Page 10 Portland Observer JUNE 29, 1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Executive Dean SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR $2808-$35!W Mo. PortlandC om m unity College invites applications lo r Executive Dean - The Oregon Dept. o f Transportation Rock Creek Campus. The Execu­ is recruiting fo r a Data Processing tive Dean reports to the p re s i­ Supervisor to direct the Depart­ dent. m en t’ s automated F inancial Responsibilities: Management System. Develop and implement program goals Applicants must have at least one for a ll areas o f responsibility. year o f supervisory experience in Supervise all instructional and man­ application system support; 3 years, agement personnel. experience in accounting & f i ­ Develop and manage the campus nancial management application budget. design and analysis; and 3 yrs. Supervise the R ockC reek physical experience in the structured pro­ facilities. gramming o f IB M -com patible Serve as a member o f the President’s mainframe and C O B O L /V S A M / staff. CICS applications required. Represent the college to the campus The outstanding candidate w ill have comunity and to outside agecies. excellent skills in supervision & Perform collegewide responsibilities project development, oral and as assigned by the President w ritten communications, applica­ Qualificaions: tion system design and develop­ Earned doctorate preferred; Masters ment, structured analysis and pro­ degree required. gramming system and program Four years in educaional administra­ level documentation, V S A M , JCL, tion required; com m unity college IB M AN S C O BO L and CICS. experience preferred. |Contact OD O T Personnel, 120 Trans­ Budgeting, supervision and educa­ portation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310, tional planning required. (503) 378-6281 for employment application and Q ualification Position Inform ation: Evaluation Questionnaire. A p p li­ Closing Date: July 20, 1989. cations and completed question­ Anticipated starling date: September naires w ill be accepted until 5:00 1, 1989. p.m., July 10, 1989. Salary Range: $53,O0O-S58,OOO w ith starling salary commensurate with SOCIAL WORKER exerience. Excellent fringe benefits including I C lient advocate to assist people w ith prepaid retirement with some cash A ID S & H IV diseases. M SW options. preferred or B A w ith two years .Thecollege serves about60,000 stu­ clinical experience. Send cover dents annually w ith an increas­ letter and resume to: ingly part-time, female, older and Executive D irector ethnically/racially diverse student 408 S.W. 2nd, Suite 412 population. Portland, OR 97204 .W rite or call Portland Com m unity Women, m inorities, and people af­ College, S taff Em ploym ent O f­ fected by A ID S encouraged to fice, P.O. Box 19000, Portland, apply. O r 97219-0990. Phone (503)273- 2823 for application information. Deadline fo r receipt o f applica­ tion materials is July 20, 1989. .An A ffirm a tive A ction Equal O pportunity Institution JOBS & CLASSIFIED Minority Family Specialist needed to provide case management, counseling, fa m ily treatment, net­ w orking in the African American community, and supervision to ad­ judicated or emotionally disturbed adolescents in a day treatment and out-client program. Required: Bachelor degree in social work or related fie ld plus 2 years experi­ ence w orking w ith delinquent or em otionally disturbed youth, and demonstrated competency and fa- m ilia rity in networking w ith the African American community and with extended families. $1,750 per month plus excellent benefits. Send resume by July 10, 1989, to L. Larson, Morrison Center, 5205 SE 86th Avenue, Portland, OR 97266. EQ U A L O P PO R TU N ITY E M PLO Y ER SECRETARY/WORD PROCESSOR SUB-BIDS REQUESTED STATE OF OREGON Acting by and through its Department o f General Services is looking lo r a site to house its A lb in a Human Resources Center. Requirements for Building: *41,150 gross square feel, approxim ately 35,775 net usable square feel. *135 o f street parking spaces. •P rim ary area o f interest is w ithin a quarter m ile radius o f the intersection o f Mason street and W illiam s Avenue, bounded on the north by Alberta Street on the west by A lbina Avenue, on the south by Fremomt Street, and on the east by 7th Avenue. •Secondary area o f interest is w ithin three quarter m ile radius o f intersection o f Mason and W illiam s,bounded on the north by Jarrett/Jessup Streets, on the west by 1-5 on the south by 15th Avenue. *7year term beginning approxim ately Julyl,1990. •E x itin g fa c ility or build to suite, single story structure pre­ ferred. •F u ll service lease, must be fu lly handicapped accessible and usable. •P ro o f o f ownership or fu ll authority to represent property required. Bid Date: June 30, 1989 * 9:00 