Page 7 Portland Observer JULY 6,1989 PROFESSIONAL "The Eyes and Ears of tha Community" M Rain: 5 Ums -1 Week - $7.90 4 Weeks - $25.00(«dd $2.50 Par Law) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. • Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves theright to edit, reject or property classify any ad.) D O N N IE J A M E S Men & Women;s Fashion “ I f you dare io be fashionable” PRITCHETT'S ELECTRICAL M AINTENANCE CO. Specializing In: 517 NE Killings worth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503) 288-1721 James W illiams DIRECTORY Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d PORTLAND OBSERVER 2M-OO33 SERVICES In ilalluio n, Trouble Shooting and Repair of Electrical Appliancei, Equipment & Light Fixtures Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pritchett 3S25 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 9 7 2 12 B E A U T Y /B A R B E R S U P P L IE S ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.6. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503)281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Mon. Utru Sat 9 a.m. F L O R A L - SILK S Bill Kelley's Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 Eartha’s Floral Connection 517-1« N.E. Killing* worth Portland, Oregon 97211 RENT W ASHERS & DRYERS 282-3875 • TF le Coupon Good For * We D o : ’1 5 off Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-O rder • Custom-Made : • DELIVERV « • • INSTALLATION FEE • PRINTING '30 DeHi-ery £ In tia lla tlo n Kinko's P o rtla n d 7 Devs A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 Open Vancouver 231*7413 693-4000 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PSYCHIATRIC REVIEW COORDINATOR This position conducts psychiatric reviews including pre-certification, pre-authorization and inpatient claim review ; m aintains utiliza­ tion guidelines; establishes close w orking relations with provider & internal personnel and assists with psychiatric & chemical abuse program review & policy m odifi­ cations. This position will require; Currently O R licensed RN 3-5 years recent hospital or am bula­ tory psychiatric-substance abuse experience. Experience with hospital claims review and/or audit, demonstrated ability to work in a fast-paced en­ vironment under high pressure con­ ditions. A strong com m itm ent to cost con­ tainm ent Excellent interpersonal skills Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, com petitive salary and flex time work hours. Please apply or send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Em ployer SUPERVISOR GROUP ACCOUNTING Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon is accepting applications for a Supervisor in G roup Account­ ing. Responsibilities are to ensure tim ely, accurate processing o f group eligibility and billing. Pro­ mote adherence to appropriate procedures and Underwriting regu­ lations and policy. M onitor ac­ counts receivable and advance pre­ m ium s, initiating collection ac­ tivity. M aintain unique process­ ing o f special accounts and ad­ m inistration o f the Prescription Drug Program and Dentacare. The Supervisor will perform all per­ sonnel functions to include all hir­ ing and firing, performance evalu­ ation and cross training o f subor­ dinate staff o f up to 20 members. Qualified candidates will have 4 or more years o f supervisory m an­ agem ent and accounting experi­ ence. High level o f proficiency in oral and written communication is m andatory. Flexibility andabil- ity to deal well under pressure in a positive, constructive m anner is beneficial. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, com petitive salary and flex time work hours. Please apply or send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W . M arket Portland, O R 97201 Equal O pportunity Employer Lane Community College Reference Librarian Learning Resource Center (Half-time) Application and jo b description are available at Personnel Service, Lane Com m unity College, 4000 E. 30th Avenue, Eugene, O r 97405. (503) 726-2211. LCC application must be postmarked no later than July 31, 1989. An A ffirm ative Action/Equal ''op­ portunity Institution. PARTS WORKER C-TRAN is seeking a full time Parts W orker to assist the Inventory Supervisor in achieving total inven­ tory control, and im plem entation and m aintenance o f a com puterized pur­ chasing and inventory system. R e­ quire know ledge o f inventory con­ trol procedures, autom