Page 6 Portland Observer JUNE 15,1989 100 SOULS NEEDED by Mattie Ann Callier- Spears " . .. Is there not a cause?’ asked D avid. Yes! There is a giant named Goliath in the land. G od’s army watched daily as he hurled threats at them. They did nothing to stop it. There is another giant in the land. today. a giant. a giant. Prostitution a giant. But, what shall the church do about it? These giants are organized, the gangs m oving in from C alifornia are i irganized. The drug dealers on every street comer arc organized. The pros­ titutes, through their pimps, are o r­ ganized. Shouldn’t we the Christian Church come together and be ye also organized? There are more C hris­ tians than all o f these people com ­ bined; and i f that is not enough, the Bible tells us that “ Greater is he that is w ithin us than he that is in the world, we, as Christians, need to act like we believe it to be true. Rev. Drayton, an assistant m inis­ ter at the Mt. O live t Baptist Church, has initiated a city-wide/com m unity- >vidc Christian Outreach concept to reach the unchurched and the un­ saved members o f our society. This man’s dedication to this task’ s suc­ cess is totally awesome. He said “ I can truly say from experience that God w ill honor all those Christians who w ill seek to save the lost at any cost. Everytim e that I, and others, have shared C hrist w ith the drug pushers; users, gang members and the prostitutes the Lord has led several to be saved. W hat an exhilarating feel­ in g !” As he continued to expound this undertaking, he shared, “ The har­ vest tru ly is p le ntiful! Therefore, I believe i f the fishing is that good, then, we should be able to catch many more fish i f we had more fish ­ erman w ith more lines in the w ater.” Rev. Drayton has been in contact w ith several pastors who believe that the time is N O W !!! We don’t have to allow G oliath to grow any bigger than he already is. W ith the help o f the Christian community, we can make Portland,especially North/Northeast Portland, a safer place to live. The need is to have O NE H U N D R E D Christians out there on the street, in the m idst and in the thick o f it, w inning souls for C hrist Jesus. We need to drive these e v il elements out o f our city. June 17,1989 is the target date. Can you spare an hour or tw o each day to m inister to others less fortunate than yourselves? I f you w ould like to become a part o f this team, please ca ll the fo llo w ­ ing numbers: (503 )282-7137 from 9 am to 7 pm (503)284-1954 from 10 am to 3 pm (503)288-7241 from 9:30 am to 4:45 pm F IS H -A -R A M A M t. O liv e t Baptist Church fa m ily w ill host its annual Fish-A-Rama on Saturday, June 17, 1989. The d e li­ cious hot, fried fish and all the other delicacies w ill be served from 1 lam to 5pm. The donation is $3.00. D in ­ ners w ill be delivered to the sick & shut-ins. Call 284-1954 or come down to 116 NE Schuyler Street for a mouth watering delight. O A C W holds S T A T E M E E T IN G The Oregon Association o f C ol­ ored W om en’ s Clubs is holding its state meeting , June 16 and 17,1989 at the Red L io n Coliseum. Attending the meeting w ill be the national Presi­ dent, Dr. Delores M. Harris and the national Secretary, Carol Early. There w ill be a luncheon at 12 noon on Saturday, June 17,1989 at$15.00per person. The public is cordially in ­ vited to attend.(The Red Lion 1225 N. Thunderbird W ay Portland) IN L O V IN G M E M O R Y O F DOLORES B O W M A N It seems as though ju s t a short tim e ago, we were gathered to o ffe r support to Dolores Bowman and fa m ily as we celebrated the life and witness o f her beloved Joseph It was a short time a g o -fo r the Psalmist reminds us that: “ our days Jefferson bus. are like the grass; As a flo w e r o f the T ru ly she was a woman who knew fie ld , so we flourish and when the when to be properly outraged and w ind has passed over it, we are no when to be properly creative in the more and our place acknowledges us interest o f students. no more.” Given the constraints im ­ I ’ m told that she even engineered posed by a rather b rie f sojourn on the enrollm ent o f a very special stu- this path we have learned to call life, dent-a K -9, named T.J. at Jefferson. we ponder the significance o f our too Yes, she knew that life, fu lly lived, short walk. extended to lots o f things, taking W hat can we do? D olores' life risks, taking time, and taking things examined, reveals that one fu lly alive that needed to be taken seriously, can do a great deal. She embraced very seriously. She worked tirelessly life , she plumbed the depths o f the to upgrade the quality o f counseling fu ll range o f emotions. JOY TO and guidance at Jefferson. She had a GRIEF. The jo y o f w orking w ith very quiet way o f arranging special young people. The jo y ,the great good help fo r students who were experi­ jo y o f the vocation to marriage which encing d iffic u ltie s o f any kind. she shared w ith Joseph. They under­ Her home was open to many. No stood far more than most the true one was ever a stranger in the B o w ­ ca lling o f what it meant fo r tw o lives man house, nor was anyone allowed to become one. She also celebrated to remain a stranger in her presence. the jo y o f parenthood and she spread Each encounter was, in her eyes, an her goodness and love to many , opportunity to envelop the stranger many young people. into an ever grow ing circle o f friends Then there was a healthy pride and loved ones. she displayed when reflecting on the Every one o f us has a story which accomplishments o f her fa m ily and tells o f the place and tim e where our her extended fa m ily, the students and lives intersected