Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 13, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6 Portland Observer JULY 13,1989
Ir r 1 I
In last week’s article,we found
out that some people will simply
for the
disagreement.They are quibbling over
the meaning of Christ’s words and
stirring up arguments ending in jeal­
ousy and anger, which only lead to
name calling, accusations, and evil
suspicions. These arguers-their minds
warped by sin -d o n ’t know how to
tell the truth; to them the Good News
is just a means of making money.
Keep away from them.
Do you want to be truly rich? You
already are if you are happy and
good. After all, we didn’t bring any
money with us when we came into
the world, and we can’t carry away a
single penny when we die. So we
should be well satisfied without money
if we have enough food and clothing.
But, people who long to be rich soon
begin to do all kinds of wrong things
to get money, things that hurt them
and make them evil-minded and fi­
nally send them to hell itself. For the
love of money is the first step toward
all kinds of sin. Some people have
even turned away form God because
of their love for money, and as a re­
sult have pierced themselves with
many sorrows.
Run from all these evil things and
work instead at what is right and
good, learning to trust Him and love
others, and to be patient and gentle.
Fight on for God. Hold tightly to
the eternal life which God has given
Tell those who are rich not to be
proud and not to oust in their money,
which will soon be gone, But their
pride and trust should be in the living
God who always richly gives us all
we need for our enjoyment. Tell them
to use their money to do good. They
should be rich in good works and
always being ready to share with
others whatever God has given them.
By doing this they will be storing up
real treasure for themselves in heaven-
it is the only safe investment for eter­
nity! A nd-they will be living a fruit­
ful Christian life down here as well.
Don’t fail to do these things that
God entrusted to you. Keep out of
foolish arguments with those who
boast of their “ knowledge’ ’ and thus
prove their lack of it. Some of these
people have missed the most impor­
tant thing in life-they don’t know
God. (I Timothy Chapter 6)
Follow G od’s example in every­
thing you do just as a much loved
child imitates his father. Be full of
love for others, following the ex­
ample of Christ Jesus who loved you
and gave Himself to God as a sacri­
fice to take away your sins. And, God
was pleased, for Christ’s love for you
was like sweet perfume to Him.
Leam as you go along what pleases
the Lord. Take no part in the worth­
less pleasures o f evil and darkness,
but instead, rebuke and expose them.
It would be shameful even to men­
tion here those pleasures of darkness
which the ungodly do. But when you
expose them, the light shines in upon
their sin and shows it up, and when
they see how wrong they really are,
some of them may even become
children of light! That is why God
says in the Scriptures, “ Awake, 0
sleeper, and rise up from the dead;
and Christ shall give you light.’’
So be careful how you act; these
are difficult days. Don’t be fools; be
wise; make the most of every oppor­
tunity you have for doing good. Don’t
act thoughtlessly, but try to find out
and do whatever the Lord wants you
to. Don’t drink too much wine, for
many evils lie along that path; be
filled instead with the Holy Spirit,
and controlled by Him.
Talk with each other much about
the Lord, quoting psalms and hymns,
singing sacred songs, and making
music in your hearts to the Lord.
Always give thanks for everything to
our God and Father in the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
should give happily to those in need,
W om en-H onorChristby submit­
by M attie Ann C allier-Speara
Back to the work-place
In the twenty-eighth Chapter ot
St. Matthew,in the 19th through the
20th verses, Christ commands us to
“ ...Go ye therefore, and teach all
nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy G host
Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I commanded you: and,
lo, I am with you always, even unto
the end of the world.”
Here in the North/Northeast com­
munity, there are several local
churches who have read this particu­
lar scripture and are doing something
positive about reaching the masses.
By the use of the radio and the televi­
sion media, Greater St. Stephens
(KBMS, 10 AM Sundays), Mt. Ol­
ivet (KBMS, 8 AM Sundays),
Maranatha (KPDQ, 11PM- 1AM Sun­
days), New Song (KPDQ, 6-8 PM
Sundays), Overstreet Powerhouse
Temple COGIC and Harvest Time
M inistries (ROGERS C ABLE
SYSTEMS)Ch.#l 1-Sat. 4PM, Sun.
10AM & 4PM , Mon. 5PM; Ch.
5:30 PM.Tues. 10PM; local Ch.
#32 (in Salem); ***Special program
ting to your husband’s leadership in
the same way you submit to the Lord.
For a husband is in charge of his
wife in the same way Christ is in
charge of His body the church. Christ
gave His very life to take care of it
and be its Savior! So, you wives must
willingly obey your husbands in
everything, just as the church obeys
M en-Y ou husbands, show the
same kind of love to your wives as
Christ showed to the church when he
died for her, to make her holy and
clean, washed by baptism and God’s
Word; so that he could give her to
himself as a glorious church without
a single spot or wrinkle or any other
blemish, being holy and without a
single fault. That is how husbands
should treat their wives, loving them
as parts of themselves. For since a
man and his wife are now one, a man
is really doing himself a favor and
loving himself when he loves his
wife! No one hates his own body but
lovingly cares for it, just as Christ
cares for His body the church, of
which we are members (parts).
