Page 5 Portland Observer JUNE 22, 1989 . 7 JF? ~./"LJ JTL B à Ì JT ^-^-y y y y a O f 1 |5Ç Q LIxJ luurin EMPOWERED TO WITNESS CHURCH KICKS OFF SUMMER CANNED FOOD DRIVE BETHEL AME TO CELEBRATE 100TH ANNIVERSARY speaker fo r Sunday M orning W or­ ship, July 16,1989. He is D irector o f Parks and Recreation fo r the city o f Austin, Texas. We would like the inform ation placed in the com m unity calendar to inform the public that they arc in ­ vited. I f there are any questions please call the church at 288-5929. ★ Best Cash Prices ★ Sfenfce III DAD’S OIL SERVICE service III Heating Oils 104 N.E. Russell St. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-5111 =sscas HOPE OF GLORY MINISTRIES Rev. Wallace to be Installed You are invited to join Rev. Sis. Lenotra Cooke with ONE HOUR OF POWER KPDQ RADIO 8:00 AM Sunday Evenings 10:00 pm until 11:00 pm MOTTO: “There is Hope” “Christ in You the Hope of Glory...” Col 1:27 SPECIAL STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF ACTS Maranalha Church extends, in love, an invitation for you to attend the in ­ stallation o f our Pastor, Reverend Wendell Wallace. The installation guest speaker w ill be Dr. Robert Davis o f Columbia, Maryland. The installation w ill take place at Maranatha Church, 4222 NE 12th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 on June 2 5 ,1989at4:00PM . The installation theme w ill be “ Renewal, Rcstora- DIAL A PRAYER....... (503) 286-HOPE (4673) 24 Hour Prayer Request Line PO Box 11628, Portland, Oregon 97211 ¿333 « Greater St.Stephen Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Robert E. Houston, Sr., Pastor 3922 North Williams Avenue Portland, Oregon 97227 “The Church of Love on the Grow” - Acts 2:41-47 invites you to share in our SUMMER REVIVAL ’89 June 26-30, 1989 7:30 p.m. Nightly Theme: “Changing Lives By The Power Of The Word” Luke 4:28-32 tion, R eviva l.” Maranalha Church covets your presence and your prayers fo r the bond o f unity this new leadership w ill bring to the Marañadla body, the surrounding com m unity, the C ity o f Portland and the State o f Oregon. Please R.S. V.P. no later than June 19,1989 to A lice Faye Hayes, Coor­ dinator at 287-3549 or w rite her at 6125 NE 1 lth Avenue, Portland, OR 97211. y y y y^^y y-^y 2*\ 1 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS For Social Security or Supplemental Security Income Assistance Q U E S T IO N : M y w ife died last month in an automobile accident and 1 am the sole support o f our tw o young daughters. W ill 1 be eligible for Social Security survivors benefits? M y w ife had worked lo r about6 years prior io the birth o f our first child 4 years ago. ANSW ER: Depending on your w ife 's age at dead), she may have had enough work credit to be insured. II she was, you anil your daughters may be eligible for m onthly cash benefits and you may l>e eligible for a small on- tim e death benefit paymcnL Q U ESTIO N : M y husband is going to need further medical treatment after he leaves the hospital. His hospital slay was covered by Medicare. I know that Medicare covers services and supplies in an skilled nursing la c ility . How can I find out which institutions are Medicare-approved skilled nursing facilities? Can the hospital recommend a lacility? ANSW ER: Perhaps. However, since the hospital may not be aware o f all the factors that make up the Medicare d efinition o f skilled nursing fa cility care, contact your Social Security office or your Medicare carrier to make sure that the fa cility you are considering is Medicare approved. They should have a list o f institutions in your area that arc Medicare-approved skilled nursing facilities. Your husband’ s care w ill be covered by Medicare i f he needs the kind o f care that can be provided only in a skilled nursing facility. Q U ESTIO N : I f I decide to retire at 62. what do I do about medical insurance since Medicare doesn’ t start paying benefits until 65? AN SW ER : I f you retire at 62, you may be able to continue to have medical insurance coverage through your employer, or i f not, you should consider purchasing coverage from a private insurance company until you turn 65 and become eligible for Medicare. Q U ESTIO N : I am a senior citizen who lives in government sponsored housing. M y only income is my Supplemental Security Income (SSI) check, along w ith the food stamps I receive every month. I would like to work at a part-time job to add to my income, but a friend (old me that I could lose m y SSI check and my apartment. Is that true? ANSW ER: Y our e lig ib ility fo r SSI w ill continue as long as your countable m onthly income is less than $368. Countable income greater than that amount w ill result in loss o f e lig ib ility . The first $65 a month o f earned income ($85 i f you have no unearned income) generally docs not count fo r SSI. Concerning your housing, you should call the office in charge o f the public housing in your area to find out what effect, i f any, there w ill be on your continued e lig ib ility fo r public housing. Q U ESTIO N : I have been receiving Social Security disability benefits fin about 2-1/2 