? M Page 5 Portland Observer May 25, 1989 SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK: PETER Chapter 3 R E LIG IO N casionally shared their lunchtim e be­ the Japanese army look the Nances tween classes. This was a time when away to prison cam p for three-and-a- raisins were a big treat. Apples and half years. There...they suffered many hazelnuts were the regular fare from hardships. Their cam era and other A ncil’s folk’s orchard, in Vancou­ freedoms were taken aw ay, but they ver, W ashington-because they had were allow ed to hold Gospel m eet­ ings illustrating with inspired words no money to go out to lunch. that pictured G od’s redeeming love Ancil recycled newspapers to earn M attie Ann C allier-Spears enough money for gas to transport for mankind through Jesus’ death Longtime Portland residents, Ancil him to Beth’s home on SE Woodward suffering and ressurection. The pris­ and Beth Nance, returned to the lower Street in Portland, O regon, up the oners who came to hear the N ances’ auditorium o f the Immanuel Tem ple hill to the seminary and then back to messages learned about an even worse Church on May 7 ,1 9 8 9 where they his Washington home each day. Even bondage than o f a manmade army. were surrounded by red peonies and until this very day, Ancil continues Through the spoken word, the pris­ white snowball pompoms gathered to recycle newspaper as well as metal. oners were offered freedom from the Some mem bers o f the Kenning- w orld’s sin and suffering by accept­ from the neighboring yards just as it ton and Nance families were helping ing G od’s free, unadulterated love was when they were united in Holy to build the Immanuel Temple Church and grace through faith in G od’s Son matrimony 50 years ago. There was a building; but, before the roof was put Jesus Christ. N o one knows the im ­ reception and program. O ver 100 o n -A n c il and Beth were m arried in pact of those Stanley Internment Camp family and friends attended. B eth’s meetings-except God Almighty. But, the basement. brother, the Pastor John D. Kenning- nevertheless, it kept A ncil and Beth Fifty years later, A ncil, 86, the ton o f Immanuel Tem ple, was the oldest child in his family, was joined busy. Preparing messages, sign m ak­ host. There were five speakers rem i­ by his four brothers and two sisters to ing and posting, and in-between it niscing from each decade of their celebrate A ncil and B eth’s Golden a ll-th e y were rocking babies. To marriage. Ancil’s favorite song, “ My W edding Anniversary. B eth’s two soothe and pacify the babies, Ancil G od and I’., was sung by Kenneth brothers and one sister also cam e to would strum his banjo and lull his Post o f M aranatha Church. Their share in the celebration. B eth’s third children into a peaceful sleep. Sleep daughter, Eunice Jeannie Nance Reynolds, rewrote the lyrics to “ When brother teaches in M aryland and was hard work when there was not You and I w ere Young, M aggie” , another sister lives in Hong Kong as enough food to eat. In the cracks of and serenaded her parents. Singing a missionary /journalist. They were the cem ent walk, A ncil planted some sw eet potato seeds. He used every with Jeannie were her three daugh- unable to attend. The N ance’s son, Ancil K „ lives possible space he could find for gar­ te rs-O rd e lla , Catherine, and Laura in Portland and is em ployed as a free­ dening. He had to feed his family. Reynolds. lance photographer. He recently re­ Sacrificingly, he held back the last Back in the 3 0 ’s Elizabeth Ken- turned from two extraordinary photo potato from the garden so that there nington and Ancil Nance m et when assignm ents on w hitewater rafting would be seed the next se a so n -if their fam ilies were attending the they should still be living in prison. trips with expeditionist Ken W arren special revival m eetings in dow n­ During this trying period, Beth on the Yanbgtze River through China town Pordand that were held by the gave birth to their third and fourth and on the Chenab River in India. He Salvation Army founder’s colorful and his three children: M ary, Lisa children. grandson, Rev. W illiam Booth-Clib- (TO BE CO NTINUED IN NEXT born, who later pastored Immanuel and Amelia joined the anniversary celebration. Also,attending the fes­ W EEK ’S ISSUE) Temple, formerly called Pordand Rose tivities was the N ance.s youngest Tabernacle. N either A ncil nor Beth wanted to child, Eunice “ Jeannie” Reynolds, Beth and Ancil Nance & fall in love w ith anyone because each a hom em aker (by choice), her hus­ felt G od wanted them to carry the band W ayne and their three daugh­ Mrs. Ida Jones Hi There! Gospel to China. One day when Ancil ters. Love Ya. May God bless TRIALS IN THE M ISSIONARY overheard Beth discussing her com ­ your day. Mattie Ann mitment , he exclaimed that he shared FIELD Beth and Ancil were only one ot her calling. m any couples sent out to foreign Their relationship began to bloom. countries as missionaries by the Rev. Jesus Loves You! He would show up at every church or W illiam B ooth-Clibbom . The war in mission meeting where Beth was