Page 8 Portland Observer JUNE 22,1989 jobs & SOCIAL WORKER W O R D PR O C ESSING C licn l ud\ ocatc lo assist [K iip lc with A ID S A H IV diseases. MSW preferred or B A w ith two years clinical experience. Send cover Id le r anil resume io: Esecutive Director 408 S.W. 2nd, Suite 412 Portland, OR 97204 Women, minorities, and people af­ fected by AIDS encouraged to apply. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY The Oregon Department o f Energy is looking for a consultant to help run a public involvement program to review changes io the energy conservation chapter o f the state building code. The contract is es­ timated at S1 (X),000 and w ill run through June 30, 1990. This proj­ ect is funded 1(X) percent with federal funds. Submittals are due by noon on Monday, June 19, 1989. For information, please con­ tact: Grants & Contracts Section Oregon Department of Energy 625 Marion St., NE Salem, OR 97310 Phone: (503) 378-6968 ELECTRICIAN II Aviation Maintenance - PDX INFORMATION PROCESSING ANALYST II YOUTH PROGRAM DIRECTOR N.E. YWCA 5630 N.E. M.L. King Blv/1. ACCOUNTS MANAGER/ BUYER HEALTH SERVICES | Providing health care to students cn-l rolled in public schools, prc-kin-l dergarten - 12th grade, in| Multnomah County I Appl. Dead I me:06/30/89 by 2pm ¡Call Jcanccn 255-1841, Ext 207 for| BS/BA w/2yrs. Management csp. Multnomah Proven success working w /” at [Education Service District, applica-| risk” youdi ages 3-14. Applica­ lion form tions available at NE/Dwntown |and additional information. YW C A centers. Deadline: 6/23/ An Equal Opportunity Employer 89. cruiting fo ra Ri>k Management Gcorgia\Pacific, a leader in the For­ Sealed bids for the McMorran House Rerooling Project, University of est prixlucts industry, and a For­ Specialist. This regular, full-tim e Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, w ill be received by the Oregon State Board ol tune Fifty company is looking for | position is responsible lor moni­ Higher Education at University o f Oregon, Physical Plant Department, Con­ an energetic self-motivated in d i-1 toring contracts to ensure com pli­ ference Room 2,1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon until 3:0<)p.m.. vidual to fill an entry level posi­ ance with applicable laws, regu­ PDT, July 13, 1989, and then publicly opened and read aloud by the tion of Accounts Managcr/Buyer. lations, contracts and program re­ Undersigned or his designated representative. This position includes coordinat­ quirements. Brietly, the project includes, but is not limited to, 1) removing and ing and purchasing western ply- j I Preferred requirements: Two years replacing approximately 3,600 SF o f existing cedar shingle roofing, copper wood needs for various company post-secondary education in so­ vents, gutters, flashings, and fiat scam metal; 2) cleaning, repairing, distribution centers throughout the cial science, business, public ad­ rcpoinling, and scaling existing brickwork; and 3) repairing, patching, and U.S. ministration or oilier closely re­ painting existing stucco. lated field, or equivalent experi­ Bachelor degree required. Excellent | Bid w ill be received on a lump-sum basis, as shown on the Drawings and communication and intcqtcrsonal ence; two years experience inter­ as described in the Specifications. One (1) set ol the Project Manual may skills combined with strong self- preting federal regulations and/or be obtained from Söderström Architects, P.C., 320 S.W. Stark Street, Suite motivation, are all necessary at-1 working with economically dis­ 690, Portland, Oregon 97204, 503/228-5617 by bidders only upon deposit tributes. advantaged populations; demon­ o f S25.OO. Additional sets may be obtained for the cost o f reproduction. strated effective writing skills; gen­ Georgia-Pacific offers excellent com-1 Deposits w ill be refunded for documents returned in “ good condition" pensation, broad benefits and earner | eral auditing or bookkeeping ex­ by actual bidders within two weeks alter opening ol bids or by non-bidders opportunities. perience: valid driver's license and by the bid opening date. Please apply in person Monday, 6/261 reliable transportation. The Project Manual may be examined at the University ol Oregon to Friday,6/30 from 8:30-4:30. If Salary range: $16,603 to $24,391 Physical Plant, Eugene; Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center, Portland; unable to apply in person, please | plus excellent benefit package. Construction Data, Portland; Eugene Builder’s Exchange, Eugene; North­ send cover letter and resume with | Closing date 5 PM Wednesday, June east Business Center, Portland; Salem Contractor’s Exchange, Salem; compete salary history by 7/5 to | 28, 1989. Applications available Construction Data Plan Center, Portland; Central Oregon Builder’ s Ex­ Ann Ashton: at The Private Industry Council, change, Bend; Oregon Builder’ s Exchange, Roseburg; Douglas County 520 SW 6th Ave., Suite 400, Port­ Georgia-Pacific Builder’ s Exchange, Roseburg; and Medford Builder’s’s Exchange, Medford. land, OR 97204. Corporation A ll bid w ill be considered which is not (10 fully completed in the manner An Affirm ative Action/Equal Em­ provided in the “ Instructions to Bidders’ ’ upon the Bid Form provided, and Human Resources Department ployment Opportunity Employer. 17th Floor (2) accompanied by Bid Security. A mandatory examination of the site and conditions w ill be made at 1:30 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue p.m. , PDT, July 6, 1989. Bidders shall meet with the Owner’s Represen­ Portland, OR 97204 Program Executive C tative at the residence, 2315 McMorran Street, Eugene, Oregon. Equal Opportunity Employer Albany Local Office Manager Oregon State Board O f Higher Education By George P. Pernsteiner Associate Vice Chancellor Facilities Division Eugene, Oregon | Notice To Contractors Scaled bids for the construction o f Portland Suite University, Smith Memo­ rial Center, Summer 1989 Remodel w ill be received from interested Contractors by: The Oregon State Board o f Higher Education, at Room 202E; University Services Bldg; 617 S.W. Montgomery St; Portland Suite University; Pordand, Oregon 97207, Until 3:00PM prevailing local lime, on Thursday July 13, 1989. Bids w ill be publicly opened and thereafter read aloud by the under­ signed or his designated representative. Project Description The project consists o f the interior renovation o f the public spaces o f the basement level o f Smith Memorial Center. Smith Memorial Center is located on the cast campus, bounded by S.W. Harrison Street to S.W. Montgomery Street and S.W. Broadway to S.W. Park Avenue. Type Of Bid One proposal for the entire Project, including General, Mechanical, and Electrical Work is required Construction Documents Two sets of Drawings and Specifications, Including Bid and Agreement Documents, may be obtained from the upon receipt of S40.00 deposit made "The Syes and Ears ol the Community' payable to: 288-0033 Architect: Michael & Lakcman, AIA, pc; 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 1400; Portland, Oregon 97204; (503) 224-4610. Notice To Contractors Deposits w ill be refunded for Documents returned in good condition by actual bidders within 2 weeks following Bid opening, and returned to non- Wasco Street Sanitary Sewer LID bidders only if returned one week prior to Bid opening. Project No. 3053 Sub-bidders and Suppliers may obUiin personal sets o f Documents and Prime Bidders additional sets by paying cost o f reproduction, which is not Sealed proposals w ill be received by the City Engineer, at the City Hall, refundable. Reproductions o f Drawings may be obtained at Ford Graphics, 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon 97030, until Wednesday, 401 N.W. 14th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97228, (503) 227-3424. Repro­ July 5, 1989 at 10:00 a.m., Pacific Daylight Time, at which time they w ill ductions o f the Specifications may be obtained at Quikprinl, 626 SW be opened, for the construction o f die WASCO STREET SAN ITAR Y Washington S l„ Portland, Oregon 97204, (503) 241-1918. SEWER L ID PROJECT NO. 3053 Wage Rates The major quantities involved are as follows: No Bid w ill be received orconsidcrcd unless the Bid contains a statement 1,630 L.F. 8" Gravity Sewer Pipe assuring the Bidder’s compliance with ORS 279.350, which relate to 900 L.F. 674" Service Lateral Pipe payment o f prevailing rates o f wage. 6 Each Manholes Equal Opportunity In Employment Contractor for this work shall furnish all labor at current Stale o f Oregon Bidders and Prospective Contractors arc required to make positive prevailing wage rales, materials and equipment and services o f all kinds to efforts to utilize M inority, Disadvantaged, and Women Business Enter­ complete the work in accordance with die plans and specifications therefor. prises, WBE/DBE/W BE, in the procurement o f Construction Services and Plans and specifications may be examined at the office o f the Gresham Supplies. City Engineer, 