Page 4 Portland Observer May May 16, 1989 Special Election Candidate Statements Multnomah County Sheriff Compiled by Vicki K. Ervin, Director of Elections, Multnomah County BOB SKIPPER BRUCE McCAIN OCCUPATION (present employment): Chief Deputy Sheriil in charge »1 630 member Multnomah County Sheriffs Department OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND (previous employment) 27 years experience with Multnomah County Sheriffs Department, including work with Juvenile Investigations. Uniform Patrol, Special Investigations. Drugs and Vice, and Corrections OCCUPATION (present employment) Corrections Supervisor Special Deputy Sheriff. Multnomah County Sheriffs Office OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND (previous employment! Corrections Officer. Assistant Deputy Probation Officer. Juvenile Court School Teacher EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND (schools attended, last grade completed; degree(s). if any ): A A in Criminology Corrections. Grossmont College. 1V76. B S ,n Criminal Justice Ad­ ministration. San Diego State University. 1978; Masters Degree. Western Evangelical Seminary. ,986. Law Degree expected May. ,991. Lewis & Clark Law School: Advanced Certificate in Corrections. Oregon Police Academy PRIOR GOVERNMENT EXPERIENCE (elected or appointed): (see Occupational Background above). Board Member. Parkrose Heights Association of Neighbors. ARE YOU HAPPY W ITH OUR REVOLVING-DOOR JAIL SYSTEM? ELECT BRUCE MCCAIN SHERIFF "I have the experience to provide leadership for all the functions of the Multnomah County Sheriffs Office including jails, correction programs and law enforcement responsibilities "This is a crucial election. The livability of our community depends on prompt, effective law enforcement, together with available jail beds and community education ", can and w ill move swiftly to expand the work o f the Sheriffs Department: assign Sheri,, s deputies to Columbia Villa to fight gangs, introduce cost-saving techniques to speed the booking of arrested persons, increase cooperation between the region's law enforcement agencies, and increase the number of beds at the Inverness Jail and the Restitution Center” " I w ill also seek out new methods to combat crime while stretching available tax dollars. And I pledge to fight drug use and gang activity by working with all the schools in the county ” I am proud to have been endorsed by: Mike Schrunk. Multnomah County District Attorney; Fred Pearce, Oregon Director o f Corrections (former County Sheriff); Dick Bogle. City Commissioner; Gladys McCoy. County Chairperson; Pauline Anderson and Gretchen Kafoury, County Commissioners. Gussie McRoberts. Gresham Mayor. And Multnomah County Deputy Sheriffs Association; Multnomah County Sheriffs Department Command Officers Association. Gresham Pilice Officers Association; Portland Fire Fighters Association; AFSCME Local 88; Assn, of Retired Employees o, Mult Co Dept of Public Safety. "We all face a severe challenge: winning the war against drugs and crime in our community. I am fully committed to help win this war I would appreciate your vote on May ,6th.” Bob Skipper A Strong Experienced Leader (This information provided by Bruce R. McCain) (This information furnished by Bob Skipper for Sheriff Committee) Multnomah County taxpayers deserve of corrections.” from the Sheriffs Office . professional management The Oregonian vHTHW BRUCE MCCAIN is probably the most knt»wledgeable supervisor in corrections He is without question one of the most articulate and intelligent indiv iduals in corrections. On the job he is constantly active and in contact with officers working for him. BRUCE MCCAIN has a firm grasp o f situations as they occur and works best in situations where stress is high and immediate decisions are needed ” - Sheriffs Office Memorandum 10/17/88 YOUR TAXES GO UP BUT YOUR PROTECTION GOES DOWN The I9H8 Multnomah County Special Grand Jury on Corrections reported on the Sheriffs ja il administration: “ problems wasted time and wasted money ...” Daily there are between 4(X) and 500 people out of custody in Multnomah County that should be in jail but were not.” police officers forced to sit with prisoners for up to five hours while awaiting . booking The Grand Jury finds this un­ conscionable at a time when police resources are so scarce” BRUCE MCCAIN IS THE SHERIFF FOR OUR FUTURE MCCAIN S CREDENTIALS Proven Experience Professional Education Recognized Excellence EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: (schools attended, last grade completed; degree(s). if any) Graduate. Sandy Union High School; Associate Degree in Applied Science and Criminal Justice. PCC; coursework at University of Portland. PRIOR GOVERNMENT EXPERIENCE (elected or appointed): School Board Member. Orient School District. ,970-1978: President. Multnomah County Deputy Sheriffs Association MCCAINS S GOALS Keep Criminals in Jail Win the War Against Gangs & Drugs Manage County Resources Efficiently MCCAIN'S COMMITMENT Treat All Persons Fairly On the Job and In the Community Create Positive Role Models for Our Youth Make Multnomah County Safe and Proud Again SPECIAL ELECTION — MAY 16, 1989 ONLY THE APPROPRIATE CANDIDATES AND MEASURES W ILL APPEAR ON THAT PRECINCT'S BALLOT. The O B I C I bado, each »o,er „ I I I receive „ II, conaie, o , a card. The ,en8,h o , ,b e cards shown on this sam ple bado, has been expanded ,0 show bo.h sides o, ,h e cards. u n T F BOTH SIDES OF THE CARD WHEN APPLICABLE. Precinct Type OFFICIAL BALLOT Precinct Type MARK YOUR CHOICE(S) IN TH IS MANNER ONLY: FOR FOR FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY SPECIAL ELECTION MULTNOMAH COUNTY SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 16, 1989 MAY 16, 1989 MULTNOMAH COUNTY SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 16, 1989 Stub No. Stub No---------- Hl IS S T U B T O B E R E M O V E D BY E L E C T IO N B O A R D MARK YOUR CHOICE(S) IN THIS MANNER ONLY: MARK YOUR CHOICE(S) IN TH IS MANNER ONLY: T H IS S T U B T O B E R E M O V E D B Y E L E C T IO N B O A R D IFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY U N E X P IR E D T E R M ESTABLISHES NEW TAX BASE LIM ITS ON SCHO OLS U E S T IO N : S hall O regon C o n s titu tio n be am ended to establish new tax base limits on schools? XPLANATION: Am ends O regon C onstitution eg in ning in 1990, gives a school district a tax ase equal to: (1) any one of the d istrict s operat- ig levies in the prior three years plus six percent, r (2) tor two-year safety net districts, the district s 389 operating levy plus 12 36 percent, or (3) the perating levy approved by the d istrict's local liters for 1990, if approved by July 1, 1989 Per­ ms merging school districts to form new tax base mit by com bining their existing tax base limits STIMATE OF FINAN C IAL EFFECT: These hanges to the O regon C onstitution have no fis- al eftcct on state governm ent because the state oes not levy a property tax However, the 1989 egislature has passed other laws that w ill take ffect only if th is m easure passes These laws rould spend state G eneral Funds in the next two ears as follows 2 Yr Period 1989 1990 hool property tax $16.7 mil $18 3 mil » $35 ftsets and grants lucation ot severely andicapped students $17.5 mil $17 5 mil = $35 isic school support $10.7 mil $11.3 mil * $22 jmeowner property _ ____ ,, ax relief $20.3 mil ■ $20 3 mil ne property tax relief and properly tax offsets ould reduce personal incom e tax deductions creasing state incom e tax revenue by $1 mil sn per year The hom eow ner property tax relief ogram would require $100.000 in one tim e set- p costs and $300.000 per year to adm inister in ach of the next tw o years BRUCE M cCAIN NO V O T E F O R ON E BOB SKIPPER F O R C O M M IS S IO N E R U N E X P IR E D T E R M COUNTY POS » 4 Stub No---------- el 5 S T U B T O B E R E M O V E D B Y E L E C T IO N B O A R D MARK YOUR CHOICE(S) IN THIS MANNER ONLY: e T H IS S T U B TO B E R E M O V E D B Y E L E C T IO N B O A R D iYNOLDS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 COUNTY STATE M E A S U R E YES OFFICIAL BALLOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MAY 16. 1989 Stub No. Precinct Type OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY SPECIAL ELECTION Precinct Type ■ VO TE F O R ONE HERB BROWN DICK CLOSE SHARRON KELLEY CAROL MOORE B ILL STALLINGS RODGER VAN ZANTEN CITY OF PORTLAND WATER BUREAU TO PROVIDE WATER W ITH O U T CHARGE FOR CITY SERVICES QUESTION: Shall Charter be amended to require O C O Water Bureau to provide water to other bureaus for City services at no charge? PURPOSE: Am ends Charter Section 11-105. w hich now provides “ no charge shall be made tor water used in extinguishing fires in the City This measure expands that exemption by provid­ ing there w ill be no charge to any C ity bureau for water used for City services, such as parks irri­ gation and street cleaning Amendment does not apply to Portland Develop­ m e nt C o m m is s io n . E x p o s itio n -R e c re a tio n C om m ission, or their facilities such as the Coliseum and the Perform ing Arts YES C enter NO ONE YEAR OPERATING LEVY JESTION: Shall the District levy $2,847.403 e q outside the tax base for one year u-O fo r o p e ra tin g p u rp o s e s b e g in n in g ly 1, 1989? CPLANATION: The one year special operating ry Is proposed because the constitutional tax ise is not adequate to fund current education- program s in the Reynolds School District. ,is levy w ill provide $2,847,403 which will enable e district to restore reductions made to the 188- 89 budget and maintain program s for the 189- 90 school year eynolds School District No 7 provides public lucation for approximately 6.500 students in kin- srgarten through grade 12. ie District tax base tor 1989-90 will yield 15,107,053 of the $17.954.456 that must be raised om local property taxes to fund the 1989-90 iterating budget approved by the district budget jm m itte e YES SCHOOL DISTRICT OPERATING LEVY QUESTION: Shall Scappoose School District 1J c c levy $559.100 in 1989-90 in excess of the amount levied for operating purposes in 1988-89 and outside its tax base? EXPLANATION: The am ount being voted on is needed to continue operation of existing programs and services for the 1989-90 fiscal year yES NO NO VFRDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT 51 JT MEASURE TO IMPROVE AN D UPGRADE RIVERDALE SCHO OL FACILITIES JESTION: Shall the D istrict be authorized to c , contract a general obligation bonded O -1 indebtedness in an am ount not to ceed $895.000? JRPOSE: This measure, it approved, would ithorize the District to issue general obligation inds not to exceed $895,000 Bond proceeds iu ld be used to acquire, construct, reconstruct, iprove repair, equip and furnish school build- gs and additions thereto and to pay all costs cidenial thereto The bonds would mature over period not to exceed 25 years NO VICKI K. ERVIN, Director of Elections Multnomah County