Page 9 Portland Observer JUNE 29,1989 PROFESSIONAL Tha Eyas and Ears ot tha Community" k— Deadline 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) D O N N IE JAMES Men & Women;s Fashion “ I f you dare to be fashionable” PRITCHETT'S ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CO. Specializing In: Installation, Trouble Shooting and Repair of 517 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503)288-1721 James W illiams DIRECTORY Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d M Rates: 5 Lines -1 Week - $7.90 4 Weeks - $25.00(8« $2.50 Pw Line) PORTLAND OBSERVER 288-0033 SERVICES Electrical Appliances, Equipment & Light Fixtures Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pritcheu 3525 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 BEAUTY/BARBER ________ SUPPLIES________ ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Hon. tPru Set. A F L O R A L - SILK S Bill Kelley's Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 9 e.m. - 6 p.m. RENT Eartha’s Floral C onnection 517-1/2 N.E. Killlnflsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 382-3875 WASHERS & DRYERS THs Coupon Good For * We D o Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-O rder • Custom-Made ‘ 15 O F F : DELIVERY a . INSTAI LATIONFEE • P R IN T IN G Kinko’s 30 Delivery A Im la lla tlo n Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 P o rtla n d w asher Vancouver 231*7413 693-4000 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NURSING UR/QA Assurance Coordinator INSURANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE FULL & PART TIME Capital Health Care, a m ember of Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon is currently accepting appli­ Blue Cross and Blue Shield of cations for full time and part time O regon’s group of companies, is Customer Service Representatives seeking qualified applicants for in their Custom er Service D epart­ the position o f UR/QA Assurance ment. Coordinator. This position is responsible for in Responsibilities o f the position in­ depth know ledge o f all aspects of clude coordination of a variety of Blue C ross & Blue Shield of utilization review activities includ­ Oregon business. Q ualified can­ ing preauthorization/precertifica- didates will possess the ability to tion, concurrent review and utili­ com m unicate effectively and pro­ zation audits. The UR/QA C oor­ fessionally both orally and in w rit­ dinator will be involved with case ten form. m anagem ent o f individual m em ­ Q ualified applicants will be able to ber’s care including discharge work autonom ously in fast paced planning. Responsibility also in­ environm ent, and m ust have dem ­ cludes conducting quarterly as­ onstrated excellent attendance in surance studies to assess the im ­ previous em ploym ent pact o f service utilization on pa­ O ther requirem ents include: tient outcome. w 1 year work experience in in­ Applicants m ust possess a current surance industry Oregon RN license and have «• 6 m onths experience in cus­ experience in utilization review / tom er relations quality assurance. Background in w M edical/dental term inology a managed health care plan, HMO «■ O rganizational skills or PRSO is desirable. e r CRT experience & ability to Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ type40w pm gon offers an excellent em ployee w Prodedural codes helpful benefits package, com petitive salary and flex time work hours. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ Please apply or send resum e to: gon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, com petitive Blue Cross and salary and flex time w ork hours. Blue Shield of Oregon Please apply or send resum e to: Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W . Market Blue Cross and Portland, O R 97201 Blue Shield of Oregon Equal Opportunity Em ployer Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W . M arket INSURANCE Portland, O R 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon is currently accepting appli­ cations for M edical Claim s A na­ lysts. This position is responsible for accurate and timely paym ent o f Blue C ross and Blue Shield of O regon’s m edical claims. Experi­ ence necessary to perform this task will include: «r 1 year recent clerical work ex­ perience in a doctors office or hospital setting w D em onstrated know ledge of m edical term inology and anat­ omy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience. w ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding ■r A m inim um of 6-12 months experience using a CR T in a production oriented environ­ ment. « • Fast, accurate use o f a 10-key calculator. « Previous claim s processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Position begins July 5,1989. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, com petitive salary and flex time work hours. Please apply or send resum e to: SUPERVISING FORESTER C ASSISTANT TO THE AREA DIRECTOR The Oregon D epartm ent o f Forestry is seeking an individual for a cur­ rent vacancy in Prineville. D u­ ties: A ssists the Eastern O regon Area D irector in planning and di­ recting all D epartm ent programs within Eastern Oregon. Requires: 2 years o f experience in technical, Adm inistrative, o rp ro - fessional forestry practices, which included at least one year at the level o f Forester 2 or Supervising Forester B. Experience m ust have included supervising and assist­ ing in forest m anagem ent and sale o f timber, assisting in district or unit adm inistration, supervising fire control w ork,or performing technical forestry studies; AND a Bachelor’s degree in forestry or related field (such as wildlife management biology, botany, plant pathology) or three more years of pertinent, responsible experience. Announcement closes: July 20,1989. C ontact Personnel Test Center, 775 Court Street, Salem, OR 97310, 378-3146 for job announcement, test questions and applications. EARN MONEY Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS Utility Worker: $1457- $1760/mo. Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms req. Apply by July 7, 1989 to W ash­ ington County Personnel. An E.O.E. Earn $ 10.00 a month per store for ap- proxim atcly 40 minutes o f work. W e are a toy m anufacturer look­ ing for an inventory representa­ tive to arrange, count and restock our toys in your local Toys R Us store. Interested people w rite to Dorothy Currie, Amav Industries Lie., 2345 Lapierre S t , LaSalle, Quebec H8N 1B7. TEACHER For Parenting skills for teen parent. Apply NE YW CA 5630 NE King Blvd. By July 7th by 5p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer SYSTEMS ANALYST II INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Executive Assistant 2 (C0028) and 3 (C0029) Limited Duration Positions In rh e Port o f Portland has a challeng­ Adult and Family Services Divi­ ing opportunity to gather and sion (AFS) analyze inform ation used to de­ Salary (2178-$2762) and ($2392- velop or modify com puterized in­ $3040-Monthly) formation systems, participate in Excellent Benefit Package project organization, scheduling and coordination with users, under­ State o f Oregon, AFS needs ener­ stand the business functions to be getic and innovative persons with processed and understand infor­ experience in designing, evaluat­ mation technology so that the ing or m anaging health care de­ follow ing duties may be carried livery systems for one year lim ­ out: ited duration positions in the Health * Develops/modifies informations Services Section in Salem, O re­ system s with minimum super­ gon. vision. Evaluation o f user re­ quirem ents and design o f alter­ Qualifications: natives. System design. Sys­ For The Executive Assistant 3: (EA3) tem im plem entation and docu­ ...four years o f progressively respon­ mentation. sible adm inistrative experience or * Manages m edium -size projects professional function related to a o f medium risk. Prim e respon­ health care program ; tw o o f the sibility for system development four years in either o f the above Time and cost estimates. Moni­ must be progressively responsible tor systems design development experience in designing, im ple­ and im plem entation. Team menting, operating, evaluating or player. m anaging health care delivery * M aintains a continuing liaison systems. The applicant’s back­ with user departments. ground m ust clearly demonstrate * M aintains a know ledge o f the how you have gained ... skill in Port’s business functions in or­ marketing and/or negotiation of der to analyze user applica­ contracts; and knowledge of HCFA tions. W aiver and dem onstration proj­ * M aintains a know ledge o f in­ ects and Federal M edicaid rules formation technology, includ­ and regulations. ing hardware, softw are, com ­ m unications, data base m an­ In Addition, you must have a Bache­ agem ent, and on-line and d is­ lor’s degree in health care or a tributed processing. related field or three more years Preferred qualifications include: o f pertinent experience. * C ourse work or experience equivalent to a degree in C om ­ For The Executive A ssistant 2 (EA2) puter Science,Business Admini­ positions: stration, or related area. ...the same as the EA3 except only * Successful experience in de­ three years o f the same experi­ veloping or modifying com pu­ ence is needed with one o f the terized inform ation systems. three years the same related m an­ * Successful experience direct­ aged health care system s experi­ ing a project from the design ence. phase through implementation. * D em onstrated ability to: Think Obtain a State of Oregon A pplica­ logically and m ake logical tion (PD100) and Announcement choices from given data. W ork # 0C890273 (EA3) and 0C890274 in an independent and respon­ and 0C890275 (EA 2) from Per­ sible manner, using sound judg­ sonnel Center, 775 C ourt Street, m ent Communicate well, orally Salem, Oregon 97310. and in writing. W ork with people in a friendly, Apply As Soon As Possible, Appli­ helpful, tactful, and courteous cations M ust Be Postm arked By manner. Lead m eetings and July 13,1989. reach users how to m aintain and use their system. Follow The Detail Instructions On * IDMS experience, and experi­ The Announcem ents. ence w ith financial or Purchas­ ing and Inventory system s is a An Equal Opportunity Employer. plus. In addition to a com prehensive bene­ DIRECTOR OF fit package, the Port offers a start­ ing salary range o f $29,500 - MEMBERSHIP $34,467, with a full salary range Oregon Public Broadcasting Foun­ o f $2 9 ,5 0 0 -$ 4 4 ,4 0 0 . dation is seeking experienced If interested and qualified, apply at developm ent professional to di­ the Port Em ploym ent Office, 14th rect and manage the mem bership floor, 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, or division o f the OPB Foundation. call 503-231-5000,ext. 700 for R esponsibilities include m em ber ac­ complete application materials. All quisition, renew al, m em ber serv­ applications m ust be in no later ices and additional gifts for do­ than 5 pm, Friday, June 30. nors contributing up to $1000. M inorities and females encouraged Supervise five staff members. to apply. Q ualified candidates will have a The Port is an Equal O pportunity bachelors degree, and three or more Em ployer years fundraising experience pref­ Lane Community College Reference Librarian Learning Resource Center (Half-time) A pplication and job description arc available at Personnel Service, Lane Com m unity College, 4000 E 30th Avenue, Eugene, Or 97405. (503) 726-2211. LCC application must be postmarked no later than July 31, 1989. An A ffirmative Action/Equal ''op­ portunity Institution. erably including direct mail. Tele­ m arketing and com puterized m em bership systems. Experience with broadcast fundraising desir­ able. Excellent benefits and attractive work­ ing conditions in new state o f the art broadcast center. Salary range 40,000-$45,000. Please send letter o f application and resume by July 15,1989 to Yvonne Deligiorgis, M anager o f Office Services, OPB Foundation P.O. Box 69485, Portland OR 97201. A ffirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Em ployer Multnomah Education Service District Environmental Specialist 2 Environmental Generalist REGISTERED NURSE/ OHI REGULAR & SUBSTITUTES Providing school health services as required to assist other Health Im­ paired students to benefit from Special Education Appl. Deadline: 07/14/89 by 2pm LIAISON, GIFTED AND TALENTED PROGRAM OPERATIONS To plan, schedule, implement, pro­ vide feedback and keep records on G ifted and Talented Program activities assigned annually by the Curriculum Coordinator SALARY: $9.45/hr Appl. Deadline: 07/15/89 by 2pm Call Jeaneen 255-1841, Ext 207 for M ultnomah Education Service District, applica­ tion form and additional information. An Equal Opportunity Em ployer FACILITIES PROJECT MANAGER C ity o f E ugene, O regon State Of Oregon Health Division Salary: $1980 - $2514 Monthly The Oregon Health Division Envi­ ronmental Services and Consulta­ tion Section is currently recruit­ ing for an Environmental Special­ ist. This individual will provide environm ental health services in Coos and Curry counties. These services include inspection and enforcem ent o f State statutes in licensed food establishments, tour­ ist and swimming pool facilities. Additional duties include: assis­ tance in com m unicable disease investigations, in resolving toxic and hazardous substance issues, and responding to emergency situ­ ations as required. A pplicants must have a Bachelor’s degree with m ajor study in envi­ ronmental or physical science or closely related field, and two years o f experience in environm ental control or resource m anagem ent programs; or five years of the required experience. A pplicant m ust also be registered or eligible to be registered as a sanitarian in the state o f O regon at time o f em ­ ploym ent The position is located in North Bend, and includes excellent benefits of medical, dental, vacation, holi­ days, and retirem ent. Questions may be directed to Oregon Health Division, Personnel Services, As Project M anager for construc­ tion, rem odel, and renovation of City-ow ned facilities, this posi­ tion is a m em ber o f the Facilities Section with the Engineering di­ phone 503/229-5888. Applications vision of Public W orks. Requires and required announcem ent m a­ considerable experience in proj­ terial may be obtained from the ect planning, construction and pro­ Oregon Health Division. A ppli­ fessional service contract adm ini­ cation packages must be m ailed stration as it relates to facilities to Executive Personnel D epart­ construction projects. Knowledge ment in Salem by July 17,1989. of construction practices, codes, budgeting and scheduling required. An Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Demonstrated strong written and Action Employer oral com m unication skills as well as ability to work with people at all levels o f the organization and D ata Processing the business community. Requires PROGRAMMER minimum 3 years experience in ANALYSTS facilities management or construc­ Evergreen International Aviation, Inc. tion-related field and valid driver’s is seeking a Program m er Analyst license. Salary Range: $2657 - to analyze, design and program $3349/m onth plus benefit pack­ our com puter systems. M ust have age including City-paid retirement experience with HP300 M PE/XL CLOSING DATE: July 14,1989. Operating System, experience and Obtain application and supplemen­ skills working with Cobol and tal questionnaire between 8:00 am Pascal, and experience on IM ­ - 5:00 pm at City of Eugene, Human AGE or equivalent. W ould like a Resource & Risk Services, 111 minimum o f 2 years experience in Pearl St., Room 101, E ugene,O R systems analysis and design. 97401.(503)687-5061. Candidate should have a 4 year AA/EOE degree, preferably in Com puter Science. If interested and quali­ fied, please send your resum e to: Evergreen International Aviation, Inc., ATTN: Recruiting/EA -IS, 3850 T h re e M ile Lane, M cM innville, OR 97128. JOURNEY LEVEL ELECTRICIAN The Jam es R ivers C o rpora­ tion,W auna Mill, has an opening for a journey level Electrician. 5 years experience as a Journey level Elec­ trician rcquircd:Pulp and paper Mill experience prcfcrrcd;program m ablc controls, dc and drive experience required. Candidates must have an Oregon Electrical liccnseJoum ey level rate is $19.91 per hour with fringe benefits. EVERGREEN Equal Opportunity Em ployer CORPORATE SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVE Oregon Public Broadcasting Foun­ dation is seeking an innovative person to assist in the acquisition o f corporate underwriting. Q uali ­ fications: college degree, 3 or more years experience in fundraising, marketing, public relations, broad­ cast sales or allied field. E xperi­ ence with public broadcasting and Candidates m ust apply in person excellent oral and written com- . only at the Oregon Employment munications skills preferred. OPB Division, 444 8th street, Astoria or at is a statewide public television the W ashington W ashington Serv­ and radio network. ice, 711 vine street, Kelso W a, be­ Send resume and letter o f applica­ ginning Friday .June 30, tion by July 15, 1989 to OPB Equal Opportunity Em ployer Foundation, PO Box 69485, Port­ land, OR 97201. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. James River Corporation t O H SHE