Page 8 Portland Observer JULY 6, 1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ST A T E O F O R E G O N D FPT . O F G E N E R A L S E R V IC E S MULTNOMAH COUNTY Purchasing Division A D V E R T IS E M E N T FO R BID S 58050067 89 62900027 89 73400109 89 73400125 89 73400107 89 73400110 89 73400124 89 73400128 10200054 10200055 10200050 41000005 89 89 89 89 89 10200046 89 29200002 89 25700006 89 Carpet & Installation Refrigerators & Freezers-Lab Use Oxygenators,Venous Reservoir Bags & Supp Crushed Sanding Aggregate Deliver Crushed/Uncrushed Cinders Hogged Fuel Precom m ercial Thinning Services Corvallis 07-10-89 Eugene 07-10-89 Portland 07-10-89 O ntario 07-10-89 Medford 07-10-89 Eugene 07-11-89 Grants Pass 07-11-89 Ontario 07-11-89 Salem 07-11-89 Crushed Sanding Aggregate Temporary Stripping Tape 12" Extruded Aluminum Sign Panels Salem 07-12-89 Crushed Sanding Aggregate O ntario 07-12-89 Deliver 1/4" -10 Sanding M aterial Medford 07-12-89 Snow Poles Salem 07-12-89 Printing Paper,Virgin Various 07-13-89 Printing Paper.Recycled Various 07-13-89 Contraceptive Products Various 07-14-89 IBM Com puter Upgrade/ Replacem ent for DHR Salem 07-21-89 G loves, Hospital & Laboratory Various 07-26-89 Liquid Laundry Chem icals Salem 08-03-89 M ANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE DATE: 07-21-89 TIM E: 01:00 PM LOCATION: O REGON STATE PENITENTIARY 2605 STATE STREET - RESIDENCE #3 SALEM . OR 97310 Com puter Assisted Dispatch System Salem 08-08-89 Novelty Stands Disposal o f Coating M aterial Catering Service Specialty Food Concessions 58050012 89 62200010 89 58020053 89 Rekey Locks Salem 07-10-89 Astoria Eugene 07-12-89 07-13-89 D eaf School-Reroof Central Services Fac. Salem Deposit-$35.00 Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference DATE: 7-11-89 TIME: 9:00 AM LOCATION: M aintenance Building School for the D eaf 999 Locust Street NE Salem , Oregon D eaf School-Reroof M ultipurpose Facility Salem Deposit-$35.00 Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference DATE: 7-11-89 TIME: 9:00 AM LOCATION: M aintenance Building School for the Deaf 999 Locust Street NE Salem , Oregon Blind School-Reroof Gymnasium Salem Deposit-$35.00 Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference DATE: 7-11-89 TIM E: 9:00 AM LOCATION: M aintenance Building School for the Deaf 999 Locust Street NE Salem , Oregon 07-25-89 07-25-89 Durham Advanced Waste Water Treatment Plant Phase I Expansion Bid Date:July 13,1989 - 2:00 P.M WRIGHT SCHUCHART HARBOR CO. P.O. Box 3764 Seattle, WA 98124 (206) 447-3433 FAX (206) 447-7535 We are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub­ contractors and women & minority business enterprises. W ashington License: W RIGHSH219CO, Oregon SOCIAL WORKER MENTAL HEALTH Client advocate to assist people with AIDS & HIV diseases. MSW preferred or BA with two years clinical experience. Send cover letter and resum e to: Executive Director 408 S.W . 2nd, Suite 412 Portland, OR 97204 W omen, m inorities, and people af­ fected by AIDS encouraged to apply- ATTENTION! Human Services Organizations serving Inner North/Northeast residents* You are invited to attend an information and planning meeting regarding the new INVITATION FOR BID Invitation for Bid No. 087-89-146 Bids due 2:00 pm, July 25,1989 opened and read aloud. The successful bidder will not be required to be licensed for asbestos abatem ent under section 7 o f O RS 468.883. Specifications may be obtained at the above office. Each bid must contain a statem ent as to w hether or not the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.029. The D istrict may reject any bid not in com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents, and may reject for good cause any o r all bids upon a finding o f the agency it is in the public interest to do so. No bid will be considered that is received after the appointed date and time. JobNet Program and how we can help North/Northeast residents find GOOD jobs! ■ ■ ■ What is JobNet’s function? How can your organization participate? Lines of communication - linkages - strategy. Please join us on Friday, July 14 from 10:00 a.m. to Noon PCC Cascade Campus - 705 N. Killingsworth Jackson Hall - Room 201 (building w ith satellite dish on roof) Confirm your attendance before July 7th by calling Lynne St. Jean at the Portland Development Commission, 796-5320 •S im ilar meetings w ill be upcoming in other neighborhoods Invitation For Bids Hillsdale Terrace Apartments - Louver Blinds P ro je c t No. M 8-0505 07-25-89 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED CODA Inc..seeks qualified individ­ ual for weekend night supervisor at Alpha House Residential Treat- ment Facility. 