Page 9 Portland Observer JUNE 1,1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NURSING - RN TELLER EXAMINERS/ SR. EXAMINERS ACCOUNTING Full Time and Pari Time Security Pacific Bank Oregon has opportunities available for indi­ viduals committed to the highest level of client service. Qualified applicants will have a minimum of one year previous commercial teller experience, good cash han­ dling skills, familiarity with 10- key adding machine, and basic math skills to perform routine cal­ culations. Positions available in M etro P ortland, B eaverton, Hillsboro, Gresham, Wilsonville, Salem, Tigard, and Cedar Mill. As part of Security Pacific, the 6th largest Bank Holding Company in the country, we offer a com­ petitive salary commensurate with experience, excellent flexible benefits program, and superior advancement potential. Please send a resume with salary requirements to: PRE-CERTIFICATION COORDINATOR The Medical Affairs Dept. is cur­ rently seeking a RN professional to fill a Pre-Certification Coordi­ nator position. The Pre-Certification Coordinator will conduct reviews for [pre-certifi­ cation program including pre-cer­ tifying 2nd opinions, discharge planning, and benefit extension review. Successful candidate must be an RN currently licensed in the state of Oregon with 3-5 years recent hos­ pital experience. Utilization re­ view and quality assurance back­ ground desirable. Good commu­ nication skills a must. PSYCHIATRIC REVIEW COORDINATOR GROUP ACCOUNTANTS Qualified candidates must have pre-1 SAIF Corporation, Oregon’s leading workers’ compensation insurance vious experience in bookkeeping carrier is seeking Examiners/Sr. Examiners for its Salem office. The and/or accounting requiring knowl­ individual in this position will manage and process an assigned number edge & use of accounting prin­ of disability time loss claims ensuring that compensation & medical ciples. Completion of the 3 com­ benefits are paid ¿timely. Medical bills will be reviewed & payment authorized when appropriate. munity college level accounting courses with *’C ’ or above grade Applicants must have 2 yrs college and one year of claims adjusting experience; organization & procedure; ability to exercise judgment in average will substitute for experi­ applying procedures; to communicate effectively; and to evaluate tech­ ence. Applicants must also have nical, medical & industrial information, workers compensation insur­ general office experience, phone ance claims examiner exp strongly preferred. experience, interaction with the 1 public, 10-key as well as good | written communication skills. Pre­ OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH vious insurance experience and I CRT/PC experience are desirable. CONSULTANT The Group Accountants are re­ $2114 MINIMUM sponsible for establishing & main­ Salem Corporate Headquarters taining accurate up-to-date eligi-1 bility records for all groups. The individual in this position will coordinate medical management of I Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore-1 workers’ compensation claims; assess and monitor seriously injured gon offers an excellent employee workers to ascertain need for home health care, physical rehabilitation benefits package, competitive programs, medical equipment, home modification and other medical salary and flex time work hours. [ services. Must also provide training on medical issues, audit medical Please apply or send resume to: bills and review medical reports. Blue Cross and Applicants must have a current Oregon RN license and a valid Oregon driver’s license. Must have excellent communication skills and have Blue Shield of Oregon current knowledge of physical rehabilitation. Familiarity with local Human Resources Dept. 5th Fir medical community is desirable. 100 S.W. Market We offer an excellent benefits program. To be considered for this position Portland, OR 97201 you must complete our employment application. Please call our message Equal Opportunity Employer phone l-(5O3)-373-8O47 by 5PM June 1st, to request your applicant packet. No resumes please. | DATA PROCESSING This position conducts psychiatric reviews including pre-certification, pre-authorization and inpatient Personnel Department claim review; maintains utiliza­ 1001 SW 5th Avenue tion guidelines; establishes close PO Box 3066 working relations with provider Portland, OR 97208 & internal personnel and assists (503) 796-3878 with psychiatric & chemical abuse APPLICANT HOURS program review & policy modifi 9-1 p.m., Mon-Fri cations. Equal Opportunity Employer I This position will require: I Currently OR licensed RN DATA PROCESSING «■3-5 years recent hospital or am PROFESSIONALS bulatory psychiatric-substance POLICY SERVICES/ Due to new development efforts and abuse experience. PROCESSOR expansion Blue Cross & Blue «'Experience with hospital claims Shield of Oregon, a major health review and/or audit, demon­ Security Pacific Bank Oregon has an insurance company, is currently strated ability to work in a fast- opportunity available in our Fi­ accepting applications for a Lead paced environment under high nancial Services Department for a Analyst, Senior Programmer pressure conditions. highly organized and detail-ori­ Analyst and Programmer Analyst «■A strong commitment to cost ented individual