Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 11, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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    Page 3 Portland Observer ¡May 11, 1989
News Around Town
____ _______________________________ •
In a jo in t e ffo rt by the Oregon C oun­
c il fo r H ispanic A dvancem ent (O C H A )
and the M ultnom ah County Department
o f Human Services, a conference en­
title d “ Hispanic Youth Leadership:
In an officia l signing ceremony, G ov­
ernor N e il G old schm idt recently pro­
claim ed M ay 9 Teacher Day in Oregon.
The date coincides w ith National Teacher
Day and is included in Teacher A p p re ­
ciation W eek, M a y 7-13, sponsored by
the National Parent Teachers A ssocia­
B u ild in g the F uture“ w ill be held F ri­
day, M ay 12, at the Red L io n Inn
(C o lum b ia R iver, 1401 N . Hayden Is­
land B lv d .).
Toney Anaya, form er
G overnor o f New M cx ico, and a nation­
a lly recognized leader in the Hispanic
co m m u n ity, w ill d e live r the keynote
address at 12:30. O C H A is a com m u­
nity-based volunteer organization that
seeks to prom ote leadership develop­
m ent in the H ispanic com m u nity.
The conference w ill begin at 9:00am.
Leonard O lg u in , a professor form C a li­
fornia State University in the field m u lti­
cu ltu ra l education, w ill speak at 9:25am
and lead tw o workshops in the after­
noon. Panels and presentations arc sched­
uled throughout the day.
A fte r a six year absence, sem i-pro­
fessional fo o tb a ll makes it ’ s return to
Portland w ith the n e w ly organized
O regon Thunderbolts o f the N o rth w e st
F ootball League. P o rtla n d ’s last team,
the Steelheads won the league cham pi­
onship in 1983 before fo ld in g .
The N o rth w e s t F o o tb a ll League,
w hich has been around since 1971, has
franchises in Vancouver, W ashington
(W arhaw ks), Tacom a, W ashington
(Bcngals), South K ing C ounty (Sharks),
Snohom ish C ounty, W ashington (B lue
Knights), Seattle (Raiders) and the Thun­
derbolts. The league begins plays on
July 29th, and cone ludes w ith the cham ­
pion ship game on O ctober 21st.
The Thunderbolts w ill play their home
games at Portland Christian High School,
122nd N E & B ra z c e ,in Portland. Home
games w ill be Saturday, August 5th,
August 9th, September 2nd, September
16th and September 30th, a ll games
start at 1:00 pm . The team ’ s opening
game w ill be July 29th at Vancouver,
W ashing to n’ s Kiggens B o w l, 7:30 pm
against the W ashington W arhawks.
The team has signed tw o w e ll know n
local coaches to guide the offense and
defense. M e l R enfro, fo rm e r outstand­
ing player at Jefferson H ig h , Oregon
U n ive rsity and the D allas Cowboys,
w ill serve as denfensive coordinator.
T akin g ove r on offense w ill be Tom
D eS ylvia, fo rm e r head coach at Jeffer­
son H igh in Portland, where he tw ice
w on the state A A A fo o tb a ll C ham pion­
ship before re tirin g . He also coached
one season at Portland State U n ive rsity.
The Thunderbolts w ill be hosting a
coaches c lin ic , Saturday, M a y 13th at
Clackamas H igh School from 9:00 am
to 4:00 pm.
A stronger bottom lin e ! That is what
your business is a ll about. There w ill be
a 6-h ou r sem inar devoted entirely to
im p ro vin g your unique feature o f the
seminar w ill be an hour o f in d ivid u a l
counseling by the in stru cto r w h ich is
included in the price. T h is w ill be a r­
ranged fo r som etim e after the seminar.
The instru cto r w ill be C lark C o m p­
ton, a business fina ncial consultant, and
author o f the workbook “ Financing Your
Business” . He w ill cover such topics
as: Cash F lo w Managem ent, Financial
A na lysis, Budgeting and Forecasting,
and Business Developm ent Center.
The price, in clu d in g lunch and the
hour o f private counseling, is $50. The
e n ro llm e n t is lim ite d to 40 people.
The sem inar begins at 8:30 am and
ends at 3:30 pm
For in fo rm a tio n and registration, call
tio n (P T A ).
