2f .,-3 T r a n ' „ a b Veri ■;S ry , » Portland, Oregon PORTL ERVER JUNE 22, 19H9 VOLUME XIX NUMBER 24 GOLDSCHMIDT PROCLAIMS JUNE 21 AS ’’CHANEY, GOODMAN, AND SCHWERNER MEMORIAL DAY” TO COMMEMORATE YOUNG VOTING RIGHTS ACTIVISTS Governor N eil Goldschm idt pro­ claimed June 21 as “ Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner M em orial D ay” to commemorate the young c iv il rights workers who were m ur­ dered in 1964 for registering A frican Americans to vote in M ississippi. G oldschm idt’s proclamation en­ courages “ all citizens to jo in in this observance as liv in g legacies so that the contributions o f these and other c iv il rights leaders continue to bene­ fit and to enrich our society.” “ C haney, G oodm an, and Schwerner M em orial D ay” in Ore­ gon coincides w ith the “ Youth Free­ dom Caravan,” a cross-country trek o f young people who have co m m it­ ted themselves to a year o f w ork fo r universal voting rights. The “ Youth Freedom Caravan” has been organ­ ized by the Human SERVE Cam ­ paign to allow youth from Portland, Salem, Seattle and elsewhere around the country to jo in in commemora­ tive activities scheduled on June 21- 24 in Philadelphia, Mississippi, Wash­ ington, DC, and New Y ork C ity. The Oregon/Washington delegation leaves from Portland International A irp o rt on Sunday, June 18, at 2:00 pm. Goldschmidt’s proclamation notes that “ Freedom Summer began twenty- five years ago when thousands o f dedicated students, organizers, teach­ ers, and activists traveled to the South to fig h t fo r c iv il rights....Volunteers worked. M . register disenfranchised black voters so that more Americans would be able to participate in free elections, one o f the democratic p rin ­ ciples upon which this nation was founded....” “ T w enty-five years have passed since June 21, 1964,” the governor proclaimed, “ yet it is even more imperative that we continue to en­ courage the fu ll participation o f all citizens to register and to vote in elections, a privilege which A m e ri­ cans too otten take fo r granted....” Goldschmidt w a so n co f hundreds o f young Americans who registered voters in the South during the C iv il Rights Movement. Portland attorney Jake Tanzcr worked for the U.S. Justice Department and developed evidence against the Ku K lu x Kian in the m ur­ der o f Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner. Seattle attorney Rita Bender was w orking in Mississippi w ith her late husband M icahcl Schwerner when he disappeared on June 21, 1964. Many other Oregon and Washington residents helped to break down the barriers o f segrega­ tion through voting rights work then. Today, a new generation o f c iv il right and voting rights activists are being trained to help finish the struggle fo r equal rights and opportunities for Americans o f every national and ethnic background. Nine high school and college students from Portland, Sa­ lem, and Seatdc are part o f that new generation. When they return from the “ Youth Freedom Caravan” on June 26, they w ill begin a one year com m itm ent to help their peers and com m unity members become 100% voting participants in our govern­ mental system. Students from the Portland area include: Pamela Clegg, M ichelle Robertson and Gina Yarbrough from Jefferson H igh School; Walced Sad- ruddin from Benson; E m ily Baker from M ilw au kie; and Madison High graduates MosesGuncschand Bryan Weaver. Gunesch w ill attend U n i­ versity o f Oregon in the fa ll; Weaver w ill attend M t. Hood Com m unity College. From Salem: Tycian Bonneau, who w ill attend North Salem H igh School next year. From Seattle: Ann Slater, who attended Seattle Central Com m unity College and now works fu ll-tim e for WashPIRG, the Public Interest Re­ search Group. regional director fo r Human SERVE, organized the Oregon and W ashing­ ton delegation, and w ill be accompa­ nying these students. The Northwest group w ill fly to L ittle Rock, Arkansas on Sunday, Stay-Clean Celebrates Second Year June 18, where diey w ill meet up w ith a bus o f youth from Los Ange­ les area and lour m ajor c iv il rights sites in the Soulh.The young people w ill be meeting w ith c iv il rights ac­ tivists from then and now to learn more about the struggle fo r universa, voter registration. On Monday and Tuesday, June 19-20, the Orcgon/Washington/Cali- fom ia group w ill tour through M is ­ sissippi and Alabama. One June 21, they w ill meet up w ith an estimated 16,000 people in Philadelphia, M is ­ sissippi, fo r the Chancy-Goodman- Schwerner C o a litio n ’ s commemora­ tive “ South-North Freedom Cara­ van.” After a picnic in Philadelphia, M is­ sissippi, the caravan w ill proceed to Washington, DC and New Y ork C ity, where a day o