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon. Copies o f Pre-Bid Conference said plans and specifications may be obtained upon application to the City A mandatory Pic bid conference to answer questions about the Project Engineer for each set o f plans and specifications requested. and to discuss compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity require­ Contractors must prequalify for sanitary sewer construction with the City ments w ill be held as follows: o f Gresham, as required by the laws o f the State o f Oregon, before the date Dale: Tuesday, July 6,;989 o f a bid opening. Otherwise, their proposal may not lie given consideration. Time: 10:00 a.m. prevailing local lime A ll proposals must be submitted on the regular forms furnished by the Location: Room 202 University Services Building; 617 SW Montgom­ City o f Gresham, addressed and mailed or delivered to the Engineering ery Street; Portland, Oregon. Division, City o f Gresham, in a sealed cn vclope plainly marked, “ SEALED It is mandatory that all Prime Bidders attend the Conference. Other BID ON WASCO STREET SAN ITAR Y SEWER LID PROJECT NO. interested parlies may attend as well. 3053” and bearing the name and address o f bidder. Each must be Bid Security accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in an amount Bidders shall submit with their Bid Proposal a Bid Bond, Certified not less than ten percent (10%) ol the total bid. A performance and payment heck, or Bank Cashier’s Check equal to 10% of the Base Bid including corporate surety bond in the full amount o f the contract shall be required to Additive Alternates, i f any. guarantee faithful performance o f the terms o f the contract at the lime o f By Order of: contract execution. Oregon State Board o f Higher Education The City o f Gresham reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids, waive By: George P. Pernsteiner, Associate Vice Chancellor informalities, or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interests o f the City. I Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. In determining the lowest responsible bidder, the public contracting MEDICAL TREATMENT agency shall, for the purpose o f awarding the contract, add a percent You may be eligible for a research study if you are 21 to 65 and suffer increase on the bid o f a non-resident bidder equal to the percent, if any, of from anxiety, worry, nervousness, inner tension and physical svmD- toms of stress (headaches, sweating, dry mouth, pounding heart the preference given to that bidder in the stale in which the bidder resides. eie ) The City o f Gresham is an equal opportunity employer. This research has been Federally approved and is taking place in sev­ eral large cities If you meet the criteria for generalized anxiety disor­ By Order O f The City Council der without a seriously depressed mood, you may receive free 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway screening and medical treatment for up to two months Individuals with aIcohol or drug abuse, or poorly controlled medical problems Gresham, Oregon 97030 cannot be accepted for this research. Females must be sterile or Dost- menopausal ANXIETY Pacific Northwest Clinical Research Center Support O ur Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The CALL 288-9901 For more information PORTLAND OBSERVER FAX # 503)288-0015 EEO 4 Advertisement For Bids Division A I’I'he FrivalO liidnsli y Council is re­ High volume department in a major health insurance company has an opening for an information Proc­ essing Analyst 11.Qualified appli­ cants must have the following ex­ perience. Previous machine transcription and at least 6 months experience in the operations of word processing equipment (preferably IB M ) in a centralized environment; demon­ strated knowledge o f correct spell­ ing, grammar and punctuation; ability to follow complex written and verbal instructions and proce­ dures, excellent organizational and communication skills. Trained Dis- playW riter operator preferred. A b ility to work under extreme pressure, typing 65wpm, course work in word processing technol­ ogy also desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Ore­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Ap­ ply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employ­ ment benefits package, flex-time YOUTH PROGRAM work hours, and competitive sal­ Current opening, Stale o f Oregor ary. Apply or send resume to: COORDINATOR Employment Division located i. The NE YWCA CENTER Albany. S2428-$3097/mo