Page 9 Portland Observer JUNE 15,1989 PROFESSIONAL Ad Rates: 5 Ltees -1 Week - $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00(8* $2.50 N r uw) Deadline: 5.-00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) "Tha Eye* and Ears ol the Community" 28*0033 DONNIE JAMES “ I f you dare to be fashionable" 517 NE Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503)288-1721 James W illiam s DIRECTORY Phone 288-0033 - To Place Your A d PORTLAND OBSERVER Men & Women;s Fashion SERVICES PRITCHETT'S ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CO. Specializing In: lniullation, Trouble Shooting and Repair of Electrical Appliancei, Equipment & Light Fixtures Licensed Bonded Insured Corey PritcheU 3525 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 BEAUTY/BARBER SUPPLIES ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503)281-6393 and 5387 N. Lombard Street Portland, OB 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Mon. tkru S e t 4 FLORAL - SILKS Bill Kelley's Upholstery Earth«’s Floral Connection 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 517-1/2 N.E. K HUngsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 282-3875 RENT W ASHERS & DRYERS • THe Coupon Good For We D o Weddings • Funerals M ade-To-O rder • Custom M ade : ‘15O FF • DELIVERV A • INSTALLATION FEE PRINTING Klnko’s '30 Delivery £ Installât Ion 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 P o rtla n d Open Vancouver 231-7413 693*4000 « JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SA LES DATA PROCESSING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Security Pacific Bank Oregon has excellent opportunities for indi­ viduals to sell tax deferred annui­ ties in a financial institution envi­ ronm ent Qualified candidates will be client service oriented with 2- 3 years experience in life insur­ ance sales. A Life insurance li­ cense is also required. Experience in a bank or other financial insti­ tutions is preferred. Positions available in G rants Pass Eugene and M etropolitan Portland. The Life Insurance Personal Account Executive requires three to five years previous sales experience in life insurance and employee bene­ fits. Life and health insurance license required. The Health Insurance Personal A c­ count Executive position requires two years previous sales experi­ ence in health insurance, prefera­ bly long-term extended care. Must have technical expertise and knowl­ edge in the areas o f M edicare, Medicaid, Social Security and how they relate to M edicate supple­ ments and long-term extended care insurance. Life and health insur­ ance license required. As part o f Security Pacific, the 6th largest Bank Holding Company in the country, we offer a com ­ petitive salary commensurate with experience, participation in a com ­ mission plan, excellent flexible benefits program, and superior ad­ vancem ent potential. Please send a resum e with salary requirements to: SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel D epartment P.O.Box 3066 1001 SW 5th Avenue 2nd Floor Portland, O R 97208 (503) 796-3878 APPLICANT HOURS Mon-Fri 9-1 p.m. Equal O pportunity Employer Streets Supt. $2665-$3385/M excell, fringe benefit package. Seeking a mgr. for large municipal street and storm drain system in­ cludes m aintenance, storm drain­ age, street cleaning.traffic signs, m arkings, and signals and con­ crete m aintenance. Em phasis on planning, evaluation, fiscal and b u d g e ta ry c o n tro l. C o n sid . supv.exp. in street, storm or pub­ lic works activities. Exp. in pave­ ment m gm nt system s, com puters desired. Closes 6-30-89. Apply: C ity o f Salem , Pers., Rm. 225, 555 Liberty SE Salem , OR 97301. EOE. ADMINISTRATIVE POSI­ TIONS AVAILABLE Administrative Director: Office man­ agem ent, including personnel, external com m unications, and supervision. Developm ent Director: Develop and adm inister aggressive fund rais­ ing strategy and program. Finance Director: O verall coordina­ tion and m anagem ent o f Finance Department, CPA preferred. Resumes to Personnel Director, Urban League, 10 North Russell, Port­ land, OR 97227. Deadline, 6/23/ 89. Equal Opportunity Employer. WASHERS & DRYERS $100.00 and Up CALL 282-4911 PROGRAMMING ANALYST Imm ediate opening for a Research and Program m ing A nalyst in our Preferred