with strong inter­ for their Systems & Programming containment personal skills. This position is Department I Excellent interpersonal skills | LEAD ANALYST-candidates must responsible for providing high | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ quality processing services for have strong experience in system gon offers an excellent employee account executives and agency specifications, design and project benefits package, competitive manager, individual must be an control in a CICS on-line and salary and flex time work hours. independent worker and be able VSAMbasedenvironmentaswell Please apply or send resume to: to perform well under pressure. A as possess above average inter­ Blue Cross and life insurance license is required. personal skills. | SENIOR PROGRAM M ER ANA­ Interested individuals should apply Blue Shield of Oregon in person or send a resume to: LYST - candidates must have Human Resources Dept. 5th Fir strong seniorr level analytical skills 100 S.W. Market SECURITY PACIFIC and project leadership experience. Portland, OR 97201 | PROGRAM M ER ANALYST - a BANK OREGON Equal Opportunity Employer minimum of 2 years experience Personnel Department coding from specifications in a | PRINTING 1001 SW 5th Avenue CICS/VSAM environment with PO Box 3066 COBOL NATURAL experience Portland, OR 97208 BINDERY CLERK/SWING preferred. (503) 796-3878 SHIFT | All positions required: strong com­ APPLICANT HOURS munication, interpersonal and user 9-1 p.m., Mon-Fri | The Internal Reprographics depart- skills. Qualified applicants must Equal Opportunity Employer m entof BlueCross& Blue Shield alsohaveexperiencewithVSAM , of Oregon is accepting applica­ COBOL, TSO/ISPF and OS/JCL tions for a Bindery Clerk. Ending. MAIN STREAM YOUTH | This is a swing shift position with I Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ PROGRAM INC., regular working hours from gon offers and excellent employee 3:30pm-midnight. Applicant must benefits package, flex-time work Out Patient Adolescence substance be willing to work O.T. hours hours and competitive salary. abuse treatment & prevention Pro­ when needed. Please apply or send resume to: gram announces the following em­ | Qualified applicants must have prior Blue Cross and ployment openings for persons with bindery experience on a large Blue Shield of Oregon AN & D experience. collator & programmable cutter. Human Resources Dept. 5th Fir ADOLESCENCE SUBSTANCE Graphics course helpful. 100 S. W. Market ABUSE SPECIALIST: | Applicants must also have ability to Portland,. OR 97201 Therapist to provide group, individ­ lift a minimum of 50 lbs, possess Equal Opportunity Employer ual and family therapy for youth strong organizational skills and SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON and their families. be able to follow written and oral EDUCATION PREVENTION SPE­ instructions. |B1 uc Cross and Blue Shield of O re­ CIALIST: To provide in school presentations, gon offers an excellent employee benefits package and competitive and group facilitations. CULTURE-PACIFIC ED/PREV salary. Please apply or send res­ SPECIALISTS: ume to: To develop and deliver prevention Blue Cross and assessment and intervention serv­ Blue Shield of Oregon ices to African- American youth Human Resources Dept. 5th Fir and their families. 100 S.W.Market Knowledge and experience with Portland, OR 97201 African-American Culture re­ Equal Opportunity Employer quired; gang awareness preferred. SPORTS MEDICINE Please send resume to: 5311 SE Powell North Portland Portland, Oregon 97206 Medical Clinic Equal Opportunity Employer 105 N. K illingsw orth Minorities Encouraged to Apply. Portland, OR 97217 285-3323 JOB OPPORTUNITY Call our 24-Hour JobLine at 280-4727 for a listing of current openings at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. EMANUEL HOSPITAL & HEALTH CENTER A legacy Member Equal Opportunity Employer, MEH $1826-$2494 hiring range SAIF Corporation An equal opportunity employer. INSURANCE MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical Claims Analysts. This position is responsible for accurate and timely payment of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon’s medical claims. Experience necessary to perform this task will include: «• 1 year recent clerical work experience in a doctors office or hospital setting. «• Demonstrated knowledge of medical terminology and anat­ omy. This may be obtained through a classroom Setting Of office experience. w ICD-9/CPT-4 Coding «• A minimum of 6-12 months experience using a CRT in a production oriented environment. w Fast, accurate use of a 10—key calculator. Previous claims processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Position begins July 5, 1989. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time hours, and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: mobilize D.C.’s citizens including the youth to confront the crisis of drugs, violence, crime and murder which is ravishing the city. The city needs hope, a program to solve the crisis, and someone at the helm who I can motivate people to become in­ volved in helping to solve the mas­ sive problems facing their commu­ nity. Jackson Action is just what the | doctor ordered. On the question of the danger of drugs to our families, communities | and nation, it was Jesse Jackson who raised this issue to the level of na­ tional defense and national security during his 1988 presidential cam­ paign. He speaks to thousands of young people each and every week exhorting them to live a drug free life and his personal credibility on this question is impeccable. But Jesse Jackson also understands the root causes of drugs, crime and violence. He is capable of challenging Amer­ ica to move beyond the flawed policy of building more prisons and locking up more prisoners to policies which promote human development-edu­ cation daycare housing, healthcare and decent jobs. Indeed Washington, D.C. would be an excellent laboratory for Jackson to institute a version of his program to utilize public pension funds for infra-structure develop­ ment. And Washington, D.C.’s numerous neighborhood associa­ tions and its structure of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions could be mobilized under Jackson’s leader­ ship to spearhead people based community economic development programs to assist in alleviating the problem, of grinding poverty which plagues many of D.C.’s neighbor­ hoods. Putting together an administra­ tion to manage the affairs of Wash­ ington, D.C. is another asset which Jesse Jackson would bring to the mayor’s office. As the most famous mayor in the world, Jackson would attract the most talented, skilled and committed planners, administrators and managers in the nation, there are legions of highly motivated and managers in the nation. There are legions of highly motivated and highly skilled people who would line up for a chance to be a part of a Jackson administration in Washing­ ton, D.C. Then there is the matter of self- determination and statehood for Washington, D.C. What better per­ son than Jesse Jackson to organize the national support, congressional district by congressional district, to persuade the Congress to grant full statehood to Washington, D.C. Jackson’s supporters from around the nation would be stimulated to spring into action around this ques­ tion. In the present climate, not only does D.C. not have full statehood, some officials within the Bush ad­ ministration and members of Con­ Blue Cross gress are openly discussing rescind­ ing D.C.’s limited home rule form of Blue Shield government. The power of a Jackson of Oregon mayoralty would halt this discussion Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor instantly. 100 S.W. Market Finally there is the question of Portland, OR 97201 Jesse Jackson’s future presidential Blue Cross aspirations. A successful tenure as Blue Shield Mayor of the nations’s capital would bury the false issue of Jackson’s lack of experience as an elected official. Given this stature as a national and Equal Opportunity Employer. international leader, Jesse Jackson PORTLAND OBSERVER “ The Eyes and Ears of the Community' could not only transform the politics, 288-0033 policies and conditions in D.C., but forcefully impact national and inter­ EXXXXXXXSl Jackson Action in national policy as well. Jesse Jackson CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN APPRENTICE­ Nation's Capital? would give a whole new meaning to SHIP the title, Mayor of Washington, D.C. A few weeks ago rumors began to It would take on national and interna­ race around the nation that Jesse tional significance. Are you interested in a FU TU RE in the Piping Trades? Louis Jackson was contemplating Instead of 1992 Jackson should set Applications will be taken for UA #290 Plumbers & Steamfit- running for Mayor of the embattled his sights on 1996. Incumbent presi­ ters. city, of Washington D. C. Observers dents are seldom unseated anyway. noted that renovation work seemed So why waste precious human en­ to be underway on the Jackson ergy and resources on a doubtful W HEN: June 12 through 23, 1989 family’s D.C. residence and that proposition. Washington, D.C. could W here: 1400 SW Fifth St, room 407, Portland, Oregon. Jesse Jackson had stepped up his become the base to build a solid PHONE: 229-6008 number of appearances in the capital record in terms of turning that city in recent weeks. Speculation reached around, while simultaneously erect­ a fever pitch when Jackson acknowl­ ing a bridge to the White House in REQUIREMENTS: Must provide reliable proof by non-returnable copies edged that the question had been 1996.1 say Run Jesse Run! Win Jesse o f birth certificate, drivers license, high school diploma or GED tran­ raised with him by a number of Win! scripts. people. While declining to say he AGE: must be at least 18 years o f age would in fact run, Jackson seemed to EDUCATION: must be a high school graduate or a GED graduate leave the door open to the possibil ity. The prospect of Jesse Jackson run­ ning for Mayor of Washington, D.C. has understandably provoked a great deal of debate and discussion. Well, here’s my two cents worth. Jesse Jackson should seek the of­ fice of Mayor of Washington, D.C. His election would be good for the nation’s capital and good for Amer­ S u p p o rt O u r A d v ertisers! ica. Jackson’s vision, inspirational leadership and proven skills at re­ Say You Saw It In I he solving crises arc precisely what Washington,D.C. needs at this junc­ ture. Jesse Jackson unlike any other ir>^itf>r nn th e sc e n e todav could PortlandObserver!