plus Blue Cross and 5630 N.E. Marlin Luther King Blvd. liberal fringe benefits includir. Blue Shield of Oregon family health and dental insur­ Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir Outgoing and innovative person ance and fully paid retirement 100 S.W. Market needed to plan and provide direct Because this position is assigned Portland, OR 97201 service to youth ages 6 to 14 after confidential duties, the incumbent Equal Opportunity Employer school Summer program. Two w ill be excluded from the Collec­ years experience working with at tive Bargaining Unit. “ risk” youth. Application avail To Qualify for this position you must WASHINGTON COUNTY able at Northeast and Downtown have equivalent to four years o f JOBS YW CA Centers.Deadline June experience involving steadily 30,1989 at 5PM. increasing management responsi­ Assistant Director for b ility or four years experience in a SUPERVISOR Department staff technical or professional func­ Veteran clinician w itli excellent sup. tion directly related to a human skills needed to oversee client in­ resource program and a Bache­ Operated Services: $3184- takes, manage treatment milcu and lo r’s degree or three more years o f $3870/mo. (Apply by July 7, supervise 3 Treatment Coordina­ responsible experience. 1989) tors and their caseloads. Applica­ For recruiting announcement and re­ tions due 5:00 pm, June 23. Sanitarian 2: $2051-$2494/ quired State application call 378- YWCA APPLICATION REQUIRED mo. 3253. Applications must be re­ - Available at YW C A, 1111 SW ceived by Employment Division, Survey Technician I: $1581- 10TH. Personnel. & Training Unit, 875 $1914/mo. EOE Union St NE, Salem,OR 97311 by Community Corrections 5:00 p.m. July 5, 1989. PORTLAND OBSERVER Casework Supervisor: An EOE/AA Employer The Port o f Portland has an immedi­ ate opening for an Electrician II in the Aviation Department. Duties w ill include maintenance and repairs to electrical systems at Port owned facilities. Perform repairs, calibration and service to the fo l­ lowing : Honeywell fire alarm system, automatic parking devices, Simplex clock system, field light­ ing regulators , security systems and other related systems. Installs all necessary construction to add to additional systems. Training and experience in technical elec­ tronics, high voltage and static trip systems. Journeyman Mgfc. Plant License is required for this position. Education preferred: Electronic schooling, course work in techni­ cal electronics: sold state and os­ cilloscope training, high voltage systems and related equipment, all electronic systems, H.I.D. light­ $2619-$3184/mo. ing systems and their transform­ Call (503) 648-8607 for information. ers, and interpretation o f sche­ County application forms rcq. matics and technical manuals. In ­ Apply by June 16,1989 to Wash­ dividuals must also be available ington County Personnel. for all shifts and w illing to work An E.O.E weekends as necessary. In addition to a comprehensive bene­ fit package the Port offers a start­ NURSE PRACTITIONER ing salary o f $16.83 per hour. I f interested and qualified, apply at Family or W.H.C. needed to provide the Port o f Portland Employment pre-natal care, womens health care Office, 14th floor, 700 N.E. & outreach services to low in­ Multnomah or call 503-231-5000, come women. Clinical exp. rcq’d. ext. 700 for complete application Outreach skills preferred. 12 hrs/ materials. Applications must be wk. Request position description received by 5:00 p.m. Friday, June & appl. from Ecumenical M inis­ 23, 1989. tries o f Orc. 0245 SW Bancroft, The Port is an Equal Opportunity Ptld.OR 97201. Employer Do not send resumes, position may close anytime after June 21. Equal opportunity employer. Are you age 55 or over and looking for work? You may be eligible HELP WANTED for computer training. Must be low income and have basic typing skills. No apply Pipe fitters call 223-3444 Shipfittcrs Outside Machinists PART-TIME OFFICE Structural Welders Pipe Welders M AN AG ER/SECRET A R Y Inside Machinists Marine Electricians Typing, computer and receptionist Riggers skills, volunteer supervision ex­ Insulator/Laggcrs perience. Immediate Openings Call Today! Knowledge o f peace and justice is­ 1-800-874-8465 sues helpful. 1-800-874-8366 15 hrs./week at $5.00/hr. CISCO Send resume by August 1, to Oregon Fellowship o f Reconcili­ REGISTERED NURSE/ ation 1838 Jefferson REGULAR & Portland, OR 97201 SUBSTITUTES SCHOOL Minorities and womwn encouraged to apply. Risk Management Specialist I 4