Provider Plan Depart to develop, test and im plem ent sys­ tems programs. The successful candidate w ill have a minimum of 2 years programming experience utilizing SAS and Lotus, or an associate’s degree in com puter science or data process­ ing. Strong oral and w ritten com ­ m unication skills and statistical skills are required. M edical back­ ground desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits pack­ age, flex-tim e w ork hours, and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer PRINTING NURSING BANKING POLICY SERVICES/ PROCESSOR Security Pacific Bank O regon has an opportunity available in our Fi­ nancial Services departm ent for a highly organized and detail-ori­ ented individual with strong in­ terpersonal skills. This position is responsible for providing high quality processing services for ac­ count executives and agency manager. Individual m ust be an independent w orker and be able to perform well under pressure. A life insurance license is required. Interested individuals should apply in person or send a resum e to: Personnel Departm ent P.O. Box 3066 1001 SW 5th Avenue 2nd Floor Portland, O R 97208 (503) 796-3878 A PPLICA N T HOURS M on-Fri 9-1 p.m. Equal O pportunity Em ployer Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources D ept, 5th Fir 100 S.W. M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer INSURANCE PROVIDER SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE PART TIME BACKUP NURSES $12 Per Hour CO D A Inc. seeks qualified appli­ cants for (LPN OR RN) for part time or relief shifts in the m etha­ done dispensary. Duties include daily assessm ent o f opiant depen­ dant clients, adm inistration of m ethadone, m aintenance o f client records, dissem ination o f clini­ cally significant client inform a­ tion to m ulti disciplinary staff. Provision o f direct nursing care, referral services and health edu­ cation. Position requires day shift hours only. Applicants should have an O regon RN/PN license and a valid drivers license. Applications materials including screening questions are available at 210 NE 20TH , Portland, OR 97232. Equal O pportunily/A ffirm ative Action Em ployer Blue Cross & Shield o f Oregon is currently accepting applications for a Provider Services Represen­ tative position. The Provider Serv­ ices Representative will be re­ sponsible for physician contract­ ing as well as education and serv­ icing o f all physician and health care facilities in Southw est Port­ land area. Also responsible for new sletter preparation. Qualified applicants m ust m eet the following requirements: College degree or equivalent high level work experience in some area o f health care. M inimum o f 2 years experience in health care industry. K nowledge o f the prov idcr organiza­ tional structure, m edical term i­ nology and CPT c o d in g . Experience in making large group presentations. Independent research ability, ana­ lytical and problem solving skills. High level o f proficiency in oral and w ritten com m unication skills. Desktop publishing experience desired. Valid Oregon D river’s license Blue C ross and Blue Shield o f Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W . M arket Portland OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer The M edical A ffairs Dept. is cur­ rently seeking a RN professional to fill a Pre-Certification Coordi­ nator position. The Pre-Certification Coordinator will conduct reviews for pre-certifica- tion program including pre-certi­ fying 2nd opinions, discharge planning, and benefit extension review. Successful candidate must be an RN currently licensed in the state of Oregon with 3-5 years recent hos­ pital experience. Utilization review and quality assur­ ance background desirable. G ood com m unication skills a must. PSYCHIATRIC REVIEW COORDINATOR This position conducts psychiatric reviews including pre-certification, pre-authorization and inpatient claim review; m aintains utiliza­ tion guidelines; establishes close working relations with provider & internal personnel and assists with psychiatric & chemical abuse program review & policy m odifi­ cations. This position will require; «•Currently OR licensed RN « 3 - 5 years recent hospital or am bu­ latory psychiatric-substance abuse experience. « E x p e rie n c e with