Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 22, 1989, Page 19, Image 19

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Men and women wanting job security, good
pay. advancement opportunity
8 weeks training m firearms, law and
administration will prepare you for a lifetime
• Day anci night classes
• Job placement assistance
• Financial aid available to qualified individuals
C o m m e rcia l T ra in in g Services
In c., the N o rth w e st oldest p ro fe s­
sional d riv e r tra in in g school estab­
lished as response to an expanding
Only the best truck schools are
students. The fo llo w in g arc such e x­
There are over 300 truck training institutions in the U S
Only 50 had enough courage to apply for certification
under the new, tough guidelines of the
Professional Truck Driver Institute of
America* -- guidelines the trucking industry
endorses for driving schools Only 8 schools
m the U S made the grade
• Only 1 school passed in Oregon - CTSI
• Only I school passed in Washington - CTSI
• Only two passed in California One was CTSI
I strongly urge all truck driving
schools to become certified so that
entry level drivers will be assured
of receiving the best quality
am ples:
C h ris G erber, 37,had been a fu ll­
tim e d riv e r w hen he was in the A ir
N a tio n a l G uard fro m 1970 to 1974.
B u t he lost his certification over time,
and w ound up d o ing upholstery w o rk
instead o f d riv in g .
B u t G erber is engaged to be m a r­
rie d n o w , and has his eyes on the $ 13
per h o u r and up union truckers can
m ake. He took C o m m e rcia l D riv e r
T ra in in g ” s e ig h t week course to get
Thomas J Donohue
President 8. Chief Executive Officer
American Trucking Association
re c e rtifie d , and got a jo b as an intern
d riv e r. F o r a short tim e he drove the
1-5 c o rrid o r, and now has a local
Don t |us: compare tuitions Compare the quality ol our
driver training programs and worldwide experience
d e liv e ry jo b , w h ic h he like s m uch
better. * I d o n ’ t have an ego thing
to go hom e at n ig h t,” he said.
He came back to d riv in g because
u p h o lste ry ju s t w a sn ’ t w o rk in g out.
He had studied at upholstery school,
and then w ent to D enver d u rin g the
mass exodus fro m Oregon in 1980
and 1981. He also w o rke d as a secu­
rity guard and other low -incom e jobs.
W hen he decided to com e back to
O regon, he had lo st his contacts in
Call 1-800-336-9311 (24 HRS.)
• »him M
t> i* lire i>rol«'ssMM>.il trurb Dov**« Nr t-|. >■- »A • ,'n. A"
Commercial Training Services, Inc.
| 2416 N. Marine Drive, Portland, OR 97217
First Interstate Bank of Oregon
is a great place to start your
career We offer all kinds of
opportunities for people with
different levels of education and
Even if you have little or no
work experience, you could
The c ity o f P o rtla n d has a sm all b u t g ro w in g c o lle c tio n o f a rt that is
qualify for an entry-level clerical
unique in the co u n try: the V is u a l C h ro n ic le . N o w in its fift h year, the V is u a l
position at First Interstate If you
A program of Commercial ■raining • ,' iv irr-. In,-
u p h o lste ry, so he decided to retrain.
C h ro n icle docum ents P o rtla n d ’ s changing urban e n v iro n m e n t b y in v itin g
lo ca l artists each year to su b m it w o rk s on paper that po rtra y some aspects o f
A n d as lo n g as he was re ta in in g , he
the c it y ’ s life .
w anted to go back in to tru ckin g .
"N o b o d y is lo o k in g over yo u r
Each year a statem ent is sent o u t to lo c a l artists, d e s c rib in g the purpose
o f the c o lle c tio n and e x p la in in g the c rite ria fo r selection. A rtis ts are in v ite d
sh o u lde r w hen y o u ’ re d riv in g . I ’ ve
to su b m it e ith e r e x is tin g w o rk s fo r d ire c t purchase, fo r proposals fo r the
creation o f new w o rk s . In e ith e r case, there are tw o m a in c rite ria fo r
selection: q u a lity o f e xe cu tio n , and ‘ ‘ P ortlandness’ ’ -s u b je c t m atter that is
a lw ays be able to w o rk independ­
e n tly -! d o n ’ t lik e a forem an te llin g
me w h a t to do a ll the tim e . D riv in g
gives me independence and respon­
s ib ility - and I lik e that, too. Y o u ’ re
d riv in g a 4 0-ton tru ck and you have
to w atch o u t fo r the o th e r d riv e r-fo r
p u b lic safety.
Looking for a place to apply yourself?
Apply at First Interstate.
CALL 1-800-336-8911 (24 HRS
tru c k in g firm s desire to f i l l a need fo r
q u a lity and safety conscious person­
nel. S ince 1962 C o m m e rc ia l T ra in ­
in g Services, has trained o v e r 6,000
about d riv in g cross-country. I prefer
Page 19 Portland Observer JUNE 22,1989
enjoy serving the public, we
have teller, customer service
and personal banker positions
in our branches And if you
have special training or educa
tion, we have positions in dak»
processing, marketing, human
resources management, law.
and many other areas
If you do come to work lor
First Inlerslale. you'll lind we
oiler endless opixrrlunilies lei
hard working employees te
develop then skills and move iq
in the company
So il you re looking lor a
place to apply yoursell. . ip p ly.il
I irsl Inlerslale II s a gieal plat e
lo g o i starteri
8 » . »/m
recognizable as p e rta in in g s p e c ific a lly to the people, to p o g ra p h y, o r c iv ic o r
c u ltu ra l events o f the c ity .
O nce the A rts C o m m issio n receives slides o f a rtis ts ’ w o rk and th e ir
proposals, the co m m itte e convenes to evaluate them and to choose new
w o rk. A rtis ts o f c o lo r are encouraged to s u b m it th e ir w o rk , o r proposals fo r
next years selection. O r you m ay p ic k up a c o p y o f the a p p lic a tio n at the
P ortland O bserver, 525 N .E . K illin g s w o rth .
We have a Purpose and
You have a Place
You will find a high quality academic program on a friendly campus.
Your needs are our concern at Warner Pacific College.
Dr. John Garlington
Awarded annually
Requirements: • 2.5 G.P.A.
• Black, Hispanic, or Native
Essay tilled: “ How A College
Education Will Aftect My
Life And Those Around Me.”
AXè now lend these
24 hours a day
When we heard our clients needed a more convenient
way to conduct their hanking, we came up w ith the perfect
solution, Personalized service that's available 24 hours a day.
It’s called RcadyPhone. A 24-hour customer service line
where all your calls are answered by a real live person. Not
a machine. And Security Pacifie is the only Oregon hank to
offer this service.
With RcadyPhone. you can conduct a variety o f trans­
actions from any phone in the rounti y. Such as opening
new accounts Applying tor loans. Transferring hinds. And
ibtaining information on all our products and service-;.
Whatever you need to do, you can speak with a personal
banker who'll help you do it Every hour of even day (. M
course, along with RcadyPhone, you can also enjov the con­
venience o f our new extended hours and Saturday banking
And be sure to ask about our new chec king a< ,ount
guarantee. We promise you'll be 100% satisfied with vour ac­
count or we ll return your monthly service charge
Its one more way we show you that when it conics to
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W? want to be vour bank for life?
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Mem ber I P IC
€ |QWM ^ " u w y I*a« iin National Bank » Security Pacific Corporation
For Information: Write Sylvia Fowler, Warner Pacific College.
2219 S.E. 68th Ave., Portland, OR 97215
or Call (503) 775-4366, ext. 511
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