* * ★ * ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ******** Page 4 Portland Observer Mav 25, 1989 * Lisa Collins BEHIND THE SCENES IBCLMD CEIPCCT P ry o r P uffs U p F ilm P ro file ; Richard Pry or seems to have had a change o f heart toward the press. In fact, not only was he on hand for interviews to promote h.s latest m ovie. “ Sec No E vil, Hear No E v il“ ,but he appeared to open up O f course, noone was surprised. W ith his recent string o f box o il ice failures, Pryor is looking for exposure and doing everything w ith his power to insure that his most recent film release, teaming him once again w it Gene W ild er, is a success. Said Pryor: ‘ 1 have to do good w o rk” However, industry sources say that the upcoming “ Harlem N ights’ and teaming Pryor with comedian-superstar Eddie M urphy is more lik e ly to be the vehicle to turn things around for Pryor. Pryor, in fact, scratched plans to r a concert tour, to begin work on the m ovie which is due to be released sometime around Thanksgiving. It's N ob od y’ s Business But...Reports are that the latest run-in between heavyweight champion M ike Tyson and exw ife Robin Givens at the Beverly H ills party o f a top entertainment lawyer, was fo r a change, withou fanfare In fact, word is Givens abruptly left the party when she walked in the room to find tw o lovelies on the lap o l her ex-hubby. Lisa Bonet Heads H om e: D on’ t be surprised to see Lisa Bonet back at home on “ The Cosby Show” fu ll tim e, next season. And w hile, NBC o ffic ia lly has nothing to say on the matter, sources close to the show indicate it’ s a sure bet. M eanwhile, B o n d ’ s musician-husband 24-year old Lenny K ra vitz, expects a mid-summer release fo r his debut LP, Let Love R ule’ ’ ...Speaking o f the Cosby Show, believe it or not, it served as inspiration to the creators o f the Fox-TV N etw ork’ s most popular and highly controversial show, “ Married W ith C hildren.” Said co-creator. M ike M ove who is black, “ I ’d look at the show and everybody was always so happy’. You say to yourself, ‘ where are these people? I ’ ve never been in a house like this. Doesn’ t anyone speak to r the man who doesn t have th is . It was then that he co-creator Ron Levin decided to show the other side. “ N ow , w ith our s h o w - you watch the Bundy’ s,-you look at the horrors o f their life and then you look at your w ife and kids and s a y - ” we don t have 11 A b du l & W a tle y Go Head T o Head F o r T o p Spot: Heavy rotation in radioairplay has propelled “ Forever Y o u rG irl” by Paula Abdul to N o .l on the nations’ s pop charts, surpassing Jody W atley s Real Love . And w hile, W adey tends to have the lead in sales, A bdul is emerging as a majo new artist o f 1989, w ith back-to-back smash singles fo r her th ird and f ourth releases from the “ Forever Y our G ir l” album. Ironically enough, the by G a rla n d Lee Thom pson (FIRST YEAR ANNI­ VERSARY MONTH) NEW YO R K D ELTA A L U M ­ N A E C H A P T E R PRESENTS “ H A R L E M F E S T IV A L O F B L A C K W R IT E R S I flew into New Y o rk C ity and slipped into the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, New Y o rk Alumnae Chap­ ter’ s day-long, presentation o f ‘ ‘ M ay Week (Saturday, M ay 20th, 1989,1 - 6 PM ), Harlem Festival o f B la ck,” at the Adam Clayton Pow ell, Jr. State O ffice B uilding, West 125 Street (at Seventh Avenue). A b iola Sinclair, w riter arid critic for the New Y o rk Amsterdam Newspaper and I, had arrived to witness and hear the w el­ coming by Joyce Chapman, presi­ dent o f the New York Alumnae Chap­ ter, the literary readings by w riters, Ronald Beau, Layding Kaliba and Grace Edwards Yearwood (I intend to review her new firs t novel, In The Shadow O f The Peacock, pub­ lished by Ballantine Books, that she To K i l l ” ...Aretha Franklin is opening an art gallery in Detroit...Sugar Kay Leonard is jo in in g the nation’ s je t set w ith his purchase o f a home in the posh skiing resort o f Aspen, Colorado. Is A l Green R e tu rn in g T o Secular M usic? No, was the w ord from Green backstage at this year’ s Grammy Awards, but some industry sources arc reporting that a restless Green, who defected from secular music in favor o f a career in gospel music, misses the spotlighL His latest LP, 1 Get Joy., features a cut ( “ As Long As W e’ re Together” ) that was remixed and produced by none other than A l B. Sure! In fact, A & M is playing down the spiritual w hile beefing up its marketing efforts on this LP. N ext week: F in d o ut w here A l Green is com ing fro m . ON T H E M O N E Y Toyota Takes The Lead in E ffo rts T o Soothe Tensions W ith The M in o rity Business C o m m u n ity: The issue o f the recent tensions between blacks and Japan was raised at the 20th Japan-American Conference o f Mayors recently held in Los Angeles. Said Yukiyasu Togo, president and ch ie f executive o f Toyota M otor Sales USA Inc., as we all know, there has unfortunately been tension between the United States and Japan on m inority ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ gether.” starring Morgan freem an and Beverly Todd at Joseph Papp’ s Public Theatre in New Y o rk in 1971. So Richard and I do go back a long tim e w hile, “ Getting II T o ­ gether,” in the theatre in New Y ork, as I presented the first fu ll New Y ork production o f one o f his others pow ­ erful Black street play, ‘ ‘The M ig hty Gents,” under a form er title , “ The last Street Play,” produced by the Frank Silvera W riters’ W orkshop at the Urban Arts Coips Theatre in 1978. The Wesley play was picked up by the Manhattan Theatre C lub and went on to Broadway, receiving Tony nominations for my other good friends, actors, Morgan Freeman and Star­ is sending to me soon). A M A J O R AD D R ESS BY L E A D IN G N E W Y O R K B L A C K T V J O U R N A L , G IL N O B E L Everyone was waiting for the main address by G il Nobel, one o f the leading Black T V journalists for years on New Y o rk C ity ’ s long-running, Black com m unity affairs T V . His theme was: “ images o f Black in Media: Prototypes and Stereotypes.” W ith him, was an impressive panel o f know n w riters, producers and New Y o rk journalists: Joseph Bragg (a in ­ cluding presidential campaigns, a member o f Black Citizens fo r Fair Media and is News Director at WRKS - K1SS/FM radio station o f New York), V ivian Grice is a television producer fo r U S A N e tw o rk , produces, “ C A L L IO P E ,” a film program for issues. Considering this, Toyota has taken the lead among Japanese compa- .n n rt r m to jo improve ihf» c it n n the iin n situation.” ” W it h th a W t Toeo said that said Toyota nies :_____ in an e ¡ ffo ith that Togo that Toyota is providing scholarships to the United Negro College Fund as w ell as beefing up its efforts to do more business w ith m inority suppliers. Summed Togo, “ we recognize our responsibility to m inorities as an im portant part o f Am erican society.” L le w ellyn L in k s Up W ith C oors Beer: Top black businessman J. Bruce Llew ellyn is making business news again w ith his most recent appointment to the board o f directors o f Adolph Coors Co. Lle w ellyn, who was ju s t in the news for his part in the $420 m illio n purchase o f the New Y o rk Times Cable T V Network, owns the Philadelphia Coca-Cola B ottling Company (the nation’ s third-largest black-owned firm ). Many saw the appointment as a p olitical one on the part o f Coors, which has had its share o f problems w ith the m in ority com m unity, dating back to 1984 when a boycott was called after Chairman W illia m Coors made some statements the N A A C P deemed racist. Despite this, a spokesman for the company contends that w hile they arc receptive to the concerns o f the m inority com m unity, L le w e llyn was chosen strictly fo r his credentials. M a rs h a ll-P o o re s t H igh C o u rt .Justice: Financial disclosure form s re­ leased by the Supreme Court reveal that black Justice Thurgood Marshall had the least amount o f assets ol the high court justices. In fact, Marshall listed his 1988 personal assets between $50,000 to $100,000. O f course, this is aside from his annual salary o f more than $ 110,000. The reports reveal not only their 1988 assets, but any outside income, as w ell as gifts. According to the report, Marshall was advanced $100,000 to w rite his autobiography, but returned the money upon his decision not to w rite the book. A lso noted on the report was a g ift,- a $2,500 Steuben glass piece to M arshall from the Judicial Friends o f New Y o rk C ity. A m e rica 's fastest-rising black entrepreneurs: Black Enterprise’ s lat­ est annual listing o f the top 100 black-owned industrial and service compa­ nies reveals that blacks arc experiencing a notable success in non-traditional business venues. In fact, a m ajority o f those companies appearing on the list for the first tim e arc those branching out into high-technology fields. Though Stanley Scott o f Crescent D istributing Company based in New Orleans took the highest position o f any company appearing on the list for the first time, bowing in at number 12, w ith annual sales topping $45 m illio n , many o f the black-owned companies recognized are competing in non-traditional markets. “ B lu ep rin t F or Success": The M inority Business Development Agency is sponsoring its Annual National M B E Procurement C onference-M ar­ ketplace ’89 in Las Vegas, from M ay 29 - June 1. This year’ s agenda centers on prim ary areas o f procurement opportunities and clin ica l remedies to support the continuation o f m inority small business programs. Speakers include Joshua Smith, founder and CEO o f M axim a, the nations s 9th largest black-owned firm , and C. M ichael Gooden whose Integrated Sys­ tems Analysts, Inc. ranks in at number 14. In S hort: I f you’re interested o r looking into investing in mutual funds, the Investment Company Institute has just released an updated version o f its “ Guide To M utual Funds” . The 180-pagc directory o f mutual funds also provides some practical inform ation on how they operate. For a copy, w rite to The Investment Company Institute, PO Box 66140, Washington, D.C. 20035-6140...Next week: D on’ t th ro w a n yth in g away u n til you read our b 125 NE Killingsworth 289-6448 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ BR O A D W A Y BOUND R EPO R T: album ’s firs t tw o singles failed to reach the top 40. S hort Takes: Run D .M .C . has added a new tw ist to Ray Parker s famed “ Ghostbuster’s” theme which is being released in conjunction w ith the opening o f “ Ghostbusters I I ” , which is set for June 16...Gladys K n igh t has been tapped to do the theme song to the new James bond th rille r-- License re p o rt on the value o f black m e m o ra b ilia . GOLDEN HOUSE OF STYLE children, ages 5 - 12 years, she ac­ quires film s from w orld-w ide dis­ tributors and is a M edia/C om m unity Service Librarian in New Y o rk), and Joyce Hansen (a noted children/young adult w riter, a creative w ritin g in­ structor in the New Y o rk C ity Public School System, and one o f her most noted works is “ W hich W ay Free­ dom, 1986). A lso jo in in g the panel, was Utrice Leid, the Managing Editor o f The C ity Sun, the Brooklyn-based Black newspaper o f metropolitan New Y o rk), Elizabeth Nunez-Harrell (Chairperson o f the Humanities D i­ vision at Medgar Evers college o f the C ity U niversity o f New Y o rk, a pub­ lished scholar and who wrote her first novel, “ Rock Dance” - 1986) and my old friend, Richard Wesley (who is a co-founding playw right w ith me o f the Frank Silvera W riters W orkshop o f New Y ork. He is a noted screenwriter o f such film s as: “ Uptown Saturday N ig h t,” “ L et’ s do It A g ain ,” and “ Native Son,” and his new play, “ The Talented Tenth,” that w ill re-open fo r the rest in the fa ll ’ 89 at the Manhattan The­ atre C lub o f New Y ork). I firs t stage managed one o f R ich­ ard W esley’ s plays, “ Getting It To- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Look your Best Come to Golden’s We provide complete hair care and design Home of Wet Wave Hair Designers Delores Alexander & Jerry Duckett letta DuPois. I love it when friends “ get over! Morgan Freeman is “ h ot” now after a recent Academy Aw ard nom ina­ tion fo r the film , “ Street Smarts ana starred in “ Lean On M e,” the Joe C lark story. And Starletta D u­ Pois appeared b rillia n tly , recently in the new T V film remake o f “ A R ai­ sin In The Sun.” S P R IN G T IM E IN H A R L E M I t ’ s spring tim e in Harlem and Saturday afternoon, M ay 20th, 1989. It was warm on West 125th Street, along the blocks, passing the famed Apollo Theatre, the 125th Street Mart, w ith scores o f street vendors and teeming w ith people o f color. It looks and resembles an independent and vibrant T h ird W o rld country. Yes, to me it truly feels like the m iddle o f dow ntow n Kingston, the capital o f Jamaica, w ith “ w a ll to w a ll” Black people o f every size, shape and shade o f complexion. I f you’ ve never seen and experi­ enced such a power and the m ight o f so many people o f A frica n descent in one place, one should do one’ s self a favor and do what thousands o f Eu­ ropean and Japanese tourists do yearly, and travel to New Y o rk C ity ’ s H ar­ lem, the u no fficia l capital o f Black Am erica. W rite on, V ivia n R obin­ son and the Harlem, Tourist Associa­ tion! I love to stand in front o f or inside the Liberation Bookstore, now cele­ brating its 22nd anniversary on L e ­ nox Avenue at 131st Street (accord­ ing to manager, Una M ulzac), fu ll o f the people that the late great poet/ playw right, Langston Hughes, v o l­ ume I and II, by A rnold Rampersad. A t the W rite rs’ Festival, I spoke to New Y o rk Delta Alumnae Chap­ ter president, Joyce Chapman, who co-wrote the successful proposal for the Festival, presented by the soror­ ity ’ s ARTS & LETTER S C om m it­ tee. We discussed with another friend o f m y, New arts patron and teacher, A lm a J. Goss, the merits o f the “ Harlem Festival o f Black Filmmaker Foundation, Epsilon Tau Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Harlem Writers Guild, Inc., New Ren­ aissance Writers and New York Black Librarians Caucus, Inc. When I mentioned that my fa m ily was a Delta fa m ily o f long-standing, through one o f my sisters, Addic Jean Haynes, she responded w arm ly to me im m ediately, who was there wearing a couple o f “ hats (a re­ porter from the Portland Observer & founder o f the Frank Silvera W riters W orkshop). W rite on, Delta sister. Now a t your local store! JOHNNY MATHIS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ * K M H D ’S A n n u al F u n d ra iser b eg in s M ay 1 4 , 1 9 89..10 am All donations are tax-deductible Listeners supported non-commerical public radio MT. HOOD JAZZ 89.1 FM Full Spectrum Jazz Oregon's Only All Stereo Jazz, 6 am-2 am KMHD 89.1 FM Jazz Events Studio Line (503)661-8900 667-7689 26000 S.E. STARK Gresham, OR 97030 J u n e 11 CIVIC AUDITORIUIV with Orchestra 6 ». w t n I ¿Denari / MAY 22 - JUNE 8 ,1 9 8 9 RAF IS ONE OF THE E FFECTIV E WAYS OF COMMUNICATING IMPORTANT INFORMATION. YOUR FR IE N D S AND OTHER STUDENTS NEED TO KNOW HOW TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF A ID S . YOU CAN HAVE FUN . WIN P R IZ E S AND CREATE A MESSAGE THAT MAY SAVE THE L IF E OF SOMEONE YOU KNOW. WHO CAN ENTER? TWO AGE CATEGORIES: 9 - 1 3 1 4 -1 9 YEARS OF AGE YEARS OF AGE GROUPS OR IN D IV ID U A L /M A L E S 6 FEMALES WELCOME TO PA R TIC IPA TE SOME IMPORTANT DATES MONDAY MAY 2 2 , 1 9 R 9 - C o n t e s t B e g i n s . S t a r t s u b m i t t i n g m a t e r i a l « WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 1 . 1 * 8 9 - D e a d l i n e f o r a l l RAFS - M u s t b e t o OMAC i n w r i t i n g MONDAY, JUNE 5 , 1 9 8 9 - T o p 10 RAPS i n e a c h a g e c a t e g o r y c h o s e n and f i n a l i s t s n o t i f i e d THURSDAY, JUNE 8 . 1 9 8 9 - T o p 2 0 ( c o m b i n e d c a t e g o r i e s ! p erfo rm e d R ed C r o s s Sum m er F u n F a i r JUDGES WILL CHOOSE 3 WINNERS FROM EACH AGE CATEGORY WINNERS W ILL RECEIVE! 1100 TOP PR IZ E IN EACH AGE CATEGORY VIDEO TAPE OF THEIR RAF ( t o be a ir e d or lo c a l tv a ta t io n a l CASSETTE TAPE OF THEIR RAP ( t o be a ir e d on l o c a l r a d io s t a t i o n s ) AN INTERVIEW ON RADIO STATION KBMS AND MANY MORE GREAT P R IZ E S I TO R E G IST E R , CREATE REG ISTRATIO N FORM TO: YOUR RAP, SEND IT IN WRITING WITH THE OMAC 1 3 3 « E . BURNSIDE POPTLAND, OR 97214 IF YOU H A V t QUESTIONS S p o n so red by CALL MARY L I N i k e . A m e r ic a n A ID S C o a l i t i o n AT 2 3 4 - 1 5 4 1 R ed C r o a t 4 Oregon Minority