***** Ä Page 3 Portland Observer JUNE 22, 1989 f News Around Town child i.D. CARD OFFERED Snappy Photo at Eastport Plaza w ill conduct a C hild Identification Program, July 1 and 8, 1989. The program is to provide children w ith a picture I D. card, in order to assist authorities in locating lost children. The ch ild I.D . Card w ill be o f­ fered free to the public by Snappy Photo from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday, July 1 and 8,1989. Parents w ill receive a fu ll color 3 l/2 "x 5 " photo o f their child, w ith a vital sta­ tistics form and thumb print on the back. The child I.D . cards may be picked up the fo llo w in g Wednesday at Snappy Photo. Steve Btxrs, owner o f Snappy Photo stated “ We hope that our C hild I.D. Program w ill help in fighting the ever-increasing problem o f missing ch ild re n.” L ittle Ricky Rocko, from Z100 Radio, w ill make a special appear­ ance on Saturday, July 1, 1989 at 1:00 p.m. The event w ill take place inside the west entrance o f Eastport Plaza Shopping Center, located at 4000 S.E. 82 nd A venue, between Powell and Holgate. passage and subsequent signature into law by Governor Goldschmidt w ill bring this dream to fruitio n and say something about Oregon that w ill rise above the cacophony which ac­ companied the close o f the legisla­ tive session. It w ill say that we, as Oregonians, stand together against racism. That we believe in equality. That we be­ lieve in the qualities that Dr. King embodied, and we want our young people to emulate the kind o f man a citizen is murdered sim ply because that Dr. King was—to live the kind o f he is black, when other citizens arc life that he lived. That Oregonians attacked sim ply for being members believe in the non-violent fight for o f an ethnic m inority, it is lim e for us what is right, even as an oppressed to apply the lessons o f Dr. K ing. We m inority against overwhelming odds, cannot violate his dream by attack­ even when it means denying oneself ing racist organizations and form ing the comforts o f the status quo, even hate groups o f our own. We must when it is hard and we arc tired, even continue to live his dream, and to when we must sacrifice everything, a ffirm it w ith non-violent protest and even unto death. Passage o f this b ill caring. The late o f House B ill 2705 w ill tell our children that it is right to w ill say something im portant about fig h t fo r a better humanity. Oregonians, one way or the other. I In a time when the South was rife urge all concerned to w rite or call w ith racism and hatred, Dr. King your Senator imm ediately and ex­ lived a story o f peace. He did not press your support o f this b ill. strike back against those who tried to beat hirp down. He did not hate Southern whites in return o f their hatred for him . He did not bomb a white church or murder white c h il­ dren in response to the bombing and murder o f children in a black church. Instead, he reluscd to participate in the violence which was inherent in the system. When Rosa Parks could not ride in the front o f a bus, rather than becoming violent, Dr. King organized a boycott o f that bus line. He lived as a v ictim o f the violence, the hatred, and the hum iliation o f discrim ination and yet lie responded M»«" w ith non-violence and love. In a time when Oregon is experi­ ’ 0 SUMM£Ke>9" " encing a resurgence o f racism, when AAfctiW Flagging Wanted Work Shop Sponsored By Oregon Business League & Oregon/ Washington Minority Construction Assoc. Flagg Workshop Certification Sat: July 24, 1989 9:00 - 12:00 10 N.E. Graham Williams & Graham Portland, Or Fee $25.00 “ F inding Joy in Y our L ife ” and “ Spanish fo r Kids Aged 4 to 8 ” are imong the summer classes Portland Com m unity College has scheduled at 'forth Portland locations. How to form , evaluate and achieve goals in life w ill be the focus o f ‘ Finding Joy in Y our L ife ,” which w ill meet from 9 a.m. to4 p.m. Saturday, uly 8, in Portable B u ild ing 4 on the PCC Cascade Campus, 705 N. iillin g s w o rth St. Cost is S8.50. “ Spanish for Kids Aged 4 to 8 ” w ill meet from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. on /londays fo r six weeks, starling July 10, at the Peninsula Park Center, 6400 L A lb in a Ave. ’’P' A f e ¡S I »? ■ * Nutrition - Blood Pressure SUiclÿM- Researchers at OHSU arc looking for volunteers for free, experi­ mental studies o f nutrition and blood pressure. If you are between 20 and 80, in general good healdi, and able to attend weekly appointments, you may be a candidate for these studies. Volun­ teers with normal or high blood pressure w ill be included. Candi­ dates w ill be thoroughly screened by the research team and w ill receive a free physical examination and lab tests. Convenient appointments can be arranged. For information please call 279-8490, Division o f Nephrology. ___ - & . * ;. r » » vT-'i {• 1• ,.» »1 »• í.'f- ? ■ •* r Volunteers needed A- • ? -’*• ¡ V ?