Page 15 Portland Observer May 11,1989 JOBS & CLASSIFIED SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Portland State University Millar Library Portland, Oregon Bid Date: M ay 18, 1989 by 3:00 pm MARION CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PO Box 12218 Salem,Oregon 97309 (503) 581-1920 F A X 503) 399-0823 We are an equal opportunity employer and request Sub-Bids from women and M inority owned Business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Portland State Library Bid date: May 18, 1989 by 3:00 pm. DM DRAKE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1740 NW Flanders Portland, OR 97209 (503) 226-3991 F A X 228-3019 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Portland, State University Millar Library Bid date: May 18,1989 by 3:00 pm INVITATION FOR APPLICATIONS FOR SECTION 202 NONELDERLY HANDICAPPED HOUSING FUND RESERVATION The Department o f Housing and Urban Development w ill accept appli­ cations from nonprofit organizations for rental or cooperative housing under the Section 202 Direct Loan Program for Housing for the Noneldcrly Handicapped subject to the maximum number o f units and loan authority identified below: Loan Authority Units C H R O N IC A LLY M E N T A L L Y IL L : A L L OTHERS: 25 40 $983,000 $1,572,000 The above figures represent the funding available for all o f Region X. Applicants must not request a larger number o f units than advertised and must not exceed the program limitations for noneldcrly handicapped housing. « Appropriate instructions, forms, and other program information arc con­ tained in an Application Package which w ill be available after May 19, 1989, from H U D , Cascade B uilding, 520 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204, (503) 326-2686. This office w ill conduct a workshop on May 17,1989, Federal Building, 550 West Fort Street (Room 523), Boise Idaho, for interested applicants to explain the regulations and instructions governing the Section 202 program, to distribute Application Packages, and to discuss application procedures. The meeting facilities are accessible to all people. Please notify us i f you have any special needs. A workshop w ill also be conducted in Portland, Oregon, at a later date. Please contact the Portland O ffice for more information. APPLICATIO NS MUST BE RECEIVED B Y 4:30 PM, ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE NOTICE OF FUND A V A IL A B IL IT Y (NOFA). IF M AILED, APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE FIELD OFFICE NO LA TE R T H A N THE FOREGOING D EA D LIN E. APPLICATIO NS R ECEIVED AFTER THE T IM E A N D D ATE SPECIFIED W IL L NOT BE ACCEPTED. A separate NOFA has been published in the Federal Register, dated A pril 17,1989, for housing the elderly. Andersen Construction Co. Inc. PO Box 6712, Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-6712 F A X 283-3607 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged sub-contractors and women and m inority business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Portland State University Millar Library addition Bid date:M ay 18,1989 by 3:00 pm Roebbelen Engineering, Inc. 1241 Hawks Slight Court El Dorado H ills, C alifornia 95630 (916) 355-8510 F A X (916) 355-8528 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub-contractors and women & m inority business enterprises. SUB BIDS REQUESTED PSU MILLAR LIBRARY Bid Date: May 18,1989 by 3:00 pm FULLM AN CO. 5711 SW Hood Portland, OR 97201 (503)224-5221 F A X (503) 224-8521 We arc an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and m inority owned business enterprises. SUB BIDS REQUESTED PSU MILLAR LIBRARY Bid Date: May 18,1989 by 3:00 pm Emerick Construction ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS-DIVISION A Sealed bids for the DeBusk Memorial C linic Project, University o f Oregon, Eugene, Oregon w ill be received by the Oregon State Board o f Higher Education at University o f Oregon, Physical Plant Department, Con­ ference Room 2, 1295 Franklin Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97403, until 2:00 pm PDT, June 6,1989, and then publicly opened and read aloud by the Undersigned or designated representative. The work is described as the remodel o f an existing 1800 SF building, located at 1791 Alder Street, Eugene, Oregon fo r the DeBusk Memorial C linic. Bids