Page 3 Portland Observer J U N E 8 ,1 9 8 9 OBO ADDY & KUKRUDU Beginning classes in West A f r i­ can dance,specifically the dance o f Ghana is being offered by Obo Addy and his company, Okropong at the American Dance Theater, 618 SW Park Ave. Classes cost $7. Begin­ ning on June 5, the classes start at 7:30 p.m. Members o f the company who w ill teach have been trained at the Arts Council o f Ghana and have been exciting American audiences w ith their exciting concerts fo r the past year. Enrollm ent is open and people who miss classes are s till welcome. There are some scholarships avail­ able through the Homowa Founda­ tion fo r A frican Arts and Cultures. C all 295-2681 in the evenings fo r more inform ation. A ll dance classes are supported in part by The M etro­ politan Arts Commission. Concerned Citizens of Woodlawn Association C O N C E R N E D C IT IZ E N S o f W O O D L A W N A S S O C IA T IO N are putting on an membership D rive to feed Needy Fam ilies o f our commu­ nity. Membership D rive fee is only $5.00 per month; The proceeds w ill be put back into the com m unity for an annual Thanksgiving Food Bas­ ket and Christmas Food Basket. The Food Basket consists o f 30 can goods or 15 can goods w ith hot and cold cereal and cakes, pies, Juices, and Charcoal Briquets. For further inform ation please contact W illia m Harden, food Coor­ dinator at 286-7750. SUMMER CLASSES FOR KIDS TO BE HELD AT RED CROSS Summer is almost here, and the Red Cross is getting ready to prepare children o f a ll ages to learn and improve various aspects o f their lives. D uring the month o f June, classes w ill be held covering topics such as safe liv in g and hygiene, basic first aid, babysitting and children staying at home alone. The fo llo w in g ses­ sions w ill be held at the Red Cross, 3131 N. Vancouver Ave. The schedule w ill include: N E A T K ID S , SA FE K ID S Targeted fo r preschool children ages 4-5, the series o f three one-hour classes w ill enhance self esteem and self reliance emphasizing safe livin g and personal hygiene. Classes w ill take place Monday, June 26; Wednesday, June 28; and Friday, June 30 from 9 :00 -10:00am. C o s t $10.00 W H E N I ’M C H A R G E Designed fo r children ages 8-11, this class is aimed at those who have to stay at home alone from tim e to time. Topics include handling phone calls and visitors, creating a safe home environmentand basic first aid skills. The 1-1/2 hourclass may betaken either Tuesday, June 20 from 10:00- 11:30am or Thursday, June 22 from l:00-2:30pm . C o st $6.00 News Around Town OREGON DE­ PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA­ TION PRE-BID INFORMATION To help m in ority and woman- owned businesses participate in fed­ erally-funded highway construction w ork, the Oregon Department o f Transportation is sponsoring a series o f meetings on upcoming projects. Several “ Pre-bid Workshops” w ill be presented this summer by the American Contractor Center, in cooperation w ith O D O T . The fo l­ low ing projects have been schedule fo r workshops during the month o f June: «■ South Slough/Charleston Bridge project in Coos County, June 8 at 9am in the Transportation B u ild ­ ing, Salem. « • Rose Lodge project in Lin coln County, June 15 at 9am, in the A s­ sociated General Contractor Cen­ ter, W ilsonville. «■ 36th Avenue-Cordon Road p ro j­ ect in Salem, June 15 at 10:30am, also in W ilso nville . Inform ation on other workshops w ill be available later. Harold Lasley, O D O T ’ s C i v il Rights Manager noted “ As a supportive service to the D is­ advantaged Business Enterprise (D B E ) program, these workshops are a kind o f project orientation that pro­ vides basic inform ation important to a D B E ’s understanding o f the re­ quirements, procedures, priorities, and constraints governing a particular project. A better understanding o f these factors can increase a D B E ’ s likelihood o f getting the w ork and making money on it.” The Am erican Contractor Center, in Portland, had been selected to help disadvantaged business gain that knowledge through the upcoming workshops. * ‘ Besides basic inform ation about the project,” Lasley said, * ‘ the w o rk­ shops o ffe r an opportunity for inter­ action and comm unication between parties interested in bidding the work. We believe this is and im portant step in assisting D B E ’ s and contractors to w ork together fo r their mutual bene­ fit in achieving goals fo r D BE par­ ticipation. Each workshop w ill examine a project being bid by the Department o f Transportation about one week before the bid opening. The w ork­ shop w ill review the nature o f the w ork, discuss potential problem ar­ eas and