A»-» ■*»*•*■' V » Page 7 Portland Observer JUNE 15,1989 JOBS ELECTRICIAN II Aviation Maintenance • POX LOUISIANA CRAB GUMBO GOLDEN’S HOUSE OF STYLE 125 NE Killingsworth 289-6448 T he P ort o f P ortland has an im m e d i­ ate opening fo r an E le c tric ia n I I in the A v ia tio n D e p a rtm e n t D uties w ill include m aintenance and SAT., JUNE 17,1989 ST ANDREW COMMUNITY CENTER 4904 NE 8th AVENUE 6 P.M. repairs to electrical systems at Port ow ned fa c ilitie s . P erform repairs, ca lib ra tio n and service to the f o l­ lo w in g : H o n e yw e ll fire alarm system, automatic parking devices, S im p le x c lo c k system, fie ld lig h t­ ing regulators , security systems and oth e r related systems. Installs a ll necessary co nstruction to add to a d d itio n a l systems. T ra in in g and experience in technical elec­ Look your Best Come to Golden’s $5.00 DONATION tro n ics, h ig h voltage and static trip systems. Journeym an M g fc . We provide complete hair care and design Home of Wet Wave P lant License is required fo r this p o sitio n. E d ucation preferred: E le ctro n ic sch o o lin g , course w o rk in te ch n i­ cal e lectronics: sold state and os­ cillo sco p e tra in in g , h igh voltage systems and related equipm ent, Hair Designers Delores Alexander & Jerry Duckett PassinArt: A Theatre Company presents all electronic systems, H .I.D . lig h t­ ing systems and th e ir tra n sfo rm ­ ers, and inte rp re ta tio n o f sche­ By P.J. Gibson Directed by Connie Carley m atics and technical manuals. In ­ d iv id u a ls m ust also be available A literate, humorous and sensitive look at the lives o f contemporary Black women. fo r a ll sh ifts and w illin g to w o rk weekends as necessary. In a d d itio n to a com prehensive bene­ (une 2 3 -|u ly 16, 1989 Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center 5540 M kam f it package the P ort offe rs a start­ ing salary o f S 16.83 per hour. Niecey’s Restaurant & Lounge 5700 NE Union 249-1893 Fndays, Saturdays at 8 0 0 p m Sunday, at Î 0 0 pm. I f interested and q u a lifie d , apply at the P o rt o f P ortland E m p lo ym e n t O ffic e , 14th flo o r, 700 N .E. M u ltn o m a h o rc a ll 503-231-5000, ext. 700 fo r com plete a p p lica tio n m aterials. A p p lica tio n s m ust be Tickets: $7.00 on Fridays and Satudays, $5.00 on Sundays. Discount rates available to groups and seniors. For reservations or more information call 323-5731 or 243-7930. received by 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 2 3 .1 9 8 9 . T he P o rt is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity The African-American Contemporary Theatre Project is spon­ sored in part by the Metropolitan Arts Commission and Oregon Arts Commission. E m p lo ye r Now open Featuring Mr C ’s Bar-B-Que hours 6:00am-2:00am Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner By Marie Wide Selection of Beverages in our comfortable lounge Come get acquainted and enjoy WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS Assistant Director for Department Operated Services: $3184- $3870/mo. (Apply by July 7, 1989) Sanitarian 2: $2051-$2494/ mo. Survey Technician I: $1581- $1914/mo. Community Corrections Casework Supervisor: $2619-$3184/mo. C a ll (5 0 3 ) 648-8607 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C o u n ty a p p lica tio n fo rm s req. A p p ly by June 1 6 ,1 9 8 9 to W ash­ fye ///¿ W /r/fw -Â Safeway is in your Neighborhood to Stay Ad Prices Effective 6/7 Thru 6/13/89 SAFEWAY FATHER’S DAY IS JUNE 18th CELEBRATE WITH ington C o u n ty Personnel. A n E .O .E Father’s Day C akes NURSE PRACTITIONER F a m ily o r W .H .C . needed to pro vid e FULLY DECORATED pre-natal care, womens health care & outreach services to lo w in ­ com e w om en. C lin ic a l exp. re q ’ d. Choose White, Chocolate or German Chocolate, 2-Layer, 8-lnch Cakes. A fresh baked treat for Dad! O utreach s k ills preferred. 12 hrs/ w k. Request p o sition description & appl. fro m E cum enical M in is ­ tries o f Ore. 0245 SW B ancroft, P tld.O R 97201. D o not send resumes, position may close a n ytim e after June 21. Equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. Bake Shop items available only in store with in-store Bake Shops PART-TIME OFFICE MANAGER/SECRETARY T y p in g , co m puter and receptionist s k ills , volu n te e r supervision ex- pcriencc. K n o w le d g e o f peace and ju s tic e is ­ sues h e lp fu l. 15 h rs./w cck at $5.00/hr. Send resume by A ugust 1, to Oregon F e llo w s h ip o f R e c o n c ili­ ation 1838 Jefferson P ortland, O R 97201 M in o ritie s and w o m w n encouraged to a pply. HELP WANTED Beef Bone-In Rib Eye S teak Bone-In Rib Eye Steak, Safeway grain-fed Beef... tender and juicy. Perfect for pleasing Dad on his day. Trimmed to 1/4-lnch for flavor and value. Broil or barbecue. Pipe fitte rs S h ip fittcrs O utside M achinists S tructural W elders Pipe W elders Inside M achinists M a rin e E le ctricia n s Riggers Insulator/Laggcrs Im m ediate O penings C a ll T o d a y! 1-800-874-8465 1-800-874-8366 C IS C O eoe I. ; « 3