The husband and wife are “ one
body” is proved by the Scripture
which says, “ A man must leave his
father and mother when he marries,
so that he can be perfectly joined to
his wife, and the two shall be one.” I
know that this is hard to understand,
but it is an illustration of the way we
are parts of the body of C hrist
Children-Obey your parents; this
is the right thing to do because God
has placed them in authority over
you. Honor your father and mother.
This is the first of God’s Ten Com­
mandments that ends with a promise.
And this is the promise: that if you
honor your father and mother, yours
will be long life, full of blessings.
Parents-D on’t keep on scolding
and nagging your children, making
them angry and resentful. Rather,
bring them up with the loving disci­
pline the Lord himself approves, with
suggestions and godly advice.
Pray all the time. Ask God for
anything in line with the Holy Spirit’s
wishes. Plead with Him, reminding
Him of your needs, and keep praying
earnestly for all Christians every­
“ Straight Talk” filmed at the Ore­
gon State Men’s Prison to be aired on
the 15th, 16th and 17th of July on
Ch.#l 1-SaL 4PM, Sun. 5PM, Mon.
5PM. The prisoners will speak to
local youth about gang involvement.
On Thursday, July 13th, at 8:30 PM
AND 10PM, Overstreet Powerhouse
Temple COGIC’s choir will be pre­
sented along with segments from
“ Straight Talk: on Ch. #32.) have all
made great strides to bring the ‘Word;
into the homes, hospital rooms,
prisons .nursing homes and through­
out the state.
Stay tuned and stay informed!!!
Grace Collins
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Memorial Center
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C ouple’s
Are there questions that you need
to have answered concerning your
relationship with your wife or with
your husband? If so, a special con­
ference has been planned. The dates
are: JULY 20,21 & 22 - Thursday
5:00p.m. through Saturday 12 noon.
The place: Canby Grove Conference
Center, the topic: “ God’s Blueprint
for a Fulfilled Marriage” Psalms
127:1. The Conference Speaker will
be Rev. Wendall Wallace, pastor of
Maranatha Church.
The purpose of the conference is
to build a strong Christian Family.
Come! Fellowship with couples of
different denominations.
Cost: $110.00 per couple
Bring your toiletries, sleeping bags
and/or bedding, comfortable cloth­
ing, a notebook and pencil, your Bible
and Faith that God will surely supply
your needs. For further information,
contact the conference coordinators
Don Warren (282-9111) or Emmett
Wheatfall (287-4749).
So frail a thing-and yet how strong
So heartening when things go
In fear and darkness we may grope
But how it clears when we find
It’s ’s always there, a cheerful
Prepared its courage vast to lend
to those who feel they cannot win.
To find it merely raise your chin.
Just look aloft and from the skies
As if it came from God’s own eyes,
You’ll gather strength with life to
You’ll taste the poor m an’s nectar-
Success and failure are not real.
Hope for the things that life can’t
Nick Kenny
This is the perfect addition to your
audio and home library, and makes
a wonderful gift, too!
This tape collection contains 10 ex­
hilarating hours of Biblical read­
ings for your listening enjoyment.
This attractively bound 7 tape cas­
sette collection features the read­
ings from, the Four Gospels:
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Now you can enjoy the Bible’s in­
sightful teachings - anytime, any­
at 517 NE Killingsworth is the
distributors of the Bahamian Diet
and “ The Bible on Tape” .
The features of the audio cassette
format is that it affords the lis­
tener, the opportunity to hear the
word of God in situations where
previously this would not have
been possible, e.g. driving, shop­
ping, exercising, and more.
It opens up the opportunity for those
that can’t read or see the Bible in
its written form.
The powerful and inspiring messages
of the Holy Scripture is beauti­
fully narrated the Bible become
music to your ears.
The King James Version is the most
popular version of the Bible in the
United States o f America.
There is a lifetime replacement tape
guarantee. If the cassette tape(s)
breaks or otherwise becomes un­
playable, CCI will replace the tape
for a minimal charge per tape which
will include shipping and han­
Call, write, or drop by
(503) 288-1721.