highlight subcontracting op­ portunities o f particular interest to D B E ’s. Videotapes o f the project site w ill help subcontractors see its relevance to their particular craft. An O D O T representative w ill attend each workshop and answer questions about the w ork, reporting require­ ments, and what O D O T can do to assist disadvantaged business. Lasley emphasized that the w o rk­ shops are not a substitute fo r depart­ ment pre-bid conferences. They are designed to assist m inority and CAROUSEL COURTYARD PLANS LUNCH- BOX CONCERT SERIES The Carousel Courtyard w ill hold its firs t annual Lunchbox Concert series Wednesdays, June 21 through September 6. Each concert is sched­ uled 12:15 to 1:00 p.m. and w ill en­ tertain those looking fo r a liv e ly and pleasant way to spend a lunch hour. The concerts feature premiere local talent w ith music ranging from jazz to nostalgia rock. Located on Northeast Holladay Street between 7th and 9th Avenues, across from the Carousel M A X sta­ tion, the Courtyard is Portland’s newest gathering spot. The Carousel C ourt­ yard is home to the fu lly restored and operational 1895 L o o ff Carousel in addition to cool green lawns, a lattice pavilion and bright flowers and trees. Lunchbox Concert-goers can bring a lunch to the Courtyard o r are free to choose delicious offerings from Court­ yard vendors. Lunchtim e fare w ill include hot dogs, teriyaki chicken, ice-cream, soft drinks and a variety o f snacks. The Lunchbox Concerts are spon­ sored by Pacific Development, Inc., Red Lio n H otel-LIoyd Center and ra­ dio station K K C Y . The Carousel Courtyard is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday, 1 l:0 0-5:0 0 p.m .; and Sunday 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. The Carou­ sel operates from 11:00 to 5:00 p.m. Rain date and operation hour in fo r­ mation is available by calling the event line at 230-0400. For more in ­ form ation about the Courtyard, or book an event contact Leslie Cox at 233-4048. United Way Gives $13 Million to Community Services United W ay o f the Columbia- W illam ette w ill allocate over $13 m illio n to its more than 100 agencies fo r the 1989-90 fiscal year that be­ gins July 1. Area receiving the greatest level o f support in the coming year include basic needs ($1.7 m illio n ); services to fam ilies ($1.5 m illio n ); youth de­ velopment ($1.5 m illio n ) and child care ($1.1 m illio n ). Funding fo r high p rio rity areas has increased by $1.2 m illio n in the last five years. High p rio rity areas include coordination o f emergency services, ch ild care, child re n ’s men­ tal health, delinquent youth, domes­ tic violence, high-risk pregnancy, services to fam ilies, inform ation and referral coordination, volunteer pro­ fessional services, and youth alcohol and drug programs. M ore than 400 programs w ill receive funds from United Way. Ten panels invo lvin g more than 60 vo l­ unteers from the four-county area met fo r several months to make a llo ­ cations recommendations. United W ay’s board o f directors approved these recommendations in late May. In addition to their allocations, agencies w ill receive money through the Donor O ption Program instituted last year. This allows contributors to direct their g ift to any health or human woman-owned businesses who take the in itia tive to participate in the pro­ gram. Individual notices w ill be mailed to certified D BE firm s about the workshops. Information is also avail­ able from O D O T or the American Contractor. Contact Vem ell West, O D O T D BE Program Coordinator, at 378-8077, or Bruce Broussard at the American Contractor Center, 280- care organization or other United Way 9000. i f it is tax exempt under Section B A SIC A ID T R A IN IN G ((502) (C )(3)] o f the Internal Reve­ Children ages 9-12 are encour­ PORTLAND nue Code and is located in Oregon or aged to take this basic first aid course DEVELOPMENT Washington. that w ill enable them to recognize COMMISSION dangers, treat common injuries and respond in emergency situations. Commission Meeting Class w ill be held on Tuesday, Date: June 14,1989 June 20 and Wednesday, June 21 Place: The Portland Bldg., 11th Floor from 9:30am -12:30pm. C ost $10.00 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Portland, OR B A B Y S IT T IN G Time: 9:30 a.m. S A T U R D A Y , JUNE 17. 1989, Participants w ill learn the respon­ 9:30A M sibilities o f babysitting in this 8-hour Commission meetings are open to the The Portland Chapter o f the Older course designed fo r youth 11 years public. A complete agenda is W om en’ s League (O W L ) w ill meet available at PDC. Call 796-5300. and older. Topics include: jo b func­ at Fred M eyer’ s Eve’ s Buffet, at 100 tions o f a babysitter, basic child care, PDC is the City of Portland's urban N.W . 