • < . > ’ ’•? • • •• V ’ * * » i* * , : * J . : »'»-• f Î •1 • .• 2- ' • G .1