hospital claims review and/or audit, demonstrated ability to work in a fast-paced en­ vironment under high pressure con­ ditions. « A strong com m itm ent to cost con­ tainm ent « E x c e lle n t interpersonal skills Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, com petitive salary and flex tim e w ork hours.Please apply or send res­ ume to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Em ployer NURSING RN/LPN $ 1393-S1950 + Excellent Benefits. PHOTOGRAPHER 2 Assistant Videographer $1694 - $1865 Monthly C O D A INC. seeks qualified appli­ cants for a full time methadone nurse, responsibilities include daily assessm ent o f opiant dependant clients, adm inistration o f m etha­ done, m aintenance of medication records, dissem ination o f clini­ cally significant client inform a­ tion to multi disciplinary staff, provision o f direct nursing care, referral services and health edu­ cation. Day shift hours only. Ap­ plicants should have Oregon RN/ PN license and a valid drivers li­ cense. A pplication m aterials may be obtained at CO D A , Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97232. Coda is an Equal Opportunity/A f- firm ative Action Em ployer SUPERVISOR Veteran clinician with excellent sup. skills needed to oversee client in­ takes, manage treatment milcu and supervise 3 Treatm ent Coordina­ tors and their caseloads. A pplica­ tions due 5:00 pm, June 23. YWCA APPLICATION REQUIRED - Available at Y W CA , 1111 SW 10TH. EOE PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the Community" 288-0033 MULTNOMAH COUNTY Gardener 1 SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Bindery Clerk/Swing Shift The Internal R eprographics depart­ m ent o f Blue Cross & Blue Shield o f O regon is accepting applica­ tions for a Bindery Clerk. This is a swing shift position with regular working hours from 3:30pm-midnight. Applicant must be willing to w ork O .T. hours when needed. Q ualified applicants m ust have prior bindery experience on a large collator & program m able cutter. G raphics course helpful. A pplicants m ust also have ability to lift a minimum o f 501bs, possess strong organizational skills and be able to follow w ritten and oral instructions. PRE-CERTIFICATION COORDINATOR The Oregon D epartment o f T rans­ portation is accepting applications for an Asst. Videographer located in Salem. You must have four years of progressively responsible experience in varied photographic and video production work. Knowl­ edge o f preparation and writing video scripts, skill in video tape recording and editing equipm ent preferred. A Bachelor’s or M as­ ter’s degree in photography can substitute on a year for year basis if the coursew ork provided the above knowledge, skills, and abili­ ties. Contact ODOT Personnel, 405 Transportation Bldg., Salem, OR 97310, (503) 378-6281, for em ploym ent application and re­ cruiting announcement. Applicants will be accepted until 5:00 p.m ., June 23, 1989. The Oregon Department of Transportation An EEO/AA Employer FLORAL ATTENDANT NEEDED Experience Necessary Contact in person Rick or Debra Union & Ainsworth Equal Opportunity Em ployer - $9,57 per hour effective July 1, 1989; perform s a variety o f gar­ dening and spraying tasks involv­ ing the care o f propagation of plants, shrubs and trees; requires 3 years o f progressive experience in gardening OR Associate D e­ gree in horticulture and 1 year of experience OR Bachelor’s Degree in horticulture; Oregon Pesticide A pplicator’s License and valid Oregon D river’s required within 30 days o f appointm ent; apply by June 2 3 ,1 9 8 9 . Engineering Technician Assistant - $11.92 per hour effective July 1, 1989; performs technical engineer­ ing and/or supervisory support work for road and other public works construction; requires 4 years of related field or office work ex­ perience OR 3 years o f college level engineering coursework may substitute for 2 years o f experi­ ence; apply by June 23, 1989. Engineering Technician Associate Data Control Unit Coordinator $1210-1492 monthly State o f O regon, vocational rehabili­ tation Division is recruiting to fill a vacant data control unit coordi­ nator position in Salem. A coordi­ n a to r o p e ra te s re m o te jo b entry ,(RJE) equipm ent as the lead operator. The coordinator enters data on a D ata-100 key batch system with an inverted 10 key numeric keyboard, and schedules production job to be run on a large main frame com puter. Contact the Personnel Center at 775 C ourt St. N.E. Salem O R.97310 (378-3143) o r any state em ploym ent division office for an application, and recruiting announcement (OC 890201). DISABLED PERSONS M INORI­ TIES AND FEM ALES EN CO U R­ AGED TO APPLY. Submit application to Personnel and Labor Relations Division. 