The theme o f this year’s observance
is “ Teachers: A n Investm ent in A m e r­
ica’ s F uture.” A cco rd in g to M ary Hat-
wood F utrell, president o f the N ational
Education A ssociation (N E A ) - the
nations largest teachers’ union — the
event “ is a tim e to show gratitude fo r
A m e rica ’ s teachers, those w h o w o rk
m ost closely w ith the na tion’ s children
and young ad ults.”
Throughout O regon, local com m u­
n ity groups, PTAS and local a ffilia te s
o f the O regon Education Association
(O E A ) w ill be fin d in g ways to a ckn o w l­
edge teachers’ con tribu tions to O re­
gon’ s future.
“ A q u a lity teaching s ta ff is one o f
the m ost im p ortan t investm ents a com ­
m u n ity can make in p ro v id in g a b righ t
future fo r o u r citize ns,” said Nancy
Lee, president o f O E A .
“ Teachers lo o k forw a rd to the ob­
servance as a w ay o f sharing the ir com ­
m itm e n t to the im portance o f educa­
tio n ,” Lee Added.
D in in g on Asian cuisine, w atching
the tra d itio n a l dances o f A sian coun­
tries, and dancing to A m erican T op-40
records spun by a deejay a ll aw ait v is i­
tors to the second annual “ Asian/Pa-
c ific R im C u ltu ra l N ig h t” F rida y, M a y
12 at Portland State U n iversity.
PSU students from several Asian
countries including Thailand, Laos, Cam­
bodia, The P illip p in e s, H ong K on g, In ­
donesia, Korea, T aiw an, B urm a, Japan
and V ietnam are scheduled to p a rtic i­
pate in the event, sponsored b y the
Asian Students C u ltu ra l O rganization
at PSU.
F estivities begin at 2:00 pm in the
th ird -flo o r ballroom o f P S U ’ s Sm ith
M em o rial Center w ith a scries o f c u l­
tural exhibits.
A t 6:00 pm , diners w ill be served
food from several o f the A sian coun­
tries du rin g a leisurely tw o -h o u r meal
period, supplemented by a costume show
from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
From 7:30 to 9:30 pm, cultural events
w ill be presented, in clu d in g tradition al
dances, songs and m artial arts dem on­
From 10:00 pm u n til m id n ig h t, a
decjay w ill play A m erican music hits
fo r dancing on the ballroom flo o r. Arts
and crafts exh ib its also w ill be on dis­
play in a neighboring room .
T ickets at $3.00 fo r PSU students
and $5.00 general can be purchased at
the door. Senior citizen tickets are avail­
able at $2.50, and children under 12
w ill be adm itted free w ith parent or
A fte r 6:00 pm , visito rs m ay park
free in unreserved spaces in PSU’s m ulti­
story parking facilities.
F or furthe r in fo rm a tio n , contact
PSU’ s O ffic e o f Educational A c tiv i­
ties at (503) 464-4452.
Union Field Representative Yvonne
Martinez to A vel Gordley and Karen
Powell of the Saturday School at a
news conference to be held at 10 am,
Monday, May 8, at the OPEU Port­
land Field Office, 123 NE Third
Avenue, Suite 440.
“ O PEU and the B lack U nited Fund
are organizations w h ich share certain
goals,” said Dale. ‘ ‘ Both organizations
are w o rkin g to fin d ways fo r our con­
stituents to achieve self-determ ination.
Both are concerned w ith the q u a lity o f
life in O regon. A nd , both, p a rticu la rly
w ith in ou r U n ion , members in our C h il­
dren Services D iv is io n and the A d u lt
and F a m ily Services locals, are con­
cerned about the w e ll-b eing o f the c h il­
dren in ou r com m unities."
The O regon M in o rity A id s C o a li­
tion (O M A C ) is announcing their House
Meeting Project that starts the 2nd phase
o f their H IV in fe c tio n /A lD S preven­
tion education targeted to Oregon’s racial/
ethnic m in o rity com m unities.
House M eetings are an op po rtu nity
to become in fo rm ed about H IV in fe c-
tio n /A ID S and the issues surrounding it
fo r People o f C o lo r, in an in fo rm a l
setting. A host in vites 8-10 o f her/his
friends, childre n, co workers, church
members, etc. to the ir home. W e sup­
p ly refreshm ents, an appropriate video,
factual in fo rm a tio n , a question and
answer session, and a door prize fo r the
group. Each m eeting lasts about 1 hour
and is presented free o f charge. W e can
ta ilo r presentations to a variety o f ra­
cia l, age, gender, o r religiou s groups.