• ¿-.‘ f • - ? ; r “ * • OREGON HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY PCC HONORED by PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS PCC SETS SUMMER CLASSES IN NORTH PORTLAND i ,í« 5 Oregon Commission On Black Affairs Oregonians w ill have an excel lent chance soon to express something about our State. Rather than telling the rest o f the world that our state flo w e r is the Oregon Grape or that our state shoelace is exactly sixty- two and one-quarter inches long, we have an opportunity to let everyone know who we a re -w h at principles weembrace, w hatqualitics we value, what truths we uphold. We can achieve ju s t that through Senate passage o f House B ill 2705, which would establish a legal school holiday the third Monday o f January each year in honor o f Dr. M artin Luther K ing , Jr. The State House o f Representatives passed House B ill 2705 on June 13, establishing the holiday and putting us just one step away from achieving what has been fo r some a dream deferred. Senate i Portland Com m unity College has received recognition from the Portland Public Schools fo r “ outstanding contributions to the education o f c h il­ dren.” The college was among 10 businesses and organizations receiving plaques during a June 5 meeting o f the Portland school board. PCC was cited for recognition scholarships the college presents every spring to outstanding graduating seniors o f public high schools w ithin the five-count PCC district, including Portland. Scholarship winners receive free tu ition at PCC fo r three college terms. PCC’ s leadership role in the Portland Area Vocalional/Technical Educa­ tional Consortium, also prompted the college’ s selection. « ' 1 EBONY ROSE SKI CLUB TENNIS CAMP AT IRVING PARK, TUESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS JUNE 2 0 ,2 1 ,2 7 , 28 JULY 4, 5, 11, 12, 17, 18 TIME: 12:00 TO 3:00PM AGES: 8-14 COST: NO CHARGE SIGN-UP WITH P.E. TEACHER OR MAIL YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NO. TO: ERSC, P.O. BOX 6568 PORTLAND, OR 97228 '•* • * PORTLAND CIVIC THEATRE Summer classes at Portland C ivic Theatre begin June 26th. The School offers a challenging variety o f classes and workshops for beginning and ad­ vanced students o f all ages. Learn audition technique with Dennis Bige­ low , producer o f OSF Center Stage or Musical Theatre with Barbara Irvin. Young people can choose from two thrce-wcck sessions covering basic skills, radio drama production, sing­ ing skills, basic body moves, and performance. From puppets to M ark Twain storytelling to com m ercial/ film acting-take your pick. Call Port­ land C ivic Theatre at 226-3048 fo r a brochure. Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay Ad Effective 6/21 Thru 6/27/89 z » Tender Plump Fryer H indquarters/ Approxim ate 5-Pound Bag. Tender, juicy and a favorite for outdoor barbecues. Packed with lots of nutrition and loved by adults and kids. Perfect to oven bake or broil. (Approx. 3-Lb. Pak, Lb. 59' Smaller Pak, Lb. 69‘ ) Youth C.E.O. For A Day Karen Hatchett,a graduate o f the Financial Services Academy at Jef­ ferson H igh School served as C h ie f Executive O ffic e r fo r a day at Lattice Works o f Oregon as part o f the an­ nual CEO fo r a day event sponsored by the P o rtla n d In ve stm e n t Program,.Thursday, June 1 1989. Hatchett oversaw the the opera­ tions o f L .W .O ’s.(a specialty wood products manufacturer) ^ e m p l o y ­ ees and was given a guided tour by the com pany’ s President and Gen­ eral Manager Glen M ick. Ms Hatchett was also introduced to the operations o f customer service, sales account­ ing and maintenance. Fresh L ucerne 1%, 2% or Non-Fat Gallon Milk Les Femmes Request the honor o f Your Presence at the Locally produced and bottled on the banks of the Clackamas River. The name Lucerne, for 60 years, has stood for freshness and premium quality. Celebrate June Dairy Month with a gallon of 1 % or 2% Low Fat or Non-Fat milk and taste the freshness in every sip! THIRTY-EIGHTH June is SUN DA Y, JUNE 25, 1989 7:00 P.M . to 12: Midnight Dairy Month ED LIO N MOTOR INN MILK IS A ‘NATURAL' FOR SUMMER! ^Debutante ana Cava bel L/3all 900 N. Hayden Island Drive Jantzen Beach Form al A ttire Presentation 8:00 P.M . MH® i . . . • ..