Page 16 Portland Observer JUNE 22, 1989 "Strive to make something of yourselves; then strive to make the most of yourselves." TOUR BACHELOR’S Alexander Crummell Clergyman We salute the power of the mind. CONTINUING TO WORK! PACIFIC POWER Degree Completion Program 2219 SE. 68th Avenue _____________ Portland, Oregon 97215 Expect more from us. New insurance plans for some of the biggest names in small business. CAFE & CONCERT HALL f i G IA N T BURGER 1 ■■■" p H No m atter how big your small company is, chances are, your insurance is probably coming up short. For better or worse, your coverage is designed to suit die largest possible market for the smallest possible premium. Now, instead of asking you to accept the most suitable average solution, we offer a simple choice of programs you can customize to fit your com­ pany and employees perfeedy. Just contact your agent or broker, or your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon representative. But call soon. O ur new plans can make a mighty big differ­ ence for any size small business. Find a future with wild animals, conventions and recycling. y T .n d that's only the beginning. Because Metro has so m any regional responsibilities, we just may have the future you've been looking for. Metro operates the Metro W ashington Park Zoo and the Oregon Convention Center, m anages solid waste and the urban growth boundary, and coordinates transportation and land-use planning. All that responsibility adds u p to a host of career opportunities.... from perm anent full-time positions to job share, internship and tem porary possibilities. And as a com m itted equal opportunity/affirm ative action em ­ ployer, we actively recruit qualified minority, wom en and handi­ capped applicants. Find out if there's a Metro future for you. O ur personnel office has inform ation about current and upcom ing openings, so call 221-1646 or stop by 2000 SW First Ave. in dow ntow n Portland. Blue Cross Blue Shield R fiSSI ¿ a 1J ü Warner Pacific College THE ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY JIM B O R E IL L V 'S I This Business Administration degree combines credit for life experiences with the opportunity to develop new management skills. If you have two years of college credit you may qualify. Call 775-4366 for more details on this exciting program. It might be your ticket to a better job! of O regon V)ur very own personal insurance company METRO USA 929« The City of Portland Bureau of Water Works provides clean, pure drinking water to 700,000 Oregonians. More than 450 employees work together to assure efficient and effective delivery of this essential resource. PORTLAND EMPLOYERS DON’T NEED TO ADVERTISE FOR QUALIFIED JOB APPLICANTS The City of Portland Bureau of Water Works AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MIKE LINDBERG, Commissioner Ed Tenny, Administrator 1120S.W. Fifth, Room 600 Portland, Oregon 97204 Smart employers choose from qualified high school students enrolled in Portland School District’s career and technical education classes. Our students are young and ready to learn and earn. They have the basic skills you demand and want the chance to train from the ground up. Call the Cooperative Work Experience Program at 280-5858 to find qualified, entry-level employees for your business. Portland Public Schools For Information regarding employment opportunities, please contact the City of Portlan. Bureau of Personnel, 248-4352 "Were Working to be the Best" n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .... 4 *■* * .. j