Page 8 Portland Observer JULY 13,1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED Atlanta (82,000), Chicago (81,000), Houston (77,000), Dallas (68,000), Philadelphia (64,000),and San Fran­ ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID cisco (53,000). ‘ SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Blacks constituted more than one- Sealed bids for the parker Stadium End Zone Improvements project will Emanuel Hospital Conference Center third o f the population in 11 metro­ be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, Bid Date: July 19, 1989 @ 4:30 p.m. politan areas, all o f them in the South. PDT, August 8, 1989. Counties with an estimated Black Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical population of more than one million Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 503-754- ANDERSEN CONSTRUCTION CO.,INC. in 1985 were Cook, III. (1,416,000) 4921. P.O. Box 6712 Portland, Oregon 97223 and Los Angeles, Calif. (1,037,000). (503) 283-6712 FAX (503) 283-3607 Counties with more than 500,000 ANNOUNCEMENT OF CALL FOR BIDS Blacks were Wayne, Mich. (842,000); We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids Kings, N. Y. (839,000); Philadelphia, from small business and small disadvantaged business sub­ Sealed bids will be received at the Business Office, Portland Community Pa. (663,000); and Harris, Texas contractors and women & minority business enterprises. C allege, Room A7, Ross Island Center, 049 S.W. Porter, Portland, Oregon (533,000). 97201, until 2:00 p.m., local lime, July 25, 1989, for Printing of College The Black population increased Newspaper - The Bridge as described in the specifications on file at said Black population estimates for se­ by more than 50,000 from 1980 to TRANSPORTATION/ NURSE PRACTIONER office. lected local areas in 1980-85 were 1985 in the following counties; Los RAIL RATE ANALYST For Mental Health Agency 1/2 to full Said college has determined specifications for such bids, copies of which released today in a report by the Angeles, Calif. (88,000): Cook,III. time position, full time preferred. may be obtained at the above location, and has appointed as the time for the Commerce Department’s Census (64,000); Dade, Fla. (63,000) Prince Georgia-Pacific Corp, has an imme Send resume by 7/28/89 to: opening of all such bids, the hour o f 2:30 p.m., local time, on the 25th day George’s, Md. (63,000); and Harris, Bureau. diate opening in the Portland re C.C.M.H. 6329 N.E. Union Ave. of July 1989, at the above mentioned address, at which time and place all Texas (60,000). The estimates result from the lat­ gional office for an ambitious, Portland, Oregon 97211 interested persons are invited to attend. Among counties with at least est research trechniques for estimat­ career oriented individual to pro­ Attn: Nurse Practioner It is the position ot Portland Community College not to contract with a 80,000 Blacks, DeKalb, Ga., ranked ing population by race and Hispanic vide transportation rail rate analy­ E .E .0 company that is chartered or licensed in South Africa and is located in south first in Black population growth, with origin for states and counties. The sis for the Western Division Trans­ Africa, a company chartered or licensed in another country whose primary Bureau advises that the methodol­ a 30 percent increase. Counties with portation department. Position re­ Secretary/Clerk Educa­ facility is in South Africa, or a company that wholly owns a subsidiary ogy used has not been fully evalu­ an increase of more than 20 percent quires an ability to work in cur­ whose primary facility is in South Africa. tional Resource Services ated against results of a decennial were Broward, Fla. (27 percent); rent deregulated transportation Bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder (5/HR Days - 4/Day Week) census, and that these estimates have Prince Georges’s, Md. (25 percent); environment.Excellent working as defined in ORS 279.029. not been integrated into the agency’s and Dade, Fla. (22 percent). (135 days year) knowledge of rail tariffs, acquired Among the 54 counties or county official current estimates program. through a minimum of one year H.E. Lile equivalents with a Black population The report provides estimates for work experience, is required. Ex­ To support the Instructional Tech­ Director, Business Services of at least 80,000, five had a Black states and their total metropolitan nology programs of the Educa­ perience in forest products indus­ Portland Community College majority in 1985. They were the Dis­ and nonmetropolitan components; tion recourse Services by: (1) per­ try, along with bachelors degree Portland, Oregon trict of Columbia, 70 percent; O r­ metropolitan areas with at least 10,000 forming general secretary/clerk du­ strongly preferred. leans Parish, La., 59 percent; Balti­ Blacks; and individual counties with ties; (2) providing assistance for a Please apply in person Monday, 7/17 at least 80,000 Blacks. more City, Md., 57 percent; Fulton variety o f other media services, to Friday, 7/21 from 8'3O - -4:30. CITY OF PORTLAND The South had the greatest num­ County,. Ga., 53 percent; and networking; and (3) providing a If unable to apply in person, please INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS ber of Blacks (15.3 million) and the Richmond variety of other media services. send cover letter and resume with PROPOSALS DUE 2:00 P.M. ON VARIOUS DATES City, Va., 52 percent. greatest proportion of the total popu­ complete salary history by 7/24 Copies of Population Estimates lation that was Black (19 percent). Salary $7.55/hr to: Sealed Proposals will be received at the Bureau of Purchases and Stores, by Race and Hispanic Origin for States, The remaining three regions were Georgia-Pacific Corporation Room 1313, Portland Building, 1120 SW Fifth Ave., Portland, OR 97204 Metropolitan Areas, and Selected about 9 percent Black. Appl. Deadline: 07/25/89 by 2PM Human Resources Department - for the (Projects) detailed below until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated. Counties: 1980 to 1985, Series P-25, Ten metropolitan areas had a Black 17th Floor Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address.For population of more than 500,000 in No. 1040-RD-l, are available pre­ Call Jeaneen 255-1841 Ext. 207 for 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue additional information, telephone Buyer at number listed. 1985. New York, Chicago, Los paid from the Superintendent of Docu­ Multnomah Education Service Portland, OR 97204 Unless otherwise stated in the individual proposals listed herein, no Angeles, and Philadelphjia had Black ments, U.S. Government Printing Of­ District application form and Equal Opportunity Employer proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a bid surety for populations of more than one mil­ fice, Washington, D.C. 20402. additional information. an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of th lion. The report’s tables are also sold proposal. Volunteer Coord. on computer disk . For information, Metropolitan areas with Black An Equal Opportunity Employer The City encourages bidding by M BE’s and FBE’s and will assist such population gowth of more than contact Customer Services at the firms to understand and participate in formal bidding process. Maintain Big Brother Big Sister 100,000 in 1980-85 were New York Census Bureau on (301) 763-4100. NON-DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless MANICURE BOOTH program, recruit and track volun­ The attached charts show Black (260,000) and