27 Hours per week. Experience in residential or drug treatment preferred. Application materials and screening questions available at 210 NE 20th Ave., Portland OR 97232. Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Em ployer Multnomah EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT Multnomah EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT Bid docum ents may be seen or obtained at the office of the Purchasing Division, 1225 Ferry St., S.E., Salem, OR 97310; telephone (503) 378-5501. The State reserves the right to reject any and all bids. That they can draw benefits from the Army National Guard and attend college at the same time, call for details 280-6007 N O N D ISC R IM IN A T IO N Bidders on this work will be required to com ply with the provisions of Federal Executive Order 11246. The require­ m ents for Bidders and Contractors are explained in the Specifications. No proposal will be considered unless accom panied by a check payable to Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety bond for an amount equal to ten percent (10%) o f the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full am ount o f the contract M ultnomah County reserves the right to reject any o r all bids. LILLIE W A LK ER, DIRECTOR PURCHASING SECTION l/?S\i most students don’t know (503)248-5111. Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbestos abatem ent work if the project involves working with asbestos. Bids are solicited to furnish transportation o f junior counselors from fifteen metropolitan area high schools to five caltip sites for this agency’s O utdoor School program. Bids will be received by M ichael M lynarczyk, Purchasing Agent, at 220 SE 102nd Avenue (PO Box 16657), Portland, O regon 97216-0657 (Phone: 503-255-1841) until no later than 2:00 pm , PDT, July 25, 1989, at which lime and address the bids will be publicly 58100004 89 279-8490, Division o f Nephrology. O R E G O N HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY law in ORS 279.350. D etails of com pliance are available from the Purchasing Section, D epart­ m ent of G eneral Services, 2505 S.E. 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202, M onmouth 07-13-89 Stadium Ceiling Project C-I Weekend Night Supervisor and Airport Runaw ays Prequalification applications o r statements must be prepared during the period of one year prior to the bid date. Prequalification application and proof o f prequalification by the Oregon Departm ent of Transportation must be actually received or postm arked to M ultnomah County Purchasing Section by not later than 10 days prior to bid opening. All bidders m ust comply with the requirem ents of the prevailing wage TRANSPORTATION OF JUNIOR COUNSELORS 58020052 89 58100006 89 will not be m ailed within the Tri-County area. P R E B ID C O N F E R E N C E : N ONE P R E Q U A L IF IC A T IO N O F BID D ERS Pursuant to the M ultnomah County Public C ontact Review Board Adm inistrative Rules (AR40.030 Prequalification shall be require for this project for the following class(es) o f work: Asphalt Concrete Pavem ent and O iling Highways, Roads, Streets, Salem 07-14-89 M onmouth 07-18-89 Construction 58100005 89 NW Thompson Rd. Plans and Specifications are filed with the Purchasing Director and copies may be obtained from the above address tor a $5.00 non-refundable fee. CHECKS A ND MONEY ORDERS ONLY. Plans and Specifications - Rcscarclicn at OI1SU arc looking for volunteers for free, experi­ mental studies o f nutrition and blood pressure. If you arc between 20 and 80, In general good health, and able lo allend weekly appointments, you may be a candidate for these studies. Volun­ teers with normal o r high blood pressure will be included. Candi­ dates w ill be thorouglily screened by the research team and w ill receive a free physical examination and lab tests. Convenient appointments can be arranged. For information please call Sealed bids will be received by the Director o f Purchasing, M ultnomah County Purchasing Section, 2505 S £ . 