-r ’ " ' s? Page 10 Portland Observer May 25, 1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SE K E L L Y A V E N U E AN D SE E L L IO T T AVEN U E STR EET A N D STORM D R A IN PRO JECT NO. 5034 Sealed proposals w ill be received by the City Engineer, at the City Hall, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon 97030, until Tuesday, May 30. 1989, at 11:00 am, Pacific Daylight Time, at which time they w ill be opened, for the construction of the SE K E LLY AVEN U E AN D SE E L L I­ O TT AVEN U E C O M M U N ITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT. The major quantities involved are as follows: Excavation and Grading 1,339 C.Y. Asphaltic Concrete 1,040 Tons Crushed Rock Base 2,400 Tons Concrete Curb 3,195 L.F. Concrete Sidewalk 1,325 S.Y. Driveway Approaches 336 S.Y. 12" Storm Drain 750 L.F. Catch Basins 6 Each Contractor for this work shall furnish all labor at current Federal Labor prevailing wage rates, materials and equipment and services o f all kinds to complete the work in accordance with the plans and specifications there­ fore. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office o f the Gresham C ity Engineer, 1333 NW Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon. Copies of said plans and specifications may be obtained upon application to the City Engineer and by posting a non-refundablc fee of $25.00 with the City Engineer for each set o f plans and specifications requested. Contractors must prequalify for public works construction with the City o f Gresham, as required by the laws o f the State of Oregon, before the date o f a bid opening. Otherwise, their proposal may not be given consideration. A ll proposals must be submitted on the regular forms furnished by the C ity o f Gresham, addressed and mailed or delivered to the Engineering Division, City o f Gresham, addressed and mailed or delivered to the Engineering Division, City o f Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly marked, “ SEALED BID ON SE K E LLY AVENUE A N D SE ELLIO TT AVEN U E C O M M U N ITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJ­ EC T’ bearing the name and address o f the bidder. Each must be accompa­ nied by a certified check, cashier’ s check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent(10%) o f the total bid. A performance and payment corpo­ rate surety bond in the full amount o f the contract shall be required to guarantee faithful performance o f the terms o f the contract at the lime of contract execution. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. In determining the lowest responsible bidder, the public contracting agency shall, for the purpose o f awarding the contract, add a percent increase on the bid o f a nonresident bidder equal to the percent, i f any, o f the preference given to that bidder in the state in which the bidder resides. The City o f Gresham reserves the right to reject any and /or all bids, waive informalities or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interests o f the City. The C ity o f Gresham is an equal opportunity employer. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS D O W N TO W N T R A N S IT CEN TER i* u *- m o* • /■»•'! The Salem Area Mass Transit District (SAM TD) desires to design and construct an off-street transit center in the downtown Salem area. Previous site identification studies have been conducted to determine a preferred site. SAM TD is seeking Letters o f Qualification from interested design/engi- neering teams or firms to: 1) review the previous site identification studies and evaluate the need for any further alternative site studies; 2) assist SAM TD in the identification of the optimal facility site; and 3) prepare a conceptual design and conduct preliminary design and engineering studies on the optimal site, to include the preparation and filing o f an environmental assessment. Letters o f Qualifications must be received no later than 3:00 pm , local time, Friday, June 9,1989. Interviews o f those teams deemed most highly qualified for the project w ill be conducted June 19-21. Following these interviews, 2-3 teams may be selected to submit cost proposals. Final selection o f the successful team is anticipated by July 27. It is estimated that work w ill begin on August 1 and be completed by December 31, 1989. A goal o f 20% participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises has been set for this project. The extent to which a respondent meets or exceeds this goal, or documents a good faith effort to do so, w ill be an element o f evaluation for selection o f the successful team/firm. The execution o f a contract pursuant to this RFQ is dependent upon federal and local participation. The Urban Mass Transportation Administra­ tion may provide 80% o f the total cost o f this project, not to exceed $120,000. SAM TD reserves the right to reject any and/or all Letters o f Qualifica­ tion, and to waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights. A ll respondents shall certify that they are not on the Comptrollcr General List o f Ineligible Contractors, or the State of Oregon List o f Contractors Ineligible to Receive Public Works Contracts. S AM TD does not discriminate with regard to age, race, color, creed, sex or national origin. Copies o f the RFQ may be obtained from Sue Hollis Administrative Officer Salem Area Transit 3140 Del Webb Avenue NE Salem, OR 97303-4165 Phone: (503) 588-2885 The City o f Salem is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. N O T E : A M A N D A T O R Y site orientation w ill be held at CITY HALL Room 325,555 L ib e rty St. SE Salem, OR 97301, at 2;Qfl pm, on May 30. 1989. Only one orientation w ill be held. A ll bidders MUST attend. Atten­ dance at the entire orientation, which is expected to last approximately 2 hours(s) is required. Inquiries concerning the contents o f the bid specifications should be directed to: Mr. Jeff Datwylcr Community Development Department C ity Hall Rm 310 555 Liberty St. SE Salem,. OR 97301 (503) 588-6011 CALL PORTLAND OBSERVER FAX # 503)288-0015 INVITATION FOR BIDS MULTNOMAH COUNTY ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEM ENT O VER LAY Bids Due June 6, 1989 at 2:00 PM Bid No. B 61-200-3425 Sealed bids w ill be received by the Director of Purchasing, Multnomah County Purchasing Section, 2505 SE 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202 for: Asphalt Concrete Overlay Plans and Specifications are filed with the purchasing Director and copies my be obtained from the above address for a $5.00 non-refundable fee. CHECKS AN D MONEY ORDERS O N LY. Plans and specifications w ill not be mailed within the Tri-County area. PREBID CONFERENCE: NONE P R E Q U A L IF IC A T IO N OF BIDDERS Pursuant to the Multnomah County Public Contract Review Board Administrative Rules (AR 40.030) Prequalification shall be required for this project for the following class(es) o f work: Asphalt Concrete Pavement & Oiling - Highways, Roads, Streets. Prequalification applications or statements must be prepared during the period o f one year prior to the bid date. Prequalification application and proof o f prequalification by the Oregon Department o f Transportation must be actually received or postmarked to Multnomah County Purchasing Section by not later than 10 days prior to bid opening A ll bidders must comply with the requirements o f the prevailing wage law in ORS 279.350. Details of compliance are available from the Purchasing Section, Depart­ ment of General Services, 2505 SE 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97202, (503) 248-5111. Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbestos abatement work if the project involves working with asbestos. N O N D IS C R IM IN A T IO N Bidders on this work w ill be required to comply with the provisions of Federal Executive Order 11246. The require­ ments for Bidders and Contractors are explained in the Specifications. No proposal w ill be considered unless accompained by a check payable to Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, or in lieu thereof, a surety bond for an amount equal to ten percent (10%) o f the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to the | Board in the full amount o f the contract. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. L IL L IE W ALKER , DIRECTOR PURCHASING SECTION C IT Y OF S A LE M , OREGON D EPAR TM EN T OF G E N E R A L SERVICES PURCHASING D IV IS IO N INVITATION TO BID S A LE M D O W N TO W N STREETSCAPE IM P R O V E M E N T PR O G R AM : 1989 The City of Salem w ill receive scaled bids at the office o f the City Recorder, Room 205, City Hall, Salem, Oregon 97301, until, but not after 11:00 am, June 7,1989, at which time said bids w ill be publicly opened and read in the City Council Chambers, Room 240, City Hall, for the project specified herein. The proposed work consists o f construction contract services associated with Streetscape development for 1989. Prime contractors interested in bidding on this project may receive one copy o f the specifications and other bid documents at the office o f the Purchasing Supervisor, 555 Liberty St. S.E./ Room 315, Salem, Oregon The PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COM MISS ION w ill receive sealed Bids for NORTH WATERFRONT PARK PROJECT, PORTLAND, OREGON Consisting o f demolition o f existing improvements, construction o f a new esplanade, new lighting, park furnishings, new lawn, irrigation, landscaping, tree planting pits, side walks, utilities and miscellaneous other related improvements. until 2:00 pm. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on die 8th o f June, 1989, at 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1102, Portland, Oregon 97204-1968, at which time and place all Bids w ill be publicly opened and read aloud. Contract Documents, including Drawings and Specifications, are on file at the office o f the PORTL AN D DEVELOPMENT COM MISSION, at 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1102, Portland, Oregon 97204-1968. Inquiries should be directed to Mr. Marlin Brinkley, (503) 796-5350. Copies o f the Contract Documents may be obtained at the PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, by depositing $50.00 for each set o f documents so obtained. Each such deposit w ill be refunded if the Drawings and Contract Documents are returned in good condition within ten (10) days after the Bid Opening. A ll bidders must comply with the provision o f Chapter 279, Oregon Revised Statutes, relating to the qualification o f bidders. The bidder’s prequalification statements shall be prepared and presented on the C ity o f Portland Prequalification Application and filed with the Portland City Engineer not later than nine (9) business days prior to the bid opening time. A certified check or bank draft, payable to the order o f the PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, negotiable US Government Bonds (at par value), or a satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and an acceptable Surety, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total Bid shall be submitted with each Bid. The successful Bidder w ill be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond or Bonds. Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on the Project, and that the Contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because o f their race, color, religion, sex or national origin, and that the Contractor must comply with all provisions required by ORS 279.348 through ORS 279.356. The Portland Development Commission is committed to taking affirm a­ tive action to encourage and facilitate the participation o f M inority and Women Business Enterprises in Commission projects and operations. To help meet Commission goals, prime contractors are encouraged to consider and utilize qualified M BE/W BE subcontractors in this project. The Com­ mission’s goal for this project has been established as 10% M inority Business Enterprise and 2.5% Women Business Enterprise utilization as a percentage o f the total dollar amount o f this contract The PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION reserves the sole right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by the PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT C O M M IS­ SION for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date o f the opening o f bids for the purpose o f reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifi­ cation o f the bidders prior to awarding their contracL Bidder shall be certified as an EEO Affirm ative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 o f the Code of the City o f Portland. M E T R O P O L IT A N SERVICE D ISTR IC T PROFESSIONAL T E C H N IC A L SERVICES 97301. Bids must be submitted on the proposal forms furnished to the bidders. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked “1JIPQH DOW NTOW N STREEETSCAPE IM P R O V E M E N T PROGRAM 1989 - Bid #3553“ , and show the name and business address o f the bidder. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PROPOSALS DUE JUNE 9, 1989 Any objections to or comments upon the bid specifica­ tions must be submitted in writing to the Office o f the Purchasing Supervisor, 555 Liberty St. SE, Salem, OR 97301. They must be received no later than five (5) working davs before the bid closing date. The Metropolitan Service District (Metro) is soliciting proposals for professional technical services to quantify, characterize, and recommend management options for select waste substreams within the Portland metro­ politan area. The waste analysis is expected to provide the necessary data for developing the Select waste management Plan. Examples o f select waste substreams are: construction/demolition debris, and petroleum contami­ A surely bond, cashier’ s check, or certified check o f the bidder in the amount of ten percent (10%) o f the bid must be attached to each proposal as | bid security. Unsuccessful bidders w ill have their security refunded to them nated soil. The RFP is available at Metro’s Planning and Development Department, 3rd floor, 2000 S W First Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97201 -5398. Questions may be directed to Robert Newman, (503) 221-1646. Proposals are to be submitted no later than 5:00 pm, June 9, 1989. when the contract has been awarded. No Bid EXCEEDING $10,000, w ill be received or considered by the City o f Salem or any o f its officers unless the bid contains a statement by the bidder (by signing his proposal) that the provisions o f ORS 279.350 shall be included in his contract. Every contractor or subcontractor is required to post the applicable prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous and accessible place in or about the work-site for the duration o f the job. Contractors and subcontractors who intentionally fail to post the PWR can be made ineli­ gible to receive any public works contract for up to three years. RECIPROCAL PREFERENCE LAW : In compliance with ORS 279.029, bidders must slate on their proposal whether they arc a resident or non- l resident bidder. Proposals that fail to provide this in form ation w ill be SAIF SAIF Corporation, Oregon’s leading workers' compensation insurance carrier seeks individiduals for the following positions: PRODUCTION CONTROL OPERATIONAL ANALYST D ATA PROCESSING $2447 - $3030 SALEM considered non-responsive. The City o f Salem reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive formalities and o f postponing the award o f the contract for thirty (30) days. Prices quoted shall be firm for a period o f 30 days after the closing date. The attention o f bidders is directed to the provisions of Chapter 97, Salem Revised Code, concerning unlawful employment practices. Violation o f such provisions shall be grounds for immediate termination o f this contract without recourse by the contractor. TELLER F ull Time and Part Time Security Pacific Bank Oregon has opportunities available for individuals committed to the highest level of client service. Qualified applicants w ill have a minimum o f one year previous commercial teller experience, good cash handling skills, fam iliarity with 10-key adding machine, and basic math skills to perform routine calculations. Positions available in Metro Portland, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Gresham, W ilsonville, Salem, Tigard and Cedar M ill. As part o f Security Pacific, the 6th largest Bank Holding Company in the country, we offer a competitive salary commensurate with experience, excellent flexible benefits program, and superior advancement potential. Please apply in person or send a resume to: SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel Department 1001 SW 5th Avenue PO Box 3066 Portland, Oregon 97208 (503) 796-3878 A P P LIC A N T HOURS: 9 -lp m , M on-F ri Equal Opportunity Employer The individual in this position w ill provide analytical and progamming support to Production Control; w ill be the primary interface with both the IS Systems and IS Operations staff to determine and resolve ABEND problems; support JCL programs and implement new systems into production; support on-line data entry facilities and systems program­ ming and other duties as assigned. Applicants must have excellent oral and written communication skills; A A degree is required as a minimum, with course work in computer science and one year o f programming experience; proactive analytical and problem solving skills; strong interpersonal skills arc a plus. SENIOR INTERNAL AUDITOR SALEM Candidates must have a bachelor’ s degree in a business related field and at least four years o f auditing experience. A Certified internal Auditor or Certified Public Accountant is preferred. The selected candidate should be able to contribute in a team environment, help set the direction and priorities of audits; have good analytical skills, and take the initiative to develop strong, interactive relationships with auditccs. We offer an excellent benefits program. To be considered for this position you must complete our employment application. Please call our message phone (503) 1-373-8047 by 5pm May 25,1989 to request your applicant packet. No resumes please. SAIF Corporation An equal opportunity employer à