Page 10 Portland Observer JULY 20, 1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED INFORMATIONAL PROJECT ENGINEER II, ELECTRICAL (Grade 14) The Port o f Portland is recruiting a Project Engineer for its Design D ivision, Engineering Services Department. This is a fu ll-tim e position responsible fo r providing electrical engineering design skills, along w ith related adm inistrative and time management abilities, under the direction o f the Design Engineering Manager, to Port related projects. Preferred qualifications include: **' Formal training and/or practical experience in electrical engineering design work, including the preparation o f contract plans and specifications for commercial and lig h t industrial projects. «■ Have, or have the a b ility to obtain w ithin one year, Oregon Stale Professional Engineer electrical registration. «*■ Have good w ritten and oral comm unication skills, w Have good project and time management skills w ith the a b ility to w ork on several concurrent activities. « M ust have or be able to obtain a valid Oregon or W ashington drivers license upon hire, and meet Port driving standards. «■ T ypical incumbent w ill have a m inim um o f liv e years o f electrical design experience coupled w ith demonstrated a b ility to manage engineering projects w ith m inim al direct supervision. In addition to an excellent benefit package, the starting salary range is $35,430 to $47,500 annually, commencerate w ith experience, w ith a fu ll salary range o f $35,430 - $53,990. I f interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port o f Portland Employment O ffice , 14th flo or, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, or call 503-231 -5000, extension 700 fo r complete application materials. A ll applications must be received by Wednesday, July 26,1989. Resumes w ill not be accepted in leiu o f an applications but may be included. © Port of Portland The Port is an Equal Opportunity Employer GOLDEN'S HOUSE OF STYLE 125 NE Killingsworth 289-6448 Look your Best Come to Golden’s We provide complete hair care and design Home of Wet Wave Hair Designers Delores Alexander & Jerry Duckett PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENT PUBLIC SCHOOLS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed b id s w i l l be received u n t il 1:00 p.m. on the d a te s in d ic a t e d in th e P u rc h a s in g D e p a rtm e n t, Multnomah County School D i s t r i c t #1J. 501 N. Dixon, P o rtla n d , Oregon f o r the items li s t e d h e re in : BID FILING DATE August 1, 1989 August 8. 1989 August 8. 1989 August 8, 1989 August 8, 1989 August 8. 1989 August 8, 1989 August 8, 1989 August 8, 1989 August 8, 1989 BID TITLE Roosevelt High School C ounseling Center Remodel Beaunont M iddle School A d d itio n And Remodeling Barkdust For Various S ite s Concert Piano For Grant High School Ice Cream Bars For High Schools, M iddle Schools, S elect Elementary Schools And O ffic e s Musical Instrum ents For V arious Schools 1989-90 P a in t And M iscellaneous P a in tin g S upplies (Requirement C o n tra c t) Paper S upplies For Warehouse Stock, 1990-91 S taples And Processed Foods, 1990-91 T e le v is io n Equipment Fermai announce.*» b id d in g document may be ob tain ed at th e above address. For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n , please co n ta ct M. J. Hutchens, D ir . o f Purchasing, 249-2000, Ext. 581. INTERNAL AUDITOR II FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION The Port o f Portland has an immediate opening fo r an Internal A u d ito r II to conduct or assist in conducting financial, operational and contract audits, evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness o f management controls, plan and execute complete reviews, o f lim ited audit assignments, report audit fin d ­ ings and make recommendations to Port management, assist in the p erform ­ ance o f special reviews, perform other auditing duties as assigned. A n tic i­ pated duties to include,but are not lim ited to, the fo llo w in g : w Determines or assists in direction o f audit and procedures to be used, w Prepares or assists in preparing audit program, w Obtains, analyzes and appraises evidentiary data. «■ Prepares form al w ritten reports on audit conclusions. «■ Develops and maintains cooperative audits relationships. «■ Special projects as assigned. Preferred qualifications include: w Course w ork or experience equivalent to a degree in accounting or in business adm inistration, w ith emphasis in accounting or related fie ld . C IA or C P A preferred or candidate. w One to tw o years prior auditing experience. «■ Experience in Lotus 1-2-3 and M u ltiM a te and/or other related soft­ ware. w Demonstrated oral and w ritten comm unications skills. «■ Solid human relations skills. In addition to a comprehensive benefit package the Port offers a starting o f $22,410 - $27,740, w ith a fu ll salary range o f $22,410 - $33,070. I f interested and qualified, apply in person at The Port o f Portland employment o ffice, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, 14th floor, or call 503-231-5000, extension 700 fo r complete application materials. Resumes w ill not be accepted in lieu o f application, but may be included. A ll applications must be received by Friday, July 21,1989. © Once more A fric a n Am erican women liv in g w ith in the environs o f the C ity o f Roses w ill be able to acquire some o f those mysterious beauty potions, the likes o f which made it possible fo r Cleopatra to intrigue such notables as Julius Caesar and M arc Antony. D om inica (K o ko) Harris, w ell-know n fo r her association w ith Dcbonaire Productions has accepted a position as a beauty consultant at J. C. Penney and she is the Oregon representative for F lo ri Roberts Cosmetics. Long known fo r her association w ith Dcbonaire Productions' youth development program, "Project