w ill be received on a lump-sum basis for all o f the work. One set o f contract documents may be obtained by prime bidders only, from Robertson/ Sherwood/Architects pc, 96 East Broadway-Suite 6, Eugene, Oregon, upon deposit o f $50.00. Additional sets may be obtained for the cost o f reproduc­ tion plus a deposit o f $50.00. Deposits w ill be refunded fo r documents returned in good condition by actual bidders w ithin two weeks after opening bids, but to non-bidders only i f returned no later than one week prior to bid opening. Contract documents may be examined at the U o f O Physical Plant Department; the office o f Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc; Eugene Builders Exchange, Eugene; Construction Data Plan Center, SE; Construc­ tion Data Center, NW ; Northwest Plan Center, Portland; Oregon Builders Exchange, Roseberg; Salem Con traders Exchange, Salem; and Dodge/ Scan, Seattle, W A. A ll bidders must comply w ith ORS 279.350 relating to prevailing rates o f wage and ORS 279.029 and ORS 279.025 relating to resident or non­ resident status, and SB -1 relating to affirm ative action. Bidders are required to attend a mandatory Pre-Bid Conference which w ill be held at the project site,. May 23,1989, at 2:00 pm, PDT. This w ill be the only opportunity for Bidders to access the project building. No bid w ill be considered unless fu lly completed in the manner provided in the "Instructtions to Bidders" upon the Bid Form provided and accompa­ nied by bid security. OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDU CATIO N George Pemsteiner Associate Vice Chancellor Eugene, Oregon MULTNOMAH EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT PO Box 66100 Portland, OR 97266 (503) 777-5531 F A X 771-2933 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS for acquisition and installation of WIRING We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids form women and minority owned business enterprises. Request For Proposal No. 006-89-142 Proposals due 2:00 pm, PDST, May 23, 1989 SUB BIDS REQUESTED PSU MILLAR LIBRARY Bid Date: May 18, at 3:00 PM ROBINSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 7320 SW Hunzker Rd. Suite #30. Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 639-8021 F A X 620-3428 We are an equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business. CALL PORTLAND OBSERVER FAX # 503)288-0015 » Scaled proposals fo r furnishing and installing w iring w ill be received by Michael Mlynarczyk, Purchasing Agent, at 220 SE 102nd Avenue (PO Box 16657), Portland, Oregon 97216-0657 (Phone: (503) 255-1841) until no later than 2:00 pm, PDST, May 23, 1989, at which lime and place the proposals w ill be opened and the names o f the offerors read aloud. The successful offeror w ill not be required to be licensed for asbestos abatement under section 7of ORS 468.883. No proposal w ill be considered unless the proposal contains a statement by the offeror as part o f its proposal that the prevailing wage rate require­ ments o f ORS 279.350 w ill be meL Offerors shall submit with their Proposal a Bid Bond, Certified Check or Bank Cashier's Check equal to ten percent (10%) o f the Base proposal plus additive alternatives, i f any. A Performance Bond w ill also be required of the Successful Offeror. One set o f specifications may be obtained at the above office. A ll Offerors shall attend a mandatory bidder’s conference on May 2, 1989. Each proposal must contain a statement as to whether or not the offeror is a resident offeror as defined in ORS 279.029. The D istrict may reject any proposal not in compliance with all pre­ scribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding o f the Agency it is in the public interest to do so. No proposal w ill be considered that is received after the appointed date and time, or that is not accompanied by the required bid surety. Department O f Transportation Highway Division Call For Bids Sealed bids w ill be received until 9 a.m. on May 25,1989, for the projects listed below: County Multnomah Delta Park-Marquam Bridge Sec. o f Pacific Hwy. Grade, pave, structures, signing, illum ination, signals & land­ scaping. DBEGoal. Multnomah, OR & Clark, W A Benton, Polk & Yam hill Columbia River (Interstate) Bridge Sec. o f Pacific Hwy. Bridge deck restoration. DBE Goal. Region 2 Recycle Project. 2 Units: M.P. 10.95 to 23.58 on Kings Valley Hwy. & M.P. 0.90 to M.P. 9.84 on Yamhill-Newberg Hwy. Paving. Deschutes & Klamath Deschutes Passing Lanes Sec. o f McKenzie-Bend & The Dalles- California Hwys. Grade, pave & signing. U.S. 97-Bros- terhous (Bend) Sec. o f Division St. Paving. Douglas Tyee Curve Sec. o f Elkton-Sutherlin Hwy. Grade, pave & signing. DBE Goal. Klamath Bly-Paradise Creek Rd. Sec. o f Klamath Falls-Lakeview Hwy. Grade & pave. Lake Paisley & Adel Rock Production Project o f Fremont & Warner Hwys. Lincoln Butler Bridge Sec. o f Butler Bridge Rd. in Toledo. Grade, pave & structure. DBE Goal. Marion Aurora-Grimm Rd. Sec. o f Pacific Hwy. East. Bike-way & signing. Marion L ittle North Fork-M.P. 25 Sec. o f North Sanliam Hwy. Grade, pave & structure widening. Polk Fort Hill-W allace Bridge Sec. o f Salmon River Hwy. Grade, pave & Signing. Polk Spring Valley Creek Bridge Sec. o f Salem-Dayton Hwy. Grade, pave & structure. DBE Goal. Wasco Frog Lake-M.P. 83.0 Sec. o f Warm Springs Hwy. Grade, pave & signing. Washington Scholls Hwy. at Hall Blvd. (Beaverton) Sec. Grade, pave wall & signals. DBE Goal. Plans, specifications, and bid documents may be obtained in Rm. I, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. Prime contractors must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For additional informa­ tion, please contact Commission Services at 378-6526. I f your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business Entcrpise (D BE) or a Women Business Enterprise (W BE), please contact the Office o f Women and M inority Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone (503) 378-5651. Request For Proposal Market Analysis Columbia South Shore The Portland Development Commission is soliciting proposals to pre­ pare a market analysis and strategy for the Columbia South Shore Area, between 1-205 and NE 185th Avenue, north o f Sandy Blvd. The successful contractor w ill define and analyze the market for future commercial and industrial development in the area, and recommend meth­ ods by which the Portland Development Commission can assist in attract­ ing industry to the area. The Portland Development Commission encourages participation o f M i- nority/Women Business Enterprise contractors in its projects. The estab­ lished Commission goals for participation are nine percent (9%) for M in o r­ ity Business and nine percent (9%) for Women Business participation. The successful contractor must be certified by the City o f Portland as an Equal Opportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer. Proposal submission requirements and additional information is avail­ able from: Connie L ively Portland Development Commission 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1102 Portland, OR 97204 (503) 796-5271 BID MULTNOMAH COUNTY Proposals Due June 1, 1989 at 2:00 pm Proposal No. RFQ # 9S1071 Sealed proposals w ill be received by the Director o f Purchasing, 2505 SE 1 llh Ave., Portland, OR 97202 for: Establishing a list o f qualified providers eligible to respond to requests lor proposals from the Developmental Disabilities Program for Early Intervention Services. There w ill be an “ O P T IO N A L” pre-applicant meeting May 16,1989, 8:30 am at 426 SW Stark, 6th floor, conference room “ A " . Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Specifications may be obtained at: Multnomah County Purchasing Section 2505 SE 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97202 (503)248-5111. ATTORNEY S AIF Corporation, Oregon’s leading workers’ compensation insurance carrier is seeking an Attorney for its Portland office. The individual in this position w ill work with contested workers’ compensation claims, prepare cases for hearings and represent the organization in administra­ tive hearings before the Workman’s Compensation Review Board. Sig­ nificant trial experience or administrative hearings experience required.. W orkers’ compensation or insurance defense background preferred. A p ­ plicants must be a member o f the Oregon State Bar. We offer an excellent salary and benefits program. To be considered for this position you must complete our employment application. Please call our message phone l-(5O3)-373-8O47 by 5PM, May 11 , to request your applicant packet. No resumes please. SAIF CORPORATION An equal opportunity employer