Los Angeles (129,000). the bidder is certified as and EEO Affirmative Action Employer as pre­ teers for other programs. Assist For Rent Gaining more than 50,000 were Miami population estimates for selected scribed by Chapter 3.100 o f the Code of the City of Portland with Public Relations including (93,000), Washington, D.C.,(90,000) states, metropolitan areas, and coun- Contact: PROPOSAL press releases, fliers, PSAs ties. 517 NE Killingsworth NO. DESCRIPTION etc.,development of special proj- OPENING DATE TEN STATES WITH THE LARGEST NUMBER | ects. 1 Triangle Lake Sludge Lagoon Sludge OF BLACKS: 1985 282-3675 I Qualifications: Bachelor Degree or Removal, Transport & Application. (Numbers lu thousands) * Call Michele Ackerman, 796-6854. Equivalent; Experience in case- Prequalification in Class 33-Sludge management and volunteer coor­ 2,733 ADVERTISING AGENCY Application Required 7-25-89 dination and valid drivers license. The Portland O ffice of HUD is seeking 3/4 time position, approximately 26 the services of an advertising agency C-9688 to handle housing disposition-related hours per week. Comprehensive advertising throughout Oregon and Improve SE Long/Liebe/SE 58 & Sanitary Sewer Salary .liberal benefits, including Southwestern Washington, Request for Extension. C l 1 Michele Ackerman, 796-6854. Proposal (RFP) will be available July 18, 3 weeks vacation annually. 1989 and can be obtained by send­ Prequalification in Class 2-Street Improvement ¡Closing date: July 21,1989 ing a written request to the address Required 7-25-89 below. Your request must include c o n ­ |Send resume to: MID-DECADE BLACK POPULATION ESTIMATES FOR LOCAL AREAS PUBLISHED BY CENSUS BUREAU ta ct nam e, m ailing address, tele­ phone num ber and RFP No 87-89- 126N. Offeror must m eet qualification requirements to be eligible for award. All responsible sources m ay submit an offer which m ay be considered for award. North Portland Youth Service Center 7704 N. Hereford Portland, OR 97203 E.O.E. Ä PORTLAND OBSERVER | The Eyes and Ears o l Ihe C o m m u n ity' tS} HUD o. "OMMSG « w .M t u H v n o M iN , SOURCE: U.S. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS oePORTWWri • Attn: Pam West, Property Disposition I 5 2 0 SW 6th A venue. Portlond, O regon 9 7 2 0 4 TEN COUNTIES WITH THE LARGEST NUMBER OF BLACKS: 1905 208-0033 JOB OPPORTUNITY Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. (N um ber» in thousands) STATE 035 13 Ml PUBLICATION COPY - COMMERCIAL BANK C O N S O L IO A T E O R E P O R T O F C O N D IT IO N (In c lu d in g D o m e s tic a n d F o r e ig n S u b e td la rie e ) COOK, IL L F G A L T ITLE OF BANK S T A T E BANK N O A M E R IC A N STATE 1.416 344 BANK LOS A N G ELES. CA F IM M U N M * V t WSTftftT NO 12 C IT Y C O U N TY PORTLAND M U LTNOM AH WAYNE. Ml " CLOSE O f BUSINESS D A T I S IA T E OREGON K IN G S, NY 0 6 -3 0 -8 9 PH ILA D ELPH IA , PA ASSETS EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER 5 Lutheran MWiateJ Cent« ni Canng & EireArncr A le g a c y M em b er E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer, M EH. HARRIS. T X j 1 C as h an d balance« dua horn depository maiiiudona a Nonintaresi - bearing balances and curren cy and com BALTIMORE CITY, MD b interest - b ea rin g balances 2 S e c u r i t ie s ............................................................................................. B R O N X, NY 3 F ed e ral funds sold and se curities purchased under ag reem en ts io resell m dom estic offices ol end o l its Edge and A greem ent subsidiaries, and in iBFs a. D ISTR IC T O F C OLUM BIA F ed eral funds sotd Q U EEN S. NY b. Securities purchased under agreem ents to resell Looking for a new party atmosphere Looking to meet new people . . . 