C hapter 23 & 24
Edwin H aw kins’ M u sk & A rts Sem inar Goes To Tinseltown: Edwin
Hawkins is a name well-known in gospel music dating back to his block­
buster gospel hit of 20 years a g o - ” Oh Happy Day.” However, today
Hawkins is fast becoming more known for his Gospel Music & Arts
Seminar. The seminars are so successful that chapters are springing up
around the country. Hawkins came up with the concept for his Gospel Music
& Arts Seminar in 1979. Said Hawkins: "w hile on tour with family, we
decided that we needed to do something to assist the many young people
who approached the Hawkins family about getting into the business of
music without compromising your Christianity. ’ ’ Today, his workshops key
in on just that while also providing insight into such things as director and
choir decorum, fashion design, drama, and vocal technique. While Hawkins
says the seminars are growing slowly, he says he is happy with the progress
he has been able to make. In fact.capping off this y ear’s affair was a gala
marking the mass choir live recording and the 20lh anniversary celebration
of “ Oh Happy Day.” Among those artists performing were Daryl Coley,
Danniebell Hall, Tramaine Hawkins, Jennifer Holiday, John P. Kee, and of
course, the Hawkins Family. The master of ceremonies for the festive gala
was film star Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon) and there was a special
surprise performance by Patti Labelle. Workshop surprises included guest
appearances from the likes of actor-pastor Clifton Davis and the Rev. James
Cleveland, who urged Edwin to continue on through the difficulties of
starting such a seminar. Further stated Cleveland, “ If we that know gospel
don’t try to perpetuate and eventually leam how to develop and increase
what God is giving us, then w e’re going to become a dying art. On that note
I want to say to Edwin and Walter, who came up with the idea of the seminar,
don’t give up. When I started my workshop, it was operating in the re d , and
when it was doubtful we were going to be able to pay our bills, it was Rev.
Cleveland’s convention, but now it’s the people’s convention, and I’m glad
they got it.” Cleveland went on to pledge his su p p o rt to the seminar and
then to plug his own Gospel Music Workshop of America, which gets
underway next month in New Orleans. Cleveland, who apologized for not
publicly providing his support sooner, stated that he, Walter and Edwin have
never had any differences. “ They’ve been over in this part of the field
cultivating mine, and we’re all looking for a rich harvest. But, if we cannot
have honest-to-God, real fellowship, one to the other, then what w e’re
singing about is all in vain.” The crowd, had urged Cleveland to render a
selection, but were saddened instead by the news that he was unable to do
so, due to a series of throat operations that have temporarily impaired his
vocal chords.
Ju st Briefly: In the midst of the week-long festivities of Edwin Hawkins
Music & Arts Seminar came official word of a contract agreement between
Edwin Hawkins and Polygram Records...Bebe & Cece were in Los Angeles
to tape a live performance music video for “ Celebrate a New Life,” their
upcoming single. This w eek’s scripture: “ Do not be anxious ab out any­
thing, but in everything, by p ray er and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to G od” --Philippians 4:6
QUESTION: My podiatrist has quire a long hospital stay. Will there
prescribed orthopedic shoes to cor­ come a time when Medicare will no
rect a foot problem I have. How longer pay for her hospital care?
much will Medicare pay for these
ANSWER: The new Medicare
special shoes?
Catastrophic Coverage Act gives
ANSWER: Orthopedic shoes are added coverage to people with ex­
not covered under Medicare unless tended medically necessary hospital
they are part of a leg brace prescribed stays. If your aunt’s hospital stay
by your orthopedist. It appears your continues to be covered by Medi­
prescription would not allow for re­ care, the Medicare hospital insur­
ance will pay for unlimited medi­
QUESTION: Lately I have heard cally necessary inpatient hospital care.
a lot about the “ Personal Benefits She has a single annual deductible,
Statement” and that everyone should $560 in 1989. There may also be
send for it. I’m only 28 years old. coverage for care in an ex tended care
Why should I get one now, I won’t be facility. Contact a Social Security
retiring for a long time?
office or her Medicare carrier for
ANSWER: Getting the statement more details.
is valuable to you for two reasons.
QUESTION: I became acquainted
First, it enables you to check your with a couple who recently immi­
earnings record to make sure that grated to the United States. They
your earnings are reported correctly arrived with very little and need some
(you should do this every three years). assistance until they become better
Second, it also provides you with an established here. Can they receive
estimate o f the benefits you might re­ some type of benefits through the
ceive in the future so you can do Supplemental Security Income pro­
financial planning while you are still gram?
ANSWER: In addition to having
QUESTION: My brother, who is limited income and resources, they
receiving SSI payments, has suddenly must also be either age 65 or older,
left town and we can’t locate him. blind, or disabled. If they are legally
His check arrived today with his regu­ admitted for permanent residence and
lar mail. What should I do with it? they have a sponsor, their sponsor’s
Can I deposit it for him?
income and resources may also count
ANSWER: No, you can’t deposit for 3 years after admission to the
or otherwise negotiate his check. The United States. If they are not U.S.
check must be returned to the Social citizens, they also have to meet legal
Security Administration. His eligi­ residency requirements to get SSI
bility for SSI will be suspended until benefits.
he can be located. If after 12 months,
QUESTION: I will be 65 in Au­
he is still missing, his eligibility will gust and plan to retire at that time.
be terminated. He will have to file a When should I go to apply for my
new application to re-establish eligi­ Social Security?
bility for SSI.
ANSWER: If you want to start
QUESTION: My aunt has been in getting full benefits as soon as you
the hospital for over a month with a turn 65, apply as early as 3 months
serious infection. There has been only before your birthday. You will also
slight improvement in her condition. want to sign up for Medicare at the
The doctor says her recovery may re­ same time. You can make an ap­
pointment by calling 1-800-234-5772.
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