Page 6 Portland Observer JULY 6, 1989 Œ5 RELIGION j äh™ THE BIBLE ON TAPE From The Pulpit to the Pews by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears (Taken From 1 Timothy Chapter 5 & 6) These passages o f scripture, taken from the book o f I T im othy, should serveasaguideline on “ H ow aG ood Christian Should A ct on Everyday Circumstances. Never speak sharply to an older man or woman, but plead w ith him or her respectfully just as though he were your own father or mother.Talk to the younger men as you would to much loved brothers. Treat the older women as mothers, and the girls as your sisters, thinking only pure thoughts about them. The church should take loving care o f women whose husbands have died, i f they don’t have anyone else to help them. But i f they have c h il­ dren, these are the ones who should take the responsibility, fo r kindness should begin at home, supporting needy parents. This is something that pleases God very much. The church should care fo r w id ­ ows who are poor and alone in the world, i f they are looking to God for his help and spending much lim e in prayer; but not i f they are spending their time running around gossiping, seeking only pleasure and thus ru in ­ ing their souls. This should be your church rule so that the Christians w ill know and do what is r ig h t But anyone who w on’ t care fo r their own relatives when they need help, especially those liv in g in his own fa m ily, has no rig h t to say he is a Christian. Such a person is worse than the heathen. A w idow who wants to become one o f the special church workers should be at least sixty years old and have been married only once. She must be w ell thought o f by everyone because o f the good she has done. Has she brought up her children well? Has she been kind to strangers as w en as to other Christians? Has she helped those w ho are sick and hurt? Is she always ready to show kind ­ ness? The younger w idow s should not become members o f this special group because after aw hile they are lik e ly to disregard their vow to C hrist and marry again. And so they w ill stand condemned because they broke their first promise. Besides, they are like ly to be lazy and spend their tim e gos­ siping around from house to house, getting into other people’ s business. So 1 think it is better for these younger w idows to marry again and have children, and take care o f their own homes; then no one w ill be able to MARANATHA CHURCH 13th & Skidmore 288-7241 Services Sunday 9:00am Sunday School 10:30am Morning Worship 6:30pm Evening Worship Wednesday?:30 Prayer/ Open Service This is the perfect addition to your audio and home library, and makes a wonderful g ift, too! This tape collection contains 10 ex­ hilarating hours o f B ib lica l read­ ings fo r your listening enjoyment. This attractively bound 7 tape cas­ sette collection features the read­ ings from , the Four Gospels; M atthew, M ark, Luke and John. N ow you can enjoy the B ib le ’ s in ­ sightful teachings - anytim e, any­ where. DONNIE JAMES FASHIONS located at 517 NE K illin g sw o rth is the distributors o f the Bahamian D iet and “ The Bible on Tape” . The features o f the audio cassette form at is that it affords the lis ­ tener, the opportunity to hear the w ord o f God in situations where previously this w ould not have been possible, e.g. d riving , shop­ ping, exercising, and more. It opens up the opportunity fo r those that can’ t read or see the Bible in its w ritten form. The pow erful and inspiring messages o f the H oly Scripture is beauti­ fu lly narrated the Bible become by Henry D uvall music to your ears. A fte r eight years o f research. Dr. The K in g James Version is the most Cain Hope Felder, a professor at the popular version o f the B ible in the Howard U niversity School o f D iv in ­ United States o f Am erica. ity , has emerged w ith what has been There is a lifetim e replacement tape guarantee. I f the cassette tape(s) considered a “ landmark study” on blacks in the Bible. breaks or otherwise becomes un­ “ Troubling Biblical Waters: Race, playable, CCI w ill replace the tape for a minimal charge per tape which Class and F a m ily ,” recently released by Orbis Books o f M arykno ll, N .Y ., w ill include shipping and han­ Remember that some men, even illum inates the presence o f blacks in dling. pastors, lead sinful lives and every­ the Bible, p roviding “ some sorely C all, w rite, or drop by one knows it. In such situations you D O N N IE J A M E S F A S H IO N S , needed correctives....,” says the can do something about i t But in (503) 288-1721. author. other cases o nly the judgm ent day “ The mistaken notion w idely w ill reveal the terrible truth. In the persists that the relation o f black same way, everyone knows how much people to the B ible is a post-biblical good some pastors do, but some­ experience, “ he notes. “ Such his­ times their good deeds aren’ t known How Sweet the Sound torical distortions, created by E uro­ u ntil long afterward. How sweet the sound o f m orning * centric scholars and missionaries to Christian employees should work birds the detrim ent o f blacks, have long hard fo r their employers and respect That sing from summer trees been one o f m y concerns.” them; never let it be said that C hrist’s The melodies o f nature The 233-page paperback, the au­ people are poor workers. D on’ t let That com fort and appease. thor’s first book, dispels various myths, the name o f God or his teaching be How sweet the evening w ind song especially the notion that blacks had laughed at because o f this. I f their Beside the restless sea no “ substantive history” prior to 1600, employers is a C hristian, that is no Where the ages are but movements says Felder in an interview . excuse fo r slow ing down; rather they In nature’ s symphony. ‘ ‘There is evidence o f black in flu ­ should w ork a ll the harder because a H ow sweet a m other’ s lullaby ence in the shaping o f b ib lic a l narra­ brother in the faith is being helped by B y waning candlelight tives thousands o f years before their efforts. As she holds w ith in her arms C hrist,’ ’ he emphasizes. Teach these truths and encourage Her miracle tonight. In his book, the professor o f New all to obey them. Some may deny H ow sweet the sounds o f nature Testament language and literature these things, but they are the sound, Throughout this earthly sod says that after conducting studies in wholesome teachings o f the Lord Where we have heard unknowing Egypt, he found the ancient Phar­ Jesus C hrist and are the foundation The gentle voice o f God. aohs o f several Egyptian dynasties to for a godly life . Anyone w ho says C lay Harrison be, fo r the most part black. anything different is both proud and * ‘W hether we call these Pharaohs stupid.(Finale in next week’ s issue) black, A froasiatic, or Negroid does not m atter,” he writes. “ The sub­ stantive p oint is that they were not Caucasians.” He also points out in ‘ ‘Troubling Biblical Waters” that there is a strong presence o f black people in the O ld Testam ent “ M any o f these passages attest to the greatness and power o f A frica n blacks participating in the salvation drama o f ancient Israel,” Grace C ollins Memorial Center "Since 1952" • Kindergarten • Pre-School ‘Latch K ey Program * Wendell H. Wallace Sr., Senior Pastor Children 6 wks. to 11 yrs. 2 -1 /2 Y e a r O ld s - L e a rn in g Shapes Jesus Loves Y ou1 • Breakäst • Hot Lunches Allen Ternole CME Ch\rch •S n a ti^ F 281-6930 j 128 N.E. Russell St. Portland, Oregon 97211 ■ (503) Call I. 4236 N .E . E ig hth A venu (c o m e r o f 8th & S kid m o re ) M oo-fri 6:30 am 6.00 pm 4 Y e a r O ld s - M a k in g C o o k ie s 287-0261 Phillip S Nelson, Pastor j Grace Collins Psalm 34:3 Memorial Center □ T car u im • R ca d in a F irst Gras. B o o ks — Day Care j Scholar Reveals Black Presence In Bible say anything against them. For 1 am afraid that some o f them have a l- ' ready turned away from the church and been led astray by Satan. Let me remind you again that a w id o w ’s relatives must take care o f her, and not leave this to the church to do. Then the church can spend its money for the care o f w idow s who are a ll alone and have nowhere else to turn. Pastors who do their w ork w ell should be paid w ell and should be highly appreciated, especially those who w ork hard at both preaching and teaching. For the Scriptures says, “ Never tie up the m outh o f an ox when it is treading out the g ra in -le t him eat as he goes a lo n g !” A nd in another place, “ Those w ho w ork de­ serve their pay! ’ ’ D on’ t listen to complaints against the pastor unless there are tw o or three witnesses to accuse him . I f he has really sinned, then he should be rebuked in fron t o f the whole church so that no one else w ill fo llo w his example. 1 Paul solemnly command you in the presence o f God and the Lord Jesus C hrist and o f the holy angels to do this whether the pastor is a special friend o f yours or not. A ll must be treated exactly the same. Never be in a hurry about choosing a pastor; you may overlook his sins and it w ill look as i f you approve o f them. Be sure that you yourself stay away from all sin. Day Care SCRIPTURE OF PROVERBS THE WEEK: Chapter 23 & 24 he maintains. “ It has always struck me as incre- diable that modem scholars have so much d iffic u lty acknowledging the existence o f black Jews before Jesus C hrist.” B ut he writes that the c r iti­ cal point is that” ... i f one considers the Hebrew exodus story as a histroi- cal event, we have to reckon w ith the fact that these liberated Hebrews were most probably a racially m ixed stock o f people — A froasiatics.” Felder also discusses the contro­ versy