C om m unication" in the Portland Public Schools, Miss Harris w ill now devote her attention to aiding some o f our Portland A frican Am erican women to put their best foot forw ard w ith the way they m ight appear in the various settings that the m odem women is compelled to face. Whether at home, in the o ffice or out painting the town, it is the desire o f every woman to want to look her best. For sometime those special makeup ingredients made especially fo r the A frican Am erican woman have been d iffic u lt i f impossible to find in our local com m unity. Those w ith the w herewithal have made special trips to New Y o rk C ity to replenish some o f the very special agents o f beauty enhancement. Such an extreme no longer w ill be necessary. It is the intention o f M iss Harris and her associates to provide all o f the needs necessary to make the modem women look her best. It is especially encouraging to observe that F lo ri Roberts in cooperation w ith J. C. Penney had the good sense to add this very im portant line to their already fabulous cosmetic collections. The smooth velvet skin o f the Black women is something that has intrigued poets and musicians for ages. It now w ill be possible to make such trances a decidedly rewarding reality for women o f color. A ll Portland salutes this very special new adjunct to the business com m unity. W ith in due time, D om inica Harris is going to change the face o f Portland’ s A frican Am erican women. Port of Portland The Port Is an Equal Opportunity Employer METRO ELECTRICAL JATC Will accept applications weekdays from 9:30 A.M. August 1, 1989 until 4:00 P.M.August 14, 1989. Minimum require­ ments are high school graduate with a 2.0 GPA or Ged of 230 and a “C” grade for one year of Alegebra. (Official transcripts must be mailed to metro by the school, and college tran­ scripts are helpful). Score of “ high” of VG score of 45 on aptitude test. Must be 18 years or older and resident of the committee’s area. Starting pay is $6.93 per hour. Accepted apprentices must certify they are physi­ cally able to do electrical construction work and may be subject to substance abuse testing. Metro Electrical Training Center 5600 NE 42nd Avenue Portland, OR., 97218; Call 287-0756 IN S U R A N C E MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Ore­ gon is currently accepting app li­ cations fo r M edical Claim s A na­ lysts. This position is responsible for accurate and tim ely payment o f Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon’ s medical claims. E xperi­ ence necessary to perform this task w ill include: ■ 1 year recent clerical w ork expe­ rience in a doctors o ffice or hospital setting • Demonstrated knowledge o f medi­ cal term inology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or o ffice ex­ perience. • IC D -9/C PT-4 Coding • A m inim um o f 6-12 months ex­ perience using a C R T in a pro­ duction oriented environment • Fast, accurate use o f a 10-key calculator. Previous claims processing or insur­ ance b illin g experience h ighly de­ sirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, com petitive salary and flex time w ork hours. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer WANTED Over W eight People to lose up to 30 lbs. in 30 days fo r under $38 A LL NATURAL Dr. Recommended 100% Guaranteed C all Diane 288-1281 or 288-1371 I ft DOMINICA HARRIS: CHANGING FACES , BEEF it up PORK it down but don’t CHICKEN out if you want the greatest BAR-B-Q in town Go to ç. Tues.-Sat. 1LAM-10PM (503) 287-9249 Doris’ Cafe 3240 N. Williams Portland, OR 97212 PROGRAM ANALYST Responsibilities: A d ult Program con­ tract development including ne­ gotiation and related budget de­ velopment and analysis; program performance evaluation; design and implementation o f m onthly and quarterly performance reports; planning, research and develop­ ment projects as assigned. Preferred qualifications: Degree in public adm inistration, business, economics, planning or related field; tw o years relevant w ork ex- perience in contract development, contract negotiation, program de­ sign, project development and evaluation; excellent technical w ritin g skills and oral com m uni­ cation skills; valid driver’ s license and reliable transportation. Q uali­ fyin g experience may be substi­ tuted fo r education. Salary Range: $21,551 to $33,009 plus excellent benefit package Closing date: 5 PM Thursday July 27, 1989. TRAINER Responsibilities: Responsible for train­ ing in The Private Industry Coun­ c il adult program: instructing par­ ticipants in effective jo b search techniques; testingand interview ­ ing individuals w ith employment barriers; assisting individuals in selecting appropriate vocational goals; placing individuals in ap­ propriate training programs. Preferred qualifications: Degree with m ajor coursework in counseling, sociology or closely related field; tw o years w ork experience in edu- cation or social casework; k n o w l­ edge o f vocational testing. Suc­ cessful candidate w ill have broad understanding and experience in both public and private sector em­ ploym ent and training, and w ill bring creativity and energy to the position. Q ualifying experience may be substituted for education. Salary Range: $18,263 to $27,831 plus excellent benefit package Closing date: 5 PM Monday, July 24, 1989 A pplications available at The P ri­ vate Industry C ouncil, 520 SW 6th Ave., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97204. A n A ffirm a tiv e A ction/ Equal O pportunity Em ployer Advertisement For Bid Sealed bids fo r the President’ s Residence Reroofing project w ill be received by the Oregon State Board o f H igher Education u ntil 2:30 PM, August 10, 1989. A dditional inform ation may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical Plant, Adams H all, C orvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 503-754- 4921. t