4 lo a n s and lease financing receivaM es a Loans end leases, net of u nearned incom e b LESS Allowance lor lo an end le as e losses c. Allocated transfer n th re serve LESS d Loans and leases, net o( u n earn ed incom e. SOU R C E: U .S. BUREAU O F THE C E N S U S allow ance, and reserve (item 4 a minus 4 b and 4 c) 9 A ssets held m trading accounts RASTAFARIAN 6 Pre m is es end lu e d assets (including cs p d a iu e d leases) TEN METROPOLITAN AREAS WITH THE LARGEST NUMDER OF BUC KS: 1905 7 O ther re el es ie ie ow ned 8 In vestm ent» in unconsofidaied subsidiaries end associated companies 9 C u sto m ers * ability io ihis b an * on acceptances outstanding (N um bers in thousands) 10 intangible assets It O ther assets 12 a Total assets (sum ot earns 1 through 11) b Loans deterred pursuant to 12 U S C NEW YORK 1823 (j) 3.201 C T o tal assets end losses deterred pursuant to 12 U S C I9 2 3 (j) (sum o l earns 12 a and 12 b) CHICAGO L IA B H .IT C S LO S ANGELES 13 D eposits a In dom estic offices 13 a 3 1213 6 ll0 9 ( t ) N onm teresting - bearing (2) interest - b earin g 1 3 8 (1 ) 13 8 .(1 ) b In foreign offices. Ed g e end A g reem en t subsidiaries, and i6 F » (1) N oninterest - b earing Don’t Look any further because SALEM has the Newest Hottest Club in Town with All the Latest sounds. .» í-.-X: -0 - -Ô - (2) Interast - bearing PH ILA D ELPH IA 13b 13 b d ) 13 b (2) WASHINGTON, D .C . DETROfT HOUSTON 14 F ed e ral funds purchased and securities sold under ag reem en t to repurchase m dom estic offices c ATLANTA , b en * end ol 8a Ed g e and A greem ent subs>dienes. and m IBFs a F ed eral funds purchased BALTIM ORE b sold under agreem ents to repurchase 15 D em a n d notes is sued to th e U S T reasury SAN FR A N C ISC O 18 O th er borrowed m oney 17 M ortgage indebtedness and o M igaiions unde- cap.ial.2«d teases 18 B an * » hebiiiiy on acceptances esecuted end outsiandm g Sun Sat 2:00pm - 3:00 am Ladies Wed-Ladies Nite: Drinks Half Price Thurs-Men’s Nite: Drinks Half Price Fri & Sat-Soul Nite Sun-Oldies and Blues Nite 2470 State Street Salem, Oregon A —------ AU’h- s ■ Ü i. 19 N o te s and debentures subordm eled to deposiis ?O Other iiab.ii Has 21 Total iia o iitie s (tu rn of item s 13 through 20) ________ 24 C o m m o n stock (N o ot shares a Authorized 8 Q .0 Q Q b Outstanding 29 Surplus TEN STATES WITH THE GREATEST PROPORTION OF BLACKS: 1985 -0- 2 3 P e rp etu al preferred sto c* (N o ot shares outstanding ..................................................................................................................... ................... ( I n p e r c e n t) 2 8 U ndivided p r o f it end caprtai reserves 27 C u m u lative lorergn currency translation adiusim ents 2 8 a Total equity c a p ia t (tu rn o l 8em s 2 3 through 27) b Losses deferred pursuant to 12 U 8 C MISStSSPPI 1823 (p e Total aqudy capnet end losses deterred pursuant to 12 U S C 1823Q) (sum of earns 28 a end 28 0 2 8 Total Hrmted - Me preferred stoc*. equity cepnai end looses deterred pursuant to ___12 U S C t>2 3(p (tu rn e< M EM ORANDA 8eme 21 , SOUTH CAROLINA 2 2 . e n d 2 B c ) ___________________________________________________ LOUISIANA Am ounts outstanding as ot R eport Oete t a Standby tellers o l credit Total i b Amount pt Standby letter» ot c'Sd.t m m em o t s conveyed to o th e r, through participations WQT( Th,« »pc" » m i M s-gned b , Sulho..f»d o llr a rtsi and snm v d by -x>l lass than Ih«»s _______________ GEORGIA _ of*»» ihan Ih t i , itWs Ihe uneoisignoe otfieeitsi do ha-»by deciars that this "»port o' Cend.uen haa been txa px sd in contormoncs with o"*ciai m sinxi.ons a is I'v e te ff»e best of m , (our, i S IG N A T U R E O F ALABAMA OATE SKSNEO M aryland 0 7 -1 0 -8 9 NAME^ w J o X tl E O F O F F IC E R (S | REPO RT A RJA C O O I PHONE NO _ _K _E2,NETH_E- NORTH CAROLINA (5 0 3 )2 8 2 -2 2 1 6 W » im wndei signed d*«<-io