Sound interesting? A ll you need to
do in order to schedule a m eeting or
fin d out more about them is to contact
(503) 234-1541
Daniel F. M oriarty, president o f Port­
land C o m m u n ity C ollege, recently was
elected V ic e president o f C O M B A S E ,
a national consortium o f com m u nity
college presidents concerned w ith re­
sponding to the educational needs o f
lo cal college districts.
M o ria rty also was appointed to a
three-year term on the C om m ission o f
Urban C o m m u n ity Colleges o f the
A m erican A ssociation o f C o m m u n ity
and Junior Colleges. Both his election
and appointment took place at an AACJC
conference in W ashington, D.C.
W ith lo w e r-d ivisio n college transfer
classes leading the w ay, Portland
C o m m unity C ollege enrolled some
30,000 students du rin g the firs t four
weeks o f the current spring term.
I t was P C C ’ s largest spring term
head count since 1982, according to
figures from the co lle g e ’s In stitu tio n a l
Research depa rtm e nt
Enrollm ent in college transfer classes
grew by nearly seven percent through­
out P C C ’ s five -co u n ty district.
O ther areas show ing sig n ifica n t
gro w th were vocational upgrading
classes, the E nglish as a Second L a n ­
guage program . A d u lt Basic Education
and G E D Preparation classes and non-
cre d it co m m u n ity education classes.
Career preparation classes were about
even w ith last year.
“ W e ’re show ing the strongest stu­
dent retention rate fro m w in te r to spring
term in recent m em o ry,” com m ented
Donald M . Fiser, associate vice presi­
dent fo r e n rollm en t services. A m ong
reasons Fiser gave fo r the num ber o f
students con tin u in g at PCC from w in te r
to spring were expanded student sup­
port services, P C C ’ s educational qu a l­
ity , expanded Saturday class o fferin gs
and lo w tu itio n c o s t
PO R TLAN D -Thc Oregon Public Em­
ployees U n ion (O P E U ) has collected a
variety o f school supplies and more
than $300 in cash for the Saturday School
operated by the B lack U nited Front
The donation w ill be made b y O P E U
E xe cu tive D ire c to r A lic e Dale and
< '
l he couple plans to use some o f their
w innings to buy a new home and take a
vacation. W hen asked i f he’ll continue
to w ork, Brian responded w ith a firm ,
“ No. W e want to travel to places w e ’ve
always wanted to see. N ow we can do
O n M ay 12, 1989 several hundred
high school and m iddle school students
w ill spend a day in the state cap itol
lo bb ying in favo r o f a m o d ifica tio n in
the spending lim it.
Rep. M argaretC arter has been w o rk ­
ing w ith the Portland Rainbow Colaition
to in vo lve students in the p o litic a l proc­
ess by setting up the “ Y ou th U n lim ite d
-- Y ou th Lo bb y D a y” . Students w ill
have an o p p o rtu n ity to te ll legislators in
person about programs affecting youth
w hich are eith er underfunded o r in je o p ­
ardy because o f budgeting restraints
caused by the spending lim it.
O f special concern are lack o f suf-
ficent funds fo r drug and alcohol coun­
selling and treatment, fo r mental health
program s in clu d in g in -pa tient care fo r
young people, fo r em ergency food and
shelter fo r homeless you th, fo r m edical
care and fo r state support fo r education
and jo b training.
The students come from diverse back­
grounds. Some come from privile ge d
circumstanced, others fro m disadvan­
taged homes. The students represent a
real “ ra in b o w ” in terms o f their ethnic
backgrounds - some are B lack, some
W hite, some Hispanic and some Asian.
They come from urban areas and rural
schools. Some o f the students have
been p o litic a lly active before; fo r o th ­
ers this is the ir firs t venture in to the po­
litic a l arena.
A fu ll day o f a ctivitie s is planned.
