Page 6 Por,land Observer JUNE 29,1989 CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVEL­ OPMENT SEEKS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The local Campaign for Human Development Committee for the Archdiocese o f Portland is seeking proposals from interested organiza­ tions for local C H D grants for the 1989-90 funding cycle. Applications are due by August 15, and granting decisions w ill be made by September 15. The campaign for Human Devel­ opment (C H D ) is an action/educa- tion program o f the U.S. Catholic Bishops that supports self-help among poor and low-income people, and promotes a spirit o f solidarity be­ tween poor and non-poor. C H D supports a variety o f p ro j­ ects that address conditions o f pov­ erty in critica l areas such as social and economic development, hous­ ing, health care, legal aid, education, and communication. To receive C H D funds, projects must show that they enable organ­ ized groups o f poor and low-income people to influence decisions that affect their lives. Low income people must occupy at least h a lf o f the scats on the project’s policy making pro­ gram implementation board o f direc­ tors. In addition, the projects must also: w ithin diverse groups o f people; -d ire c tly benefit a relatively 'arge number o f people; —have a detailed self-sufficiency plan; and -d ire c tly aim at changing institu­ tio n s -p u b lic policy, social attitudes, economic structurcs-that perpetuate poverty. .A P P LIC A T IO N FOR L O C A L C H D F U N D IN G C R IT E R IA 1. The proposal must conform to the criteria o f the National C H D. ? Priority consideration w ill be given toem erging projects or organi­ zations (during the first three years). 3. Am ount o f grant: A . Each proposal shall include both an organization and ( if applicable) a project budget. B. Generally, no grant shall amount to more than a third o f the en­ tire organizational budget but may fund a specific project at the entire amount. The total amount shall not exceed $5,000. Usually only grants in excess o f $500 shall be considered. 4. Funded groups w ill be encour­ aged to work with the Dioce­ san D irector to inform people in parishes about the project, and where appropriate to in ­ volve them in the work. 5. N orm ally national and local funding w ill not coincide in the same year. A P P LIC A T IO N PROCESS 1. Application deadline is August 15. 2. Granting decisions w ill be made by September 15. -generate cooperation among and 3. Up to 80% o f the funds avail­ able w ill be allocated as grants on September 15. The remain­ ing 20% o f the funds w ill con­ stitute a discretionary fund to be used throughout the year. 4. Groups may be requested to appear before a ll or part o f the committee. (As an alternative, committee members might make site visits). 5. Applicants must use the form provided by the local C H D o f­ fice. C riteria and Guidelines To be eligible for C H D funds, a project must satisfy all o f the fo llo w ­ ing criteria and guidelines sim ulta­ neously. However, due to lim ited f i ­ nancial resources, e lig ib ility does not guarantee funding, A. C riteria 1. The project must benefit a poverty group. A t least fifty percent (50% ) o f those bene­ fitin g from the project must be from the low-incom e com m u­ nity. 2. Members o f the poverty group must have the dom inant voice in the project. A t least 50% o f those who plan, implement and make policy (e.g., the Board o f Directors, etc) o f a project, should be persons who are in ­ v o lu n ta rily poor. (C le rg y, V IS T A volunteers, students, etc., arc considered by C H D to be voluntarily poor). For p roj­ ects which do not presently meet this criterion, applicants must document the fo llo w in g in the B.S. in Health Care Administration/Social Work at CONCORDIA COLLEGE PROFESSIONAL GRANTS/SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE EVENING AND WEEKEND CLASSES IN: CONCORDIA COLLEGE ADM ISSIONS 2811 N.E. HOLMAN Portland. OR 97211 (503) 288-9371 • • • • • • • Health Care Law & Ethics Health Administration & Management Finance, Reimbursement, Accounting Strategic Planning & Marketing Computers Current Concepts in the Health Care System Geriatrics & Many Others Send for free brochure or cull to register ............. D r. \ n n U i d m c ...............I r l h u ir , Dept. alth v ( < A dm inistration. * ' Ifc ......... ■ arc ■ V Kllllllll -Ml ,|| 1,(11. Also: C on ta c t th e A d m is s io n s O ffic e our HC'A graduate courses. about proposal narrative. Failure to do so w ill negatively affect the evaluation o f the proposal. a. W hy members o f the poverty group do not have the dominant role in plan­ ning, implem enting and p olicy m aking at the tim e o f application. b. How members o f the poverty group were involved m determ ining their need fo r the project. c. W hat lim e schedule is planned for the poverty group to assume leadership and control o f this project. 