Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 11, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6 Portland Observer May 11, 1989
Sabin School’s Writing
Festival Celebrates
Words, Words, Words
Sabin Elementary next week (May
8-12) celebrates written, spoken and per­
formed words, words and words.
The annual Sabin W riting Festival
a t4013 N.E. 18th Ave. features students
sharing their their writings, older stu­
dents revealing literary efforts and a
storyteller o f ancient myths.
On Monday (M ay 8) at 11 a.m. Jeffer­
son H igh’ s theatre company performs
“ Three A frican Folk Tales” for stu­
dents in Grades 3-5.
On Tuesday (May 9) storyteller Dave
Barrett from Young Audiences w ill
captivate prekindergarten and kinder­
garten students at 9 a.m. and students in
grades 2 and 4 at 10 a.m. w ith the
folktale, "Undersea Journeys.”
A t 11 a.m. the same day, students in
Grades 3 and 5 w ill hear Barrett tell a
collection o f Northwest Indian tales
title d “ N orthw est M y th tim e .” On
Wednesday (M ay 10) parents and other
members o f the community w ill view
writing efforts o f Sabin students in halls,
classrooms and other school areas dur­
ing an open house from 7 - 8:30 p.m.
On Friday (M ay 12) students gather
at 1:45 p.m. fo r a 30-minute all-school
assembly celebrating w riting.
Missing from the celebration is the
school’ s annual balloon launch dissemi­
nating student writings because helium-
fille d balloons may have negative im ­
pacts on the environment and w ildlife.
An alternative “ publishing” o f stu­
dent works features exchanges o f stu­
dent writings among schools across the
Oregon Public Employees
Union Donates Cash,
Supplies To Black United
Front School
Portland-Thc Oregon Public Employ­
ees Union (OPEU) has collected a vari­
ety o f school supplies and more than
$300.00 in cash for the Saturday School
operated by the Black United Front
The donation w ill be made by OPEU
Executive A lice Dale and U nion Field
Representative Yvonne Martinez to Avel
Gordley and Karen Powell o f the Satur­
day School at a news conference to be
held at 10 a.m., May 8, at the OPEU
Portland Field O ffice, 123 NE T hird
Avenue, Suite 440.
“ OPEU and the Black United Fund
are organizations which share certain
goals,” said Dale. “ Both organizations
are working to find ways fo r our con­
stituents to achieve self-determination.
Both are concerned w ith the quality o f
life in Oregon. And, both, particularly
w ithin our Union, members in our C h il­
dren Services Division and the A dult
and Fam ily Services locals, are con­
cerned about the well-being o f the c h il­
dren in our communities.”
The Small Business Administration,
The Service Corps o f Retired Execu­
tives (SCORE), The Active Corps o f
Executives (A C E) are jo in tly co-spon­
soring a beginning business workshop
on Thursday May 18, 1989 (8:30 A M
T O 4:30 PM).
This workshop is designed especially
for those thinking o f starting their own
business, or new in business.
Each subject w ill be presented by a
practicing professional. Topics to be
covered w ill be; Success and Failure
Factors, Marketing, Record Keeping,
Making A Business Plan, Sales Promo­
tion/Advertising, Point o f Sale Selling,
and Selecting The Legal Structure For
Y our Business. There is a question and
answer period after each presentation.
Also, free printed management aid kits
w ill be provided for each attendee.
The May 18,1989, workshop w ill be
held at the PGE W orld Trade Center
A uditorium , 121 SW Salmon Street, in
Portland. There is a $20.00 attendee
fee. Your spouse,(or one associate)
admitted at 1/2 price (preregistration is
required). For registration information,
telephone the small business adm ini­
stration at (503) 326-5211.
Bonneville Power Starts
Explorer Posts
Johns)....Safeway officials announced
the completion o f an extensive $1.5
m illio n dollar remodeling project in
their St. John’s store, located at 8002 N
Burlington. The remodeling project gen­
erated over 25 NEW JOBS - all o f
which were fille d by North Portland
To celebrate the completion o f the
remodeling project, Safeway w ill host
9 FROM 5:00 PM TO 8:00 PM. Store
Manager John Weber and his entire
crew are excited about the completion
o f the project and look forward to the
opportunity to “ show o ff” the store’ s
many full-service departments!
The public is invited to attend the
Open House celebration where visitors
can sample over 100 foods and bever­
ages during die three (3) hour Open
House celebration.
Safcway’ s St. Johns remodeling
project completes one more phase o f
Safeway’ ;s multi-step commitment to
the economic health and business c li­
mate in the North Portland area. Less
than 5 months ago, Safeway completed
a $1.5 m illio n dollar remodel o f their
store at the comer o f Union and A ins­
worth Avenues.
“ High school students want to learn
about careers and we have some people
resources,” said Jim Jura, Bonneville
Power Administrator, “ so through the
Explorer program we are able to match
the two.”
Bonneville Power has formed three
Explorer posts: engineering, legal ca­
reers and environmental sciences. Each
post w ill have planned programs which
w ill allow students to experience a variety
o f aspects o f related career fields, an­
swer questions about education, day-
to-day operation and career futures in
these fields. The Explorers work with
professionals in these areas and get
first-hand answers.
Exploring is the co-ed high school
program o f the Boy Scouts o f America.
