Page 14 Portland Observer May 11, 1989 P rofessional S ervices D irectory Phone 288-0033 - To Place Y our A d $7.50 4 Weeks - $25.00(«dd $2.50 Per Urn) Deadline: 5:00 P.M. - Tuesday (All ads are subject to the approval of this paper, which reserves the.right to edit, reject or properly classify any ad.) PORTLAND OBSERVER Ad Rates: 5 Lines • 1 Week - The Eyes and Ears ot the Community” 288-0033 DONNIE JAMES Men & Women;s Fashion " I f you dare lo be fashionable” 517 NE Killingsworlh Portland, Oregon 97211 Donnie Lewis (503)288-1721 James Williams PRITCHETT'S E L E C T R IC A L M A INTEN A NCE CO . Specializing In: Installation, Trouble Shooting and Repair o f Electrical Appliance!, Equipment & Light Fixtures Licensed Bonded Insured Corey Pritchett 3525 N.E. Rodney 287-9617 Portland, OR 97212 B E A U T Y /B A R B E R SUPPLIES ja ’b e ll’s Beauty • Barber • Nails Supplies 5832 N.E. union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 281-6393 and 5287 N. Lombard Street Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-6085 Open: Mon. thru Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. BEAUTY SUPPLIES FLO R AL - SILKS P & J’s Beauty Salon & Supply Eartha's Floral Connection 231 N. Lo m b a rd • S u ite 200 P ortland, OR 97217 • 2 8 M 2 O 5 517-1/2 N.E. Kllllngsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Styles by E.J. Bates Low Prices OuaKy Sendee Oetwerie» RENT WASHERS & DRYERS 282-3675 e Thls Coupon Good For : We Do Weddings • Funerals Made-To-Order • Custom-Made CONSTRUCTION Donald M. Drake Construction 226*3991 PRINTING *30 Delivery A Installation Kinko’s Open 7 Days A Week 1605 N.E. 7th P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97212 S15O F F • D ELIVFR Y A • INSTALLATION FFF. 231*7413 va«..«.. 693-4000 P o r tla n d washer JOBS & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RETAIL PROPERTIES MANAGER PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL airport The Port of Portland is seeking a Retail Property Manager for the Portland International Airport Terminal Build­ ing. The responsibilities include management and leasing of retail and terminal building space. The property manager will monitor the retail program and promote the re­ tail area, ensuring that the terminal building is well managed and attrac­ tive to tenants and the public. This position will oversee tenant expan­ sion and construction projects and serve as aviation property depart­ ment contact for terminal and asso­ ciated facility needs. Preferred Qualifications include: «■ Experience in property manage­ ment and leasing. «■ Broad knowledge of real estate principles and practices. « ' Experience in planning, project development and project manage­ ment. «■ Ability to analyze reai estate prob­ lems and recommend solutions. «• Good negotiating skills. « Demonstrated ability to design, manage and implement projects. «■ Ability to analyze complicated real estate problems and recom­ mend solutions. « ' Team player. In addition to a comprehensive benefit package, the Port offers a starting salary range of $33,000 to $36,520, commensurate with experience and a full salary range o f $32,360 to $49,000. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Em­ ployment Office, 14th floor, 700 NE Multnomah, or call 231-5000, ex­ tension 700 for com plete applica­ tion materials. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of an application, but may be included. All applica­ tions must be received by 5:00 pm Friday, May 19,1989. The Port of Portland is an Equal O p­ portunity Employer. Port of Portland Materials & Systems Coordinator Operating Room dulticare Medical Center one of the most progressive health care organi­ zations in the Pacific Northwest is seeking an OR Materials&Systems Coordinator who will be responsible for the development and maintenance of effective supply acquisition and distribution system in the operating room. Requirements include recent experience in Purchasing, Materials management or Surgery, an under­ standing o f financial data and re­ ports, Knowledge of computer sys­ tems and recent operational experi­ ence. Five years experience in a hospital environment, three years supervisory experience and a Bac­ calaureate degree required. Apply to: Mullicare Medical Center, Al­ lied Healthcare, Recruiter. (206) 594- 1386, 419 So. K St. P.O. Box 5299, Tacoma, W A 98405-0986 Equal Opportunity Employer Bill K elley’s Upholstery 28 years experience Quality work. Fair prices Furniture, auto, & boats 2403 NE Alberta, Portland, OR 281-1786 WEEKEND COORDINATOR MECH ANIC HELPER C-TRAN is seeking a full time Me­ chanic Helper. This position per­ forms a complete variety of me­ chanical and electrical maintenance, repair and overhaul work on transit coaches including heavy-duty diesel engines, manual or automatic transit coach transmissions, differentials, sus­ pension systems, steering and air brake systems and coach bodies in the shop or field. Must have excel­ lent work references, a valid drivers license, ability to comply with non­ smoking policy and pass a pre-em­ ployment physical. Salary range $7.44 - $ 1 1.10/Hr plus benefits. Apply at Employment Security Department, 603 W Evergreen Blvd. Equal Op­ portunity Employer M/F/H. INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT/ LPN OR REGISTERED NURSE/ OHI SALARY: S9:02/HR for Instructional Assistant/LPN or Placement on MESD/OEA salary sched­ ule minimum RN Step 0 S48.73 pier day to maximum o f RN Step 4 $60.92 per day for Registered Nurse/ OHI position. Appl. Deadline: Immediately-Opien Until Filled Call Jeanecn 255-1841, Ext 207 for Multnomah Education Service Dis­ trict application form and for addi­ tional information An Equal Opportunity Employer SUPERIVISOR SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES 200 DAYS FISCAL YEAR To supervisor staff in the planning and Implementation of direct health care to students in Multonomah County public schools. Appl DEADLINE: 05/19/89 by 2 pm Call Jeanecn 255-1841, Ext 207 for Multnomah Education Service Dis­ trict, application form and additional information. An Equal Opportunity Employer N u rs in g -R N PRE-CERTIFICATION COORDINATOR The Medical Affairs Dept, is currently seeking a RN professional to fill a Pre-Certification Coordinator posi­ tion. The Pre-Certification Coordinator will conduct reviews for pre-certifica­ tion program including pre-certify­ ing 2nd opinions, discharge plan­ ning, and benefit extension review. Successful candidate m ust be an RN currently licensed in the state of O re­ gon with 3-5 years recent hospital experience. Utilization review and quality assurance background desir­ able. Good com munication skills a must. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, com petitive salary and flex time work hours. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, Or 97201 Euual OtiDortunitv Employer INFORMATION SECURITY SPECIALIST Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a health insurance carrier is cur­ rently accepting applications for an Information Security Specialist Qualified candidates must have a col­ lege degree in computer science or equivalent exper, an advanced knowl­ edge of information/data security practices, a minimum of 4 years data processing exper including use of JCL sand TSO and demonstrated strengths in oral and written com ­ munications. Exper in support and interface of security software, ACF2 preferred Programming background using COBOL and Assembler de­ sired. The information Security Specialist is responsible for the following: «•Administering assigned informa- tion/data security systems (ACF2), including providing support for the interface of security systems software. « Developing, implementing, and operating systems and processes that support the security o f the Corporation’s information/data « Analyzes complex technical prob­ lems related to the security of in­ formation/data and develops so­ lution. « Participates in security research and development. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package, competitive salary and flex time work hours. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Floor 100 S. W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer C le ric a l SPACE DESIGN/CLERICAL TEMPORARY Large Co. Busy Schedule Coordinate office moves and changes among building services functions. Design office space to building codes & safety regs using IBM Cadvancc. General office; clerical duties includ­ ing phones & typing. Requires: AA or BA and/or work experience in commercial interior design; prefer knowledge of open office furnishing systems. Experience in applications of PC-pref- erably Cadvance or similar design package. Demonstrated ability to coordinate, organize and maintain a schedule of work involving a variety o f people and functions within a strict time schedule. Professional oral, written & interper­ sonal skills. Demonstrated ability to type 40wpm. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent employee bene­ fits package and competitive salary. Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept, 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer COUNSELOR III CODA Inc. seeks qualficd applicants for counselor in drug treatment serv­ ices program to provide structured intensive outpatient treatment for felony offenders. Responsibilities include diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment to a caseload of mandated clients: individual, group, and fam­ ily counseling; maintaining client records. Bachelors degree in health services and 2 years supervised hu­ man service experience. Experi­ ence in treatment o f criminal man­ dated client preferred. Salary range $1232-$ 1715 per month plus excellent benefits. Application materials available at CODA, Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave. Port­ land, OR 97232 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer COUNSELOR V CODA Inc seeks qualified applicants for clinical counselor supervisor for outpatient drug and alcohol treat­ ment services. Primary responsibili­ ties include assisting the program manager in all aspects o f the opera­ tions of the outpatient treatment pro­ gram. Clinical supervision of coun­ seling staff, individual group & family counseling to adults and youth with chemical dependency problems, coordination of client services with area agencies. To qualify applicant must possess masters degree in human services, 5 years supervise experience in chemical dependency field and thorough knowledge and experi­ ence in the clinical supervision staff & treatment issues related to this field. Salary range S1644-S2222 month plus excellent benefits. Application materials available at CODA, Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave., Portland , OR 97232 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR II CODA Inc seeks qualified applicants for entry level counselor position at ALPHA House, Primary responsi­ bilities include co-facilitation of vari­ ous client groups,management of a small client caseload, and monitor­ ing of residential activities. Preferred applicant will be proficient in devel­ oping and maintaining positive rela­ tionships with drug dependant clients and possess oral and written com ­ munication skills. Associate degree in health services or related field, or certification as a Chemical Depend­ ency Counselor (CCDC) and one year supervised human service ex­ perience. Salary range $ 1109-S1577 per month plus excellent benefits. Application materials available at C O D A , Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave. .Portland, OR 97232. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Ac- tion Employer._______ WASHINGTON COUNT JOBS Engineering Specialist: $2262-52750/ mo. Associate Clerk/Part-Timc: S7.74-S9.42/ hr. Call (503) 648-8607 for information. County application forms req. Ap­ ply by May 19,1989 to Washington County Personnel. An E.O.E. CODA Inc., seeks qualified applicants for on-call back-up workers to pro­ vide sole facility and client supervi­ sion at adult residential treatment centers. Alpha House & New Direc­ tions., Variable shifts. Experience with residential or alcohol/drug clients preferred. $5.48 per hour Applica­ tion materials available at CODA, Inc. 210 N E20th Ave., Portland,OR 97232. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer MINORITY OUTREACH SPECIALIST Full-time position to promote and coordinate red Cross programs and special events for youth and the A frican A m erican com m unity. Qualified applicants will have experience in program planning, volunteer m anagem ent, health promotion, and have their own transportation. Starting salary SI 508 - $2134/mo. plus full benefits. Apply by 5/19/89 at: American Red Cross 3131 N Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR. 97208 An Equal Opportunity Employer BANKING TELELOAN SPECIALIST Security Pacific Bank Oregon has an opportunity available for a Tcleloan Specialist. Responsibilities include assisting in processing consumer loan applications obtaining credit reports, preparing cashier checks and fund loans, and closing loans by directly meeting with clients., Requirements include a broad knowledge of finan­ cial products and services, knowl­ edge of consumer loans, and excel­ lent communication skills. Must be client scrvicc/sales oriented. SWING SHIFT. As part of Security Pacific, the 6th larg­ est Bank Holding Company in the country, we offer a com petitive sal­ ary commensurate with experience, excellent flexible benefits program, and superior advancement potential. Please apply in person or send a resume to: SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel Department PO Box 3066 1001 SW 5th Avenue 2nd Floor Portland, OR 97208 APPLICANT HOURS: 9-1 PM Mon-Fri Equal Opportunity Employer STATEMENT CLERKS AND BATCH BALANCERS Now interviewing for several part-time Statement Clerk and Batch Balancer positions. Prior banking, proof or transit experience requircd.Must have good penmanship, be able to lift up to 30 pounds, 10-key by touch, and work underpressure. All shifts avail­ able. Qualified applicants should submit their resume or apply at: American Data Service, Inc. 4550 SW Macadam Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201 Applicant hours: 9am-2ptn An Equal Opportunity Employer CODA Inc., seeks qualified applicants for Counselor 11-Weckend Coordi­ nator at New Directions. Responsi­ bilities include supervision o f the facility and up to 15 residents, re­ sponding to crisis situations, co-fa- cilitating one group, conducting ori­ entation interview, facility m ainte­ nance tasks management. Hours: midnight Friday until 9am Monday Coordinator remains at facility throughout this period, except for one 6 hour break. Salary range S1109-S1577 month plus excellent benefits. Closing date May 11. Application materials available at CODA, Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave Portland, OR 97232 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Psychiatric Inpatient Unit Director Accepting applications for full time ad ­ ministrative positions at Dammasch State Hospital in W ilsonville, O re­ gon, only 20 minutes from dow n­ town Portland. Primary responsi­ bilities include managing the treat­ ment unit, coordinating interdisci­ plinary treatment activities, im- plimenting QA program, monitor­ ing JCAHO and HCFA standards. Salary range up to S3097 a month and comprehensive benefits. R e­ spond now. May close at anytime. For an application write Dammasch State Hospital: Personnel Department, P.O. Box 38, W ilsonville, Oregon 97070. Equal Opportunity Employer. CASH MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT Security Pacific BankOregon currently has a challenging opportunity for a highly motivated Cash Management Consultant with strong client rela­ tions skills. Qualified applicants must possess a four- year degree or equiva­ lent work experience, 1-2 years cash management experience, dem on­ strated sales and marketing skills, working knowledge of bank opera­ tions, strong analytical skills, and excellent communication skills. As part of Security Pacific, the 6th larg­ est Bank Holding Company in the co u n try , we offer a highly com peti­ tive compensation package, excel­ lent flexible benefits program, and superior advancement potential. Please apply in person or send a resume to: SECURITY PACIFIC BANK OREGON Personnel Department PO Box 3066 1001 SW 5th Avenue 2nd Floor Portland, O R 97208 (503) 796-3878 APPLICANT HOURS: 9-1 pm Mon-Fri Equal Opportunity Employer RETAIL CLERK TRAINING An excellent job market exists in the Portland area for trained retail clerks. Prepare yourself for a good job in this field. Join a 30-hour training program offered by Portland Com ­ munity College. Sessions start May 15 and June 12 at the Job O pportu­ nity Bank in Northeast Portland. Leant about customer relations, inventory control, how to operate a cash regis­ ter and more. Call PCC now for de­ tails, 244-6111, ext. 5205.