—~ 4 Page 18 Portland Observer JUNE 22, 1989 medical lab tech,anim al care s p e c ia lis t,p re v e n tiv e care sp e cialist,ph arm acy a s s t,x -ra y te c h ,s o c ia l w o rke r,le g a l c le rk ,d e n ta l tech,m edical asst,photographer,surveyor, illu s tr a to r ,c o n p u te r programmer,accountant,finance c le rk j o u r n a li s t , t r a f f ic management c o o rd in a to r.a d n in is tra to r, executive a s s is ta n t,a ir c r a ft e le c tric ia n ,h e lic o p te r m echanic,truck d rive r,m e ch a n ic,co n stru ctio n equipment operator,crane operator,heavy co n stru ctio n equipment o p e ra to r, f i r e f i g h te r, i n te r io r e le c tr ic !a n , p1umbe r , ca rp e n try and masonry s p e c ia lis t,ta n k m echanic,snull anus repainnan,m achinest, metal w o rk e r,fa b ric re p a ir, te c h ,o ffic e nochine repairm an,audio-visual equipment repairman, rad io o p e ra to r,e n g in e e r,d e m o litio n te c h ,d ie s e l mechanic,personnel c le rk,c o o k ,s u p p ly clerk,policem an, JOB W IS E __ We pay you while you learn & guarantee part-tim e jobs. 280--6007 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD EMPLOYERS DON’T NEED TO ADVERTISE FOR QUALIFIED JOB APPLICANTS Smart employers choose from qualified high school students enrolled in Portland School District’s career and technical education classes. "Key Resource" That's what our employees are to us. And that’s exactly what it says in our book of values. “We recognize employees are the Port’s key resource.” That’s why we believe in equal opportunity employment. We are committed to giving all our employees an environ­ ment in which everyone can contribute and develop to the fullest extent possible. Because we believe our shipyard, our marine terminals, our airport and our industrial parks are nothing without the people behind them. We're proud of our people. And we know that each of them is proud of the work they do for the community. Our students are young and ready to learn and earn. They have the basic skills you demand and want the chance to train from the ground up. Call the Cooperative Work Experience Program at 280-5858 to find qualified, entry-level employees for your business. Portland Public Schools "Were Working to be the Best" k _________________________________________ ______________________________ ) OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Job and Career Information (5 0 3 )3 7 8 -8 0 7 7 Contracting and On-The-Job Training Information for Construction (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 - 6 3 1 4 © Port of Portland -.i THESE FOLKS CAN CURE YOUR JOB HUNTING JITTERS •V •4 t c y 'Â .♦J , • ! » » ? "^^3 Uptight. Fear of the unknown. That's probably how you feel when you answer a help wanted ad. You haven't any idea who'll be on the other end of the phone, reading your resume or sitting dow n with you in an interview. Job hunting can give the jitters to anyone. We've all been there and remember how it feels. it*». »r We do a lot of "I lelp Wanted" advertising in this paper. So, we thought it might be nice to intro­ duce you to the folks at FIX' who are on the other end of those ads. It might not completely cure your job hunting jitters. But, at least you'll know we care. nx: Portland Development Commission The Portland Building ¡ 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue Portland, OK 97204 M\s. you can change vour life. And The Private Industry7 Council can help! “/ w anted to get ahead in life, but I didn't know w h e n to start. It's alm ost impossible to get a good jo b w ithout a high school diploma, so I was in rough shape. The Private Industry Council helped me when I thought no one else could. They' helped me get my (¡El) and a joh. hut mitst o f all they' helped me find my self respect. Don't w a it until it's too late. ( ¡all The Private Industry Canned today.” ii The Private Industry Council CALL 241-4600 520 Southwest Sixth Avenue • Suite 4(10 • Portland, OR 97204