A.M. PACIFIC VENTURES, INC, P.O. Box 3407 • Bellevue, Washington 98009 (206)455-5506 F A X #(206)455-0614 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub­ contractors and women & m in ority business enterprises. RBK-afl SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Durham Advanced Waste Water Treatment Plant Phase I Expansion Bid Date:July 13, 1989 - 2:00 P.M WRIGHT SCHUCHART HARBOR CO. P.O. Box 3764 Seattle, WA 98124 (206) 447-3433 FAX (206) 447-7535 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub­ contractors and women & m in ority business enterprises. Washington License: W R IG HSH 219C O , Oregon License:B 84-411 TH E S T A TE W IL L : •H o ld an inform ational meeting for interested offerers on July 12th,1989 at 9:30 a.m. at Portland State Office B uilding, Room 26, 1400 S.W .Fifth Avenue for the purpose o f answering questing from offerers. It you arc interested in receiving an inform ational package,please, call 378-2864 in Salem on or before July 10, 1989. Systems Analyst/Programmer DEPT. OF GENERAL SERVICES 1225 Ferry St. S.E. SALEM, OREGON 97310 State reserves the right to refuse any and all offers. The Portland Development Com m is­ sion (PDC), the redevelopment agency fo r the C ity o f Portland, Oregon, needs a Systems Ana­ lyst/Program m er to: system. Knowledge o f financiai systems, governmental budgeting and/or accounting principals and practices is required. a) provide programming support This position also serves as the V A X System Manager. Applicants who to the PC financial system and are strongly experienced with b) assist in the management o f the V A X C lusters, performance tun­ V A X C luste r system and network. ing, DECnet Ethernet networking W e seek a strong programmer who and VM S system programming either has A D M IN S experience are encouraged to apply. or is able to put past programming Starting salary - $32,868 - $35,820 experience to work to quickly learn Please send detailed resume to: the A D M IN S application program. Portland Development Commission This position w ill supervise one 1120 S.W. F ifth Avenue, Suite other systems programmer. T o ­ 1102 gether, this portion o f the com ­ Portland, Oregon 97204 puter s ta ff provides direct, daily support to the extensive financial Volunteers needed N utrition - B lo o d P ressu re Study Researchers at OHSU are looking for volunteers for free, experi­ mental studies of nutrition and blood pressure. If you are between 20 and 80, in general good health, and able to attend weekly appointments, you may be a candidate for these studies. Volun­ teers with normal or high blood pressure will be included. Candi­ dates will be thoroughly screened by the research team and will receive a free physical examination and lab tests. Convenient appointments can be arranged. For information please call 279-8490, Division of Nephrology. OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY \ee ifwrI)Ukme -Á Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay _______ _ _ - - _ - _ 6-Pack Coke & Minute Maid Coke, Coke Classic, Cherry Coke, Diet Coke Caffeine Free Diet Coke, Diet Cherry Coke, Sprite, Diet Sprite, Fresca, Tab, and Minute Maid Flavors, Mellow Yello, 12-ounce Cans. The Private Industry Council (TPIC) is recruiting fo r a Secretary/ W ord Processor for T P IC North East Employment and Training Center. This position is responsible for re­ ception, document development and clerical support to staff. Preferred requirements: High School diploma or GED; Three years’ experience in general office setting including tw o years’ word process­ ing experience; excellent grammar and spelling; fa m iliarity w ith W ord Perfect, Lotus and Macintosh sys­ tems; telephone and reception expe­ rience; demonstrated a b ility to meet m ultiple deadlines and to work w ith a variety o f people. Salary Range: $14,060 to $ 19,820 plus excellent benefit package. Closing date 5 PM Wednesday, July 5, 1989. Applications avail­ able at The Private Industry C ouncil, 520 SW 6th AVe., Suite 400,Portland, OR 97204. An A ffirm a tive Action/Equal Employment O pportunity Employer. Chambers Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Phase II • Pierce County, WA Farm Fresh Sweet Corn Plus Deposit Most Varieties Available At Most Locations. Picked at their flavor peak... Plump, juicy, golden ears of sweet corn for your enjoyment! These beauties are perfect to cook on the outdoor barbecue or to boil YOUTH PROGRAM COORDINATOR The NE YWCA CENTER 530 N.E. M artin Luther King Blvd. ulgoing and innovative person needed to plan and provide direct service to youth ages 6 to 14 after school Summer program. Tw o years experience w orking w ith at “r is k '' youth. A pplication avail­ able at Northeast and Downtown Y W C A Centers.Deadline June 30,1989 at 5 PM. SAFEWAY Ad Prices Effective 6/28 Thru 7/4/89