Page 8 Portland Observer JUNE 8,1989 PROFESSIONAL Ad Rates. 5 Lines - 1 Week - $7.90 4 Weeks - $25.00(add $2.50 Par Unt) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) 288-0033 k ___________________________________ D O N N IE JAMES “ If you dare to be fashionable” 517 NE Killings worth Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503)288-1721 Janies Williams DIRECTORY Phone 288-0033 ■ - To Place Your A d PORTLAND OBSERVER The Eyes and Ears ol the Community“ Men & Women;s Fashion SERVICES PRITCHETT'S ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE CO. Specializing In: Intlallalion, Trouble Shooting and Repair of Electrical Appliances Equipment & Light Fixtures Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pntcheu 3523 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 BEAUTY/BARBER _______ SUPPLIES_______ ja’bell’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-8393 and 5387 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Hon. thru Set Bill Kelley's Upholstery FLORAL - SILKS RENT Eart ha’s Floral Connection 28 years experience Quality work, Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats 517-1/2 N .E Kllllngswortb Portland, Oregon 97211 282-3875 WASHERS & DRYERS • Tile Coupon Good For We Do Weddings • Funerals : *15 OFF Made-To-Order • Custom-Made 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 9 e.m. - 6 p.m. • DELIVERY a • INSTAI LATION FEE PRINTING Kinko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 '30 Delivery A InUallottan w asher 231-7413 V a .» ..., 693-4000 P o rtla n d JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MENTAL HEALTH - TREATMENT COORDINATOR Search reopened for seasoned clini­ cian to join innovative YW CA’s Girls Emancipation Program. Seeking talented therapist with expertise in group counseling and case m anage­ ment with troubled girls if varied cultural backgrounds. A pplication deadline 5:00pm, June 14th. appli­ cations available at YW CA, 1111 SW 10th. The YW CA is an Equal O pportu­ nity Employer. MECHANICAL ENGINEER East Multnomah County industrial firm with excellent salary and fringe benefits seeks applicants for M e­ chanical Engineer. Position re­ quires BS degree with 4+ years experience in plant engineering or plant m aintenance engineer­ ing. W ork experience in A lum i­ num Reduction Plant and PC lit­ eracy will be helpful. Interested persons should mail resume to: Personnel M anager, Reynolds M et­ als Com pany, Sun Dial Road Troutdale, O R 97060. An equal opportunity/Affirm ative Action Em ployer PSYCHIATRIC REVIEW COORDINATOR This position conducts psychiatric reviews including pre-certification, pre-authorization and inpatient claim review ; m aintains utiliza­ tion guidelines; establishes close w orking relations with provider & internal personnel and assists with psychiatric & chemical abuse program review & policy m odifi­ cations. This position will require: •»• C urrently OR licensed RN “»• 3-5 years recent hospital or am ­ bulatory psychiatric-substance abuse experience. “»' Experience with hospital claims review and/or audit, demonstrated ability to work in a fast- paced environm ent under high pressure conditions. A strong com m itm ent to cost containm ent “»• Excellent interpersonal skills Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon offers an excellent em ­ ployee benefits package, com ­ petitive salary and flex time work hours. Please apply or send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer WORK WITH YOUTH Outward Bound conducts outdoor ad­ venture programs o f 1 to 24 days for youth 12 and up to increases self-esteem , teamwork, tenacity and initiative. Participants back­ pack, rock-climb, raft rivers and do community service work. O ut­ ward Bound seeks people who are interested in youth for em ploy­ ment as instructors. An affirm a­ tive action training program is available for those needing in­ creased outdoor skills. Contact Jodi Smith at 243-1993 for more infor­ mation. Secretary Secretary for downtown YWCA social service programs. Type 60 wpm, W ordperfect and data base. One year experience. Closing date June 14, at 3pm. A pplications avail­ able at YW CA, 1111 SW 10th, Equal Opportunity Employer. WASHINGTON COUNTY JOBS A ssociate Accounting Clerk: $1457- $1771/mo. Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms req. Apply by June 16, 1989 to W ash­ ington County Personnel. An E.O.E. HELP WANTED Blue C ross & Blue Shield o f Oregon, a m ajor health insurance com ­ pany is currently accepting appli­ cations for a legal assistant. The incum bent will spend approxi­ mately 85% o f time drafting non­ standard insurance contracts, poli­ cies and endorsem ents for new groups and renew als of existing groups. The legal assistant will also research and analyze case histories o f disputed claim s/legal cases and prepare written sum m a­ ries for review by staff attorneys and outside counsel. This position is also responsible for responding to inquires from other departments on contract interpretation/clarifi- cation. Q ualified candidates will have col­ lege-level technical writing expe­ rience, analytical skills, and an ability to understand benefit and/ or administrative concepts and draft them into contract language. Time m anagem ent skills and the ability to effectively m anage new and unfam iliar material and concepts are critical; as well as dem on­ strated ability to work independ­ ently. Typing/keyboard skills and use of 8100/D O SF word processing sys­ tem s are necessary. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours, and com pettitive salary. Please apply or send resum e to: Pipe fitters Shipfitters Outside M achinists Structural W elders Pipe W elders Inside M achinists M arine Electricians Riggers Insulator/Laggers Im m ediate O penings Call Today! 1-800-874-8465 1-800-874-8366 CISCO eoe UR/QA Assurance Coordinator Capital H ealth Care, a m em ber of Blue C ross and Blue Shield of O regon’s group o f com panies, is seeking qualified applicants for the position of UR/QA Assurance Coordinator. Responsibilities o f the position in­ clude coordination o f a variety o f utilization review activities includ­ ing preauthorization/pre-certifica- tion, concurrent review and utili­ zation audits. The UR/QA C oor­ dinator will be involved with case m anagem ent o f individual m em ­ b er’s care including discharge planning. R esponsibility also in­ cludes conducting quarterly as­ surance studies to assess the im ­ pact o f service utilization on pa­ tient outcom e. A pplicants m ust possess a current O regon RN license and have experience in utilization review / quality assurance. Background in a managed health care plan, HMO or PRSO is desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours and com petitive salary. Please apply or send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources D ept., 5th Fir 100 S.W. M arket Portland, O R 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, O R 97201 Equal O pportunity Em ployer ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Security Pacific Bank Oregon has an excellent opportunity for an indi­ vidual to sell tax deferred annui­ ties in a financial institution envi­ ronment. Qualified candidates will be client service oriented with 2- 3 years experience in life insur­ ance sales. Requires self-m otiva­ tion, excellent client service skills, and a high energy level to help satisfy our clients’ financial needs. A life insurance license is also re­ quired. E xperience in a bank or other financial institution is pre­ ferred. *\s part o f Security Pacific, the 6th largest Bank-H olding Company in the country, we offer a com ­ petitive salary commensurate with experience, excellent flexible benefits program , and superior advancement potential. Please send aresum e with salary requirements to: SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel Department 1001 SW 5th Avenue PO Box 3066 Portland, OR 97208 (503) 796-3878 APPLICANT HOURS 9-1 p.m ., Mon-Fri Equal O pportunity Employer HELP WANTED UP TO $339.84 PER W EEK A SSEM BLING OUR PRODUCTS FROM HOME AM AZING RECORDED M ES­ SAGE REVEALS DETAILS 503 274-9198 EXTEN SIO N 14 Would you like to be earning $2,000 a month w ithin 5 w eeks using just 1 evening a week? Rew ard your­ self personally and financially through sublim inal Tapes. No financial risks. W rite M & H En­ terprises Mary Hansen 6700 SW 67th St. Redm ond, O regon 97756 I belief position providing support staff on an on-call basis. Prior experi­ ence working with S.E.D youth, and able to work with a culturally diverse population required. $6.50/ hr. Send resum e and references to C.C.M.H. 6329 N.E.Union 97211. EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING COUNSELING In Portland for non profit Background in em ploym ent counseling and managem ent. Experience with migrant/seasonal farm workers or econom ically disadvantaged cli­ entele. Supervisory experience and good w riting/com m unication skills. Bilingual English/Spanish required. $7.84/hr plus exc fringe benefits. Closes 6/2/89, 5 pm. JOB DEVELOPER R E S ID E N T IA L ON -C A L L B A C K -U P W O R K E R CODA Inc., seeks qualified appli­ cants for on-call back-up w orkers to provide sole facility and client supervision at adult residential treatm ent centers, Alpha House & New Directions. Variable shifts. Experience w ith residential or alcohol/drug clients preferred. $5.48 per hour. A pplication m ate­ rials available at CO D A , Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR 97232. Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Em ployer C-V CHILDRENS PROGRAM Salary range $ 1644-$2222 per m onth plus excellent benefits. C O D A Inc. seeks qualified appli­ cants for Program Supervisor in the Childrens Program . R esponsi­ bilities include assisting program m anager in developm ent and o p ­ eration o f Childrens Program , Supervision o f 2-5 child care coun­ selors, diagnosis, evaluation and treatm ent o f drug affected infants, preschool and school aged chil­ dren. Parent training, family a s­ sessm ent, treatm ent in individual, group and family settings, pro­ gram developm ent, contract m an­ agement, liaison with CSD, schools and medical providers. A ssist in Human Services, 2 years human services experience, and staff supervision experience. Complete job discription and application ma­ terials including screening ques­ tions are available at 210 NE 20th, Portland, OR. 97232. Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative Action Em ployer CHILD CARE Loving Christian mother will provide child care in spacious N.E. home, meals and snacks provided w eekdays only. 284-3638 AMA Headstart A ssistant Teacher O pening for assistant teacher AMA Headstart Apply at 1425 NE Dckum 283-1267 HELP WANTED GROUP COUNSELOR SOCIAL SERVICE M ENTAL HEALTH M ENTAL HEALTH DAY CARE Teacher: 3Yr Old Class M ust have experience and Training in ECE Je a n n e tte Fegan 287-5656 LEGAL ASSISTANT MECHANIC ‘one o f the nation's largest LTL trucking com panies, Y ellow Freight System, is taking applica­ tions for truck and trailer m echan­ ics to work part and/or full time. C«xxl working knowledge of trucks, chauffeurs license, and current DM V record required. Call 289- 8822 for interview appointm ents, ask for Jeff. E E O C ” In Hillsboro. Background in em ploy­ m ent counseling and jo b place­ ment, exp with farm w orkers and/ or economically disadvantaged cli­ entele, bilingual English/Spanish, good writing skills and communi cation ability. $7.46/hr. Exc fringe benefits. Closes 6/2/89, 5 pm. Both positions require reliable in­ sured transportation and clean driving record. Send resum e to: Sharon W hite, Oregon Human D e­ velopm ent Corp, 9620 SW Bar- bur Blvd, Suite 110, Portland, Oi 97219. Equal O pportunity Em ­ ployer. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 2 $1566-1980/M O The Oregon Water Resources D ept is currently recruiting to fill vacan­ cies in Salem, Grants Pass, and Pendle­ ton. Call Terry by May 26th for more info: 378-3741 (EOE) BAKERY SALES PERSON SAFEWAY Union & Ainsworth Thurs & Fri 10 am & 2 pm Apply in Person Equal Opportunity Employer CUSTOMER SERVICE FULL & PART TIME Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ gon is currently accepting appli­ cations for full time and part time Customer Service Representatives in their Custom er Service Depart­ ment. This position is responsible for in depth know ledge of all aspects of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of O regon business. Q ualified can­ didates will possess the ability to com m unicateeffectively and pro­ fessionally both orally and in writ­ ten form. Q ualified applicants will be able to work autonom ously in fast paced environm ent, and m ust have dem ­ onstrated excellent attendance in previous employment. O ther requirem ents include: « 1 year work experience in insur­ ance industry » 6 months experience in customer relations «■Medical/dental terminology «»•Organizational skills « CRT experience & ability to type 40wpm « ’Prodedural codes helpful Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O re­ gon offers an excellent employee benefits package, com petitive salary and flex time work hours. Please apply or send resum e to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Fir 100 S.W . M arket Portland, OR 97201 Equal O pportunity Employer RADIO froduction A ssistant/Continuity D irector for major radio station. M ust be strong on detail, have good com puter skills, and at least two years overall radio experience. Send resum e to P.O. Box 14957, Portland, OR 97214. Equal Opportunity Employer. Director of Membership Oregon Public Broadcasting Foundation JOB ANNOUNCEMENT POSITION: Secretary/Receptionist SALARY:$15,000 to $16,500 STARTING DATE: Open Applications are now being now being accepted for the position of Sec­ retary/Receptionist for the O re­ gon Food Bank. Interested appli­ cants should mail their resumes and cover letter to: O regon food B ank 38308 N. W illiam s A venue P o rtla n d , OR 97227 A ttn: R achel JO B D E S C R IP T IO N ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY A ssistant to the director (subject to change) 3808 N. W illiam s A ve­ nue, Portland, OR Assist staff with secretarial tasks. Create and main­ tain work flow and information system s for the office, including proper handling o f confidential information. Serves as a m ember o f the central office clerical team. Provides secretarial support to: ««■Development O fficer and D evel­ opm ent Staff “«•Volunteer Coordinator “»'Operations M anager HUNGRY: NEED MONEY? O U T O F W ORK, NEED A JOB? CALL AMERICAN HANDICAP WORKERS 235-3536 Seeking experienced development professional to oversee and man­ age membership activities for foun­ dation supporting statewide radio and television public broadcast­ ing network with 76,00 contribu­ tors. Activities include m em ber acquisi­ tion, renewal, m em ber service? and additional gifts for donors con­ tributing up to $1000. Qualified candidates will have a bachelors degree, and three or more years fundraising experience including direct mail, telemarketing and com­ puterized mem bership systems. Experience with broadcast fun­ draising desirable. Excellent benefits, com petitive sal­ ary, and attractive working condi­ tions in new state o f the art broad­ cast center. Please send letter of application and resume by June 15,1989 to Yvonne Deligiorgis, M anager of Office Services, OPB Foundation, P.O. Box 69485, Portland, OR 97201. Affirmative Action/Equal O pportu­ nity Em ployer NOTICE!! The Phase self enhancem ent used in the W hitaker Middle School arti- cal has no Bearing on self Enrich­ ment Inc.