Page 2 Portland Observer JUNE 15,1989 GETTING SERIOUS ABOUT JOB TRAINING by John E. Jacob OPINION CIVIL RIGHTS JOURNAL S T A N D IN G FO R T R U T H by Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. along the COLOR LINE by Dr. Manning Marable The Challenge of Democracy elected officials. The outbreak o f democracy in Communist nations has prompted many conservative critics to argue that the com petition between social­ ism and capitalism is fin a lly over, and that capitalism has won. Going even further, rig h tw in g ideologue Michael Novak, insisted recently that the socialist-inspired “ dream of economic equality does not w ork.” Since the a bilities o f each human being are different, N ovak argued in Forges magazine, each individual must receive different rewards. “ Justice seems to demand d iversity, not uni­ formity, in rewards, “ Novak declared. “ The dream o f economic equality for a ll is not attainable.” Progressives in America have much to learn from the Soviet experiment in glasnost and from the Chinese stu­ dents’ quest fo r democracy, fo r such examples leach us that there are many different roads to democracy. But when conservative c ritics te ll us that such efforts disprove the necessity for equality o f m aterial conditions, we accept such a judgm ent at our peril. For i f the c iv il rights move­ ment against racial segregation taught us anything, we should have learned that the greater vision o f democracy cannot be fu lfille d sim ply by p rovid­ ing an integrated cup o f coffee, or laws which perm it Blacks to attend w hites-only schools. A viable de­ mocracy cannot exist in w hich 20 m illio n Americans go to bed hungry each night, and 37 m illio n lack any type o f health or dental insurance. Democracy is not a thing, it is a process o f expanding opportunities for a ll citizens, and their a b ility to control decision m aking from the bottom up. This requires certain prerequistes for a decent life fo r a ll w ith in the political s o c ie ty -fu ll employment, decent housing, education, health care, and so forth. The battle fo r fu ll de­ mocracy leads d ire c tly and inevita­ bly toward the promise o f economic equality. The challenge fo r a ll de­ The Adm inistration has found serious flaws in the Job Training partner­ In the early m orning hours o f August 31, 1988 , Khotso House, the ship A ct and is m oving to remedy them. But m o re -a lot m o re -is needed headquarters o f the South afncan Council o f Churches (SACC) in Johannesburg, than sim ply patching up the program. was rocked by one o f the most pow erful bombs used in South A fric a history O ur economy w ill be handcuffed unless the entire workforce is equipped Throughout the world today, there against the freedom movement. It was the supreme irony that the home o f w ith the skills needed to be productive in the com petitive global market. is a rising tide o f democracy. In China That means quality education and training for a ll, especially the disadvan­ the ecumenical C hristian movement in south A frica , whose name Kohotso during the past month, we have w it­ taged. means peace in the Sesotho language, should be destroyed by violence. The nessed more than a m illio n students But the JTPA doesn’ t reach the most severely disadvantaged-the people explosion at Khotso House marked yet another stage in the crisis that has and workers who demonstrated on it was intended to reach. As Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole told Congress: engulfed South A frica since 1985. In fact, just six weeks later an arson fire behalf o f democracy in Tiananmen “ Funds do not always reach the individuals and areas who need help the gutted two floors at the offices o f the Southern A frican C atholic Bishops Square in Beijing. The cry for greater Conference in Pretoria. Indeed, attempts on the lives o f church leaders in most. In some comm unities it is fe ll that the program does not always result c iv il liberties and against o ffic ia l in good jobs and a higher standard o f liv in g .” South A frica have almost become commonplace and a number o f church corruption threatened the regime o f A ll o f the entrants to the program need tra in in g -n o one disputes that. But leaders have been detained and tortured. Deng Xiaoping and Prime M inister Churches and their leaders, o f course, are not the only ones suffering in it seems that the program skims the most job-ready and ignores the least L i Peng, and a bloody repression was prepared and most disadvantaged. For example, although high school south Africa. Since the im position o f a national “ State o f Em ergency” in launched. Hundreds were kille d and dropouts have the highest unemployment rate, the m ajority o f JTPA trainees June, 1986, thousands have died in unrest-related disturbances. M ore than wounded. are high school graduates. 