Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 29, 1989, Image 1

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    Urs Frances Schoan-^ewspaper room
University of Oregon Library
.vr^no, Oregon 97403
-----------------------_ B ln
JUNE 29, 1989
Educational reform , employment
and training, A m erica’s housing c ri­
sis, the drug and crim e epidemic,
black on black crime, and im proving
the health status o f A frica n A m e ri­
cans w ill be among the m ajor issues
examined at the 1989 National U r­
ban League Conference, “ W orking
Together To Make a Difference:
Towards Parity by the Year 2000.”
The conference w ill take place in
Washington, D.C. August 6-9 at the
Washington Convention Center.
On Sunday, August 6, at 6 p.m.,
President and C hie f Executive O ffi­
cer John E., Jacob w ill deliver the
keynote address, which is the League’s
m ajor annual p o licy statement.
On Monday, August 7, Depart­
ment o f Labor Secretary Elizabeth
H. Dole w ill address the m orning
conference plenary session on
“ Workforce 2000: Meeting The Chal­
lenge O f A New Era.” A lso on that
day, Congressman W illia m H. Gray
I I I w ill be the speaker at the Federal
Resources Luncheon, and Depart­
ment o f Health and Human Services
Secretary Louis Sullivan w ill address
the afternoon plenary session on “ A
National Health P olicy fo r Parity By
The Year 2000.”
Forum sessions to be held on
August 7, w ill be on “ A ID S : Black
Am erica Responds,”
“ A frican-
Am erican F am ily Preservation,”
“ Building Stronger Historically Black
Colleges and U niversities,” “ M ak­
Rangel w ill be the speaker at a spe­
cial evening forum on “ Drugs and
C rim e.” Forum issues scheduled for
that day are: “ Public and Private
Partnerships in providing Affordable
Housing,” “ Economic Em power­
ment through the Political Process,”
“ Preventing substance Abuse
Among African-Am erican Y outh,”
“ African-Am erican Women En­
trepreneurs,” “ Federal Education
Programs: Policy Directions fo r the
1990-’ s,” and “ M in o rity Teachers:
Short S u p p ly -H ig h Demand.”
The fin al day o f the conference
Wednesday, August 9, w ill be high­
lighted by an address by The Rev.
Dr. Joseph E. Low ery, President o f
the Southern Leadership Conference
on “ Lib erty and Justice: The C iv il
Rights Agenda for the 1990’ s.” The
last day o f conference forums w ill
end w ith “ The Sandwich Genera­
tion: Rearing Children and Caring
for Aging Parents,” “ Manhood and
Fatherhood: The M ale Role in the
African-Am erican F a m ily,”
“ Tw enty Years after The Kerner
Commission Report” Am erica, S till
Separate and Unequal.”
Over 16,000 conferees represent­
ing the public, private corporations,
and the federal government sectors
are expected to attend the 1989 an­
nual conference.
The conference also features the
work o f local and national A frican-
American artists in a colorful A rt
Expo.The Job Opportunity Showcase,
a computerized jo b matching service
and an exhibit hall w ith 400 exhibits,
where private, public, and govern­
ment agencies distribute products,
literature, and services w ill be among
other major highlights, A special youth
session is scheduled fo r Sunday,
August 6, and a Gala Benefit Concert
starring Ashford and Simpson, Lou
Rawls, Levert, and the O ’Jays is
planned fo r M onday, August 7.
For inquiries about conference reg­
istration, contact the Conferences De­
partment at 212/310/-9037/8/9. W rit­
ten inquiries may be sent to the N a­
tional Urban League, Inc. 500 East
62nd St. New York, N Y 10021.
Rhonda Lege has been promoted to senior marketing manager fo r
A rb y ’s, Inc., the w o rld ’ s largest roast beef sandwich chain. In this position,
Lege is responsible fo r the company’s nine-state north central region. She
provides m arketing direction to A rb y ’s franchisees and supervises coopera­
tive formations as w ell as A rb y ’ s regional marketing managers. She is based
in Chicago.
Lege joined A rb y ’ s in 1987 as a field marketing manager. Prior to that she
was director o f marketing and consumer affairs fo r Denver-based Bailey
Company, one o f A rb y ’ s’ largest franchise operations.