20th in their meeting room. first aid, child developm ent supervi­ renewal and economic development TOPIC: “ Staying M entally Healthy agency. sion and choosing toys and play ac­ As We Face G row ing O lder” . tivitie s for children. Speaker Ms. Judy ApplegateRCSW, The class w ill be held on Monday, a C linical Social W orker at the M t. June 19 and Tuesday, June 20 from .A C H IE V E R S • A C T IV IT Y Hood Com m unity Mental Health 8:30am -12:30pm. Cost: $15.00 Center. M eeting is OPEN T O TH E Classes are also held at various P U B L IC . N O A D M IS S IO N community sites throughout the Port­ CHARGE. No-host breakfast or coffee land area. For class locations and available. Am ple parking low er lot; times or to register for the sessions at T ri-M c t access. Red Cross, call 284-0011, ext. 176. Older Women’s League BIG BIRD’S SESAME STREET STORY Juneteenth Celebration The Portland A lu m n i Chapter o f Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. proudly presents Juneteenth Celebration, African-Am erican Independence Day. This Com m unity event w ill take place on Saturday, June 24th from 2:00 - 8:00 p .„ at Goldies Restaurant and Lounge (1924 N .W . 24th & Vaughn). Juneteenth Celebration w ill focus on live entertainment and A frica n- Am erican contributions impacting the significance o f Independence Day. George Page, The Master Blaster o f KB O O Radio (90.7 F M ) w ill be the Master o f Ceremonies - providing legendary blues, jazz, and modem sounds. L iv e music w ill also be provided by recording artist Janice Scroggins, Norman Sylvester, K irk Green, and The Timesound Ensemble. H istorical perspectives w ill be presented on the program by Jeanna Woods (host o f Northeast Specturm), and Dr. D arrell M illn e r (D irector o f Black Studies Department, Portland, State U niversity). Juneteenth Celebration w ill be broadcast liv e on K B O O radio (90.7. F M ), and video tope delayed fo r later broadcast on Rogers Television (Channel 38). Tickets are $5.00 and available at House o f So7nd Records, M rs C ’s W igs, J -B e ll’s and Goldies. Proceeds from this com m unity event w ill be used fo r scholarships. D on’ t miss Juneteenth Celebration, June 24th, 2:00 - 8:00p.m . at Goldies Lounge. Food and door prizes w ill be provided. For the past 20 years, m illion s o f children around the w orld have watched Sesame Street. Characters such as B ig B ird, Grover, Bert, and Ernie have become trusted “ teach­ ers* ’ and fa ithful friends. In many homes, the Sesame Street Muppets are talked about with a casual fa m ilia rity that makes it seem as i f no one would act surprised i f Cookie M onster appeared at the breakfast table. Although most people have heard about the famous residents o f Sesame Street, few have heard the story o f how Sesame S treet became a television s h ow -a story that only Muppets know and B ig B ird can tell. When Sesame Street L iv e brings its all-new musical production to Portland’ s M em orial Coliseum for seven performances June 14 through June 18 the truth w ill finally be known The search begins for the first baby o f Rosaría as B ig B ird narrates a very special tale about how he and his friends Hey baby! For the first time, the Portland Rose Festival Association w ill launched their own television pro­ honor a special person w ith a befitting title - the firs t baby o f Rosaria. gram. The C ity o f Portland becomes the kingdom o f Rosaria on June 2 at 10:30 “ Big B ird ’s Sesame Street Story” p. m. when the new ly crowned queen proclaims, “ The Rose Festival has stars Big B ird, Bert, Ernie, Grover, o ffic ia lly begun.” A t this moment the search is on fo r the first baby born in Cookie Monster, Prairie Dawn, Os­ Rosaria, 1989. car the Grouch, The Count and spe­ N ot o nly w ill the child receive a title, but also a $100.00 savings bond cial guest Muppets including Elmo, from the U.S. National Bank and a silver lim ited edition commemorative Barkley the Dog, Betty Lou, T e lly Rose Festival m edallion from the Portland M in t. The mother o f the new ­ Monster and Hoots the O w l. During born w ill receive six months free diaper service from Babyland Diaper the 90-minute musical revue, they Service, and a dozen long-stemmed roses courtesy o f the Rose Festival sing and dance their way through a Association and Flowers Tom m y Luke. variety o f upbeat numbers designed A presentation w ill be made to the mother and child on Saturday, June 3, to entertain and involve members o f at 3:00 p.m. For more inform ation about the first baby o f Rosaria