otive or truck m echanical repair, and inventory m aintenance and repair. A degree in Business or A ccounting desirable. M ust have excellent work references, a valid drivers license, ability to comply with non-smoking policy and pass a pre-em ploym ent physical. Salary range $6.82-$10.07/H r. (de­ pending on experience) plus bene­ fits. Apply at Em ploym ent Security Department, 603 W. Evergreen Blvd. Closes 7/22/89. Equal O pportunity Em ployer M/F/H. M ENTAL HEALTH Counselor Innovative G irl’s Em ancipation Pro­ gram seeks an experienced ca­ pable therapist to provide groups and case m anagem ent to troubled girls o f divorced backgrounds. Ex­ citing opportunity to join high quality team o f state o f the art treatm ent program . $15,000 to $16,500, plus benefits, training and supervision. Application Required YWCA 1111 S.W .. 10TH Ave. Portland, O R 97205 A pplicants with good w ork records A pplications excepted M onday only 8 A M to 5PM Equal O pportunity Em ployer T C I C A B L E V IS IO N O F O R E ­ CORPORATE SUPPORT G O N , IN C . an Equal O pportu­ REPRESENTATIVE nity Em ployer, currently has an opening for the following posi­ Oregon Public Broadcasting Foun­ tion: dation is seeking an innovative P O S IT IO N T IT L E ; SY ST E M D E ­ person to assist in the acquisition SIG N T E C H N IC IA N Full-time o f corporate underwriting. Q uali­ Q U A LIFICA TIO N S: Some artistic fications: college degree, 3 or more ability with good printing and years experience in fundraising, handw riting, know ledge o f cable marketing, public relations, broad­ television sym bols, valid Oregon cast sales or allied field. E xperi­ d riv e rs lic e n s e , and good ence with public broadcasting and record.A bility to work well with excellent oral and written com ­ others. O ne year cable TV experi­ munications skills preferred. OPB ence. PREFER: K now ledge o f is a statew ide public television cable construction & materials, and radio network. m ultiple unit design know ledge, Send resume and letter o f applica­ experience in designing 450 MHz tion by July 15, 1989 to OPB cable tv p la n t Foundation, PO Box 69485, Port­ M INIM UM YEARS OF W ORK land, O R 97201. A ffirmative EX PERIEN CE REQ U IRED : 1 Action/Equal Opportunity Employer TRAINING PROVIDED A P P L IC A T IO N S ACCEPTED UNTIL: July 19, 1989 Janitor/Hostler Interested parties may subm it appli- cation/resum es by mail to: C-Tran is seeking part time Janitor/ TCI CA BLEV ISIO N O F O REGON, Hostler. Typical duties:Clean and INC., PO BOX 8677, Portland, fuel buses and support vehicles. OR 97207. W orkdays and shifts may vary. A TTENTION: Jim W ar hurst M on.Thur, Sat. Swing shift 6pm- Interview s will be arranged based on 12:30am, Day shift 10am-4:30pm. selection o f potential candidates S a tu rd a y sh ift 3:3 0 p m - from applications/resumes submit­ 9pm .Starting rate $5.61/hr. M ust ted. N o interview s will be granted possess a valid drivers license from from telephone or walk-in requests. the state in which you reside, with Q ualified applicants not hired at a good driving record.A bility to this time w ill be considered for function in a non-sm oking work future openings if they so desire. . environm ent and pass a pre-em ­ ploym ent physical. Apply: T C I C A B L E V IS IO N O F O R E ­ Em ploym ent Security Dept G O N , IN C . an Equal O pportu­ 603 W. Evergreen Blvd. nity Em ployer, currently has an Closes 7/12/89. opening for the follow ing posi­ Equal O pportunity Employer. tion: M/F/H P O S IT IO N T IT L E ; C o n v e rte r Clerk Full-time Q U ALIFICATIONS: High school SUPERVISING FORESTER C ASSISTANT TO THE AREA DIRECTOR T he O regon D epartm ent o f Forestry is seeking an individual for a cur­ rent vacancy in Prineville. D u­ ties; Assists the Eastern O regon A rea D irector in planning and di­ recting all D epartm ent program s within Eastern Oregon. Requires: 2 years o f experience in technical, A dm inistrative, o r pro­ fessional forestry practices, which included at least one year at the level o f Forester 2 or Supervising Forester B. Experience m ust have included supervising and assist­ ing in forest m anagem ent and sale o f tim ber, assisting in district or unit adm inistration, supervising fire control w ork,or perform ing technical forestry studies; AND a B achelor’s degree in forestry or related field (such as wildlife management biology, botany, plant pathology) or three more years of