Page 8 Portland Observer May 11,1989 PARLIAMENTARY BLACK CAUCUS FORMED IN LONDON Philip Morris Supports Inaugural Of Great Britain's Parliamentary Minority Caucus Patterned After U.S. Congressional Black Caucus C A L C IN IN G (A ERSE AS!— Rep. Ronald A. Odiums - I M A ) . right. ( hairman of the Congressional Black ( aucus i< BC). arrises at Parliament in London with members of the delegation he led to the Inauguration cere­ monies of the Parliamentary Black ( aucus. H ith him are. from left. ( »eorge I . Knox, I I I. Staff A ice President. Public Affairs, Philip M orris Companies Inc.. Mrs. \lm a Rangel, w ifro f New Aork Congressman Charles B. Rangel and Atlantic City Mayor, James I srx, who is also the President of the Na­ tional ( onference of Black Mayors. Eour minority Members c* Parliament formed the organization, based on the American C BC . T H R E E O E T H E E O l'R M E M B E R S of the recently fw m ed Parliamentary Black Caucus are, from left. Hon. Keith Aaz. Hon. Bernie (.ra n t and Hon. Diane Abbott. Each is a member of Parliament serxing in the 11« »use of Commons. I he fourth member is b ir d I Fax id Pitt, a member of the House of l ords (not shown). Philip Morris was a contributor to the inauguration exents that brought African-American federal, state and municipal elected officials as well as cixil rights and business pc-rsons to lamdon. THE FIRST AMENDMENT ONGRESS shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the Freedom of Speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. C Saluting The Black Press s..', â M tt Guardians O f Our Birthright When the U.S. Constitution was first written, our founding fathers believed that freedom of the press was so important that it was written and guaranteed in the very first article in the Bill of Rights. Frederick Douglass From the founding in 1847 of The North Star newspaper by Frederick Douglass to the writings of James Baldwin, newspaper reporters, authors, poets and playwrights have protected, recorded and taught black history to each successive generation. Freedom cannot function without the free expression and com­ munication of ideas. We salute the men and women of the Black Press and their noble profession. Perhaps Langston Hughes said it b est. . . “ There’s a dream in this land with its hack against the wall. To save the dream fo r one , it must be saved fo r all. Langston Hughes P h ilip M orris C om panies Inc. Langston Hughes Philip Morris U.S.A. Philip Morris International Inc. Kraft General Foods Group Miller Brewing Company Philip Morris Credit Corporation Mission Viejo Realty Group