40,000 people have been detained, half o f them children and women. It is In the Soviet Union, a new legis­ Program operations are paid on the basis o f actual jo b placement, conservatively estimated that over 1,000 South Africans have been convicted lative process has promoted mass regardless o f the length o f training. As Congressman Augustus Hawkins as p olitical prisoners. In 1988 alone, 32 organizations were banned and 55 popular approval and participation pointed out: popular leaders have been convicted as political prisoners. C learly, the o f dissidents. A new willingness to “ That has led to creaming and placing those who seem most job-ready peaceful paths to change are being closed o ff one by one as a part o f a two- foster ideological and p olitical plu­ and easiest to place, rather than the hard-core unemployed who may have pronged policy by the racist apartheid regime to clamp down hard on anti­ ralism is necessary in order to re­ social, psychological or other problems.” apartheid activists at home w hile simultaneously convincing these outside structure the Soviet economy. In Hun­ Congress and the Adm inistration are w orking to reshape the A ct so that South A frica that “ things are changing.” gary, there are plans to establish a most participants are dropouts or welfare recipients w ithout basic skills. We in the United States can not afford to allow ourselves to be fooled by genuine, m ultiparty state w ithout the A more focused program w ill reach more o f the people most in need o f this smokescreen. We must jo in in solidarity w ith South A frican Church permanent dom ination o f the Com­ training, but unless it is adequately funded and designed to reach everyone leaders who launched a national campaign in South A fric a called “ Standing m unity Party from the top. And in in need o f assistance, it w ill fa il to fu lfill the needs o f the disadvantaged or for the T ru th .’ ’ It was shortly after this campaign began, calling fo r a boycott Poland only days ago, a competitive, to secure the skilled workforce our economy needs. o f the elections last fa ll in w hich South Africans were denied an opportunity democratic election brought many Given the resources, federal programs have demonstrated they can to vote, that the bom bing o f Khotso House occurred. advocates o f the Solidarity labor deliver. The Job Corps, for example, has traditionally trained the most As a result, a group o f national church representatives in the United movement into the govemmenL Once disadvantaged youth. It has a record o f placing about 80 percent o f its States began organizing a sustained ecumenical response to the plea fo r outlawed, new S oilidarity is viewed trainees in jobs or further education-a better record than the JTPA, which international support w hich came from South A frican church leaders. as part o f the solution to help resolve has largely avoided serving the hardest cases. Church leaders in the United Slates believe that Christians have a special Poland’s pressing economic programs. But the Jobs Corps costs more per trainee. T h a t’s why it was unsuccess­ responsibility to advocate fo r people whose oppression is due at least in part In country after country, people fu lly targeted for extinction by the Reagan Adm inistration. to the policies o f our own government. The national C ouncil o f Churches are demanding a greater degree o f The real lesson here is that we need to invest whatever it takes to make along w ith other church leaders also organized a national ecumenical accountability by their political lead­ people productive. In the long run, low er social costs and the higher taxes campaign “ Stand fo r Truth: U n til South A frica is Free” on which they ers, and more authority to determine they’ ll pay over w orking lifetim es more than repay the investment. com m itted themselves to w ork u ntil the people o f South A fric a are free. state policies. They expect a higher So patching up