hers. As a woman o f staff o f Jefferson High School. deep faith she could understand that Dolores Bowman knew when to those connection points, where a ll o f be confrontive and could display a our lives intersected, was the p oint o f healthy dose o f righteous indigna­ com m onlife we experience in the tion toward anyone whose behavior love o f C hrist Jesus. A s the blessed w ould adversely impact her special paul wrote to the Roman; ‘ ‘not one o f pride and jo y , the young people o f us lives fo r him self and no one dies Jefferson. fo r him self. For i f we live or die we Last year during Rose Festival, are the L o rd ’ s.” Dolores knew her Mrs. Bowman arranged fo r special self, that self deep w ithin , the part education students from all over the that questions sometimes in fear and area to observe the rehearsal fo r the trem bling. W ho am I really? That M axw ell House A irS h o w . As events part she knew herself to be the Lord’s. were ready to start, the local law en­ That is w hy she was able to'let go and forcement agencies decided to close let G od’ s w ill be done. the roads leading to the airport and A t the time that we gather in the the Jefferson bus hadn’t arrived. D olly Christian com m unity to give thanks started marching across the road and to God fo r the life o f one we love, we out on the field, the beginning o f a come face-to-face w ith the sure and confrontation w hich I dare say the certain fact o f our own death. I f there Washington County S h e riff’ s o ffice are lessons that we learn from out sis­ w ill not soon forget. They said “ Lady ter, Dolores, let it be to liv e each day get out o f the road.” She wasn’ t that God has given us to the fullest. going anywhere she assured them, L iv in g life fu lly means liv in g it in the u n til they sent a car to escort the fu ll range o f human emotions and Jefferson bus in. The officers looked experiencing the total fullness o f god’s at D o lly and decided that she meant abundant grace.Let us praise God fo r what she said. Dolores Bowman was our sister’ s life and prav that we to. given police escort to loo k fo r the w ill live fu lly in the power o f the spirit. Grace Collins Memorial Center Day Care - S in c e 1 9 5 2 " • Kindergarten • Pre-School ‘Latch Key Program * Children 6 wks. to 11 yrs. • Breakfast M oo-Fri • Hot Lunches •S u c k s 6:30 am 6.00 pm Can 281-6930 128 N.E. RusseU St. 4 Y e a r O ld s - M a k i n g C o o k ie s Grace Collins Memorial Center, — Day Care 5 Year Olds - Reading First GraJ- Books MRS C ’S WIGS WHOLESALE & RETAIL HUNDREDS OF WIGS FOR YOUR EVERCHANGING LIFESTYLES • N A O M I SIM S • B O R N FR E E • M IC H A E L W EEK S BETTY CABINE PROPRIETOR tuis - sat ,1i3O-6tO0 Z ANO OTHER NAME BRANDS EVERYTHWG FROM CURRENT STYLES TO SPECIALTY W B S UNDUE HAM ORNAMENTS HAM BEADS A BEAUTY SUPPUES MRS. C’S EBONY ESSENCE COSMETICS ZURI COSMETICS ......... ......... ........ ’ Q 81-A 525* I ____ _________________________ ! FATHER, G reater St.Stephen M issionary B aptist C hurch Rev. R obert E. H ouston, Sr., Pastor 3922 N orth W illiam s Avenue Portland, O regon 97227 “ The C hurch o f Love on the G ro w ” - Acts 2:41-47 invites you to share in our SUMMER REVIVAL ’89 June 26-30, 1989 7:30 p.m. Nightly Theme: “Changing Lives By The Power Of The Word” Luke 4:28-32 i f the hour has come to make the break, help me not to cling, even though it feels like death. G ive me the inward strength o f my Re­ deemer, Jesus C hrist, to lay down ' this b it o f life and let it go, so that I and others may be free to take up whatever new and fu lle r life you have prepared fo r us, now and hereafter. Amen. MARANATHA CHURCH DR. STEPHEN JOHN THURSTON Pastor, New C ovenant Baptist C hurch, C hicago, Illinois E xecutive Vice President, Illinois N ational B aptist C onvention C orresponding Secretary, N ational B aptist C onvention o f A m erica, Inc. G ifted Preacher and Teacher 7th & FREMONT (7 0 7 N.E. FREMONT) BEAUTICIAN 4 STUDENT DISCOUNTS 100 "/. HUMAN HAM FOR BRAIDING & WEAVNG ALLEN TEMPLE TO OFFER FASHION SHOW FASHION SHOW —’’TRENDS; THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE", sponsored by the Phyllis Bedford Missionary Circle of Allen Temple C.M.E. Church on Friday, June 23rd, 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. at the Town Hall 3600 N. Interstate Ave. Fashions will be featured from Renoir’s Lady, Casual Corner and Jay Jacobs. Ticket donation $10.00. Proceeds will go to sponsor a scholar­ ship fund. For ticket information, call 249-0601. 13th & Skidmore 288-7241 Services Evangelist: 1. Sunday 9:00am Sunday School 10:30am Morning Worship 6:30pm Evening Worship W ednesday7:30 Prayer/ Open Service Wendell H. Wallace Sr., Senior Pastor Jesus Loves You' Allen Temóle Wigland One of the Northwest largest W ig Displays Wigs and hairpieces for all nationalities Eva Gabor Naomi Sims Renee of Paris Synthetic & Human hail for braiding & weeving Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Sat 10am-5:30 Cleaning & re-styling Near Lloyd Center 282-1664 1105 N.E. Broadway M usic nightly by the G reater St. Stephen C hoirs and our guest churches! CME Church ! SERVICES HELD AT THE: O.B. WILLIAMS CONVENTION CENTER 220 N.E. BEECH STREET PORTLAND, OREGON 97227 For m ore details you can contact the G reater St. Stephen M issionary Baptist C hurch at 281-6337 or 2187-6691. IF Y O U H A V E T H E FA ITH - G O D HAS T H E PO W ER 1 4236 N.E. Eighth Avenu (comer of 8th & Skidmore) , Portland, Oregon 97211 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -0 2 6 1 P h i l l i p S. N e ls o n , P a s to r P s a lm 3 4 :3 A Gentle reminder.... Fathers' Day will be celebrated Sunday, June 18, 1989 I I