Students w ill be te stifyin g before both
the W ays and Means Subcom m ittee on
Human Resources and the House Human
Resources C om m ittee w h ich meet at
8:30 and 1:30 respectively. In the
m orning and afternoon students w ill be
meeting in groups o f tw o o r three w ith
legislators to discuss their concerns in
person. A t 10:30 the Jefferson H ig h
School rap group w ill present an o rig i­
nal rap perform ance at the opening o f
the House session. A t noon there w ill
be a ra lly on the capitol steps where
both students and legislators w ill pres­
ent their view s on the need fo r a m o d i­
ficatio n o f the state spending lim it.
For the second time in just one month,
O regon’ s L O T T O A M E R IC A had the
single winning ticket fo r a jackpot prize.
O n Tuesday, Brian W estby, 30, and his
w ife , Leesa, 25, arrive d at the Salem
Lottery office to claim Saturday’s $3,640
ja c k p o t prize. The 20-year annuitized
prize w ill provide $145,600 annually
after federal w ith h o ld in g . There is no
O regon state tax on any O regon L o tte ry
The Portland couple d id n ’ t realize
they held the w in n in g ticke t u n til ju s t
before noon on Tuesday. They had
bought the ir $2 q u ick p ick O regon’ s
L O T T O A M E R IC A tickets, along w ith
$3 w o rth o f O regon’s Megabucks tic k ­
ets, at the O ld General S torc/O LC C in
Charleston on Saturday w h ile v isitin g
Leesa’s parents and fa m ily in Coos
Bay. “ I c o u ld ’ ve learned e a rlie r,” said
Leesa, “ but I overslept. A n d I wanted
to wash the car before going to the store
fo r a p rin to u t o f the w in n in g numbers. ’ ’
Leesa, a housewife and m other o f tw o
sm all childre n, fo llo w e d her d a ily ro u ­
tine. She packed a lunch fo r Brian that
she takes to him every w orkday, and
drove tow ard the Grace C om pany in
Portland where he works w ith high grade
soils developm ent But first she stopped
at a store fo r a printou t o f the w inning
numbers. “ W hen I got back into the car
and checked our tickets against the
p rintou t, I c o u ld n ’t believe it. W e had
a w in n in g tic k e t!” W hen Leesa drive
in to the narkine lo t at the Grace C o m ­
pany, she saw B rian outside talking to a
fe llo w em ployee. “ I honked the hom
and jum ped out o f the car ye llin g , “ W e
w on! W e w o n !” , Brian ran in to the
building to tell everyone where he works.
T hey c o u ld n 't believe i t ! ”
C H IC A G O , May 3 - Hutch Johnson,
executive vice president o f E o ff E lec­
tric Co., 905 N W 12th, Portland, OR,
received the N ational Association o f
Electrical D istributors’ (N A E D ) Young
Executive Aw ard. The award, a framed
scroll and s ilve r Revere bo w l, was pre­
sented to him at the closing General
Session o f the A ssociation’ s 81st A n ­
nual M eeting. Held A p ril 29 - M ay 3rd,
the event drew over 3,200 attendees
from the m ajor wholesale distrib u tio n
and m anufacturing companies in the
electrical industry.
The award is given in reco gn ition o f
Several members o f the black co m ­
m un ity recently served w ith other v o l­
unteers to consider U nited W ay fu n d ­
ing requests from m em ber agencies fo r
the 1989-90 fiscal year.
Volunteers met for up to 25 hours on
panels to exam ine requests in the areas
o f aid to the handicapped, c h ild care,
ch ild re n ’s services, em ergency, fa m ­
ily, hea’lh treatment, mental health m ulti-
service, systems support, and youth.
The fo llo w in g people began m eeting in
M arch to review in fo rm a tio n on agency
budgets, programs and scrvices^nd fiscal
Raymond Barber, Jr., aid to the handi­
capped panel
Denise S. W alker, c h ild re n ’ s services
G loria J. McCulla, systems support panel
Kathy Pierce, youth panel
Funding recommendations from these
panels w ill be considered by U n ited
W a y ’s C om m unity Services and A llo ­
cations C om m ittee before presentation
to the board o f directors in late M ay.
The 1989-90 funding year runs from
July 1, 1989, to June 30, 1990.
outstanding achievement by a young
man o r woman in the electrical d is tri­
bution industry.