A native o f Portland, Orc., Lege received a bachelor’s degree in m arket­
ing from the U niversity o f Oregon.
Headquartered in Atlanta, A rb y ’ s has more than 2,100 restaurants in the
United States, Canada, Asia, The Caribbean, and the M iddle East. System-
ing W elfare Reform W o rk ,” “ Pub­
wide sales are expected to reach $1.4 b illio n in 1989
lic Policy and Youth Development,”
" C h ild Care: The Need Continues,”
“ Im proving the Health Status o f
A frica n Am ericans,” and “ A frican-
Am erican Youth: Prospects for the
“ American Dreams.”
On Tuesday, August 8, Secretary
o f Housing and Urban Development
Forty -five Portland youngsters w ill earn w hile they learn a variety o f
Jack F. Kemp w ill discuss “ Housing
skills this summer as participants in a special program at the Cascade
A m erica’ s Poor’ ’ at the m orning ple­
Campus o f Portland C om m unity College in North Portland.
nary session. The afternoon plenary
The 45 boys and g irls w ill take part in the “ Earn and Learn Summer
session w ill be on “ Educational
Youth Project” sponsored by the Portland Public Schools, Private Industry
Reform: A Public Policy Agenda for
C ouncil and PCC.
E quity and Excellence” and w ill fea­
To q ua lify, the young people must be 14 to 21 years old and "g an g
ture Secretary o f Education Lauro
affected” in the sense that they are frequently exposed to gangs in their
Cavazos. Congressman Charles B.
everyday lives, explained D irector Glenn Keaton, a PCC math tutor.
The youngsters w ill come to the program on referral from schools or
other agencies, or by applying on their own. They w ill w ork on basic
educational skills such as reading, w ritin g and math, and study science, ge­
The 2nd Annual West Irvington Parade and neighborhood festival w ill
ography and other content subjects.
take place Saturday, July 8, starting w ith a parade from Irving park and
In addition, said Keaton, the group w ill receive em ployability training
ending w ith an afternoon o f fun at Irvington School, Northeast 13th Avenue
and learn how to operate computers.
at Brazce Street.
One o f the project sta ff members w ill be an advocate, who w ill serve as
The parade w ill take o ff from Irving Park at Northeast 11 th Avenue at
role model, counselor and buddy, Keaton said.
K lic k ita t Street, heading down 11th to Stanton Street and on Stanton to 13th
T w o developmental education instructors,two laboratory aides and a
and Irvington School. Children w ith decorated bicycles, strollers, wagons,
fu ll-tim e secretary w ill complete the staff.
or any other non-motorized vehicles are invited to jo in in . The parade is
Project participants w ill study at Cascade Campus a m aximum o f seven
open to adults, too.
hours a day, five days a week.from late June through September 15.
A ctivitie s arc planned at the school grounds from noon to 5 p.m.
PIC spokeswoman M am ella Bingham said the estimated earnings o f 45
including music, food, children’ s activities and clowns, volleyball, skate­
young people during the period o f the project would be about $800 per
boarding demonstrations, and lots more. Inform ation booths about neigh­
youth, so each student w ill receive that stipend. In addition, $200 per client
borhood programs w ill be at the festival. Food and neighborhood t-shirts
w ill be allocated fo r support services such as transportation, meals, speakers
w ill be sold.
and field trips.
The festival was created last year to build com m unity spirit in the
When they complete the project, younger clients w ill be encouraged to
g to ij neighborhood, especially in the area o f West Irvington between
return to high school, w hile older members o f the group w ill enter the local
Northeast 7th and 15th avenues, from Broadway to K nott streets. It is
jo b market.
sponsored by the Irvington Com m unity Association and the West irvington
The project is an outgrowth o f an idea expressed by Governor Neil
Festival Committee.
Goldschm idt at the Leaders Roundtable o f Portland earlier this year. Funds
Gang-Affected Youth to Study at PCC
Cascade This Summer
by Jimi Johnson
M arried fo r fifty -fiv e years, M r. & Mrs. Henry and Frankie Mangum
moved to Portland in 1945 form Jackson M ississippi to w ork in the
shipyards. They have been senior residents o f Gantenbein Avenue (popu­
larly know n as G-Street) fo r nearly 40 years. The Mangums have watched
and nurtured three generations, including their own fam ilies w hile always
trying to better their neighborhood, M any words o f encouragement as w ell
as strokes o f discipline have come from the Mangums in the form o f LO VE .