f voter registration work in New Y o rk w ill be follow ed by fin al ceremonies on Saturday eve­ ning. W h ile the 300 “ Youth Freedom Caravan” students are in W ashing­ ton, DC, they w ill attend workshops on v o te r re g is tra tio n issues, problcms,and solutions.Thcy w ill also have the opportunity to v is it w ith congressional representatives on voting rights legislation currently before Congress. When they return to the N orth­ west, these students w ill be w orking w ith Human SERVE director M ar­ got Beutler on i¿rqyc<¿ts to get their peers and parents registered to vote. M argot E. Beutler, Northwest W~"' By M attie Ann Callier-Spears For two years, now, the Stay-Clean, Inc. Resource Development Center has been providing a service in the com m unity that addresses the issue o f helping citizens remain ‘ free’ and ‘ clean’ o f drugs and alcohol. This service is provided by a nonprofit or­ ganization and its name is Stay-Clean, Inc. Resource Development Center. On Saturday, the 24th o f June, 1989, the Stay-Clean, Inc. group w ill hold its 2nd Year Anniversary Celebra­ tion in the Penninsula Park from 12 noon u ntil dusk. There w ill be 3-4 bands entertaining, free food and vis­ iting dignitaries from c ity and state offices. The purpose o f the corporation is to train, educate and re-educate c iti­ zens who have been and who arc s till handicapped from drugs and alcohol abuse which prevents them from experiencing the opportunity to earn a honest livelihood. Due to prison history, underpriviledged livin g conditions, victim s o f racism, and long tim e unemployment, many o f these individuals often turn out to be a drain and a lia b ility to the com m u­ nity rather than an asset. The purpose and over all philoso­ phy o f the organization w ill be to teach constructive productivity as op­ posed to disruptive and disruptive activities and hclp-lcssness. Special training and educational skills arc incorporated into the pro­ gram w ith the help o f outside com ­ m unity agencies, such as: com m u­ nity responsibility and respect, money management, secretary skills, com ­ puter science, clerical skills, data processing, automotive mechanics, good w ork habits, self-esteem devel­ opment and more. M r. Thomas Mason, executive dircetor/founder, says that there are presently 40 male in-patients. “ This In itia l projects w ill be in the public schools and on college campuses. WashPIRG in Seattle w ill be w o rk­ ing on a number o f projects in that city. T he ir goal w ill be to make the words o f G oldschm idt’s proclama­ tion obsolete. The governor noted that fu ll participation o f a ll citizens to register and vote in elections is “ a privilege w hich Am ericans loo often take fo r granted.” MARTINL UTIIER KING MANOR King Manor To Open July 1st M artin Luther K ing Manor, located at 6620 N.E. 6th Avenue (the com er o f 6th avenue and Dckum Street), w ill be holding Open House on June 28th, 1989 between the hours o f 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. Hope To See You There! Wyden Hearing to Look At Portland Housing Issues A U.S. House o f Representatives ity o f Portland D irector Don C lark, Subcommittee chaired by Rep. Ron Portland Area U.S. Housing and Urban Wyden (D-3rd) w ill hold a hearing in Development director D ick Brinck, Portland on Friday, June 23, to look and Oregon Housing Agency Deputy into cllorts to revitalize Portland neigh­ Adm inistrator Sheila Baker. In addi­ borhoods and create more home tion, representatives o f the Northeast ownership opportunities fo r lower Com m unity Development Corp, income families. R EA C H Com m unity Development, The hearing o f the House Small Inc., the Portland Development Com ­ Business Subcommittee on Regula­ mission, and private sector remod- tion, Business Opportunities and En­ elcrs and lenders w ill present their ergy w ill feature testimony by Port­ ideas on how to stimulate neighbor­ land M ayor J.E. “ Bud” Clark and by hood revitalization and homeowner- individuals individuals in need o f ship. permanent, affordable housing, who “ The challenge o f breathing new w ill explain the many obstacles they life back into our neighborhoods w ill face in trying to house their families. require inventive input from the p ri­ Also testifying at the hearing w ill vate sector as w ell as from all levels be Multnomah County Commissioner o f government, “ Wyden said. “ 1 Gretchen Kafoury, Housing A uthor­ expect this hearing to showcase the < 'i '. Y 25C '••■‘K many opportunities we have to forge creative partnerships that can put a new bloom on the Rose C ity ’s neighborhoods, ’ ’Wyden said. Rep. Wyden is the sponsoroi leg­ islation known as the C om m unity Housing Investment Partnership (CH IP) Act, which provides a scries o f lcdcral initiatives designed to re­ vitalize run-down neighborhoods and provide low -incom e citizens w ith more housing opportunities. The hearing, w hich is open to the public, begins at 1:30 p.m. and w ill be held at the K ing Neighborhood F acility, 4815 N E 7th. '<■*’ •*-.*y,*<* -*■.» * • rY. •• ’ M’ ;• ■ . • , .* is not a half-w ay house but a ‘ transi­ tional life ’ ” adds Mr. Mason. “ The men who occupy the seven houses have come from a ll walks o f life; some just out o f prison, some were referred to us by the Justice Center and some came on their own. Just because they were tired o f the life they were leading and what it was doing to them physically” . A fte r a person has been in the program for the first th irty days, he becomes self-sufficient. He is then required to his own room and board and utilities. Each in-patient receives spiritual counselling because, as Mr. Mason says, “ Its the inner man or the soul o f the man that needs to be given attention” . Bishop W ells, pastor o f Emman­ uel Temple C O G IC , is one o f the board members who give insight and advice to the counselors and, i f need be, to the in-patients. T heyarccalled “ in-patients’ because they have an illness and they came seeking to be healed. W hile driving down Northeast Alberta Street one day last week, I came upon a most precocious loo k­ ing car washing operation I was stopped and was asked i f I wanted m y car washed. 1 told the young man I had some errands to run but that 1 w ould return. I did. I pulled up in front o f what seemed to be a resi­ dence, on the com er o f Northeast 13th and Alberta. There were ap­ proxim ately ten young men busily scurrying about washing vehicles o f persons who had been flagged down. It was not long before I discovered the reason behind the car wash and the identity o f these washing the vehicles. I was greeted by one fellow w ith the biggest sm ile, a ll over his lace. I asked him fo r his name and the rea­ son why he, in particular, was taking part in this a ctivity. He said, “ M y name is C hris West. I am 31 years old. I am o rig in a lly from Houston, Texas but now call Portland, home. I ju s t came out o f prison; but, I am so very happy.” A t that point, I needed to know what was behind dial joy. “ Do you know what? I was saved last Sunday. I gave m y life to Jesus Christ because everything I was doing was just destroying i t ” he continued, “ I had been in prison in 1985 fo r six months and I served m y tim e and was released. I had been out for 12 months and was busted 12 times. The last tim e I was facing 60 years inprison- m entbut five years instead. I went to court in 1987 and m y time was then set at 17 months. I was released on the 5th day o f June 1989.” I contin­ ued our conversation. I asked him about his w ife and i f he had children. “ I have fiv e children” was his re­ sponse, “ and they are liv in g w ith my mother and m y m other-in-law . As for my w ife, she is in prison and serv­ ing a twenty year sentence.’ ’ I asked him , what is he going to do w ith the opportunity that has been given to him? He said, “ I am trying so hard and I plan to make it this tim e.... w ith the help o f die good L o rd .” Each m orning, every in-patient is given an attitude check. Is it positive or negative and ‘ w h y’ ? Each o f the seven houses has a house leader and an assistant house leader w ho are, themselves, successful in-patients — w ho ’ vc gone through the program and are now able to help others find what they now know. That it is better to be a good, productive citizen, functioning in the com m unity w ith ­ out the influence o f the drugs and the alcohol. W ith o ut the arrest. W ith o ut the crack houses and prisons. I spoke to the others: Richie Jones, 19; Glen O ’ Neal, 23; K evin Howard, 37, who came in as a w alk-in . W ife and children at Maranalha. In the program for 6 six days; David Hudson, 28, in program for 2 days. Was rec­ ommended by his fiancee’ ; L lo yd Allen, 52, parole board recommended him to program; Dewaync W illiam s, 29, from Shercvport, Louisiana, has been in fo r 10 days; and Charlotte Sanders,in has been in the program for one and a h a lf months; but, not as an in-patient. Presently there is not a fa c ility for women; but the women arc able to come fo r counselling and can attend the classes. 1 pray the com m unity jo in in w ith the Stay-Clean, Inc. on the 24th to give tnem positive rc-cnlorccm cnt, hand shakes and pats on the back. To the persons in the program, “ You Can Make I t ! ” D. • *• - ' - It’s Official! Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Will Be Celebrated The Third Monday Of Each Year After Senate Passes HB 2705 . *>■•**»•