Page 7 Portland Observer May 11,1989 ROOM REMAINS IN PCC RETAIL CLERK TRAINING CLASS Openings remain in ihe first o f two retail clerk training classes scheduled this spring by Portland Community College. The College is still taking applica­ tions from people who want to enroll in the May 15-26 session, said Mark Ber­ shadsky, business administration instruc­ tor at Cascade Campus. Course work w ill include segments on customer relations, work ethic and habits, communication with supervi­ sors and co-workers, retail mathemat­ ics, selling o f merchandise, inventory control and handling, getting a job and cash register training. Sandy’ s Camera Shops has donated four cash registers for use in the pro­ gram, Bershadsky said. Cost w ill be $60 for tuition and ma­ terials. The class is being held at the Job Opportunity Bank, 2710 NE 14th Ave. Students my choose morning or after noon sessions. A second class w ill meet June 12-23. Further Information is available from Bershadsky at PCC Cascade, 244- 6111, ext. 5221, or Cascade Commu­ nity Education, ext. 5205. WILSON REPEATS THIRD PLACE IN STAGE-BAND NATIONALS Wilson High School’ s 26-member stage band again owns a third-place ranking in national competition for high­ school musicians. The band, led by instrumental-mu­ sic instructor Gregory McKelvey and winner o f 1988’ s bronze award, com­ peted A p ril 27-30 with 41 other re­ gional and state winners in the 1989 National Finals fo r Jazz Musicians in Philadelphia, Pa. First-and second-place winners this year were bands from St. Louis, Mo. and Norwood, Ma. W ilson’s Rand Barnett won a $ 1,500 award as the most outstanding trom ­ bonist in competition involving both high-school and college musicians. Judges, who also conducted post- performance oral interviews with band members, heard the Wilson group play “ Chcny Juice,” “ Momsville” and “ Big Swing Bass.” Wilson won the right to compete na­ tionally by earlier winning Oregon and Northwest regional contests. CELEBRATE MOTHER’S DAY AT THE MARKET! This Weekend, Treat Mom To The Market! On Saturday, May 13, and Sunday, May 14, Portland Saturday Market, together with KPDX and K EX , w ill feature some very special M other’s Day treats. On Saturday, bring the kids to the KPDX C hildren’ s Comer, where they can make their own hand-made cards for Mom from 10-4, and get their faces painted from 12-3. We supply all the materials, and they supply the imagina­ tion. Also, Bob Swanson from K EX w ill be broadcasting live from 11-2, and there w ill be free balloons for all. On Sunday from 12-4 be amazed and amused by Angelo Galileo and David Lichtenstein, jugglers, and The Magical M r. Thumb, clown, magician, and ventriloquist. On both days, Mom and Dad can enter our contest drawing to win a bas­ ket o f goodies that includes both week­ end and dinner for two and a set o f g ift certificates. And o f course, they’ ll find the unique, hand-crafted gifts thatmake Saturday Market so special. Parking validation is available at City Center lots at N W 2nd and Davis with $15 purchase, and g ift certificates are available i f you just can’ t decide. Be part o f the fun this Mother's Day weekend at Portland Saturday Market! The Portland Saturday Market, that is! Hand Made Cards! Bring the kids down lo Ihe KPDX Children's Corner, where they can create their own Mother's Day cards on Saturday from 10--». Vi e supply the materials, they supply the imagination Free face-painting and KEX balltxtns trxi! On Sunday, be amused and amazed by clow ns and jugglers Correction A telephone number given you in our News Release dated A p ril 27, is in ­ correct. For information concerning the Housing Authority o f Portland’ s (H A P ’ s) search for vacant and aban­ doned houses in your neighborhood, please call H AP’s development Tech­ nician Anne Blucstcin at 225-1065. W c apolog izc fo r any inconvenience this may have caused you. Before need Fiinetai An,inapment Pi.ii with service tc «in a h m cómetenos clip and mail to: Hand Made Gifts! l ast minute Mother s Day and early Father's Day shoppers w ill surely find that very special something at our variety of "shops”—w here else can you find such a wonderful selection all in one place! Portland Memorial, Inc. P.O. Box 82069 Portland, OR 97282-0069 Hand Picked Prizes! Come dow n Saturday or Sunday to enter our Mother s Day contest. First prize is a weekend for two at the Inn of the Seventh Mountain, dinner for (wo at McCormick's, and gift certificates from Saturday Market, Kitchen Kaboodle. and Rancho Flowers, all thanks to KEX, KPDX, and Portland Saturday Market. Two other prizes for dinner at Jake's or Harlxirside will also be awarded. The drawing will lie held Sunday at 2:30 at the Market. •" __W lia l arc ihe advantages o f making arrangements in advance? __I would like a "Fam ily Planing Guide" ai no charge. __How much docs Cemetery Properly cost? NAME__________________________________________ Fresh Air, Fresh Finds, Fresh Fun! Meet KEX s Bob ADDRESS_______________________________________ Swanson, who w ill be broadcasting live on Saturday from 11-2, and other nice people like clowns, jugglers, musicians, and craftspeople—they’ll all lx* there Mother's Day Weekend at Portland Saturday Market Don't miss it! CITY___________________STATE______ Z IP ________ PHONE_________________________________________ Open Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-4:30, under the west end of the Burnside Bridge MAX stop at Skxlnxxv Fountain Parking validation at the City Center lot at SOX' 2nd and Davis, Import Plaza l