pertinent, responsible experience. Announcement closes: July 20,1989. C ontact Personnel T est Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, OR 97310, 378-3146 for jo b announcem ent, test questions and applications. EARN MONEY Earn $ 10.00 a m onth per store for ap- proxim ately 40 m inutes o f work. W e are a toy m anufacturer look­ ing for an inventory representa­ tive to arrange, count and restock our toys in your local Toys R Us store. Interested people write to Dorothy Currie, Amav Industries Lte., 2345 Lapierre S t , LaSalle, Quebec H8N 1B7. TEACHER For Parenting skills for teen p aren t Apply NE YW CA 5630 NE King Blvd. By July 7th by 5p.m. Equal O pportunity Em ployer education or recognized equiva­ lent. N eat penm anship, good o r­ ganizational skills, valid driver’s license & good driving record. M ust be able to lift 50 lbs., able to work well with others. Prefer prior experience in converter control, w arehouse experience, com puter keyboard experience and math ability. Prior cable experience, computer keyboard experience and math ability. Prior cable experi­ ence a plus. M INIM UM YEARS O F W ORK EX PERIEN CE REQ U IRED : n/a SALARY: n/a/ TRA IN IN G PROVIDED Yes A P P L IC A T IO N S A CCEPTED UNTIL: July 19, 1989 Interested parties may subm it appli- cation/resum es by mail to: TCI CABLEVISION OF OREGON, INC., PO BOX 8677, Portland OR 97207 ATTN: Jim W arhurst Multnomah County Housing Rehabilitation Specialist $ 13.79 per hour; duties include hous­ ing inspection, preparation o f cost estim ates, plans review and solic­ iting and receiving bids; requires two years of progressively respon­ sible, related experience: apply by July 14,1989. ASSISTANT PLANNER Advanced technical work assisting in various transit planning and m arketing activities including com pilation and analysis o f data, preparation o f reports, route and system review s and developm ent and presentation o f public infor­ mation materials. Annual salary range $23,545 to $29,328. Submit resum e by July 2 1 ,1 9 8 9 to Salem Area M ass Transit District, 3140 Del W ebb Avenue, N.E. Salem, Oregon 97303. Minority Family Specialist needed to provide case m anagem ent, counseling, family treatm ent, net­ w orking in the African A m erica^ community, and supervision to acK judicated or emotionally distqrbM adolescents in a day treatm ent and out-client program. Required^ Bachelor degree in social work o r related field plus 2 years experil ence w orking with delinquent on em otionally disturbed youth, and dem onstrated com petency and fa, m iliarity in netw orking with the African American community and with extended families. $1,750 per month plus excellent benefits. Send resum e by July 10, 1989, to L. Larson, Morrison Center, 5205 SE 86th Avenue, Portland, OR 97266. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Oregon Public Broadcasting Foun­ dation is seeking experienced developm ent professional to di­ rect and manage the m em bership division o f the OPB Foundation. Responsibilities include m em ber ac­ quisition, renew al, m em ber serv­ ices and additional gifts for do­ nors contributing up to $1000. Supervise five staff members. Q ualified candidates will have a bachelors degree, and three or more years fundraising experience pref­ erably including direct mail, Tele­ m arketing and co m p uterized m em bership systems. Experience with broadcast fundraising desir­ able. Excellent benefits and attractive work­ ing conditions in new state o f the art broadcast center. Salary range 40,000-$45,000. Please send letter o f application and resume by July 15,1989 to Yvonne D eligiorgis, M anager o f Office Services, OPB Foundation P.O. Box 69485, Portland OR 97201. Affirm ative Action/Equal O pportunity Em ployer Coordinator AT rainer Employment and Transition program for offenders. Prefer employment, Voc.Rehab. case management ex­ perience. BA or Equiv. Salary depending on experience. Washington Co. Based,must have car. Send resum e to: W ERC 400 SW 12th, Portland, O R 97205 Equal O pportunity Employer FISCAL SPECIALIST Specialized clerical/technical work involving accounts payable, ac­ counts receivable, payroll and pur­ chasing. A pplicants must have considerable knowledge o f book­ keeping principles and procedures, ability to use LOTUS 1-2-3 and word processing program s, skill in the operation o f a calculator, typew riter and com puter, and possess a valid Oregon D river’s License. Starting wage $ 9 .0 8 per hour. Official Salem Area Mass Transit D istrict application form m ust be received by D istrict no later than July 14, 1989 at 3140 Del W ebb Ave. N .E., Salem , OR 97303. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER. RECEPTIONIST/ SECRETARY Security Pacific Bank Oregon is seek­ ing an individual with a dem on­ strated com m itm ent to providing the highest quality for a Recep- tionist/Secretary in our Executive Center. Position will be respon­ sible for greeting clients and pro­ viding telephone back-up for the executive floor, as well as other secretarial duties as assigned. R e­ quirem ents include a typing speed o f 50-60 w pm , telephone experi­ ence, word processing (Samma preferred), as well as excellent verbal com m unication and tele­ phone etiquette skills. As part o f Security Pacific, the 6th largest Bank holding Com pany in the country, we offer a com peti­ tive salary commensurate with ex­ perience, excellent flexible bene­ fits program, and superior advance­ m ent potential. Please send a res­ ume with salary requirem ents to: SECURT1Y PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel D epartment 1001 SW 5th Avenue PO Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 (503) 796-3878 A PPLICANT HOURS 9-1 p.m ., Mon-Fri Equal O pportunity Em ployer Volunteer Coord. M aintain Big Brother Big Sister program , recruit and track volun­ teers for other program s. Assist w ith Public Relations including p ress releases, fliers, PSA s etc..developm ent o f special proj­ ects. Qualifications: Bachelor Degree or Equivalent; Experience in case- m anagem ent and volunteer coor­ dination and valid drivers license. 3/4 tim e position, approxim ately 26 hours per week. Com prehensive Salary .liberal benefits, including 3 w eeks vacation annually. C losing date: July 21,1989 Send resum e to: North Portland Youth Service Center 7704 N. Hereford Portland. O R 97203 E .O £ . I T • ‘ ‘A DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Oregon Public Broadcasting Foun­ dation is seeking experienced developm ent professional to di­ rect and manage the m em bership division o f the OPB Foundation. Responsibilities include m em ber ac­ quisition, renew al, m em ber serv­ ices and additional gifts for d o ­ nors contributing up to $1000. Supervise five staff members. Q ualified candidates will have a bachelors degree, and three or more years fundraising experience pref­ erably including direct mail. Tele­ m arketing and com puterized m em bership systems. Experience with broadcast fundraising desir­ able. Excellent benefits and attractive work­ ing conditions in new state o f the art broadcast center. Salary range 40,000-$45,000. Please send letter o f application and resume by July 15,1989 to Yvonne Deligiorgis, M anager o f Office Services, OPB Foundation P.O. Box 69485, Portland OR 97201. A ffirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer DATA PR O C E SSIN G PROGRAMMER/ ANALYST Production Support Program maintenance activities. R e­ quires an individual with strong problem analysis skills. Individ­ ual m ust have a minimum o f 2 years experience in business ap­ plication systems environment and technical com petence in COBOL, TSO/SPF, and OS/JCL-M VS ex­ perience is required. CICS corn- man level, EAS YTRIEVE PLUS, and NATURAL experience is also desirable. Program m er/A nalyst will: • Perform troubleshooting ■ Docum ent solutions • Coordinate with users • Review new /changed projects impact on operations • A ccept for support new /changed systems Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resum e to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer CORPORATE SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVE Oregon Public Broadcasting Foun­ dation is seeking an innovative person to assist in the acquisition o f corporate underwriting. Q uali­ fications: college degree, 3 or more years experience in fundraising, marketing, public relations, broad­ cast sales or allied field. E xperi­ ence with public broadcasting and excellent oral and written com ­ munications skills preferred. OPB is a statewide public television and radio network. Send resum e and letter o f applica­ tion by July 15, 1989 to OPB Foundation, PO Box 69485, Port­ land, O R 97201. Affirm ative Action/Equal O pportunity Employer. YOUTH PROGRAM COORDINATOR The NE YWCA CENTER 530 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd.