U fa VOLUME XIX NUMBER 19 rr Un « v e r <*'*o0n"*• g i* s p a p ® i.o o ® jlty o f Oregon L ib r c r y Portland, Oregon ERVER PORTI 25C MAY 18, 1989 SALUTING OUTSTANDING STUDENT Academic Achievements/Honors 4.0 G P A in highschool N ational Honor Society member M E S H outstanding student award Oregon A lliance o f Black Student Educators Achievement Aw ard Scholarships US West Coca-Cola regional Aw ard U niversity o f Southern C alifo rn ia Trustee N B A /Trailblazers N ational Action C ouncil fo r M in o ritie s in Engineering 3 M Company N ational Achievement Scholarship fo r Negro Students Leadership Beaver B oy's State Senator Assistant Scoutmaster fo r Boy Scout troop 100 M ath Engineering and Science Achievem ent club president Extra Curricular Activities Seventeen year old Bosco AniAnabil Kante bom in Ghana, Africa has obtained many honors as a student at Jefferson High School Co-op. He is being saluted by the community for his leadership traits and for maintaining a 4.0 GPA. Some of his accomplishments include: V arsity Basketball V arsity Track (4th D is tric t Long Jum p/Triple Jump) Jefferson High School Jazz and W in d Ensembles Jefferson D-Crew (Pop M usic) lead singer Rap group Freshness at w ork(w inners o f Grant talent show, W ilson battle o f bands, Grant fashion shows) Tony Hopson, seated, and E Ray Leary, Co-directors of SELF ENHANCEMENT INC., For a truly outstanding job working with youth in the Portland area. Rating o f Superior in Solo Contest (fo r trumpet) 2 Congratulations 1989 Senior Rose Court and Coronation M-* ; A ¿ Dels 1989 Senior Rose C ourt & Princess (fro n t row from left) Clara Lovelace, Princess Barbara M urphy, L u c ille Hines (Back row from left) L illia n Roy-Plum m er, Nona Dunder, Sally B e lle rv illc Barbara is very special to us at lio n and attended a rehearsal. D e l’ s. She is always friendly to eve- Rose Festival tim e is a very excit­ Then thq big day fin a lly arrived ryone. She likes to keep busy and ing tim e at D e l’ s Care Center. For 7 A p ril 28th. O ur princess was to be jo in s in the a ctivity program daily, years now we have selected a Senior crowned. A ll their fam ilies came to She had always kept very active thru Rose Court. From this court one lucky lady is choosen to represent D e l’s as our princess at the main pageant. This year it all started on A p ril 24th when each staff member was able to vote fo r 6 ladies o f their choice. T his selection process gives our employees an opportunity to say “ Thank you and you arc appreci­ ated’ ’ to the ladies who stand out and try hard to make D e l’ s seem like a home to them-sclvcs and those they live w ith. W e are very proud o f our court. They arc as fo llo w s; Sally B e lle ville , Nona Dunder, L u cille Hines, Clara Lovelace, Barbara M urphy and L illia n Roy-Plummer. The upcoming week was very busy for these ladies. They had pictures taken, had their hair done, purchased new dresses, helped to prepare their bio-graphics to be read at the corona- lst ANNUAL WOMEN OF EXCELLENCE LUNCHEON SAT. MAY 20th 12:00 NOON HOLLIDAY INN-AIR- PORT TRADE CENTER FOR SCHOLARSHIP PRESEN­ TATIONS & WOMEN OF EXCELLENCE AWARDS anxiously watch. Each lady was in- her life , Barbara finished high school and traduced and as they came down the became a seamstress. She married aisle to be seated in the spotlight and moved to Oregon in 1913. She their biographies were read. liked to do many things. She loved to A t last the big moment arrived, embroider and do fancy w ork. She L in N eff, our Adm inistrator was to do the crow ning. He had the crown also square danced, enjoyed baking in hand as he paced bchinc the ladies, and was a devoted member ot her Barbara M urphy was then crowned church. When asked her most memorable our Princess. There were screams o f experience, she said, “ 1 loved rais­ excitement as employees and friends ing m y ch ild re n.” Barbara had 2 went to hug and congradulate Bar­ bara. Her eyes watered as she said “ I sons, Raymond and Earl and she has can’ t believe I w on .” She then was 3 grandchildren. Barbara is a very sweet, kind lady. graced w ith her royal robe and her She has only been at D e l’s since bouquet o f roses ( donated by Jatzen February and she has already made Beach Floral) Then it was picture many new friends and won the hearts tim e again. o f our employees. Barbara has a soft Barbara w ill now go on to repre­ sent D el’ s at the 7th annual Senior voice and a gental smile. We are Rose Pagcnt on May 30th at the Sh- glad she has chooscn D e l’ s as her home. eratin Inn Portland A irport. PORTLAND ALUMNAE CHAPTER DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. SPEAKER: THE HON. TERESA HUGHES CALIF. STATE SENATOR $20.00 DONATION CALL 293-5870 FOR RESERVATIONS NCNW LAUNCHES NATIONAL SEARCH FOR “BLACK WOMEN WHO MAKE IT HAPPEN” W ASHINGTON, D.C., -T h e National Council o f Negro Women (NCNW ) has announced plans to seek candidates fo r its third biennial search