A ctive in N A E D , Johnson currently
serves on the Long Range Planning
Com m ittees o f both the Association,
and the N A E D Education Foundation,
The O regon State U n ive rsity gradu­
ate began his career at age 14, w o rkin g
summers at his fa m ily ’ s business, E o ff
E lectric. H is career steps included stints
at shipping, receiving, delivering, counter
and inside sales. C u rrently he is branch
manger o f both E off;s Portland and
Vancouver, W A , branches, and also
serves as executive vice president o f
the corporation.
Secretary o f Housing and Urban D e­
velopm ent Jack Kem p has ordered the
review o f tenant selection and assign­
m ent procedures o f the N a tio n 's Public
Housing A uthorities (P H A s) to deter­
m ine i f the authorities arc using non-
d iscrim in atory procedures fo r placing
fam ilies in public housing units.
“ President Bush and I are co m m it­
ted to ensuring fa ir housing o p p o rtu n i­
ties fo r all fa m ilie s,” Secretary Kem p
said. “ W e w ill w o rk to make sure
pu blic housing authorities fo llo w ten­
ant selection procedures that do not
discrim inate or lead to segregation.’
A llo w in g applicants fo r public hous­
ing to indicate a project o r preference
fo r a particular location often can result
in assignments based on race. Recent
reviews pu blic housing authorities have
indicated that a num ber o f authorities
are pe rm itting applicants to express
preference fo r particular projects and
have assigned applicants to those p ro j­
ects. H U D has determ ined that using
project o r location preference is inap­
propriate and may be inconsistent w ith
T itle V I o f the C iv il Rights A c t o f 1964,
unless H U D has ce rtifie d that such
practices do not result in segregation.
W here H U D directs a PH A to change
its p o lic y , the PH A w ill have 90 days to
provide assurances that the preference
practices have been term inated.
W ould-be Pee Wee Hermans from
around tow n w ill have the ir day in the
spo tlig ht when they compete w ith paro­
dies and puns fo r fun and prizes.
Oscar M ayer Foods announces The
K id s Com edy H our (A Joke-Telling
Contest) at:
The Beaverton M a ll in the M a in En­
trance at
3205 SW Cedar H ills B lvd .
Beaverton, OR.
Saturday, M ay 13, 1989
1 2 :3 0 - 1:30 P M
Aspiring comedians between the ages
o f fiv e and ten are in vite d to compete in
a jo k e -te llin g com petition w ith prizes
awarded in the fo llo w in g categories:
“ Num ber One K n o ck-K n o ck,” “ Side
S p litte r,” “ Hey R iddle D id d le ,” and
“ Corniest C ourt Jester.” The “ most
Relished Joker” (grand prize winners)
w ill receive a ride in the Oscar M aye r
W ienerm obile.
The com petition is in keeping w ith
the M adison, W isconsin-based co m ­
pany’ s tradition o f prom oting fun and
creative self-expression among children.
Portland Im pact’s Second Annual
W alk & R oll-a-thon is a celebration to
raise money for youth “ at ris k ’ , fra il
elderly, and homeless fa m ilie s -th c pro­
grams o f Portland Im p a ct
The event is June 3, 1989 from 10
am to 2 pm at Cleveland H igh S cho ol’ s
track, 31st and SE Pow ell B lvd. R ain or
Fun fo r the w hole fa m ily is planned.
There w ill be free hot dogs,soda, m usic,
face painting, ju g g lin g , hay rides and
more. A t least one pledge is needed to
Pledge sheets arc available at P ort­
land Im pact’ s SE Senior Center and SE
Y ou th Service Center, N orthw est F it­
ness, Budget Rent-a-Car locations, and
other area athletic stores.
C a ll 231-9578 for more in fo rm a ­
tion. Join the celebration!
On Thursday, M a y 11th, 1989 at
7:00 P.M . at the U n iversity o f P ort­
la n d ’s H u nt Center Theater, 5000 N.
W illam ette B lvd ., the N orth C itizens
committee and the Portland Police bureau
w ill sponsor an open meeting to discuss
com m unity po licing . M ayo r B u d C la rk.
Police C h ie f Richard W alke r, Captain
Tom Potter (C o m m unity P o lic in g ) and
others w ill be on hand to discuss the
concept o f com m u nity p o lic in g , an­
swer questions, and receive in p u t from
citizens regarding the new focus o f la w
enforced in Portland.