Page 12 Portland Observer M ay IS, 1989 BEEP’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY SEMIN AR TO FEATURE RONALD H. BROWN AND AFRICAN- AMERICAN BUSINESS AND EDUCATION LEADERS The 20th Anniversary Seminar of the N ational Urban L eague’s Black Executive Exchange Program (BEEP) m ecung in Atlanta, G A June 1 3 -I6 al the A tlanta M arriott M arquis Hotel will feature an address by prom inent attorney Ronald H. Brown as well as other leaders in education, business and industry. Brown, a form er V ice President, W ashington O perations o f the N a­ tional Urban League and the recently elected C hairm an of the Democratic N ational Com m ittee, w ill be there Thursday night, June 15 Awards Ban­ quet speaker at 7:30 pm. The sem inar will bring together business and industry leaders, people from the academ ic world and corpo­ rate volunteers known as BEEP­ E R S’ who have been involved with the program over the past 20 years preparing students at historically black colleges and universities for success­ ful careers. SEVEN GABLES THEATRES PLAYER OF THE YEAR — - - - “AN ABSOLUTELY SUPERB FILM? 4?' — Gene Siskel. SISKEL AND EBERT evolved from a sum m er fel­ low ship program in the late 1960s with African-American students who were concerned about how they would be received in the corporate world. The first BEEP program , in 1969, began bringing African-American leaders out to industry and onto cam puses o f historically black col­ CHOCOLAT f .Kodak r f . f . p J leges. Since its inception the program has sponsored over 2,000 volunteers at black colleges and universities throughout the country. Renee DuJean is the D irector o f the National Urban League Black Executive Exchange Program. To register in advance contact BEEP, National Urban League, Inc., 500 East 62nd Street New York, NY 10021 or phone (212) 310-9195. O n­ site registration lor the sem inar be­ gins Tuesday, June 13 and continues through Thursday, June 15 from 9 NOW PLAYING (TIOVIE HOUSE A FILM BY C LAIR E D E N IS (T- ft- The Elliotts...O diem ae and Sean...display the 1989 Eastm an Award, along with Pittsford, N .Y . resident Steve Baune. Baune is vice president, m arketing for the C onsum er Products Division o f Eastm an Kodak Com- pany. am to 5 pm. PORTLAND OBSERVER "The Eyes and Ears of the C om m unity" •a» D m * Cwc 288-0033 11 « é r: A IR FARE A LE R T Children Fly Free or 1/2 price Call Travel Roberts Today Buy now and save Airlines to increase prices May 27,1989. CALL TODAY Senior’s two round trips for $384.00, four round trips for $640.00 or Ten percent(10%) off other fares. Call for more information on great savings Emergency’s do happen and we can help with low air fares Give us a call TRAVEL ROBERTS 3415 NE Broadway Portland, Oregon 97232 (503) 287-1745 Liner Note Reggae Sunplash 89 “ Soon com e m on...” For R eggae fans and music lovers across America, “ Com soon mon signals the arrival o f Reggae Sunsplash festival “ 8 9 ” W hat began five years ago as a touring offshoot o f the Jam aica Sunsplash festival (now in its tw elfth year) has becom e an event unto itself in the U nited States. Sunplash com es to Portland May 24 at the Starry Night at 8:00 p.m. This year’s fifth annual w orld lour, Reggae Sunsplash “ 89” , prom ises to be the biggest and best to date. W ith the ever popular Steel Pulse headlining the bill, the show also includes Sugar M inot, M arcia G riffths, Hall Pint, Sophia G eorge, and the 809 Band along with Seasoned Sunsplash MC This summer, kids under 18 can fly United for free when accompanied by an adult flying on a MaxSaver fare. This special offer applies to any United flight within the contiguous V.S. Round-trip tickets must be purchased by May 26.1989. tor travel on Tuesdays and Wednes­ days only kids' tickets are offered at half the adult MaxSaver fare tor travel on Thursday through La*«» «K'Æ. riL-JT'CX.» -»• • S.- . . Monday Travel must begin on or alter June 1.1989 and be completed by September 10,1989. Only one child may fly per adult ticket, and both tickets must be purchased at the same time for identical itineraries. Tickets are non-refundable. One free reser­ vation change to the same destination can be made if seats are available. Round-trip purchase is required within one dav after reservation, with all tickets purchased at least 14 davs in advance, and on or before May 26, 1989. A Friday night stay is required, except tor passengers departing on Saturday, who have no minimum stay requirement. Travel to and from Las Vegas and Reno requires a two-night stay This otter cannot be combined w ith any other discount or promotional offer, or with any Mileage Plus tree- travel award. Proof of child’s age will be required. Seats are limited. All fares are subject to change and may not be available on every flight Fares may not be available in some United Express cities. For reservations, call your Travel Agent. Or call United at 226-7211. Tom m y Cowan. Says form er Jam aican Prime M inister Edw ard Seaga, “ Reggae is lrom the s o u l-th e w ords and bass are com pelling rhythm w hich speaks o f life. It is a form o f cultural expression which is distinctive to the Jam aican people. O ver the last two decades Reggaes prom inence on the international cultural scene has becom e an enticing exam ple o f music which transcends geographic .political and cultural barriers, “ soon com e m on” ... and enjoy! "RAT’ Steens Kitchen 7332 NE Union 289-1935 Convention Special - Cafeteria Style Fresh sliced Roasted Meats, Sandwich & Chips Plate Lunch, vegetable Plate C ongratulations & Best W ishes 2hurch O f God In C hrist W om en on your 39th International C onvention • “ Just Good Country Cooking” Steak,Chicken, & Seafood Catering Service Available I