Page 7 Portland Observer May 25,1989 NMBC Releases Minority & Woman Owned Business Directory 1989-1990 DAYCARE 606 NE Fremont Hours 6:30 am -6:00 pm 287-5656 Enroll now for Summer and Fall Infant thru 8 years(Before and after school) Kindergarten Summer Program Swimming Field Trips Computers Fall Program Kindergarten & Pre-Kindergarten Reading Readiness Number Concepts Social Studies Music & Drama Arts & Crafts Back to Basics and Lots of Loving Care Hot Lunch Licensed by the State of Oregon Staff of qualified teachers The National Minority Business Council released its Tenth Anniver­ sary edition of its Business Directory consisting of nearly 300 minority and woman-owned member busi­ nesses nationwide. Used as a purchasing source by hundreds of corporate and institu­ tional buyers as well as other minor­ ity businesses, the NMBC Business Directory has become one of the most sought after listings of minority and woman-owned businesses in the country.” It’s a book that will help any purchaser find a qualified, reli­ able m inority business source for any goods or services required,” states John R. Robinson, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Minority Business Council. The 1989-1990 Business Direc­ tory incorporates many new features that make th is listing easier than ever to use, including handy cross-refer­ ences, Standard Industrial Classifi­ cation indexes and a convenient list­ ing of all woman-owned busi­ nesses.Mr. Robinson adds, *‘our 10th Anniversary Directory is perhaps the most comprehensive listing that the NMBC has put out in its 17 year his­ tory.” The cost of ordering a Directory is $75 pre-payable to the National Mi­ nority Business Council, “ look upon it as a necessary marketing tool for minority and women-owned busi­ nesses,” says Mr. Roger Hinton, the Council’s Director of Membership Services. The Directory lists the nearly 300 PORTLAND OBSERVER 288-0033 COOK’S SELECTED TOPS LUCKY YOU. IT’S HUD SIGN UP TIME! When you see our sign up in your real estate agent’s window, you’ll know that this is a place that can make buying your next home both easy and fast. Your agent will tell you that HUD homes are priced to be terrific values. And with FHA Mortgage Insurance, a buyer s dow n payment can be just 3%. So watch the Friday and Sunday Oregonian for our weekly HUD home listings, and then look lor our “ Buy a HUD home here” sign. For people who want a gixxl deal on a gixxl home, it’s a beautiful sign of the times. HUD DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT t ’ « N by MUO Portland Ontca Equal Housing Opportunity - ____________—---------------—jr * * I* ■ *.V . *• ’• ■ * rt•< SUPPORTS 'AIRSHOW June 10-11,19S9 Portland-Hillsboro Airport FREE!! A iis h w Postto Umned Quaraitiu While Supply U u v SAVE!! « 0 0 O (( E x h Regulu Priced T e l a Al The Geie W«h E x h Empty C m Of M u o e ll nnure Coffee Preierted Al Tick« Couruer SAVE THIS WEEK!! SAVE $2°° members o f the National Minority Business Council. The NMBC is an educational, procurement and advo­ cacy, non-profit organization that administers seven basic programs and services to its membership. ‘The Eyes and Ears of (he Community" LOOKING FOR THE BEST HOMEBUYING VALLE? KIENOW'S Coors Brewing Company was selected as the lop manufacturer in the country providing opportunities for minorities and women at the second annual National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Award ceremonies. “ This award was established to recognize those companies whose policies and practices best exemplify the spirit and intent of the Fair Share Program,: said Benjamin L. Hooks, NAACP secretary. “ Coors has dem­ onstrated significanlprogress toward the achievement of their Fair Share goals.” Operation Fair Share is under the umbrella of the NAACP’s Economic Development Program, through which select US corporations arc recog­ nized for ‘ ‘ their exemplary record of achievement in promoting entrepre- ncurism and improving opportuni­ ties for minorities and women in cor­ porate America.” “ Wc appreciate this recognition from the NAACP,” said John Mead­ ows. Coors’ director of Community Relations. “ Wc have worked hard to achieve the goals that wc set in con­ junction with Operation Fair Share and plan to continue our efforts in this area.” The award was presented at the NAACP Corporate Awards lunch­ eon earlier this month in New York City. Former State Senator Julian Bond acted as master of ceremonies. DEWAR’S WHITE LABEL REJOINS SPONSOR­ SHIP OF NATIONAL BOWL­ ING ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT Dewar’s White Label resumes sponsorship of the Mixed Doubles Event in the National Bowling Asso­ ciations’ 50th annual championship tournament, to be held in New Or- 39 o z. — TIN S - FIRST TIN: ADDITIONAL TINS AT $6.99 EACH KIENOW'S THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOW N SINCE 1908 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANTTTIES HOURS WEEKDAYS 8 am to 9 pm SUNDAYS 9 30 am to 7 | Specials E ffective Tues. th ru Sun. M AY 2 3 th ru 2 8 , 1 9 8 9 \ Steens Kitchen 7332 NE Union 289-1935 Convention Special - Cafeteria Style Fresh sliced Roasted Meats, Sandwich & Chips Plate Lunch, vegetable Plate Congratulations & Best Wishes ’hurch O f God In Christ Women on your 39th International Convention leans, Louisiana,from May 17-28th. The National Bowling Associa­ tion is the country’s largest predomi­ nantly Black athletic organization. Celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, the NBA was founded at a time when Black bowlers were barred from mainstream bowling organizations and denied access to most bowling estab­ lishments. Today, the NBA has over 26,000 registered members through­ out the United States, mounting large scale tournaments that offer sizeable purses to winning teams and indi­ viduals, totaling $100,000 or more. Dewar’s White Label’ is contrib­ uting $5,000 in first place prize money for the Mixed Doubles Event, put­ ting the value of the first place prize at over $6,000. The Mixed Doubles Event is considered among the most prestigious of the toumamcnL A full calendar o f social events has been planned for the NBA tour- I nament, which is expected to bring six million dollars into the local economy. The ample opportunities for participants to sample.Dewar’s ‘White Label’, America’s favorite Scotch Whisky include a moonlight boat cruise, a mini Mardi Gras Dance and a Black Heritage Tour. “ De- war’s White Label is pleased to be involved with this vital organization, during the celebration of its 50th an­ niversary” says Henry Yaris, Brand Manager. SPORTS MEDICINE North Portland Medical Clinic 105 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 285-3323