the JPTA w on’ t be enough. Congress and the Adm inistra­ June 16 is a special day o f remembrance in the life o f South A frica . On degree o f eth ical behavior and demo­ tion should turn to a more comprehensive solution to the workforce training that day in 1976 hundreds o f brave young South Africans were k ille d as they cratic-decision making. In W ashing­ issue. peacefully marched to protest the unequal education they were receiving ton, D.C. the crisis o f ethics brought Such a solution w ould begin w ith concentrated aid to schools serving under the apartheid system and to stop the teaching in Afrikaans, the down Jim W right, the Speaker o f the poverty areas, so that our kids get basic skills where they’ re supposed to get language o f their oppressor, in their schools. Thousands o f bright, articulate House o f Representatives, and Tony th e m - in the public schools. It w ould also include guarantees o f jobs and young people were forced to flee South Africa as a result o f their participation Coelho, Democratic House W hip. skills training to every young p e rson - w ith stipends to defray their costs, in what the government called the Soweto uprisings. Republican Congressman Donald and w ith social and counseling services. This June 16 the “ Stand fo r T ru th ” campaign is sponsoring a special Lukens was recently convicted for Such a program should have an important role fo r community-based Lobby Day in Washington,. D.C., where they hope thousands o f Americans having sexual relations w ith a minor, organizations w ith a proven a b ility to reach disadvantaged people and train w ill be meeting w ith their Senators about the proposed sanctions legislation yet he’ s fig h tin g to maintain his o ffi­ mocracies is not to make the rich them. against south A frica. On Saturday June 17, a massive service and ra lly w ill cial position. Such ethical issues raise richer, but for a ll o f us to greater No one should see the JTPA changes as the end o f the ro a d -w e need a be held at the Washington M onument,featuring the Rev. A llan Boesak from in sharp re lie f the issue o f what c iti­ economic and p o litic a l rights. w orkforce training system that’s the best in the world. South Africa,thc Richard Smallwood Singers and other entertainers. Following zens have a rig ht to expect fsom the service there w ill be a march to Lafayette park across from the W hite House to call fo r an end to U.S. support o f apartheid. I f you really care about our brothers and sisters in South A frica , become a part o f the “ Stand for the T ru th ” Campaign. Join thousands o f others who by Dr. Lenora Fulani are concerned in W ashington,D.C. on June 16-17 and let us remember to The life and death fig h t to save Adam Abdul-Hakeem (form erly known western state that allows the sale o f keep our South A frican sisters and brothers in our prayers and in our actions State Senator B ill M cC oy, D- o f solidarity. as L arry Davis), the young Black brother who had the guts to speak out drug paraphernalia. 39 other states Portland, announced the Oregon state against police corruption, is being waged now in the courts. and the D istrict o f Colum bia have Senate’s unanimous approval today The issue right now is to see that A dam -w hose physical condition is adopted sim ilar legislation banning o f legislation making the sale o f drug deteriorating rapidly as a result o f the series o f brutal beatings he has its sale. paraphernalia illegal. received at the hands o f prison g uards- gets the medical care he needs so “ Allow ing merchants to sell bongs, “ It is not reasonable p olicy to say urgently. The New Y ork C ity Department o f Correction, w hich administers crack pipes, and cocaine kits only “ drugs are illegal, but you can go out the Rikers Island prison where Adam is currently being held, says “ nothing makes our war on drugs tougher to to a record store or a head shop and is w rong” w ith him ; his injuries and symptoms, say the prison authorities, win, “ McCoy said.” Simply by w alk­ buy devices that are designed o nly to are the consequence o f the “ reasonable’ ’ force that has to be used in dealing ing into certain record stores our enhance the power o f drugs.’ W ith w ith “ d iffic u lt” prisoners like Adam Abdual-Hakcem. children can learn a ll they can about this b ill we send the clear message A dam ’ s physical appearance at a hearing before New Y o rk State Su­ how to use and how to manufacture that we w on’ t allow businesses to preme C ourt Justice Richard Lowe earlier this week to determine whether drugs.” encourage drug use in any fo rm ,” he needed to be hospitalized visibly shocked everyone in the courtroom. M cCoy goes on to say dial the M cCoy said. Unable to w alk, this 23 year old young man could not sit upright in his Supreme C ourt Justice Richard Lowe III today ruled that Adam A bdul- drug paraphernalia industry condones Senate B ill 846 prohibits the sale wheelchair or hold up his head. A fte r blood appeared in his urine, he became Hakeem’ s personal physician, Dr. Susan Massad M U S T be allowed to and promotes drug use. He says the or delivery o f drug paraphernalia. It unable to urinate for more than two days-sym ptom s that his personal examine, although not to treat, M r. Abdul-Hakeem on Rikers Island state currently spends $1.5 b illio n hits violators w ith fines o f S2.000 to tom orrow , and set a hearing for June 26th at which M r. Abdul-H akeem ’ s physician, who has been legally prevented from treating him , fears may be dollars combating drug abuse. S 10,000. The money would be used signs o f fatal kidney damage caused by the beatings. Adam groaned with legal defense team can present evidence that his constitutional rights are The b ill now moves to the House to help finance drug treatment pro­ pain throughout the hearing w hile lawyers for the Correction Department being denied. for approval. grams. and the c ity ’ s Health and Hospitals Corporation argued that he was fine! A t the same tim e Judge Low e refused to fin d the Department o f Currently Oregon is the only F ina lly Justice Lowe issued an order that Adam be kept at Bellevue Hospital Corrections in contempt for disregarding his previous order to examine and fo r tw o days, properly examined and tested, and returned to the court before treat Adam Abdul-Hakeem for the massive injuries he has incurred from a being sent back to Rikers. series o f brutal beatings by prison guards. Today’ s hearing was the result o f Earlier this week the New Y ork C ity C iv il Rights C oalition hosted a two- a court order obtained in night court from Judge Richard A . Goldberg this day forum to discuss how the struggle fo r racial equality in Birm ingham , m orning at 3:00 a.m. M r. Abdul-H akeem ’ s legal team, attorneys Alvaader Frazier and Harry Alabama can guide the movement toward rac ial equality and harmony in the Kresky, sought to have him sent directly from the courthouse to a hospital city o f New York. The guest from New York included some o f the c ity ’ s OREGON'S OLDEST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PUBLICATION Established In 1970 designated by his private physician, Dr.Susan Massad. Judge Low e refused most prominent Black leaders, such as Reverend W yatt T. W alker, the Leon Harrls/General Manager Alfred L. Henderson/Pubiisher this request, declaring that their charges that M r. Abdul-Hakeem is being distinguished educator Dr. Kenneth Clark, and Manhattan Borough Presi­ systematically beaten and tortured arc “ mere allegations.’ ’This order after dent David D in k in s -w h o is seeking the Democratic Party’ s mayoral Joyce Washington Gary Ann Garnett nomination this year. M r. Abdul-Hakeem, who had been brought to Bellevue Hospital on Thurs­ Sales/Marketing Director Business Manager The meeting took place during the same week that saw the funeral o f day, June 1st for x-rays, a complete examination and attendant medical PORTLAND OBSERVER treatment, was refused admittance by Dr. Paul Katz, the ch ie f o f Bellevue’ s Richard Luke, a Black man who died as the result o f a beating by public is published weekly by Exie Publishing Company, Inc emergency room medical team, and returned to Rikers Island on a stretcher housing cops. A few days earlier another Black man, T revor Francis, was 525 N E Kllllngsworth St. in spite o f the fact that at least one other Bellevue physician and Dr. Massad thrown to his death from a Harlem rooftop by a city policeman. Were these Portland. Oregon 97211 P.O. Box 3137 incidents discussed at the c iv il rights conference? No. D id the elected urged that he be admitted for further tests and treatment. Dr. Katz made his Portland, Oregon 97208 recommendation in consultation w ith a Department o f Corrections o fficials o ffic ia ls present raise Adam Abdul-H akccm ’ s name