Co-ed since the late 1960’ s, Exploring
has been heavily career-oriented in re­
sponse to needs o f students and busi­
ness Nearly ha lf o f the 4,517 Explorers
in the Columbia Pacific Council are
girls, according to Guy Eichsteadt, Field
Director. Career posts range from ac­
counting to zoology.
For inform ation in jo ining a Bon­
neville Power post contact: Engineer­
ing (Alan Crymes, 239-3176), legal
(G eoff Kronick, 230-4201), Environ­
mental Sciences (Carolyn Bohan, 230-
For other Exploring information, or
to organize a new post, contact Guy
Eichsteadt or M ike Quirk, Exploring
D ivision, 226-3423.
$100.00 and Up
CALL 282-4911
The Private Indus­
try Council Selected
By U.S. Department
O f Labor As Na­
tional Role Model
The Private Industry Council (PIC),
which provides employment and train­
ing services for residents o f Multnomah
and Washington Counties including the
C ity o f Portland, has been selected as a
notional model by the U.S. Department
o f Labor. O ut o f 600 PICs in the coun­
try, The Private Industry Council is one
o f only ten employment and training
organizations to be selected for this
national honor.
The U.S. Department o f Labor and
CSR, Inc. (a national research com­
pany) recently convened a panel o f five
employment and training experts from
national public interest groups to select
the nation’s exemplary PICs. This panel
selected The PIC as one o f the most
effective organizations o f its kind.
Representatives o f CSR. Inc. w ill
document all aspects o f The PIC’ s op­
erations for their study. An analytic
synthesis describing the characteristics
o f exemplary P IC ’ s w ill then be com­
piled. A technical assistance guide for
improving PIC operations w ill be w rit­
ten and distributed to assist other com­
munities in the implementation o f their
Job Training Act employment and train­
ing programs. Dennis Cole, president
o f The Private Industry Council ac­
knowledged the honor by saying, “ We
have always strived to develop pro­
grams that w ill be the most effective for
the people we serve. I look forward to
sharing our successes w ith other com­
munities throughout the country.”
ducing an ad campaign lo r this impor­
tant market.
According to Thomas, “ Canadian
Club is launching this execution o f the
ad with a great sense o f pride because
our Company is ever mindful o f its ob­
ligation to be involved with valued friends
and consumers in the A frican-A m eri­
can ethnic market.” Thomas further
commented, “ This CC ad campaign
also demonstrates our commitment to
strengthen the economic via b ility o f
the Black business community by using
m inority suppliers, agencies and mod­
(Los Angeles, C A ) ......... Bob Tho­ els.”
Talented photographer, Bobby H ol­
mas, Vice president, market develop­
ment manager o f Hiram W alker-Allied land o f Van Nuys, California, captured
Vintners, Inc., recently introduced the the exciting visual imagery o f the ele­
innovative Canadian Club Symbol Cam­ gantly attired models, wearing crea­
paign in the African-American Market. tions o f Linda Stokes, LSO Designs,
The uniquely distinctive ad, created Woodland H ills,C a lifo rn ia . Thecast­
and produced by Eisaman, Johns & ing and styling o f the ad was coordi­
Laws Advertising Agency in Chicago, nated by Alescia Buford and Associ­
embraces fashion, sophistication, and ates, a m inority owned Public Rela­
attitudes that define style and success. tions Firm and Model Agency, located
It is compelling proof once again that in Sherman Oaks, California.
Canadian Club is a trendsetter in the
spirits industry when it comes to pro­
Grace Collins
Memorial Center
Day Care
"Since 1952"
• Kindergarten
3 Years - W ritin g A B C ’ s
• Pre-School
Pacific N.W. Clinical Research Center is one of several sites se­
lected to receive grants in a national research effort to conduct
federally-approved clinical trials in the treatment of moderate
memory loss. Each eligible, medically-stable patient will be en­
rolled In at least one placebo-controlled medication trial.
'Latch Key Program
Children 6 wks.
to 11 yrs.
> Breakfast
• Hot Lunches
If you are caring for someone 45-85 years old, who is having
memory loss and/or gradual mental deterioration, you may be
able to help him or her participate in this research study. The
memory loss may or may not be due to Alzheimer's disease, but
it must not be caused by cardiovascular disease, stroke, head
injury, brain tumor, substance abuse, or depression.
2-1/2 Year Olds - Learning Shapes
6:30 am - 6.00 pm
For further information and/or a screening
interview, call 288-9901
Pacific Northwest Clinical Research Center
128 N.E. Russell St.
4 Year Olds - M a kin g Cookies
Grace Collins
Memorial Center
Reading First Grade Books
— Day Care
You may be eligible for a research study if you are 21 to 65 and suffer
from anxiety, worry, nervousness, inner tension and physical symp­
toms of stress (headaches, sweating, dry mouth, pounding heart,
This research has been Federally approved and is taking place in sev­
eral large cities. If you meet the criteria for generalized anxiety disor­
der without a seriously depressed mood, you may receive free
screening and medical treatment for up to two months. Individuals
with alcohol or drug abuse, or poorly controlled medical problems
cannot be accepted for this research. Females must be sterile or post­
Pacific Northwest Clinical Research Center
__________ C A L L 2 8 8 -9 9 0 1 For more information.
Management Personnel
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