M0HI Page 4 Portland Observer JUNE 29,1989 ABORTION-ON- DEMAND IS BLACK GENOCIDE By: Reverend Ronald O. Ross, J r. : ? ¡i f u i The pro-abortionists would like America to believe that they are concerned with the choice of a woman and the life her child might live were he or she brought to term. These are not real reasons for legal abortion, but platitudes to make their cause seem just. The pro-abortionists are not con­ cerned about the mother or the child. Their only concern is their own self­ ish motives. The truth of the matter is these people are supporting and pro­ moting genocide. If abortion is allowed to remain available on demand, the genocidal effects will be felt soon. The statis­ tics show that Black prebom chil­ dren are being aborted at more than twice the rate of Whites! Black women comprise only about 12 percent of the total female popu­ lation in the United States, but they are undergoing approximately 30 per­ cent of the abortions. The number of Black babies killed by abortion in 1983 represents two percent of the entire Black population! These facts speak for themselves: this is Black Genocide! The pro-abortionists want toclean up the ghettos not because there is suffering and pain, but because they are an eyesore. (Guess what race pre- dom inates in the ghettos of Amer­ ica?) They want to stop hunger not by helping their fellow man, but by ex­ terminating the hungry. This, of course, reduces their tax burden! (Guess what race receives a large amount of welfare funds?) The one thing the pro-abortion movement seems to find hard to believe is that a family can live five to an apartment, have little money and still be happy-because they have love and they are a FAMILY! Poverty does not necessarily make one unhappy. If money and stability were the key to a happy existence on this earth, then why do stars with all of their wealth commit suicide and wealthy men go into seclusion? The fact is there are unhappy people in Harlem and unhappy people in Bev­ erly Hills. Pro-abortion activists take great joy from peeking into the back yard of the pro-life movement and saying, “ your time and money could be better spent on the children already here instead of worrying about the m urder of those who have not yet tasted life outside the womb.” Note that they never talk about the “ Moms’ Houses” that help teen­ age mothers continue their schooling by offering free day care. Note they never talk about the adoption serv­ ices, the temporary “ shepherding homes” for unwed mothers, the le­ gal assistance, the financial help, or the many myriad assistance programs nationwide that the pro-life groups support and sustain. Pro-abortionists focus on the demand that pro-lifers stop fighting for the lives of prebom babies and put all their money and efforts into day are. Head Start and nutritional programs. They fail to look into their own back yard, however, In just a few short months the pro-abortionists will spend over $4 million just on adver­ tising, not to mention the millions wasted on failed programs like sex instruction, school based sex and abortion clinics which only feed the problem of “ unplanned” pregnan­ cies. These millions, too, could be used to bolster nutritional programs, pre­ natal health programs and postnatal care-services that could help a troub­ led mother realize she has alterna­ tives to the murder of her child. But I see no effort by the pro­ abortionists to help the living, only the programmed rhetoric promoting just one choice-death to the pre­ bom! There is a serious “ anti-poor” campaign in the United States today, but it is not championed by the pro­ life movement. Rather,it is being led by the pro-abortionists who have no concern for any individual person only a zeal to achieve their own self­ ish goals. Yes, the American dream is still alive. But it is seriously endangered by those who expouse the goal of ending poverty, but choose to do so by killing off the poor. But all Americans are guaran­ teed the inalienable rights to pursue happiness..And the liberty and LIFE essential to do sol HATE CRIMES RESULTS IN RECORD BREAKING CONVICTIONS The FBI civil rights program, according to the FBI director, is designed to investigate racially and ethnically motivated threats ore vio­ lence as violations of federal laws. He said these include criminal and civil violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as cases involv­ ing various forms of discrimination. Each year. Judge Sessions said, the Vigorous FBI investigations of FBI responds to thousands of com­ racial and ethnic hate crimes have plaints. resulted in a record-breaking 169 con­ Pointing out that the FBI civil victions since October 1987, director rights program is limited to investi­ William S. Sessions revealed today. gations of violations o f federal law Declaring that the FBI has this na- committed by individuals, Judge Ses­ tion’s “ primary