years. M y goal is to return to the work force and support my fa m ily once again. When I do return, I may only be able to work part tunc fo r a while and I know this would not provide the money necessary for our liv in g expenses. How can I be sure that i f I return to w ork our needs w ill be met? ANSW ER: The Social Security program has several provisions, called w ork incentives, to encourage disabled people to try to get back to work. Most people are eligible for a nine-month trial work period with extended protections for an additional 36 months. When you feel you want to trv w orking again, contact your local office for inform ation about Social Security work incentives. Q UESTIO N: M y neighbor and her husband have recently divorced. She i is now raising her three sons alone with some child support from her husband. The younger son has severe asthma and needs regular medical treatment. She is really financially strained to provide fo r die day-to-day i needs o f the fa m ily (food, clothing, etc.,) plus the medical expenses, w ith ■ only her lim ited income and the ch ild support. Could she get some help for i her son from SSI? ANSW ER: Perhaps, but he must be disabled according to Social Security i law and also meet the income and resource lim it to q ualify for SSI. Suggest i to her that she contact one o f our offices and inquire about her son’s : e lig ib ility for SSI d isability benefits. I f eligible, he w ell be able to get i m onthly SSI payments and perhaps Medicaid as well. 1 Grace Collins Memorial Center Day Care "Since 1952" MARANATHA CHURCH • Kindergarten • Pre-School 13th & Skidmore 288-7241 Services Sunday 9:00am Sunday School 10:30am Morning Worship 6:30pm Evening Worship Wednesday7:30 Prayer/ Open Service Evangelist: y y^-y SCRIPTURE OF !• THE WEEK: II SAMUEL, CHAPTER 3 >' b 1 he African Methodist Episcopal Z ion Church w ill hold its 97th Annual Oregon Washington Conference from June 28th through July 2, 1989. I his year’s theme is “ Empowered to W itness.” The Church o f Scientology is stepping into high gear to launch their their It w ill be held at the First A .M .E . Z io n Church, Rev. W illie Smith Pastor, ** yearly summer canned food drive. Collections o f canned beef stew, tuna, at 4304 North Vancouver in Portland. vegetables and fru it w ill be gathered through the month o f July to benefit the 1 he presiding bishop w ill be the Rl. Reverend George W. W alker o f the Northeast Emergency Food Program, a program run by the Ecumenical 11th Episcopal Disl., which includes C alifornia, Southwest Rocky M oun­ M inistries o f Oregon. tain, Oregon/W ashinglon, Alaska, Arkansas,North Arkansas,Texas, and “ Our Christmas food drive was very successful,” said Gwen M ayfield, Oklahoma. spokesperson for the Church o f Scientology. “ Now that its summer, alot o f For more inform ation contact the Reverend W illie Smith,(5O3) 287- people tend to forget that there are s till people in need o f food. We found out 4969, ____________ _____ ______________________________________ that during the summer months low income fam ilies get their food stamp allowance cut by $4().(X).But the kids arc home for the summer and notable to get the free breakfasts and lunches that schools provide, so now, even more than ever, the Northeast Emergency Food Program needs our help.” Canned food can be brought to the Church o f Scientology at 709 SW Salmon o rto the Church at 1536 SE 1 llh . Or you can call 228-0116 to have The Bethel A frican Methodist form er Commissioner Charles Jor­ your donation picked up. Episcopal Church is proud to an­ dan o f Portland, w ill be our guest nounce our 100th Anniversary Cele­ bration. We are celebrating w ith Fam ily and Friendship Day on Sun­ day, July 16, at 11:00 a.m., follow ed by evening services Monday through Thursday o f the same week from 7:(X) pan. each evening. Please come and celebrate w ith us at 5828 N.E.8th Avenue. We are also proud to announce ^^— y y^-— y y-— y y^-y ’Latch Key Program * Children 6 wks. to 11 yrs. • Breakfast • Hot Luoches •S oacb Moo-rri 6:30 am 6.90 pm I DR. STEPHEN JOHN THURSTON Pastor, New Covenant Baptist Church, Chicago, Illinois Executive Vice President, Illinois National Baptist Convention Corresponding Secretary, National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. Gifted Preacher and Teacher Music nightly by the Greater St. Stephen Choirs and our guest churches! Wendell H. Wallace Sr., Senior Pastor Call 281-6930 128 N.E. Russell St. Jesus Loves Y ou1 Grace Collins Allen Tenwle Memorial Center. CME Church | SERVICES HELD AT THE: O.B. WILLIAMS CONVENTION CENTER 220 N.E. BEECH STREET PORTLAND, OREGON 97227 I B ooks — Day Care 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenu (com er o f 8th & Skidm ore) , Portland. Oregon 97211 (503) For more details you can contact the Greater St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church at 281-6337 or 2187-6691. IF YOU HAVE THE FAITH - GOD HAS THE POWER I *• Reading First Gra». 287-0261 Phillip S. Nelson. Pastor P salm 34:3 j S upport O ur Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The PortlandObserver!