fo r .L B la c k Women W ho M ake It Happen.” This salute honors the achieve­ ments o f Black women who have had a significant impact on their com m u­ n ity, their culture, an organization or society in general. “ W e are not seeking Black women who are already in the national spotlight,” according to N C N W President, Dorothy Height. “ Rather, we w ould like to honor those who are ‘ in the trenches’ , dedicating themselves to lives o f public service -h e lp in g to remedy the severe problems o f Black society, w hich include fam ilies in crisis, illite ra cy, unemployment and homelessness.” W ho is eligible? A ny B lack woman who has made a positive contribution in church, in the com m unity or on the job From a group o f 15 finalists, a blue-ribbon panel selects the five to be honored at a gala awards celebration. Judging is based on five criteria: (l)n ee d o f contribution; (2)level, (3) im pact and (4) future impact o f the achievement and (5) obstacles overcome by the nominee. Each is weighted equally. W inners w ill receive a 21-inch tall polished bronze statue designed by distinguished Black sculptor Elizabeth Catlett, and a $1,000 award from F rito -L a y, Inc., underwriter o f the biennial event since 1985. The awards w ill be presented Dec.2 during the N C N W ’ s national convention in Wash­ ington, D.C. Past honorees have undertaken p rojector program initiatives which have had an enormous impact upon Black Americans and the society in general. Scptima C lark, a past honoree, was the founding director o f the Southern C hristian Leadership Conference’ s “ C itizen Education Project,” a pro­ gram w hich played a vital role in developing the first large group o f Black voters in the south. Another past recipient, Leona “ T in y ” Hawkins, adm inislrator/ow ner. South Dallas Nursing Home, assumed a $500,000 note to acquire a nursing home to provide quality care fo r the elderly. N C N W ’ s membership totals more than four m illio n , w ith programs that include career development, juve nile justice, w om en’ s history and public service. Entry form s must be postmarked by June 15,1989 and arc available through N C N W organizations across the country, or by calling U niW orld Group in New Y o rk C ity at (212( 239-5308. A STATEMENT FROM UL PRESIDENT When I came to Portland approxi­ mately 13 months ago to assume the position as president o f this fine organization, I told m y sta ff that (despite ourproblem s, there is lig h ta l I the end o f the tunnel. B u t sometimes you can’ t w ait until you reach that lig h t and must create your own to lead you out o f the tunnel. We are developing a winner’s circle that has room fo r a ll citizens o f Port­ land to jo in . Our campaign w ill reach over 60,000 households in the Port­ land m etropolitan area. Il is a cam­ paign designed to broaden com m u­ nity awareness and increase revenue through individual member co n tri­ butions. W e w ill have the support o f our new ly reorganized Urban League guild, the Friends o f the Urban League and other com m unity volunteers. We are, indeed, grateful fo r their w ill­ ingness to help us have a successful campaign. W e would also like to give special recognition to US West C om m uni­ cations who contribute $6,500 to help underwrite this campaign and to The Skanner newspaper for donating the typesetting fo r our membership ap­ plications. We have developed a comprehen­ sive and achievable fund raising plan for our 89/90 fiscal year w hich in ­ cludes our annual dinner; a special jo in t venture w ith the Pacific Ballet Company to host the Dance Theatre o f Harlem; support from corpora­ tions and foundations; and our Ed­ w in C. Berry Equal O pportunity Day Dinner. We w ill maintain an austere budget for fiscal year 89/90 and implement the proper internal financial controls to ensure that the contributions we receive yield the greatest benefits to those we serve. PUBLIC NOTICE Jim Gosa o f K K G O -F M congratulated the members o f the M el Brown Sextet w ho jazzed their way to a fin alist position at the recent F ifth Annual Hennessy Cognac Jazz Search in Los Angeles at The Com plex. The group, from Portland, Oregon, w ill be flo w n to H ollyw ood fo r the final com petition to be held at The Palace on M ay 17. The Grand Prize w inner that night w ill open the final day o f the w orld famous Playboy Jazz Festival at the H ollyw oo od B ow l on June 18. L e ft to right: Michael Y ork(T cnor Sax), M el Brown (Drums). Jim Gosa (K K G O -F M ), Gordon Lee (Piano), Thara M em ory (Trum pet), Warren Rand (A lto Sax), Andre ST. James ( B a s s ) The Portland Observer has issued press passes to all of It’s employees. These passes are identifiable by (1) the Observer's logo at the top, (2) the employee’s name and pic­ ture, (3) the word PRESS and, (4) a fingerprint of the right Index finger. Anyone not In possession Of an Observer press pass does not represent th e P ortland O bserver newspaper.40 a , < A