search, the audience w hile explaining how contact Heather Wyse at 227-2681, or 227-2697 after 5:00 p.m. or on Sesame Street came to be. Saturday m orning, June 3, by 10:00 a.m. Cookie Monster gobbles his way through a rousing tribute to his favor­ ite letter in “ C is fo r Cookie. ’ ’ Hoots the O w l, a saxaphone-toting new­ comer to the Sesame stage, swings into a jazzy tune called “ Put Down the D uckie” as he tries to convince Ernie that to learn to play the The city o f Portland has a small selection: quality o f execution, and saxaphone, he’s going to have to put but growing collection o f art that is ‘ ‘ Portlandness ” —subject matter that down his rubber duckie. And, old unique in the country: the Visual is recognizable as pertaining specifi­ buddy Bert has his bath interrupted Chronicle. N ow in its fifth year, the cally to the people, topography, or when Ernie leads the audience in a Visual Chronicle documents Port­ c iv ic or cultural events o f the city. rousing chorus o f * ‘Rubber Duckie. ’ ’ land’s changing urban environment Once the A rts Commission re­ A lso appearing w ith the Sesame by in v itin g local artists each year to ceives slides o f artists’ work and Street crew is a new character named submit works on paper that portray their proposals.the commitee con­ Tedious J. M o le h ill-a bumbling, some aspects o f the c ity ’ s life. venes to evaluate them and to choose broadcasting mogul who was created Each year a statement is sent out new work. especially fo r “ Big B ird ’s Sesame to local artists, describing the pur­ Artists o f color are encouraged Street S to ry ." pose o f the collection and explaining submit their w ork, or proposals for “ W e want fam ilies to experience the criteria fo r selection. Artists are next years selection. O r you may a high-quality performance,” said invited to submit either existing works p ick up a copy o f the application at VEE Corporation executive producer, fo r direct purchase, or proposals for the Portland Observer, 525 N.E. Vincent Egan. “ When the curtains the creation o f new works. In either K illingsw orth. open and the lights go up, the c h il­ case, there are two main criteria for dren in the audience are going to see some o f their very best friends. W e . : have to make sure everything on stage is as authentic and true to the sp irit o f the television show as possible.” Sesame Street L ive , produced by Bob Shipstad featuring Jim Henson's PR ESENTS: Sesame Street Muppets, is presented by V E E Corporation w ith C hildren’ s Television Workshop. Tickets fo r “ B ig B ird ’ s Sesame Street Story” are now on sale fo r $8 and $9.50. A ll seats are reserved and available at the M em orial Coliseum, CULTURAL EXCHANGE C ivic Auditorium , Perform ing Arts O R E G O N A L L -S T A R S Center, C iv ic Stadium and a ll G.I. 105.5 Scott Rollins 105.0 Gary Hepburn Joe’s Ticketmaster locations. To - Newburg charge by phone using V IS A or - T illam ook 114.5 Bobby Janisse MasterCard, call the M em orial C o li­ 114.5 Denny Walters - Jefferson seum T icket Center at 239-4422. - Crater 123 Glenn Nieradka 123 A llen R ollins - Tigard - Newberg 132 Babak Mohammadi 132 Dave Nieradka - N. Salem - Tigard 143 Chistian Holiday 143 T.O. Farwell - Eagle Point - Benson 154 C lin t Messner 154 M att M cD ow ell - N Bend - M olalla 165 Scott Buzzard 165 Dustin H iatt - Cascade - Barlow 177 Richard Herzog 177 M att Sprague The Nursing Department o f Port­ - M arshfield - Benson land Com m unity College is raising 198 Andy Foster 198 Les Guthes funds to Finance scholarships fo r - Newberg - S. M edford needy nursing students. H w t. John Paul Jones Hwt. C arlton Slater The department’ s goal is to w ork - W oodburn -Jefferson w ith the PCC Foundation toward The Visual Chron­ icle of Portland THE OREGON CULTURAL EXCHANGE COMMITTEE 1989 OREGON CULTURAL EX­ CHANGE TEAM PCC NURSING DEPARTMENT STARTS SCHOL­ ARSHIP DRIVE establishment o f a dedicated fund from which several scholarships and emergency grants could be given, said Elizabeth R uff, Nursing Depart­ ment chair at the college. The first scholarship w ill be named fo r M ary Blake, a long-tim e nursing instructor who w ill retire form the department’ s college staff June 30. PCC’s two-year nursing program is designed to prepare students for l i ­ censing as registered nurses. The nursing program is housed at Sylva­ nia Campus in Southwest Portland. 7:00pm Saturday, ju n e 17th Jefferson High School 5210 N. Kerby Portland, OR For Inform ation Contact Donnie McPherson at Jefferson High School 280-5180 Admission Adults and Students $2.00 Under 12 Free t ‘ • • • ’ * * \í’ ' •• • • - . i*'’ • • , V' . ' • ‘ • > ' "J s ,