3. Funding w ill not be considered for projects which can be funded by monies available from the private or public sector,unless applicants document that they are unable toobtain funds from these sources. However, pro­ posals which call fo r “ seed money” or “ matching money” w ill be considered. In request­ ing “ Seed money ” or “ match­ ing m oney” from C H D , app li­ cants should present positive documentation that other pub­ lic and/or private sources w ill com m it their funds to this p ro j­ ect. 4. No C H D funds w ill be granted to organizations that would utilize CHD money to fund other organizations. 5. The project a c tiv ity fo r which funding is requested must con­ form to the moral teachings o f the Catholic Church. B. Guidelines 1. Projects which arc innovative and demonstrate a change from traditional approaches to pov­ erty by attacking the basic causes o f poverty and by ef­ fecting institutional change. C H D defines institutio na l change as: a. M odification o f existing laws and/or policies; b. Establishment o f alterna­ ti ves structures and/or re­ distribution o f decision­ making powers; c. To a lesser extent: Provision o f services w h ich re s u lt in the achievement o f (a) and/ or (b); or leads the recipi­ ent com m unity to focus on (a) and/or (b). 2. Projects w hich-directly benefit a relatively large number o f people rather than a few in d i­ viduals. 3. Projects which generate coop­ eration among and w ithin d i­ verse groups in the interest o f a more integrated and m utually understanding society. 4. Projects which document that as a result o f C H D funding there are possibilities o f gener­ ating funds lrom other sources or o f becoming self-support­ ing w ithin the timelines estab­ lished in the proposal. C. Projects Not Meeting C H D C riteria and /o r Guidelines The fo llo w in g general classifica­ tions do not meet C H D criteria and/or guidelines: 3301 N.E. SANDY BV 239-0838 "it s your future, plan 1. Direct service projects (e.g.,day- carc centers, recreation pro­ grams, com m unity centers, scholarships, subsidies, coun­ seling programs, referral serv­ ices, c u ltu ra l enrichm ent programs,direct clinical serv­ ices, emergency shelters and other services, refugee reset­ tlement programs, etc.). 2. Projects controlled by govcm - .3. Research projects, surveys, planning and feasibility studies, etc. 4. Projects which have been operating for several years on funds from other funding agen­ cies. 5. Projects sponsored by organiza­ tions which at present receive substantial sums from other funding agencies, unless the applicant documents that this project cannot be funded by these agencies. 6. In dividually owned, fo r p ro fit businesses. 4b/> it wisely” TRAINING FOR TRUE PROFESSIONALS CDWdRD W4DSWORTH insT iT U T e fO R HxtIR œ s i c n Ask when classes start Contact Ms. Anderson APPOINTMENTS OR WALK-INS FOR SERVICES PERFORMED BY STUDENTS UNDER PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO QUALIFY LOOKING FOR THE BEST HOMEBUYING VALUE? LUCKY YOU. IT’S HUD SIGN UP TIME! W hen you see our sign up in your real estate agent’s w indow , y o u 'll know that this is a place that can make buying your next home both easy and fast. Your agent w ill tell you that H U D homes are priced to be te rrific values. A nd w ith F H A M ortgage Insurance, a buyer’s down payment can be just 3% . So watch the Friday and Sunday Oregonian fo r our w eekly H U D home listings, and then look fo r our “ Buy a H U D home here” sign. For people w ho want a good deal on a good home, it's a beautiful sign o f the times. mroBOME here CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN APPRENTICE­ SHIP Are you interested in a FUTURE in the Piping Trades? Applications will be taken for UA #290 Plumbers & Steamfit- ters. WHEN: June 12 through 23, 1989 Where: 1400 SW Fifth St, room 407, Portland, Oregon. PHONE: 229-6008 REQUIREMENTS: Must provide reliable proof by non-returnable copies of birth certificate, drivers license, high school diploma or GED tran­ scripts. AGE: must be at least 18 years of age EDUCATION: must be a high school graduate or a GED graduate HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT « 1909 by HUD Pw flend OW k . p Equal Housing Opportunity • - W Ï . y . .V A