and call for an inves­ and an attorney fo r the department, Joseph Guarino. tigation into the attempted murder o f one o f our children? No. Is the New (503) 288-0033 (Office) The Department o f Corrections failed to present M r. Abdul-Hakeem in York C ity C iv il Rights C oalition going to take a stand on Adam or do they Deadlines for all submitted materials: Articles: Monday, 5 p.m.;Ads Tuesday, 5 p.m. court today, claim ing that the Bronx youth didn ’ l want to come. * ‘They were o nly fig h t against injustice after the victim s arc dead? So far establishment against the blatant violation o f Adam ’ s constitutional rights. ly in g ,” charged attorney Frazier.“ They d id n ’ t allow him in court because The PORTLAND OBSERVER «w lcom « treelanc® xubmiMiont. M * n u » a p l, and phoTograph« »houM ba Uaarly labelad and will ba ralurnad il aooompanad by a aall-addraaaad envelope. All created designed diaplay ada they don’t want his supporters and public to see that he can no longer walk. ’ ’ AS the chairperson o f the Adam Abdul-Hakeem C oa litio n to Save Our become in . ,oie p-openy ol the - evn o a p e , and can no. be vaed in o«het publeation. o. penonal vM«ar w,lho£ the written content ot the general manage' unless the c'ient has purchased the LS twwitwoi IT “ Adam is bruised around the eye, cannot move one arm and shoulder, Youth, which has mobilized the com m unity to demand media coverage o f PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. this casc-a key weapon in the fig ht to keep Adam a liv e - I have been calling can bear no weight on his le ft leg, and is experiencing severe back spasms, every Black and Latino liberal white elected o ffic ia l in New Y o rk, demand­ Subscriptions 120 00 per year m the Tn-County area resulting in paralysis o f his lower body, disabling to the point that he cannot The PORTLANO OBSERVER Oregon s oldest Afncan American Publication--!» a m entwr oi The National ing that they do something NO W io save A dam ’ s life. Every one o f them walk or stand up and has no feeling in the entire left side o f his body, Newsparer Association - Founded m 1885. The Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, and The National depends on votes from the Black com m unity to keep their jobs. I have not rendering him defenseless against attack,” said Dr. Massad, who has been Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publehers, Inc.. New York seen any action yet. denied access to her patient’ s medical record. “ A dam ’s life is in danger. He I f Adam Abdul-Hakeem dies, kille d by Correction officers who arc being has been severely beaten and sustained m ultiple serious injuries. He is being given a message that they arc accountable to no one, that they can get away denied necessary medical care in the most flagrant violation o f his human w ith m urder....if Ricardo Burgos. Adam ’ s young companion w ho has also rights. The hospital administration is playing politics w ith this young man’ s come forward to corroborate the grim story o f corrupt cops who recruit our life and violating every canon o f medical ethics.” children to traffic drugs and who has been brulually beaten in prison as w ell, “ The issue before the c o u rt-w h ic h the court refuses to reco gn izc-is the is kille d because no one in authority is prepared to intervene in the vendetta life o f Adam Abdul-Hakeem and his friend R icky Burgos w ill live long the eops arc conducting against these tw o brothers.... their blood w ill be on enough to tell their story o f the involvem ent o f police officers in drug the hands ot those who refused to fight fo r our youth; those who remained dealing in the 44th precinct in the Bronx and the 34th in Manhattan. We have silent w hile the cops went w ilding. evidence o f this involvem ent and witnesses ready to testify. Apparently the W c w ill not lorget. And we w ill sec that they pay fo r their cow ardly and Police and Corrections Department don’t want this inform ation exposed. murderous silence. This is a question o f A dam ’ s life and death. THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES LEGISLATORS OUTLAW DRUG PARAPHERNALIA ADAM ABDUL-HAKEEM (LARRY DAVIS) PHYSICIAN ALLOWED TO EXAMINE HIM ON RIKERS ISLAND; JUDGE REFUSES TO FIND DEPARTMENT OF* CORRECTIONS IN CONTEMPT PORTLfi ERVER Support Our Advertisers! Say You Saw It In The PortlandObserver! PORTLAND OBSERVER FAX # 503)288-0015 4 V e