“ W e ’ ve seen a lot o f young people grow up to be fine adults, and some
not so fine, but we are pleased w ith the m ajority o f young people w e’ ve
come to kn o w ” , stated Henry M angum .’ ’There were times when my w ife
and I had to personally chastise neighborhood youth, but now we know the
e ffo rt was w orthw hile” , added Mangum.
Henry Mangum became known to neighborhood youngsters as “ K ille r ”
because.he constantly kept them on the straight and narrow path. “ H e’d
threaten to ’ cut o ff their head’ “ , jo k in g ly added his w ife Mrs. Frankie
A ctive in the church, M rs. M angum says that “ marriage is something
that you need to w ork at and keep God in your marriage, you must keep the
fa ith ” , she added.
The ‘ ‘Golden Years” have been good to the Mangum fam ily as they have
been blessed w ith good health, many friends,and a lovely fa m ily including,
three children, twelve grandchildren, and twenty-one great-grandchildren.
The P O R T L A N D OBSERVER salutes this wonderful couple as our Seniors
o f the Week!
Urban League Schedules Annual
and in-kind contributions amounting to $106,000 are being provided by
PIC, the Portland Public Schools and PCC.
Contacts: Penny W ills , associate dean, PCC Cascade,244-611 l.ext.
Glenn Keaton, Earn and Learn project director, 244-6111,ext.5436
Coalition Of Black Men
In its efforts to provide support to
A frican Am erican youth this sum­
mer, the C oalition o f Black Men w ill
host a group o f representative from
various youth programs at its b i­
m onthly meeting on Saturday, July
1, 1989. The meeting is scheduled
fo r 9:00 a.m. at Jackson H all on the
Portland C om m unity College Cas­
cade Campus.
Representatives w ill discuss the
activities o f their respective groups,
to allow members ot tne c o a litio n to
volunteer their services in support o f
A frican American youth. Although
the C oalition is p rim a rily an advo­
cacy organization, it has a strong
com m itm ent to helping African
Am erican youth at-risk.
For additional inform ation, con­
tact Useni Perkins, Chairman o f the
C oalition and CEO o f the Urban
League o f Portland, at 280-2600.
Friday July N th , 8:00pm: TH E
Join com m unity activist Jonathan
M ozzochi for an evening o f discus­
sion on the problem o f fascist skin­
head violence in Portland. How much
o f a threat and how w ell organized
are the fascist skins? Are Portland’ s
police, C ity government, and “ Busi­
ness com m unity” part o f the Prob­
lem? The event is free at Laughing
Horse books, 1322 N W 23rd, Port­
land, Oregon.
S upport Our Advertisers!
Say You Saw It In The
Dick Bogle
Master of Ceremonies
Margaret Carter
Keynote Speaker
The Urban League o f Portland w ill host its Annual Dinner on Thursday,
July 20,1989 at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion. The no-host reception begins
at 6:30 p.m., and dinner begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets fo r the dinner are $30
each and $300 per table o f ten.
C ity Commissioner D ick Bogle w ill be the master o f ceremonies, and
State Representative Margaret Carter w ill deliver the keynote address.
Comments w ill be heard from board chairman, Louis J. Boston, and League
president, Useni E. Perkins.
The evening’ s entertainment w ill include a performance by Bruce Smith
and his A frican Dancers, and vocals from the duet o f Ken Berry and Janice
Scroggins, and U nity, a gospel quartet
The theme for this year’s dinner, “ A Friend o f the C om m unity,” was
selected because it describes the Urban League’ s daily com m itm ent to
com m unity betterment.
The public is co rdially invited to attend. For ticket inform ation or to
make reservations, call 280-2600.
"V io le n c e as a way o f achieving racial justice is im practical and
im m oral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in
destruction fo r a ll. The old law o f an eye fo r an eye leaves everybody blind.
It is im m oral because it seeks to hum iliate the opponent rather than w in his
understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is
im m oral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys com m u­
nity and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue
rather than dialogue. Violence ends by defeating it self. It creates bitterness
in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.”
M artin Luther King, Jr.