responsibility against sions said, however, that the domes­ the forces of prej udice ’ ’ through ci vil tic counter-terrorism program inves­ rights and counter-terrorism programs, tigates the unlawful use of force or the FBI official issued the following violence by terrorist groups of politi­ statistics at the annual National Com­ cal for social ends. mission meeting of the Anti-Defa­ Both programs, he emphasized, mation League o fB ’nai B’rith at the are designed to prevent hate crime New York Marriott Marquis. and terrorist incidents and to react — 101 convictions in fiscal 1988 swiftly when they do occur. (Oct. 1,1987 to Sept. 30,1988) as the The FBI director told the ADL result of FBI probes, which he called meeting that the counter-terrorism the “ highest annual number of con­ program had made “ great progress victions ever recorded in the (FBI) in breaking the back of white su­ civil rights program.” premacist organizations that target —69 convictions in the first six months blacks, Orientals, Mexicans and Jews. of fiscal 1989 (Oct. 1,1988 to April Judge Sessions sounded a warn­ 30,1989) resulting from the bureau’s ing about what he called the “ grow­ civil rights investigations, which he ing menace” of the youthful, neo- termed “ an unprecedented number.” Nazi Skinhead movement. He cited —more than 7,000 investigations by 31 cases against Skinhead gang the FBI into civil rights cases last members initiated in the last six months year. by the F B I-m ost of which he said In describing the FBI’s war against have been successfully prosecuted hate crimes before some 300 Jewish by local authorities. community leaders, Judge Sessions The FBI director cited reports on cited the case of Denver radio talk the movement issued bv the show host Alan Berg who was shot to Anti=Defamation League over the death in 1984 “ because of his race last two years - as well as an updated and because of his belief that white ADL report, “ Skinheads Target the supremacist groups should be op­ Schools,” that will be issued at a Sat­ posed. urday session of ADFL’s meeting. When the Denver district attorney Judge Sessions said that to com­ declined to prosecute,Judge Sessions bat racial and ethnic violence, law said, the FBI and the Civil Rights enforcemcntaulhorities.membersof Division of the Department of Jus­ social agencies and the public “ must tice “ believed the crime was too work closely together to discourage heinous to go untried and we prose­ racial hatred where they find it...the cuted the case federally.” Two per­ FBI depends on all our citizens to so n s- members of the “ Aryan Na­ report violations and provide critical tions” and “ The Order” hate groups- information that will help our inves­ were convicted by a U.S. District tigations.” Court in 1987 and sentenced to 150 Prior to Judge Sessions’s address, years each in prison. ADL had earlier Charles J. Hynes, former Special State urged the Justice Department to prose­ Prosecutor, and the New York State cute Berg’s murderers under Federal Office of Special Prosecutors accepted law. the ADL Award for Combating Bias Judge Sessions said that investi­ Crimes. In presenting the award, Justin gations, such as the one in the Berg J. Finger, ADL’S associate national case, are “ worth every hour spent, director, praised Mr. Hynes and his every agent used, every resource office for their role * ‘in the landmark committed. They also clearly dem­ Howard Beach trial and paid a trib­ onstrate the FB I’s commitment to ute to their leadership in the struggle the vigorous enforcement of civil to combat racial prejudice and big­ rights statutes.” otry.” The Election of David Duke Stop The Corruption Of Democracy! By Dr. Lenora Fulani As an independent Black leader who is running for mayor of New York City in November on the New Alliance Party line, I am not willing to be Regional director of A D L ’s South complicity in the crime of silence being perpetrated by the professional politicians—Democrats as well as Republicans--in their refusal to speak out Central regional office in New on the controversial, life and death issues that are of profound concern to our Orleans. people. It is because I am raising these issues that I am being excluded, once The election of David Duke, the again, from the political dialogue. Recently it was reported in the New York former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Times that an organization calling itself C onduct-w hich America’s self- Kian, to a seat in the Louisiana House of Representatives from a suburban apointed newspaper of record describes as “ nonpartisan” -h a d brought district was neither a fluke nor an " a ll” of the mayoral candidates together to sign an pledge that they would conduct their campaigns in a principled w ay-presum ably free of racial and accident. Duke’s victory was the result of a other biases. Yet I was not invited to participate in