155 Cottage Su N.E. Salem OR 97310. M ust apply by June 23,1989 to be considered for current vacancy. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER HALF-TIME RESEARCH ASSISTANT. COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND DATA SPECIALIST - $12.78 per hour effective July 1,1989; Applications software development perform s technical engineering and systems maintenance for data and/or supervisory support work acquisition, processing, and analy­ for road and other public works sis in oceanographic research; construction; requires 4 years of maintain and transm it data bases related field or office work expe­ to collaborators, archival agen­ rience OR 3 years of college level cies. B achelor’s degree in com ­ engineering coursew ork may sub­ puter, physical or earth sciences, stitute for 2 years o f experience; or equivalent; experience in sci­ apply by June 23, 1989. entific data analysis and with 1BM- PC and Sun systems required. Assistant County Counsel 3 Fluency in C, BASIC, FORTRAN, -$37,521 -43,138 annually; this is a Pascal and assem bly languages, litigation position with emphasis experience with M S-DOS, UNIX, on defense o f tort em ploym ent peripheral interfacing, software and and civil rights claim s against procedure docum entation, driver M ultnomah County; requires 3 software developm ent, netw ork­ years o f litigation experience, two ing, com m unications, and hard­ of which involved full time civil ware maintenance is highly desir­ litigation, and m em ber o f Oregon able. Experience in system -user State Bar; apply by June 23,1989. consultation and training desir­ able. Salary 520,000-24,800/year. Letter expressing interest, resume PROGRAMMER/ addressing above qualifications, and three references m ust be re­ ANALYST ceived by 15 July 1989. Send to Louis I. Gordon, College of Ocean­ Georgia-Pacific has an opening ography, Oregon State University, for a self-m otivated Program m er/ Ocean. Admin. Bldg. 104, Corval­ A nalyst to w rite and m aintain RPG lis, OR 97331-5503. An AA/EO program s/system s. M ust be familiar em ployer, com plying with Sec­ with system and program design and tion 504, Rehabilitation Act of able to interact with the end user. 1973, Oregon State University has A ssociates or bachelors degree in a policy of being responsive to the math or com puter science and 1-2 needs o f dual career couples. years related experience preferred. Ideal candidate will have excellent YOUTH PROGRAM verbal and written com m unication DIRECTOR skills. Please apply in person Thurs­ N.E. YWCA day 6/15 and Friday 6/16 from 8:30 - 4:30. If unable to apply in person, 5630 N.E. M.L. King Blvd. please send cover letter and resume BS/BA w/2yrs. M anagem ent esp. Proven success working w /” at with com plete salary history by 6/20 risk” youth ages 3-14. A pplica­ to EEO Coordinator: tions available at NE/Dwntown G eorgia-Pacific Corporation YW CA centers. Deadline: (s/Til 900 .S.W Fifth Avenue 89. Portland, OR 97204 EEO Equal O pportunity Em ployer M ENTAL HEALTH Two exciting positions with the Y W C A ’s G irls’ Emancipation Program, an innovative model treat­ ment program for troubled ado­ lescent girls. Treatm ent C oordi­ nator - Search reopened for sea­ soned therapist to lead groups and provide case m anagement. G roup counseling exp.rcq. Exp. with youth o f diverse cultural back­ grounds preferred. Application due 5:00 pm , June 14. REGISTERED NURSE/ REGULAR & SUBSTITUTES SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES Providing health care to students en ­ rolled in public schools, pre-kin- dergarten - 12th grade, in Multnomah County Appl. D eadline:06/30/89 by 2pm Call Jcancen 255-1841, Ext 207 for M ultnomah Education Service D istrict, applica­ tion form and additional information. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer â