Page 5 Portland Observer M ay 18, 1989 MARTIN LUTHER KING MANOR TO OPEN SOON •1 S&EÁ ' « :S £ ¿ P A M NORTH / NORTHEAST ALTERNATIVE MENTAL HEALTH HOUSING O p ening fo r occupancy July 1, 1989 a N ortheast Portland apartm ent ¡sidence to house c o m m u n ity m em bers at ris k o f homelessness due to sychiatric d isa b ilitie s . The tw o sto ry residence is being b u ilt fo r clients o f o rth /N o rth ca st C o m m u n ity M e n ta l H ealth C enter under a loan p ro vid e d y the U.S. departm ent o f H ousing and U rban D eve lo p m e n t. A special e ffo rt H ealth C enter. L ia m C a lle n , E xe cu tive D ire c to r o f the C enter stated that stable, protected housing is essential fo r the p s y c h ia trica lly disabled and those recovering fro m illness. The residence is designed as a sixteen un it tw o > in clu d e m in o rity contractors in the c o n stru ctio n was made by the jonsors. The p ro je ct is sponsored b y N orth /n o rth e a st C o m m u n ity M e n ta l manager. A separate n o n -p ro fit co rp o ra tio n ,N /N .E . A lte rn a tiv e M ental H ealth sto ry b u ild in g w ith a com m on garden and a triu m co u rtya rd . There w ill be a com m on room fo r social events and an extra apartm ent fo r a resident H ousing, Inc. has been set up to a d m in iste r the project. Rev. James Faulkner C hairm an o f the Board o f D ire cto rs noted that this p ro je ct w ill p ro vid e lo w c o s t , supported housing fo r people w ho m ig h t otherw ise be homeless o r forced to liv e in situations that aggravate th e ir illnes. M a rtin L u th e r K in g M a n o r is presently accepting a p p lica tio n s fo r re si­ dency and resident manager, fo r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n contact Jim Edm um son o r R odney H a rry at N /N .E C o m m u n ity M ental H ealth C enter 249-0066 “SEVEN HOME STEAD HOUSES TO BE OFFERED AT UPCOMING OPEN HOUSE EVENT Seven homes in P ortland n e ig h ­ average $300, in c lu d in g taxes and borhoods w ill be o ffe re d to lo w e r-in - come residents at the upcoming Home­ stead Open House event to be held on Saturday, M a y 2 0 ,1 9 8 9 , from 1:00 - insurance. Each o f the seven homes to be o f­ fered on M a y 20 w ill be open be­ tween 1:00 and 4 :0 0 pm . P otential 4 :0 0 pm . The P ortland D evelopm ent C om m ission (P D C ) administers P ort­ la n d ’ s Homestead Program , w h ic h Homesteaders m ust v is it each home in w h ic h they arc interested to be considered fo r ow n e rsh ip . P D C w ill provides home o w n e rsh ip o p p o rtu ­ n itie s to those w ho otherw ise m ig h t hold a random draw ing fo r each home not be able to a ffo rd th e ir ow n home. The homestead Program o ffe rs the advantage o f home o w n e rsh ip to area residents and also helps to sta b ilize neighborhoods though the reuse o f and w ill n o tify those whose names arc selected. P D C advisors w ill be at each hom e to answ er questions d u r­ ing the open house. T he addresses o f the homes b e ing o ffe re d are: «■ 3714 N E C le ve la n d vacant houses. T h ro u g h the Homestead P rogram , P D C acquires vacant homes in need o f repair and transfers them to q u a li­ « • 4808 N E 1 1TH A venue fie d Homesteader. In turn, H o m e ­ a- 5906 N E 8th A venue 634 N E L ib e rty a- 7051 N . A lb in a a- 8857 N .W ilb u r a- steaders agree to m ake necessary repairs before m o v in g in , accept a lo w -in te re st P D C hom e repaii loan and liv e in the house fo r at least fiv e 7235 N. R ichards Individuals interested in being added to the m a ilin g lis t fo r Homestead years. There is no do w n paym ent in ­ Eastsidc O ffic e at 2 3 0 -9 5 5 0 between 3:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through vo lve d in becom ing a Homesteader. Homesteaders pay ao n e -tim ech a rg e fo r taxes and insurance o f $500. In a d d itio n , PDC has lo w -in te re s t loans a- Program o ffe rin g s should c a ll PDC/s F rid a y. P D C is the c it y ’ s urban renew al and econom ic d e velopm ent agency. available to pay fo r repairs. M o n th ly paym ents on the home repair loans Safeguard Annouces Expansion The tw o year o ld hom e and lig h t co m m e rcia l se cu rity firm Safeguard S ecurity dedicated its new n a tio n a l headquarters b u ild in g and techno­ lo g ic a lly advanced central station fa c ilitic s .M a y 10. C hairm an o f the B oard, E ric R andolph also annouced that Safeguard S ecurity has added the Seattle area to its service m arket. In a d d itio n to the P ortland,O regon and Seattle, W ashington areas, Sal eg uard also provides sales,installation service and m o n ito rin g o f se cu rity sys­ tems in Phoenix and Tuscon, A riz o n a , Las Vegas, Nevada, and O akland and Los A ngeles, C a lifo rn ia . The services p ro vid e d by Safeguard u tiliz e an in fra -re d m o n ito rin g system w h ich in turn m o n ito rs fo r unauthorized intruders. M e d ica l and fire alert services arc a va ila b le as w e ll.T h e central station fa c ility located at the headquarters b u ilding monitors a ll a ctivity o f Safeguards systems through­ out the co u n try. Each subscriber is connected to the central station where around the clo ck operators can n o tify p roper la w e n fo rc e m e n t,firc .o r m edical agencies w ith in seconds. A lre a d y a leader in the industry .Safeguard’ s founder E ric R andolph c o n ­ cludes that W e w a n t to p ro vid e reliablc,depcndable security service that is a ffo rd a b le to eve ryo n e .” Basic cost begin at 195.00 fo r in s ta lla tio n and 19.99 a m onth service fee. C u sto m ize systems arc also a va ila b le on s lid in g s lid in g scale. R ose F estival C hauffeurs . $150 A D av S pecial R ose F estival F un P ass G ives Y o u U n lim ited R ides O n T ri M et F o r O nly $ 1.50 A D ay . It’s easy to take the tension out of Rose Festival traffic. Just leave your car at home and hop on a bus or MAX. Sit back, relax and let your driver worry about fighting traffic. To make the ride even easier for you and your family, buy a Rose Festival Fun Russ. At only $1.50 a day. the Fun Pass is a real bargain, and you can buy it in advance to avoid ticket lines. ♦ Each Fun Pass is good for unlimited rides on Tri-Met’s MAX and buses any day of your choice, June 2-25. ♦ Fun Pass is good all day on Saturday and Sunday, and from 6 PM til end of sen ice during the week. ♦ Each Fun Pass holder may bring up to three children six or under — FREE. Here are some Rose Festival events where traffic and parking can be a hassle. You can beat the traffic on Tri-Met: Festival Center/ Ships Starlight Parade Order your Fun Passes today. Your chauffeurs are wait- TRI-MET We re Here ing for you. to get you there COUPON □ YES 1 wan: to increase my enjoyment of the Rose Festival Send m e ------- Rose Festival Fun Passes (a SI SO each June 2-11 June 3 NAME-------- ----------------------------------— ________________ — Grand Floral Parade June 10 address Rubber Duck Races June 25 CITY STATE Z IP ---------------------------------- PHONE — ---------------- — ---------------------- To get your Fun Pass: Send in the coupon, visit any branch of Willamette Savings, or stop by the Iri-Met office in Pioneer Courthouse Square. Call 223- RIDE to charge Fun Passes to your credit card or to get Tri-Met sen ice information. □ My check ft>f »----------------------------------— »en closed □ MSA # ------------------------------------------- • s p ----------------- M A S fFR t-A R I) # -------------------------- l-xp ----------------- SIG NAIT Rl _ (.< im plcti and n u ll t< »- TO-MET ivo -e here »o ge' rcx> ’’w TH-Mct R m R b » 4012 SF l~th Avenue PO-1 R o la n d O R 9 '2 0 2 A