surrounding the racial identity o f the ancient Queen o f Sheba, argu­ ing in an entire chapter that evidence indicates that she was black and considered in some circles as “ the queen o f E gypt and E thiopia.” “ For centuries, Western scholar­ hunger” fo r discussion beyond tra­ ship (whether Jewish, C hristian or d itio na l Bible stories. M u slim ) displayed a tendency to A t a recent book party on the regard this queen as a legendary fig ­ campus o f H ow ard’ s School o f D i­ ure from South Arabia; usually there v in ity , Felder greets students, schol­ was also a strong im plication that she ars, clergym en and others who have was not a black A frica n w om an,’ ’ he come to buy his book. He has been at notes in the book. sim ilar book-signing parties in such Says Felder, who is also editor o f cities as New Y o rk, San Francisco the “ Journal o f Religious Thought” and Dallas in addition to W ashing­ at H oward, “ From all o f the data ton, he notes. surveyed thus far, it w ould appear T im Lake, a 26-year-old H oward that the ancient Queen o f Sheba was d iv in ity student, says he bought indeed o f Negro ancestry.” Felder’ s book because it is “ the most Studies in England as well as Egypt preeminent w ork o f a black scholar contributed to Felder’ s eight year in the area o f b ib lica l studies.” research. H is review o f various li t ­ erature has included several versions Ronald P. Jones, 39, c h ie f finan­ o f the Bible in addition to a number cial o ffic e r at D is tric t o f Colum bia General H ospital, says, “ You can’ t o f scholarly translations. Asked why the black presence in fin d much literature on religion and the B ible has been ignored, the pro­ blacks.” Adds the form er student o f fessor responds, “ I t ’ s a subtle form the professor, who plans to return to o f academic racism, which appears d iv in ity school, “ The book w ill at times to be liberal, nom inally broaden m y perspective o f religion C hristian, but basically Eurocentric. and give me a clear understanding o f It is engaged in fa lsification o f his­ my role in a black m in is try .” tory and undermines the whole no­ tion o f cultural and racial pluralism . “ W e have consistendy recast the personalities o f the Bible into the likeness or images o f the dom inant racial groups o f modern Western c iv iliz a tio n .” The author also addresses the role o f women in the Bible. “ There are commanding images o f women in leadership roles. There is evidence in the New Testament that women have functioned as m in ­ isters.” Dr. Clarice J. M artin, a professor at the Princeton Theological Semi­ nary, says Felder’s book is “ destined to change forever the way scholars, teachers, preachers, and a ll serious students o f the Bible reflect upon, teach, and preach b ib lica l narra­ tives....” “ T ro u bling B ib lica l W aters’ has been so w ell received that it is a l­ ready in its second printing, accord­ ing to Orbis Books, a small publish­ ing house. The book is p rim a rily targeted to black church leaders and seminari­ ans, as w ell as to the larger theologi­ cal community, says Felder, who holds a Ph.D. from Colum bia U niversity. “ I firm ly believe that people need to ‘ trouble the waters’ w ith perspec­ tives and inform ation not usually addressed by discrete theological cu rricula.” But the book is also intended to raise the level o f discussion about the Bible among the laity, he stresses, m aintaining that the laity has “ a A woman at the party, who is struggling w ith fiv e copies o f the book in her arms,wants to examine his research on women as w ell as blacks in the B ible. “ W hat I think he has done is lifte d them out o f the B ible and put them in a form that we can recognize,” stresses G loria Pendleton, 60, a retired federal gov­ ernment computer programmer, now a d iv in ity student. Says the Rev. D r. Henry Ferry, a professor o f church history at H ow ­ ard, “ I ’ m interested in w hat Cain has to say, especially because it illu m i­ nates the im portant aspects o f early church h istory.” The author slips away from the autograph seekers and returns mo­ m entarily to his o ffic e , where four large book shelves containing an estimated 1,000 books loom over his desk. “ A ll o f these books are written by w hite people,’ ’ he remarks. ‘ ‘ You have black theologians and ethicis- tis, but not many black b ib lica l schol­ ars. M y book fo r the moment, unfor­ tunately, is a lone voice.” Felder believes that one reason “ T ro u bling B ib lica l Waters” is sig­ n ifica n t to the black com m unity is that "b la c k people are fundamen­ ta lly people o f the book (B ib le ).” He explains in his book, “ M y intent is to ‘ trouble’ the w aters... and clear a new pathway that leads to the B ible as an indispensable tool for liberation - sociopolitical and eco­ nom ic, as w e ll as sp iritua l.”