that gathering-the only carefully crafted campaign in a small Black woman running for mayor of New York. Another article that appeared in the Times this past Monday noted overwhelmingly white district that that” Conduct’s challenge will be to discourage bigotry, veliedor therwise, has been adversely impacted by a long economic recession, fear of crime without stifling salutary debate about issues often shunned because o f their and paranoid feelings that federal potential racial implications. “ Once again no mention was made of the and state tax dollars are being spent conduct of Conduct in excluding me, thereby stifling the only candidate to sustain welfare systems, affirma­ capable of forcing the kind of debate the Times is supposedly eager to encourage. The article concludes that “ with race consciousness already so tive action and minority set-asides. One cannot look at the Duke vic­ high, m aybe-the best conduct New Yorkers can expect” is “ a racially tory without taking into account the divided but nonhostile election’” such as supposedly took place in Chicago fact that Louisiana has been eco­ earlier this spring. I consider the exclusion of the only Black woman in the nomically devastated since the 1984 New York mayoral race to be an act of overt bigotry-hostile by definition. The same bigotry and hostility is being demonstrated by the New York collapse of oil prices. The state has City chapter of the National Organization for W om en-the pre-eminent lost more than 450,000 jobs in the feminist organization in the country. NOW is planning a mayoral forum on last four years. More than 100,000 issues of concern to women. Yet I was not asked to participate-the only jobs have been lost in the New Or­ Black woman running for mayor of New York. leans-Metairie area alone. The same bigotry and hostility is being demonstrated by Governor Mario Equally depressing has been the slate’s brain drain. Many middle Cumo, who has invited all of the mayoral candidates, to meet with him. Yet class families have seen one or more I was not included in the invitation-the only Black woman running for college-educated children leave the mayor of New York and the only mayoral candidate who is connected not slate for better economic opportuni­ to the real estate and banking interests of the city, but to the people of New ties elsewhere. Crime has steadily York and in particular to the Black masses. Why am I being left out? The media and the politicians make the excuse risen and spread to the suburbs. Much of Louisiana’s middle class is in a tax that they cannot defend Adam Abdul-Hakeen (formerly,er;u Larry Davis) revolt, feeling that tax increases will and Ricardo B urgos-the young Black brothers from the South Bronx who benefit the less fortunate while im­ have become the targets of a murderous police vendetta for daring to speak pacting negatively on the middle class out against the corrupt cops who recruit poor Black and Puerto Rican youth to traffic drugs for them -because they are” thugs.” The excuse for not quality of life. In this environment, David Duke defending Tawana B raw ley-driven out of New York State as if she were the has flourished. At 38, he is no new­ criminal, when in fact she was the victim of a brutal racial and sexual assault comer to the racist game. While a committed by cops.m covered up by the politicians and condoned by the student at Louisiana S tate University media—was that this young Black woman was “ loose.” But why won’t they defend me? Why won’t they demand my inclusion? in the early 1970s, he proclaimed After all, I have all the “ right” credentials: I have a Ph.D. I ran for President himself the leading campus advocate of the United States last y ear-th e first Black woman ever to receive federal of white supremacy, attacking blacks primary matching funds, the first woman and the first African American and jews. While at LSU, he founded ever to be on the ballot in all 50 states. I’m going to be in their history books, the White Youth Alliance, a group whether they like it or not! So w hat’s wrong with me? W hat’s their excuse affiliated with the neo-Nazi National for excluding me? Socialist White People’s Party of / Arlington, VA. There is no excuse. The reality is that, like Adam Abdul-Hakeem and Duke’s interest in political office Ricky Burgos and Tawana Brawley, I am being excluded because I’m not dates back to 1975 when he ran the afraid to speak the truth about the filthy official corruption which is first of two unsuccessful campaigns responsible for the poison of drugs and poverty that is killing our people. for a seat in the Louisiana Senate. In I’m being excluded because I am stepping out to fill the vacuum in June 1987 on the steps of the Georgia leadership that is sucking the life out of the people of this city. And those State Capitol, Duke announced that who are too cowardly, too corrupt and too incompetent to lead are deter­ he would seek the 1988 Democratic mined to see to it that no one else will! nomination for President. His cam­ I am calling upon the people of New York to demand my inclusion! paign manager was Ralph Forbes, an Because when I am excluded it is our community which is excluded. Our Erstwhile “ captain” in Geroge Lin­ exclusion is racist. It is unfair. IT IS CORRUPT AND UNDEMOCRATIC coln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party, TO THE CORE. We need to speak out and fight back against this corruption who since became a minister in the of democracy. □ b d o o lo o la a lù ù lQ O la a lM anti-Semitic “ Identity” church move­ Jualoalpqttylrinloalnritni^^^ ment. By March 1988, candidate King Swap Meet 6728 N.E. Union Duke had switched parties and ac­ Portland, Oregon cepted the Presidential nomination of the Populist Party, which was 97211 founded in 1984 to promote the agenda Bring this coupon for Telephone 289-0772 of the anti Je w ish Liberty Lobby and 10% discount its leader, Hitler-admiere Willis Carto. As a Populist, Duke was on the ballot ^Expires Aug 3rd in 11 stales and received 48,267 votes 125 NE Killingsworth - l/20th of one percent o f the total 3 289-6448 cast. Throughout his presidential cam- B paign, whether as a Democrat or Popu­ list, Duke received steady coverage in the Spotlight, Liberty Lobby’s weekly publication. One article profiled him as a serious contender for the White House. His racist ac­ tivities, including his Kian involve­ ment, were openly acknowledged. 50% Cotton Shirts $3.99/3 for $11.00 ADL’s New Orleans office be­ 100% Cotton Shirts $4.50/3 for $12.50 came the resource center for hun­ dreds of reporters from across the Sweat Suits and Jogging Suits Look your Best country and the world who scrambled Caps Sun Glasses to cover what had become a big story. Come to Golden’s Black Power Suits and Necklaces 14 K GOLD The League had the only complete file on Duke, including pictures of We sell everything on discount for the Grand We provide complete hair care and design him in Kian and Nazi garb. Opening The likelihood is that other politi­ Home of Wet Wave cal candidates will use the same appeal Business Hours 10:30 am - 8:00 p.m. as Duke. Whether they will find Hair Designers Delores Alexander & districts as made to order as Duke found District 81 remains to be seen. Jerry Duckett The rise of Duke and others like him in white politics may also lead to a Wigland radicalization of black politics. One of the Northwest largest Wig Displays How far Duke can take his victory Wigs and hairpieces for all nationalities remains a question. He had emerged as a presentable, articulate racist who Eva Gabor Featured artists at the Street Dance Washington Federal Savings Bank can hold his own on national inter­ this year include The Kicks Band Naomi Sims has agreed to sponsor the Jazz Week view shows. His election has been a with the nationally known Pete ’89 Street Dance on Friday, Aug. 4, Renee of Paris source of concern for the state Sena­ announced Bob Dcmatteis, Jazz Week Christlieb, Shirley Nanette and tor and Congressman who represent Synthetic & Human hair chairman. “ This commitment by Friends, the Tom Grant Band and the his area. Both, conservative Repub­ Lloyd Jones Struggle. Closing out for braiding & weeving Washington Federal brings us closer licans, have correctly observed that the night will be the’ jazz jam ” led to meeting our sponsorship objec­ if Duke attempts to move up the by drummer Ron Steen and featuring Mon-Fri tives and certainly helps guarantee political ladder, one or the other of vicalist Ralph Black. Gates will open the success o f Jazz Week ’89,” said 10am-6pm them will be his next target Dcmatteis. “ It is very encouraging at 6p.m. with music starting at 7 p.m. But for the m om ent Duke must Sat to the volunteers who make this week and continuing until 1 a.m. Food and demonstrate that he can handle the beverages will be available and only happen to know that the business and 10am-5:30 fruits of victory. As Susan Howell corporate community solidly supports those 21 years old and over will be observes, “ Duke has to balance the Cleaning & re-styling admitted. this exciting project,” he added. red hots who will want raw racial Near Lloyd Center The Street Dance is held on Main The Street Dance is the grand rhetoric and the middle class who Street at Powell in downtown 282-1664 finale o f Jazz Week, according to want him to be a contributing mem­ Don McLntire, talent chairman, “ with Gresham. Admission is $10 per person ber of the legislature. For now, he 1105 N.E. Broadway or free with a Jazz Week button. music, fun and friends, it makes fora has definitely opened a new chapter Buttons will be on sale at the gate. great celebration.” on racial politics in the U.S.” By A.I. Botnick GOLDEN’S HOUSE OF STYLE GRAND OPENING SALE Street Dance Gains Sponsor 4 4 , .