China had people w orried about the preaching with his big sm ile o f ap­ N ances’ sa fe ty -to which B eth’s proval and an even bigger Bible on mother gave a much-quoted response, his knee. “ It is safer to be in the will o f God They regularly ministered in a than ANYW HERE else on earth!!” litde church together in Canaan, A ncil’s experience as a wise con­ Oregon and they sang together in a 4236 N .E. E ighth A venu servationist proved indispensable just cantata as m em bers o f the W estern (corner o f 8th & Skidmore) around the com er. W hen, in 1941, Bapdst Sem inary’s choir. They oc­ P ortland, O reg o n 97211 WOMEN GROW­ WE’VE ING AND KNOW­ STRUGGLED IN ING GOD’S MANY STORMS by Jeannie Reynolds & WORLD Grace Collins by M ATTIE SPEARS • Kindergarten • Pre-School ANN CALLIER- All women are cordially invited to attend the 7th annual Adult and Young W om en’s Prayer Retreat, Beginning June 2 ,1 9 8 9 and continu­ ing through June 4, 1989.Reserva- tions are being requested. There will be 13 w orkshop classes! The dead­ line is May 28, 1989. W hy a retreat....? The women o f the New Hope M issionary Baptist Church arc sponsoring its Annual Prayer Retreat along with the sup­ port from its sister churches, M orn­ ing Star and New Jerusalem . All women are invited to join them for an opportunity to fellow ship with other Christian women to worship, praise and glorify God together.. To see souls won for Jesus Christ in the building of G od’s Kingdom. The retreat will provide hope for each woman experiencing fear, stress, hurl, loneliness, depression, family, marital, and financial problems. They will be believing in G od to move them tow ard spiritual Unity as they seek to “ Grow and Know G o d ’s W ord.’’ The guest speaker will be Sis A n­ nie Hubbard from G urdon, A rkan­ sas. She is a wife, mother, educator, Evangelist, and Spirit-filled woman of G od. Sis H ubbard’s teaching c a ­ reer began when her fourth child entered first grade. Five years later, she acknow ledges that God is good to her. She loves Him deeply and docs only her very best to please Him. On Friday, June 2, everyone will meet at the New Hope M issionary Baptist Church, located at 3725 North G antenbein.Transportation will be provided for those who need it. The fee is $36.00. The age lim it is 16 and up. For more inform ation, please contact Ida G reenidge (503) 289- 9468or Pat Howard (503) 287-3978. The place....Jennings Lodge Chris­ tian Conference Center, 18121 SE River Road, M ilwaukie, Oregon 97222. ■ -Xi,' <■ *•. e .» Day Care -Since 1952" f. -• :*iv 'Latch Key Program * Children 6 wks. to 11 yrs. • Breakäst • HotLuacho • Soldi 2-1/2 Year Olds - Learning Shapes Moo-Fri if •’ 6;30am. 6.w Call 281-6930 128 N.E. Russell St. 4 Year Olds - M aking Cookies Memorial Center, ~ Day Care 5 Year Olds - Reading First Grade Books . » " Ñ'ci» Hope Of Glory Radio Ministries And One Stop Records Presents “Mother Past And Present On Radio 800 AM KPDQ Sunday 10:00 PM To 11:00 PM MOTTO “There Is Hope” ‘Christ In You The Hope Of Glory” Col 1:27 Dial A Prayer.....(503) 286-Hope P.O. Box 11628, Portland, Oregon 97211 287-0261 P h illip S. Nelson, Pastor Psalm 34:3 I I ■ u ■ II UJLJLSIH 11 H-IU* 11 * IUILILi. > *;»- í ’V- IT SAY RIGHT HERE •w TOO Much Junk, Swirling and Squirreling! f e iïî! < < i ‘Before You Must” — Make a D ecision — “ Inquire about the services we offer" Cox Funeral Home, Inc. 24 Hr. Service 281-4891 Do you want Peace and Happiness?Mt. Sinai Temple is the place to come. ÎÂ - R- Preacher mans on the job. g We are in te re s te d in your problem s. 8« '• J b? » The International Womens Convention for the Church of God N Christ May 16th thru 21st Colliseum. LET US LIFT UP OUR EYES TO HEAVEN U n ity of L o v e o ffe rs a u th e n tic h a ir-w e a v in g . » -.0 1/ 1 J Associated in sponsoring in His care, W ill touch our lives and give us precious peace beyond com pare. ........ by Doria Oliver * : >> • £ A *4'(<>4 com m unity. W hen we lift our eyes toward heaven and we keep them lifted there, W hen we kneel with hum bled heart and turn our thoughts to prayer, Then we sec that God, who loves us and keeps us in * » •. « Grace Collins CME Church PRINCE HALL GRAND HIGH COURT CELEBRATES ITS NINETEENTH ANNIVERSARY The Rebecca C ourt #4 Heroines o f Jericho will celebrate its 19th Anniversary (70-1989) on Saturday, June 3, 1989 at 6:30 pm in the eve­ ning at the R on’s Century House lo­ cated at 312 E. Evergreen Blvd.,in Vancouver, W ashington. The program will honor Past A ncient M atron, Ida Jones. C O N ­ G R A T U L A T IO N S!! to Mrs. Jones for the work she has done and is still doing in and around the Portland Memorial Center Allen Temóle (503) / » « » • ’ ’ Í Í 3 r f ’**,** * C o n ta c t L o n n ie a t 6 7 2 0 N E U n io n - 2 8 3 -5 4 4 0 . O u r h o u rs a re 9 :0 0 a m - 5 :0 0 p m T u e s - S at. You hurry to: MT. Sinai Temple 936 NE Beech 12 Noon Sun. 8:00 P.M. Sun. Evangelist Gaye Houstin Texas- May 18th- 284-0854 Bishop W.G. Hardy Little King 'K e e p in g yo u b e a u tifu l in a n y w a y w e c a n is w h a t w e a re all a b o u t." «‘4 • - , ’ . • ' >