1 1th Ave., Portland, OR 97202 for: Asphalt Concrete Pavem ent Overlay on NW Laidlaw, NW M cDaniel, & Services 62200006 89 73400111 89 N utrition - Blood P ressu re Study ' Bids Due July 18, 1989 at 2:00 P.M. Bid No. B61-250-4002 Goods 73400108 89 73400123 89 Volunteers needed ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT OVERLAY (NW Laldlaw, NW McDaniel Rd. NW Thompson Rd.) Sealed bids will be received for the acquisitions listed below. Bid No..Description, Location, Closing Date 58030096 89 58050068 89 58070054 89 I INVITATION FOR BID COMPUTER STOCK PAPER Invitation for Bid No. 017-89-147 Bids due 2:00 pm, PDT, July 25,1989 Bids are solicited to furnish com puter stock paper under a requirements type contract. Bids will be received by M ichael M lynarczyk, Purchasing Agent, at 220 SE 102nd Avenue (PO Box 16657), Portland, Oregon 97216- 0657 (Phone: 503-255-1841) until no later than 2:00 pm , PDT, July 25, 1989, at which tim e and address the bids w ill be publicly opened and read aloud. The successful bidder will not be required to be licensed for asbestos abatem ent under section 7 o f ORS 468.883. Specifications may be obtained at the above office. Each bid musl contain a statem ent as to w hether or not the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.029. The district may reject any bid not in com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents, and may reject for good cause any o r all bids apon a finding o f the agency it is in the public interest to do so. No bid will be considered that is received after the appointed date and time. FY 1989/90 DBE PARTICIPATION GOALS Salem Area Mass Transit District Salem, Oregon The Salem Area Mass Transit District hereby announces a goal o f 15% for participation o f disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) in feder­ ally-funded contracting/purchasing opportunities for FY 1989/90. The methodology used to develop the goal included a review o f the following: 1) the number, type and dollar value o f possible contracting/purchasing opportunities to be funded with federal dollars in the upcom ing year; 2) the num ber o f qualified DBEs available to com pete for such opportunities; 3) past efforts to m eet such goals; 4) the geographical area for solicitation of bids or proposals; and 5) the percentage o f minority and female population in the D istrict service area. W ritten com m ents on the goals are invited and may be sent to Sue Hollis, DBE Coordinator, Salem Area Transit, 3140 Del W ebb Ave NE,Salem, OR 97303-4165, telephone (503) 588-2885, or directly to the Urban Mass Transportation adm inistration, Region X, 3142 Federal Building, 915 Second Ave, Seattle, WA 98174. Com m ents must be received by the D istrict and UMTA no later than 5:00 p.m ., local time, W ednesday, A ugust 23, 1989. Sealed bids are requested for labor and m aterials to install vertical louver blinds will be received at the H A P M aintenance O ffice, 8910 N. W oolsey Avenue, Portland, O r, 97203, U ntil 2:00 p.m., P.D .T., Tuesday, July 27, 1989. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. The attendance o f bidders is welcom ed The project is identified as Hillsdale T errace A partm ents, located at 6775 S.W . 26th, Portland, O r 97219. W ork to be perform ed includes rem oval of existing drapes and hardware and installation o f new vertical louver blinds throughout the project. Interested bidders may obtain one set o f bid docum ents at the HAP M aintenance O ffice, 8910 N. W oolsey Avenue, Portland, O r 97203, upon receipt o f deposit o f $35 which is refundable when docum ents are returned to H A P in good condition within 10 days after bid opening. Additional sets may be acquired for $20 ech, w hich is not refundable. A HAP Representative will conduct a pre-bid tour of the project commencing at 10:00 a.m ., Tuesday, July 11, 1989, and the attendance o f bidders is requested. Questions posed at that time, when not addressed in the specifications, will be answ ered by addendum and m ailed to all bidders. No bid will be considered unless accom panied by bid security in the form o f certified check, cashier’s check, or surety bond payable to the Housing Authority o f Portland in an am ount equal to 10% o f the bid which is forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam ages should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into contract or provide a suitable bond for the faithful perform ance o f the work when bidder is notified o f contract award. A minimum o f 20% M BE participation in the execution of this project is a HUD Region 10 and H AP goal and the methods the bidder proposes to meet this goal shall be subm itted on a notarized ’’Certification of MBE Participation” form which will becom e part o f the bid. N o bidder may withdraw bid after the set for opening tereof until after the lapse o f sixth (60) days from the bid opening. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in com pliance with the prescribed bidding procedures and requirem ents and may reject any or all bids and waive all inform alities if, in the judgm ent o f HAp, it is in the public interest to do so. Q uestions regarding this project should be directed to Richard Jones at 283-1693. Housing Authority O f Portland Loren Tarbell D irector o f M aintenance JOBS & CLASSIFIED